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Build A Better Restaurant with Peter Harman
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Build A Better Restaurant with Peter Harman

Author: Peter Harman

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My goal is the teach restaurant owners, chefs, and managers like you to focus on Eight Basic Fundamentals that lead to a better life and financial freedom. Each week you will get valuable ideas and insights that you can take action on right now, as well as learn how to grow as a leader and as a person.
285 Episodes
Everyone thinks their competition is the biggest obstacle they must overcome. Most people think finding the right customers and the right employees is the biggest obstacle they must overcome… This is NOT true. The biggest obstacle you must overcome is Your Procrastination & Laziness. Your Bad Habits & Negative Mindset. The Biggest Obstacle that You Must Overcome... The Obstacle that is REALLY Holding you back is… YOURSELF… That’s right I’m talking about… That person you see in your mirror every morning. I’m talking to YOU…
Today we are going to discuss the power of WORDS… Specifically – YOUR WORDS and their power to do GOOD or BAD. Betty Eadie said… "If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them much more closely. If we understood the power of our words, we would prefer silence to anything negative… In our thoughts and words, we create our weaknesses AND our strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. We can always replace negative with positive."
Friedrich Nietzsche said – When you stare into the abyss – the abyss stares back. Wow! Today we are going to discuss – how this strange quote - can help you and your restaurant!
Today we are going to discuss a simple formula for success that will help you become successful in any economy and any market?
Discipline is ignoring something you want right now… Today. In exchange for something you REALLY – REALLY want… Later on… In The Future.
Today we are going to talk about how to use the Pareto principle – also known as the 80/20 Theory to create a quantum leap in your restaurant.
Imagine a sheet of paper on your desk. Draw a line across the middle of the paper. This is called THE LINE… The area Above the line represents GOOD THINGS - that you MUST DO - And the area below the line represents BAD THINGS - That you MUST NOT DO… Got it..? - Great... Because that is what we are going to talk about today.
I like to throw different ideas at you to keep you on your toes. Today – I want to discuss a NEW way to look at your staff and the labor cost in your restaurant.
The modern business owner is struggling to find and hire people and when they do find someone to work, they only get about 50% of the employees effort… Do you know why that is… Well that’s what we are going to talk about today.
278. Dare To Believe

278. Dare To Believe


Today we are going to do something a little different. I am going to take you behind the scenes to my staff meeting at Martini’s Grille. Every three months we have a quarterly staff meeting… Where we do three things #1. I address the entire team. #2. We hand out bonuses #3. We share a great meal I think you will find this interesting
277. Positioning

277. Positioning


Do you know who you are… OR Are you chasing the hottest trends - trying to please everyone else..?
276. The Sweet Spot

276. The Sweet Spot


Are you HIRING the wrong people - just to fill a position? Are you putting things on the menu - that don’t fit? Are you agreeing to do things that you really don’t want to do. If the answer to any of these questions is YES – You’re in luck because today - we are going to talk about how to fix - that error.
Have you ever had an employee try to usurp your authority? Go above YOUR head to your boss to get THEIR way or undermine you. Or have you ever had an employee go to one of your partners to complain about you? Or if you are the owner – go to their manager to complain about you..? Or how about go to the local authorities… To get you in trouble, because they don’t like the way YOU are doing things..?
Do you have a hard time getting your managers ALL on the same page..? Do you have a hard time understanding your boss or your fellow managers or your employees? Do you wish everyone could all just get along and do the work we came here to do without all the friction and the drama? If that sounds like you – You’re in luck Because THAT is what we are going to talk about today.
Have you ever noticed that some of your employees - never get it – They never grow. While other people - just get it - right away? That’s because some people ARE the RIGHT fit. They have the RIGHT physical and mental make-up for THIS Type of Work. And the Wrong People - Do Not.
The restaurant business involves HARD work. Restaurant-ing is a LABOR intensive business. The BIGGEST problem we face today is finding GOOD People who will SHOW UP and WORK HARD. Today I am going to discuss one of the biggest things - I think is behind – this problem…
270. Deep Thoughts

270. Deep Thoughts


Do you ever feel like you know what you NEED to do – to move forward and achieve your goal, But for some reason… You just can’t get to it… You just can’t DO IT... You just can’t make it happen… If that sounds like you… You’re in Luck – Because THAT is what we are going to talk about Today..?
269. Food Guru Insight

269. Food Guru Insight


Today’s Pep Talk is Personal. I am going to share a little insight into my personal journey. I’m going to share what I’ve been doing and what I’ve been going through And I hope – I truly hope you find something that helps you keeps going… And going and going…
268. Three Big Things

268. Three Big Things


The world is going crazy! The world is through the biggest changes I have even seen. As restaurant owners we must constantly innovate, adapt and improve. Today I am going to talk about THREE Big Things that will help you LIVE!
267. Commanders Intent

267. Commanders Intent


Can you take TWO WEEKS off right now without your restaurant falling apart? Unfortunately most restaurant owners, like 90% of us would HAVE TO answer -NO to that question … If you want to turn that around and answer in the affirmative - There IS something you can do – and it starts with two simple words – COMMANDERS INTENT I'm going to show you how to use Commanders Intent to empower our managers and team - So the team can make decisions and act – without you being present.