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Kingsway Caringbah

Author: Kingsway Church

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Welcome to the podcast of Kingsway Church in Caringbah. We pray this teaching will inspire you and deepen your faith in Jesus.
135 Episodes
A Beautiful Breakfast

A Beautiful Breakfast


Join Bretto as He brings a message entitled, "Breakfast on the Beach". This is a story of the power of redemption and new beginnings. We open John 21 and delve into the transformative encounter between Peter and the risen Christ, reflecting on the grace that defines us rather than our failures. This is a call to embrace the invitation to follow Jesus, just as Peter did, and let the spirit of service and love reignite your passion and calling. This message is a beacon of hope, inviting you to come as you are and be met with open arms and an opportunity to begin anew. Discussion questions: 1. In the sermon, we explore Peter's emotional journey following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Can you identify a time when you felt like retreating or escaping due to overwhelming circumstances? How does the story of Peter's encounter with the risen Christ on the beach inspire you in those moments? (John 21:1-14) 2. The message mentions the significance of Jesus inviting Peter to "Follow me" post-resurrection, mirroring His initial call to Peter. Discuss the implications of Jesus reissuing this invitation after Peter's failures. How does this resonate with your understanding of grace and new beginnings? (John 21:15-19) 3. Consider the difference between retreating to enhance reality versus escaping to avoid it. Share your thoughts on this distinction and discuss how you might identify these patterns in your own life. 4. Bretto emphasised Jesus serving and accepting us without judgment. How does this perspective affect the way you interact with others who may be struggling with their own feelings of unworthiness or failure? 5. The act of Jesus preparing breakfast for His disciples is highlighted in the message as a demonstration of servant leadership and intimacy. How can we model this servant-hearted approach in our own communities? What might that look like in practice?
A Joyous Reunion

A Joyous Reunion


Join Dave as we recount the transformative power of recognizing Jesus post-resurrection, through the eyes of Cleopas, his companion on the road to Emmaus, and the disciples gathered in Jerusalem. We focus on Jesus' journey through suffering, death, and resurrection, and how his presence with us is cause for incredible joy. When we come to terms with the joy it is for Jesus to be with us and his unrelenting desire to be present in our lives, he opens our eyes to the revelation and truth of God's word and work. Discussion Questions: 1. Reflecting on the sermon's theme of moving from 'I've got to' to 'I get to', how can we cultivate a heart of gratitude in our spiritual practices, turning obligations into opportunities for joy? 2. How does the joy of Jesus' reunion with His disciples after His resurrection inspire you to seek and celebrate moments of joy in your own relationships with God and others? 3. Consider the sermon's reflection on Jesus' embodiment of joy even through suffering. How can we find strength and joy in the midst of our own trials?
Hearts Burning Within

Hearts Burning Within


Come with us on the journey along a dusty road leading to Emmaus, where we uncover the profound mystery of two disciples' encounter with the risen Jesus. This story is more than a biblical tale; it's a reflection of our own lives, our struggles to perceive God in our midst, and the powerful revelations that come with hindsight. Listen in as we explore the reasons behind our often-clouded vision of God's work in our daily experiences and the Apostle Paul's insights into our partial understanding of the divine. In this message, we unpack the significance of an urgent invitation to hospitality and the transformation it can bring. Discover how a simple act of sharing a meal with a stranger can lead to the opening of our eyes to Jesus' presence. We look at God's gentle reprimands in our lives as they serve as loving corrections, guiding us back to trust in His grand design. As we walk this path together, we're reminded of the intimacy of God's prompts and the power of living a life filled with the Holy Spirit. We close this teaching around the table of communion, contemplating the state of our hearts. Whether you're looking to reignite a dimming flame, rekindle a once-strong passion, or ignite a new fire for Jesus, this message invites you into a space of reflection and action. Learn how to foster a heart that burns with fervour for Christ in all aspects of life, and join us as we remember the sacrifice that forever changed the course of history. Discussion Questions: 1. Reflect on a time when you, like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, struggled to recognize God's presence in your life. How did the realization of His presence eventually come to you? (Luke 24:13-35) 2. Consider Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 13:12 about seeing "in a mirror, dimly." How does this metaphor speak to our limited understanding of God's work in our lives, and how can we find peace in that partial knowledge? 3. In the sermon, the concept of a "burning heart" is explored. Discuss moments when you have felt a passionate compulsion toward God's work, even in times of adversity. Can you relate this to the experiences of King David (Psalm 39) or the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 20)? 4. Jesus' gentle reprimand to the disciples for being "slow to believe" (Luke 24:25) can be seen as an intimate prompt to trust in God's plan. How do we discern and respond to such prompts in our daily lives?
He Won't Stand You Up

