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Free Your Energy

Author: Sylvester McNutt III

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I wanted to create a space where I could chat with thought leaders, spiritual luminaries, authors, and health and wellness experts to discuss how we can free ourselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and beyond. I care about mindset, movement, and positive relationships and I created this podcast for people who also care about these topics. You’ll also hear passionate solo episodes where Sylvester goes deep into a zone of consciousness and talk about subjects that are calling me.
142 Episodes
Keep Dreamin'

Keep Dreamin'


Keep Dreamin' I'm the type of person who has always gone for my dreams, and I'm okay with losing, failing, and figuring it out. This episode talks about following your dreams, having excitement for your journey, and being thankful for your trip.
How To Manifest Abundance | Practical Steps Based On Neuroscience and Your Actions This is a chat from my group coaching community, Mastery Circle. We meet every two weeks to talk about life and everything related to how we can step into being a master of our own life. We just finished covering leadership, and now we are talking about all things abundance. Abundance is your birthright. You deserve it right now, no matter what you think about your story. We were put here to feel, to observe, to share, to create, and the more abundant we allow ourselves to feel, the better. It's actually disrespectful to the people who came before you to downplay your life. I'm serious. It's a slap in the face to the people who have died for you to live. Never take this life for granted. Never sit in your sorrow and think that's it. We talked about this at the top of the call. Yes, some emotions are shadows, are darker, and can make us feel like the idea of "abundance" is not for us. I want to validate what you feel first and foremost because we all will. That's called being a healthy human being, and true healing means taking the time to integrate the sorrow, the sadness, and whatever form of anger or grief we may feel. And, since healing means wholeness, that means that we must look at the big picture. That also means you deserve to feel good, to love the life that you have, and to attract abundance in all things. This is not about greed, taking more, or crushing anyone else. Nope, abundance is the idea and energy that you do not move from fear or insecurity to the mindset of lack. Take full ownership of your life and part of that ownership is accepting that you deserve to feel good, work towards meaningful things, and have healthy people in your life. To learn more about Sylvester's private group coaching community, Mastery Circle, just click here:
This episode is also streaming on the Free Your Energy Podcast, which can be found both on Spotify and Apple podcasts. is a link where you can find both links. Below, you'll see the three major sections of today's chat and the time stamps for when each topic starts so you can jump around if you need to or when you come back to this video in the future. If you would like to hire me to be your coach, apply at - 1:29 - Creating From A Place Of Abundance - 9:10 - Giving Yourself Time Off - 18:12 A Personal Update On Life When creating from scarcity, you create more scarce environments, lack, and anxiety. You are creating from a place of "I'm not worthy." Believe that there is enough for you. Enough money. Enough opportunity. Enough genuine energy. Enough healthy food. Believe that there is a simple life of luxury available to you. When you feel overwhelmed, if you choose to live in an abundance mindset, you easily permit yourself to take things off your plate so you can focus. In life, there are moments when certain things need to be sacrificed for other aspects of your life to thrive. My mindset is that I have to attract quality. I have to go at a pace that is organic for me. I create from the place that works for me because I care about my heart, soul, and everything I do to feel authentic. Are you creating your life from abundance or scarcity? Look at the energy of the two and ask yourself how you are showing up. Make a declaration that you will no longer live in a scarcity mindset. The second you choose to live in abundance, the universe around you and everyone around you will notice the difference. If you consciously choose to free your energy and to be a deliberate creator of your life, what will happen is some people will adjust. Some people will support you, help you on the same page, and support you on the journey. Some people are so deep into their wounds that they can't understand your changes. Neither is your business. Your business is to draw boundaries with people who try to disrupt your energy. Your business opens your heart and space to people who want you to live in a place of abundance. 9:10 - Giving Yourself Time Off Let go of the idea of FOMO. You are not missing out. The concept of "missing out" is taking you away from your life and from appreciating where you are in your journey. When it comes to giving yourself time off, you must understand that being refreshed is always great. Burnout is a real experience, and it gets created and justified by the idea of scarcity. This is why I preach that we must have an abundance mindset. The child version of you may have a scarcity mindset regarding money, dating, or relationships. The child has to move to the back seat, and you have to give the wheel to the adult version of you. The healthy, integrated adult version of you fully believes in abundance. The adult version of you can attract and accept abundance in all aspects of life. What you believe will be true. What you believe will be true. If you believe there is not enough, then that will be true. That will be true if you believe there is enough for you. 18:12 A Personal Update On Life My mom came to visit. It was a moment that touched my soul as it was my mom's first time coming to Arizona. I feel so full and grateful that she could come out here. If you are at all struggling with the relationship with your parents, understand that they won't always be here. People die. Do you want to continue to hold grudges? Do you want to continue having them to standards they can't reach? Get to know them for who they are. No person is perfect. We are all on this journey, learning and figuring things out. Your parents have made mistakes, and there is no doubt about it, but how long will we hold grudges against them? And what I am most concerned with is the consequence of holding these grudges.
