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I'm Shook

Author: Sarah Shook

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I am an intuitive, medium, actress, writer, comedian, and energy healer. And let's dive in for some chats about consciousness, our subconscious beliefs, energetics, health, and stepping into our power. It's time to shake our consciousness into a much more powerful place. I'm Sarah Shook and this is "I'm Shook."

Follow me on instagram for more spiritual insights: @iamsarahshook

I do offer intuitive readings and energy healing sessions. To sign up for my list and get notified when I open sessions you can go to my website here:
23 Episodes
New earth is here. Find out what it means for you, how to prepare, and much more! Want to work with me? Head to:
Love & Light Explained

Love & Light Explained


The phrase "love and light" is thrown around a lot in the spiritual community. But what does it actually mean? Find out in this quickie episode!
Are we divided or are we just further from our own truth? What does all of that mean and how can we come together more as a humanity and honor each other with love. Tune in to find out. Follow me on instagram for more: @_sarahshook_
We're in an integration year energetically. So what does that look like? What does that mean? If you've spent the past several years doing massive amounts of healing work and self discovery then this episode is for you. Does your life look completely different? Here's why and here's what to do now.
Want to know how to interpret food labels and ingredients lists on the food you eat? Ever wonder what labels on your food actually mean? Does the food industry seem like it's covering things up on your labels? Is the food you're eating actually making you more sick or doing more harm than good? How can you improve your knowledge of what food companies are doing to your food? Find out in the episode of I'm Shook. For further learning and help here are a few resources to get you started. Great blog and natural health coaching: Books: "Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid" by Rosanne Lindsay It's not just for thyroid sufferers, she gives great details about health in general, the food industry, and medical industry. "The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton YouTube: Flavcity Instagram accounts: @iamjasyra @thefoodbabe @naturallyconnecteddad @organic.gannett Raw Milk:
New Earth Job Market

New Earth Job Market


The earth is shifting and so are a lot of our systems, one of them being the system of employment and jobs. The job market has taken a huge hit in the past few years since covid, people aren't able to find jobs or aren't going back to work. So what's up with that?
Our words are energy and energy creates our reality. We throw around common phrases like "it's gonna be hard either way" and I just wanna dissect what it is we are actually telling ourselves and why I don't like this phrase... among others.
Are you stuck in a loop and wanting more for your life? Let's talk about what's holding you back. It's time to take the plunge into the highest version of you and step onto your purpose path to create the life you desire. It all starts with you and how you view yourself and your life.
What’s Next - 2023

What’s Next - 2023


Energy Update! It's 2023 and big energies are hitting us right now. Regardless of the time of year, it's simply just time to step up. The next several months are providing that energy for us. So how will you step into it. Will you accept what is next for you and give yourself the opportunity to tune into it?
Ideas aren't on accident. They serve a much higher purpose than we think. Tune into what and why ideas actually come to you and why they are the ultimate guide for your ultimate version of life.
In 2020 our world flipped upside down. We all have different feelings and views of all of this, but there's one subject in particular that has caused a lot of controversy, hate, blame, and separation... the jab. Here's my POV, why I chose what I chose, and the energetics I felt behind it.
Why are you wanting or pursuing things in your life? Are you stuck in survival mode and chasing the dragon of needing things to be okay? Let's take a deeper look at out motives, our needs, our desires, and the hidden agendas behind them.
I'm back and answering the big question of "why?!" Things have changed, I have changed, and this podcast is changing. But for the better. And so the same question is asked of you...
Self Care

Self Care


The wild and wonderful Carmen Christopher jumps on to I'm Shook to talk about developing a self care routine and creating boundaries. We dive into meditation, creativity, saying "no", journaling/morning pages, and so much more.
Releasing Old Patterns

Releasing Old Patterns


Randall Harr joins "I'm Shook" to get vulnerable about obsessive behaviors, releasing old patterns that don't work for us anymore, meditation, manifestation, doing the self-work, and experiencing growth.
Irene Marquette hops on this episode to dive deep into the artists who once created art we love and are now criminal and/or controversial. How do we approach their art now? Do we separate the person from the artist? We also explore fame vs. art, the power men have held in the art and entertainment industry, and how it has been corrupt and the tides are now turning.
Punam Patel jumps on this episode of I'm Shook to discuss how to have a positive image of ourselves: our body and who we are as individuals. It's a tough task to tackle on a daily basis, but we talk about tips that help us, deprogramming the negative beliefs we have about ourselves, and that all people, shape, size, color, sex, status, etc are necessary.
Liz Reuss joins "I'm Shook" to talk about being in our 30's. We touch on how our mindset has changed, owning our power and speaking our needs, being okay with not knowing, putting in the work, not caring about the small stuff, what we learned from our 20's, having babies later in life, and how age and getting older is a beautiful thing.
John Hartman joins this episode to discuss growing up religious and going to church and how we have evolved away from it. We take a look back at how growing up in an organized religion shaped us today, how we are moving forward with out it, why, and the changes that are trying to be put in place with the methodist church. It's a deep one, so buckle up.
Erin Kay Van Pay joins the podcast to talk about being able to sense ghosts and spirits, Energy, intuition, and how all of this developed. Join for a few spooky tales and feels and beyond that may leave you shook.