He Won't Stand You Up


This sermon paints a picture of hope and assurance found in the resurrection of Jesus, likening it to a breathtaking sunrise that brings light and warmth to the world. Dave dives into the narrative of John 20:19, where Jesus appears to his disciples, offering them peace amidst their fear and disappointment. The message examines the promise of a new covenant and God's unfailing presence through the stories of Mary Magdalene and the disciples, whose sorrow is transformed into joy and reassurance by Jesus' eternal company. Dave explores the theme of feeling abandoned or 'stood up' by the world and contrasts it with the certainty of Jesus' presence. The sermon leads into a communal reflection on grace and salvation through the act of communion, reinforcing the message of renewal and God's constant presence in the face of life's chaos. Key Thoughts: The resurrection of Jesus symbolizes a new dawn, casting an all-pervading love across the world despite periods of darkness. Jesus' steadfast presence throughout history is highlighted, with an emphasis on the new covenant's promise that God will never leave us. The disciples' initial feelings of abandonment after Jesus' death are contrasted with the peace and assurance they receive from His resurrection. The act of communion is presented as a celebration of God's everlasting presence and the new life given through Jesus' sacrifice. The sermon assures us that in moments of loneliness, doubt, or when feeling 'stood up' by the world, Jesus stands with them, offering peace and companionship. Discussion Questions: 1. Reflecting on the theme of Jesus' resurrection, how can we apply the promise of His presence to overcome feelings of abandonment in our own lives? (John 20:19) 2. In what ways does the new covenant, as described in Jeremiah 31:31, bring hope and assurance to our daily walk with God, especially during times of trial and uncertainty? 3. Discuss the transformation that took place in the disciples' hearts from fear to joy upon Jesus' appearance post-resurrection. How can we encourage each other to hold on to faith during periods of fear and doubt? (John 20:19-20) 4. Discuss the importance of recognising and responding to Jesus' invitation to an ongoing relationship, as symbolised by His standing at the door and knocking. How can we actively open the door to Him in our lives? (Revelation 3:20)
This message takes a reflective look at the Meal that Changed the World. We look at the Last Supper's profound impact on the Christian faith, celebrating the victory and reign of Jesus and God's unwavering embrace. Dave takes us into the background of the original Passover meal, a cornerstone event for the Israelites, and draw parallels to its New Testament counterpart. Join us as we discover how the Last Supper instituted a new covenant, replacing the age-old traditions with bread and wine as enduring symbols of connection and grace. As we reflect on the continuity of human fallibility and divine forgiveness, we recognize the powerful transformation promised in prophecy and fulfilled through Jesus' sacrificemessages that resonate through the centuries. We close this message out embracing the solemnity of Good Friday. Together, we honour the sacrifice of Jesus and the liberation it brings, acknowledging the shift from action-based relationships with God to ones rooted in grace and love. We invite you to join us in this space of gratitude and anticipation, as we carry forward the reflections from our shared bread and cup into the promise of Easter Sunday's joy. This message is a heartfelt invitation to unite around history's most transformative meal and the lesson it continues to impart in our lives. Discussion Questions: 1. Reflect on the significance of the Last Supper as described in Luke 22. How does Jesus reframe the meaning of the Passover meal for his disciples, and what implications does this have for our understanding of communion today? 2. The original Passover meal signified deliverance and protection for the Israelites (Exodus 12:13). How does this event foreshadow the redemptive work of Jesus, and what significance does it hold for us as we celebrate Communion? 3. The sermon highlighted the sacrificial love of Jesus as the ultimate act of redemption, as noted in 1 Peter 1:18-19. Discuss how the concept of being "ransomed" by the blood of Christ impacts our understanding of salvation and our daily lives. 4. As we anticipate the joy of Easter Sunday, what does the resurrection of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:20-22) mean for our personal hope and the way we live out our faith in the world?
Finding Zacchaeus