It feels so good to be back with you. My introverted phase is over, ha, and that means I am back to the Free Your Energy Podcast. In this episode, we talk about Going DEEPER in 2024: Living In Alignment, Accountability, and Who I Am Looking For! It feels soooooo good to be back to one of my favorite spaces knowing that I have the energetic capacity to be here.
In this track, I talk about step one and lesson one from my new course on people pleasing. You can register for the course here,
Today's podcast is a short summary of my group coaching community conversation this weekend. In our recent live session, we delved into some powerful concepts and strategies to help you achieve mastery in your life and business. Here's a concise summary of the key takeaways: Pareto's Law (80/20 Rule): - Understand that 20% of your efforts often lead to 80% of your results. - Identify the most impactful 20% of tasks or activities and focus on them. - Regularly assess your tasks to ensure you're prioritizing the vital few over the trivial many. Clarity on Your "Why": - Define your purpose, values, and long-term goals. - Understand what truly motivates you and drives your actions. - Revisit your "why" regularly to stay aligned with your aspirations. Identifying Energy Drains and Distractions: - Conduct a thorough audit of your daily activities. - Pinpoint tasks or habits that consume your time and energy without significant benefits. - Develop strategies to eliminate or delegate these distractions. Applying these principles and insights allows you to gain clarity, boost productivity, and focus on what truly matters, ultimately accelerating your journey toward mastery. Keep the momentum going, and stay committed to your growth! I would love to be your coach. Apply here:
Today, we had a fun talk on Self-compassion. In Mastery Circle, my private coaching community, we reviewed this topic for a full hour. You can go back and get the full chat by joining Mastery Circle. Self-compassion is a psychological concept developed by Dr. Kristin Neff. It involves treating oneself with the same kindness, understanding, and support that one would offer to a good friend in times of difficulty or suffering. It's about acknowledging and validating your emotions and experiences without judgment or self-criticism. Self-compassion encompasses three main components: 1. Self-Kindness: This involves being understanding and gentle with yourself when facing challenges or making mistakes. Instead of being overly critical, you treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer to someone else. 2. Common Humanity: This component emphasizes recognizing that suffering, challenges, and imperfections are part of the shared human experience. It's about understanding that everyone faces difficulties, and you're not alone in your struggles. 3. Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves staying present and aware of your thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in them. It allows you to observe your experiences without judgment and respond to them in a non-reactive and balanced way. Here are three ways you can integrate self-compassion into your life: 1. Practice Self-Kindness in Self-Talk: Pay attention to your inner dialogue. When you make a mistake or face a challenge, respond to yourself with kindness and understanding rather than harsh criticism. Treat yourself as you would a friend in the same situation. 2. Mindful Self-Compassion Meditation: Set aside some time each day for mindfulness meditation focused on self-compassion. During this practice, you can sit quietly, breathe deeply, and direct loving-kindness and understanding toward yourself. You can use phrases like "May I be kind to myself," "May I be patient with myself," and "May I accept myself as I am." 3. Write a Self-Compassion Letter: Imagine you're writing a letter to yourself from the perspective of a compassionate friend. Acknowledge your struggles, offer words of encouragement, and express understanding for the challenges you've faced. This exercise can help you cultivate self-compassion and a sense of connection to your own experiences. Remember, integrating self-compassion takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself as you develop these habits. Over time, self-compassion can lead to increased emotional resilience, improved well-being, and a healthier relationship with yourself.
I'm back. In this episode, I give you five points of emphasis when setting energetic boundaries. Enjoy.
In this episode, I jam with Sabrina Flores about healthy relationships and pursuing your calling.
Amy Shah, M.D., is double board-certified medical doctor and wellness expert specializing in food allergies, hormones and gut health.
Understanding The Rhythm and Flow Of Competing Desires.
Let Me Show You How to Change Your Life If I could teach you one skillset that I KNOW would allow you to be happier and less stressed in your life, it would be boundaries. Boundaries are everything. Identifying our boundaries is how we learn who we are and what we need. We get our priorities straight and finally start putting ourselves first. Setting our boundaries is how we start having healthy and functional relationships. No more people-pleasing, approval-seeking, constant guilt and overwhelm. Keeping our boundaries is how we create the life we want. Full stop. You start saying yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no and cut out the people, places and things that don't align with where you're going. In this course, I will teach you how to build your boundaries, how to communicate and speak up in your relationships and how to keep prioritizing yourself, regardless of how other people react. sign up here:
How To Make Friends As An Adult | Dr. Marisa Franco, Author of Platonic Dr. Marisa Franco is a New York Times bestselling author, professor, and psychologist. She communicates the science of connection in digestible ways and is passionate about sharing research with the people it could help the most.
In this episode, Sylvester reads one of his latest quotes and gives more perspective on why he wrote it. connect:
How To Create A High-Vibrational Relationship with Jillian Turecki Relationship coach Fueled by an insatiable curiosity about what makes a relationship thrive, Jillian has helped thousands through her teachings and writings. She has taught thousands how to revolutionize their relationship with themselves so that they transform their relationships with others. Jillian is sought out for her compassionate, direct, and very authentic style of coaching and teaching. Learn more about Jillian here: Please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Reviews make a massive difference for new readers who are considering this podcast. If you are a loyal listener and you want to support this mission to inspire people to free their energy, you can subscribe here: ————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- The Free Your Energy podcast stream on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, listen here:
Surrender, Healing, and Stepping Into Your Expansion - Solo Episode. It feels good to be back with you. I have not done a bunch of solo episodes simply because I have been healing, getting clarity, and figuring out how I want to approach the changes I was forced to deal with. I know that there is a lot of medicine in this episode. Thank you so much for listening, and I hope you continue to Free Your Energy.
How To Heal Relational Wounds with Dr. Alexandra Solomon THERAPIST. PROFESSOR. SPEAKER. AUTHOR. Over the last two decades, Dr. Alexandra H. Solomon has become one of today’s most trusted voices in the world of relationships, and her work on Relational Self-Awareness has reached millions of people around the world. Dr. Solomon is a licensed clinical psychologist at The Family Institute at Northwestern University, and she is on faculty in the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University where she teaches the internationally renowned course, Building Loving and Lasting Relationships: Marriage 101. In addition to writing articles and chapters for leading academic journals and books in the field of marriage and family, she is the author of two bestselling books, Loving Bravely and Taking Sexy Back. Learn more about Dr. Ali here: Please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Reviews make a massive difference for new readers who are considering this podcast. If you are a loyal listener and you want to support this mission to inspire people to free their energy, you can subscribe here: Support The Show ————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- The Free Your Energy podcast stream on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, listen here:
Notes from the chat: People pleasing tendencies Saying no and listening to your body makes space for so much more. Fear : saying yes to your authentic self Survival phase of healing Thriving phase of healing Surthriving : Myths - she doesn’t believe we have to be fully healed to fully live. Sometimes we are both surviving and thriving. Finding joy in pockets of moments. When you’re still in survival mode (making it moment to moment) “Our goal is to free our self” “On the other side of trauma there’s so much more than our past self can even envision” “Repetition rewires the brain” Consistency Brain is mailable. We can train the brain by repeating behaviors. Compassion is crucial. We can develop new path ways with compassion. First step : “take step over the overgrown grass” “Take steps in your meadow” Each time you come back to it it’s less over grown and creates a pathway. The psychology of seeing yourself wining = manifesting Mindfulness: greater awareness Finding time for mindfulness: (5 minutes a day) More efficient than 1 hour weekly Make your daily task mindful (washing dishes, brushing teeth, sweeping floor) Mindful listening: how we show up in relationship. Taking time to listen. (Practice) (pause is listening) Mindful living: “You’re not alone” - eases the pain I am proud of you You’re safe with me I’m here with you I am listening to you Your feelings are valid You’re not alone You matter to me How can I best support you? You’re a pain doesn’t define you
Jason Phillips is one of the top licensed therapists and coaches on self-confidence. He’s a therapist, mental health content creator and is an expert on how to embody your energy and story. He runs the podcast Peace & Prosperity. He’s been featured in WebMD, Forbes, NBC, and Oprah Daily. ——————————————————————————————————————— Please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Reviews make a massive difference for new readers who are considering this podcast. If you are a loyal listener and you want to support this mission to inspire people to free their energy, you can subscribe here: ————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- The Free Your Energy podcast stream on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, listen here:
Courtney Swan is a Real food activist on a mission to change America’s broken food system. She’s an Integrative Nutritionist from Los Angeles, California. In this episode, she gives us the low down on seed oils, how we can regain control of what we are eating, and teaches us HOW to eat healthily. Learn more about Courtney here Please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Reviews make a massive difference for new readers who are considering this podcast. If you are a loyal listener and you want to support this mission to inspire people to free their energy, you can subscribe here: ————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- The Free Your Energy podcast stream on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, listen here:
Comments (2)

Jennifer Vũ

This really freed my mind , and made me think about things that I had buried in myself or more so laid to rest. Thank you though, and this podcast is really nice to listen to!

Jul 20th

Roséalÿnda Da'Silva

Thank you

Jul 1st
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