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Freedom in Christ

Author: Freedom in Christ

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A podcast of teaching material produced by Freedom in Christ Ministries. Our courses are an important resource to help people to live in the freedom that God intends for us, and we hope these audio versions are a blessing to you. Course handbooks and video resources are available at
47 Episodes
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! La meta de vida que Dios tiene para nosotros es que nos parezcamos cada vez más a Jesús en carácter. Alinear nuestras metas con a la suya nos permitirá vivir una vida de verdadera libertad. Si deseamos sentirnos éxito, plenos y satisfechos, necesitamos descubrir y desechar falsas creencias sobre lo que significan esas cosas y comprometernos a creer la verdad en la Palabra de Dios. En esta sesión examinaremos lo que creemos en relación con ocho aspectos de nuestras vidas personales a la luz de la Palabra de Dios. El propósito es ayudar a los participantes a comprender cómo funciona la fe en su vida diaria y animarlos a mantenerse en el camino hacia la transformación en la imagen de Jesús. Si deseas saber más o acceder a manuales de cursos u otra literatura, visita
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! La oración de Jesús por quienes vendrían después de sus apóstoles - es decir nosotros - es que fuéramos uno, para que el mundo supiera que somos sus discípulos. Su mandamiento más importante es amar al Señor nuestro Dios con todo nuestro corazón, alma y mente, y amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos. Una relación correcta con Dios debe llevarnos a una relación correcta con nuestro prójimo. En esta sesión consideraremos nuestros derechos, nuestras responsabilidades, el juzgar, la disciplina y las necesidades de los demás. Si deseas saber más o acceder a manuales de cursos u otra literatura, visita 
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! El entorno en el que crecimos, las experiencias traumáticas y el ceder a la tentación nos llevan a desarrollar "bastiones" en nuestra mente. Estos bastiones nos impiden vivir de acuerdo con la verdad. Probablemente hemos tomado conciencia de algunos de ellos durante Los Pasos hacia la Libertad en Cristo. Podemos derribar los bastiones al renovar intencionalmente nuestra mente con la verdad de las Escrituras. Aprenderemos una estrategia, llamada "demoledor de bastiones", para hacerlo. Caminar en libertad debe convertirse en un estilo de vida. Si deseas saber más o acceder a los manuales del curso u otro material, visita 
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! Nuestra relación con los demás debe tener la misma base que nuestra relación con Dios. Nada te mantiene más atado al pasado, ni le da al enemigo más entrada a tu vida, que la falta de disposición a perdonar. La crisis del perdón no se trata tanto entre tú y la persona que te ha ofendido, sino entre tú y Dios. Aprender a perdonar de corazón nos libera del pasado y sana nuestro dolor emocional. Lo haces por tu propio bien. Si deseas saber más o acceder a los manuales del curso u otro material, 
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! No podemos controlar nuestras emociones directamente, pero de cierto modo son el resultado de lo que elegimos creer. Si no tenemos una comprensión adecuada de Dios y la Biblia, ni de quiénes somos en Cristo, o si hemos desarrollado metas de vida incorrectas, lo veremos reflejado en nuestras emociones. No manejar bien las emociones nos hace vulnerables a ataques espirituales. Cuanto más nos comprometemos con la verdad y elegimos creer la verdad de Dios, menos nos dominan las emociones. Si deseas saber más o acceder a manuales de cursos u otro material, por favor dirígete a 
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! Es importante entender que estamos inmersos en una batalla espiritual. Es una batalla entre la verdad y la mentira, y nuestras mentes son el campo de batalla. Todos los días enfrentamos una batalla por nuestra mente. Sin embargo, al comprender cómo trabaja Satanás y nuestra maravillosa posición en Cristo, podemos salir vencedores. Si deseas saber más o acceder a manuales de cursos u otro material, por favor dirígete a 
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! Los cristianos tienen un corazón y un espíritu nuevos, pero aún luchamos con formas de pensar y de comportarnos que nos inculcaron desde pequeños (una característica principal de lo que la Biblia llama "la carne"). Sin embargo, no tenemos que ceder ante la carne, tenemos poder de decisión. Podemos elegir día a día y momento a momento si vivir según los impulsos de la carne o según la dirección del Espíritu Santo. Si quieres saber más o acceder a manuales de cursos u otro material, por favor dirígete a   
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! El mundo nos muestra la realidad de una manera opuesta a lo que Dios nos revela. El mundo nos seduce mediante "los deseos de la carne, los deseos de los ojos y la vanagloria de la vida". También pinta una imagen completa pero falsa de la realidad - nuestra cosmovisión - que varía según el lugar y el momento en que nos criamos. Cuando llegamos a Cristo, tenemos que tomar la decisión radical de dejar de ver el mundo como solíamos hacerlo. Queremos verlo desde la perspectiva de Dios para adoptar una cosmovisión bíblica, que es "como Dios dice que es". Si quieres saber más o acceder a manuales de cursos u otro material, por favor dirígete a  
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! Todos vivimos por fe, incluso aquellos que no son cristianos. Es en quién o en qué ponemos nuestra fe lo que determina si será eficaz o no. Como cristianos, es esencial que nuestras creencias concuerden con lo que Dios ha revelado en las Escrituras. Ellas nos muestran la realidad. Si quieres saber más o acceder a manuales de cursos u otro material, por favor dirígete a 
¡Bienvenido a Libertad en Cristo! Cuando Adán y Eva fueron creados, tenían vida en toda su plenitud. Gracias a su conexión con Dios, se sentían perfectamente aceptados, seguros e importantes. Pero cuando pecaron, perdieron esa conexión. Como consecuencia, nosotros nacimos físicamente vivos pero espiritualmente muertos y con una gran necesidad de aceptación, seguridad e importancia. Jesús vino a restaurar esa vida, aceptación, seguridad e importancia que Adán y Eva tenían originalmente. Quienes reciben su regalo de vida se convierten en una nueva creación en Cristo. Saber que ahora somos "santos" que podemos acercarnos con confianza a la presencia de Dios lo cambia todo. Si deseas saber más o acceder a manuales de cursos u otra literatura, visita
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. For more information and resources please see
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. For more information and resources please see
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. For more information and resources please see
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. For more information and resources please see
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. For more information and resources please see
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. For more information and resources please see
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. For more information and resources please see
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. For more information and resources please see
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. For more information and resources please see
Bringing together truth from the Bible and wisdom from the medical world, Keys To Health, Wholeness & Fruitfulness will equip you to be a healthy, whole disciple of Jesus whose life really counts. Understand how to look after your whole being – spirit, mind, and body – so that you can be the person God has called you to be and do the things He has prepared specifically for you to do. Uncover the roots of health issues and learn how to resolve them. Live well despite the limitations of your physical body. Get rid of stress, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to make consistent, healthy choices. Deal with negative habits that try to control you. Understand what the Bible teaches about supernatural healing. Why physical death holds no fear. These audio tracks are drawn from our video resource, which is available for free at or via our YouTube channel. 
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