Finding Zacchaeus


Join us this week as we continue in our series 'At The Table." In this message from Luke 19, where Jesus encounters Zacchaeus up a tree, we look at themes such as: The Practice of Hospitality in Christianity: We look at the significance of meals in Jesus's ministry and the importance of hospitality within the early Christian church. Dave emphasizes the biblical exhortations for hospitality as a powerful witness of God's grace and love. Seeking Jesus: We turn our focus to Jesus's encounter with Zacchaeus in Jericho. We unpack Zacchaeus' inner turmoil and desire for change. Unsettled Desperation and Inner Undoing: An examination of Zacchaeus's transformation demonstrates his actions of seeking, running, and climbing as signs of a personal reckoning, and a reflection on the power of the Word of God to lead us towards a life of humility and love. Jesus Calls Zacchaeus Out of Hiding: Dave reflects on Jesus's capacity to see beyond our failings, calling us out of hiding in leafy but fruitless trees into a fulfilling relationship with Him, highlighting the significance of Jesus's sacrificial love. Transforming Grace and Salvation Thanksgiving: Finally, we reflect on the transformative power of Jesus's presence and we land in gratitude for God's grace and the desire for a closer relationship with Jesus. Discussion Questions: 1) In the message, the practice of hospitality is emphasized as critical to the mission of God. How can we incorporate this practice into our own faith communities, and what might be some barriers to doing so? (Refer to Romans 12:13 and Hebrews 13:2 for biblical context.) 2) Personal transformation is a key theme in the message. What does it mean to be 'reborn' in the context of Christian faith, and how does the story of Zacchaeus illustrate this concept? 3) Consider the metaphor of the sycamore tree in Zacchaeus's story. What might be the 'sycamore trees' in our lives that we need to step out of to fully embrace the light of Christ? 4) The message concludes with an affirmation of Jesus's love for Zacchaeus and each of us. How can we personally respond to Jesus's invitation to accept his grace, and how might this acceptance change the way we live?
Have you ever considered the depth of connection that can be sparked across the dinner table? Join this teaching with Dave Lovell as he intertwines scripture with personal stories, drawing out the rich lessons of humility and hospitality embedded in shared meals. From the Gospel of Luke to a forestry field trip, we traverse a landscape of fellowship and find that the act of breaking bread with others is a gateway to profound joy and spiritual growth. In this heartfelt message, we not only recount Biblical narratives where Jesus shares table fellowship with the Pharisees, but we also dive into how these meals provide transformative opportunities for mercy, grace, and love. Dave shares his insights on the underestimated power of a communal meal, something as simple as sharing food can lay the groundwork for service, inclusion, and unforgettable bonds. We are reminded that it's not just about the food; it's about the people, the conversations, and the collective experience that enriches our lives. Wrapping up with a poignant tale of a banquet that exemplifies God's extravagant hospitality, we are moved by the stories of women who, through their service to others, rediscover their sense of purpose and value. Dave leaves us with a compelling reflection on the joy found in serving and the importance of embracing justice, mercy, and humility in our daily walk. Tune in for a message that will feed your soul and inspire you to bring more than just food to your table. Discussion Questions: 1. The message emphasizes the transformative opportunities that can arise during meals, such as showing mercy, grace, and love. Can you recall a time when a shared meal led to a profound experience or opportunity in your life? Share with the group and discuss the significance of seizing such moments. 2. In the message, there is a discussion about cultural exchange and the humility learned through communal meals. Reflect on a time when sharing a meal with someone from a different background taught you a lesson in humility. 3. The story of a banquet in the sermon illustrates the joy and purpose found in serving others. How can we, as followers of Christ, cultivate a servant's heart in our daily lives? 4. The sermon concludes with a reflection on the importance of justice, mercy, and humility. Considering Micah 6:8, discuss how we can live out these values in our interactions with others, especially during times of fellowship and shared meals.
Woe To Your Facades

