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Crudely Drawn Swords - A Dungeon World Actual Play  Podcast
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Crudely Drawn Swords - A Dungeon World Actual Play Podcast

Author: Crudely Drawn Swords

Subscribed: 339Played: 14,284


An actual play podcast of high adventure, low dice rolls and intermediate levels of terrible puns in which five old friends imagine ourselves to be dynamic and exciting heroes in a game of Dungeon World.

Crudely Drawn Swords is a long-term campaign following a team of heroic(?) adventurers as they follow a quest that will take them through strange lands, across dangerous seas and on perilous journeys through unknown regions.

If you are a fan of podcasts like Friends at the Table, The Adventure Zone, Critical Role, Acquisitions Inc or Campaign then our mixture of epic storytelling, memorable characters and hilarious antics will put a smile on your face and a bounce in your step.

Routinely contains strong language, extraordinarily bad accents and a certain inscrutable charm.
187 Episodes
S1E01: Ffantasy Ccastle!

S1E01: Ffantasy Ccastle!


Anders Roe, Arcwise Turbotine and Brad Mussels begin their spooky tale of uplifting bureaucracy as they are flung head-first into the exciting new Reality TV adventure "Ffantasy Ccastle!" What the production company running the show don't realise is that two of their contestants really can do magic, while the third has mastered a different kind of wizardry.
S1E0.5 Character Creation

S1E0.5 Character Creation


After having created the world in the first episode of the new campaign, now we create our main characters. Apologies for the slightly lower quality on this one- somebody forgot to save their local audio and it was me (Ben) but I've tried to tidy it up from the video version and I think it worked out alright. Find more about trilogy at
In which Ben introduces the new game he has been working on for the last few years.
Spoiler Warning- this contains spoilers for the entire show! Do not, on any account, start here! This is the audio of our Season 4/Entire Crudely Drawn Swords post-mortem. It is barely edited, Stuart was increasingly drunk as the session went on and we were all dressed "smartly" but you can't really hear that on the audio. You will get to hear all our coughing, opening bottles, rustling around and other nonsense that normally gets edited out, though. After all, what are you going to do? Stop listening to the show???
An epilogue, in which our heroes say their goodbyes, and we say ours. Thank you for coming on this adventure with us, it has truly been sausage to know you.
The fight with the Drake may be over, but now the Hawks face their greatest trial: the armies of the Canavir have come to claim the Gateway. The stakes are existence itself; the Hawks and their surviving allies will only be able to stop them if they are strong enough, and brave enough, and ready to face the world and all the magic within it.
The Drake has come. Everything the Hawks prepared for, everything they hoped for, and the armies they command, all must come together now if they are to survive their confrontation with their old friend, and implacable enemy.
S4E65: Ghost Onesie

S4E65: Ghost Onesie


Percy has paid the price for great power, and something of great value has been destroyed. As the time of reckoning comes closer, The Hawks must prepare for the arrival of their enemy.
S4E64: Really Good At Traps

S4E64: Really Good At Traps


The Hawks have a problem - one of their group is being targeted by a dangerous sect of assassins, and the assassins are probably in the right. It's time for precipitous action and the cruel truth is: to achieve greatness takes great sacrifice. Many things are sacrificed in this episode of Crudely Drawn Swords.
S4E63: The Applemen

S4E63: The Applemen


An important ally and friend of The Hawks is dead and they want to find out the cause - which leads them to dangerous secrets and an unwelcome truth.
S4E62: Never Outgunned

S4E62: Never Outgunned


New groups approach Aru-sha from every direction - some are friends, others, foes. The Hawks learn more of what is approaching, and who they will have at their sides when their enemies come to the city.
S4E61: Trust Team Idiot

S4E61: Trust Team Idiot


The Hawks are back! Awakening in the city Korzuuk, the capital of Mologorok. They have intervened in the past, but of course time has passed in the present as well. Time to find out how well their plans have worked and to start preparing the city for the arrival of The Drake.
S4E60: The Prophecy, Part 3

S4E60: The Prophecy, Part 3


Five hundred years ago, three figures sat in a sea-cave and composed a prophecy. This is the third episode during which we explore the outcomes and meaning of that prophecy as it threads through history.
In the distant past, while Adam and Percy reshape the tides of history itself, Tristan, Enigma and their newfound friend Athel di Mitiabos face the daunting challenge of going for a nice walk across the kingdom of Carisona. Who has a more difficult job? It is hard to say, but suffice to say this may just be our shortest ever episode.
S4E58: The Prophecy, Part 2

S4E58: The Prophecy, Part 2


In a cave by the sea, a ghost, a gunslinger and a guy whose ribcage will later have a book in it write a history of the future that will become the most important prophecy of their age. But how will people recognise its value? In this week's episode, we find out.
While Adam and Percy carefully build a prophecy to shape history to their needs, Engima and Tristan have a different task: Go for a nice walk in the sunshine. Who can say which task will prove more challenging...
The Hawks find themselves back in the past with multiple significant tasks to perform. Percy and Adam dedicate themselves to compiling the prophecies of Ludovic Crease into the tome known as The Sea Codex.
S4E55: Not A Princess

S4E55: Not A Princess


The Hawks have a prophecy to make, so they're back in the land of the dead and quickly meet an old friend, in fact more than a friend to one of our heroes, if only he could remember that.
S4E54: A Bit Of A Yarn

S4E54: A Bit Of A Yarn


The Hawks have received bad news about their future selves but time and fate are dangerous to tinker with, and before they make their way into the past, they perhaps need a little rest and relaxation.
The Hawks have found their way to the underground realm of Mologorok (stop that!) and they find their arrival foretold by prophecy, a fact they immediately ignore because they have found something far more important (to them).
Comments (3)

Rob Finch

I love this podcast so much

Oct 21st

Jason Pate

you all have set the bar for me. just an fyi, at the very beginning I did not like Bambary or enigma, but now I cant see the show continuing without them. I've been binge listening for about a month, about 4 or 5 episodes a day during the week. it's like a storybook that has me sitting at the edge of my seat. Thank you guys and lady for creating many awesomes.

Oct 4th

Markus Brumbley

hey this is great stuff makes me want to get in to table top style games

Aug 11th
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