Woe To Your Facades


In this message, we grapple with Jesus' stern words to the Pharisees and lawyers found in Luke 11. We dive into Jesus' call for authenticity in our expressions of faith as He challenges us to look beyond external displays of holiness and truly seek justice, love, and humility in our lives. Sitting with the challenge of this passage we're inspired to consider our own faith journey and the facades that may hinder our growth. It's an exploration that asks us to be reflective, to acknowledge our imperfections, and to strive for the genuine fruits of the Holy Spirit within our community. Discussion Questions: 1. Jesus' critique of the Pharisees in Luke 11:37-54 centers on authenticity in faith. What does it mean to you to practice an authentic faith, and how can we avoid the pitfalls of hypocrisy in our own spiritual lives? 2.Jesus' message to the Pharisees includes a call for justice and love of God over legalistic rituals. Discuss how Micah 6:8 connects with this teaching and explore ways we can incorporate this into our personal walk with God. 3. A call to introspection and the pursuit of true spiritual fruits is a key point in the sermon. Discuss how James 1:22-25 encourages us to be doers of the word, and share ways you've been able to apply your faith in action.
Grateful For Grace

Grateful For Grace


Join us as we explore the transformative encounter between Jesus and a sinful woman at Simon the Pharisee's table, examining the profound implications of grace and forgiveness. We'll delve into Simon's internal struggle with Jesus' identity and the deeper message of the gospel. Lastly, we reflect on the importance of thankfulness in our lives, drawing parallels between the biblical narrative and our own journeys of redemption. This is a call to embrace a new life of service and love, following in the footsteps of Jesus. Discussion Questions 1. Reflecting on the story of the woman at the Pharisee's dinner in Luke 7:36-50, how does this narrative challenge our perceptions of others and invite us to encounters with transformative grace? 2. Considering the power of thankfulness, discuss how the story of the sinful woman at Jesus' feet exemplifies a sinner's journey to redemption and the importance of worship as a response to grace. 3. The sermon spoke of embracing thankfulness as a powerful expression of our journey with God. Share ways in which you can express thankfulness in your life this week.
The Table of Grace

The Table of Grace


Have you ever pondered the sheer breadth of grace extended by Jesus, particularly in His call to Matthew, the tax collector? This message delves into this powerful Gospel moment from Luke 5:27, amplified through a scene from 'The Chosen' series. Join us as we unpack the radical inclusivity of Jesus' ministry, inviting even the most unlikely individuals into His fold. We're not just storytelling; we're journeying deep into the heart of what it means to be summoned by Christ, irrespective of our past. At the core of Jesus' message lies a table where all are welcome, and this week, we step into the realm of shared meals and their profound ability to bridge gaps between diverse groups. We take you back to the joyous feast at Levi's house, where laughter and fellowship disrupted the era's standards. By breaking bread with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus modeled radical hospitality that confronted the self-righteousness of the Pharisees. We explore how this act of communion can reshape our own communities, prompting a shift from erecting barriers to extending open invitations. Discussion Questions: 1. Reflecting on the sermon's exploration of Jesus calling Levi, the tax collector, in Luke 5:27, how does Jesus' approach to choosing His disciples challenge our understanding of worthiness and inclusion in God's kingdom? 2. Jesus' interactions with tax collectors and sinners, as mentioned in the sermon, confront the self-righteousness of the Pharisees. How does this narrative shape our views on grace, and how can we guard against the trap of self-righteousness in our own lives? 3. The sermon encourages us to "build longer tables rather than higher fences." In what practical ways can we extend the love and grace we have received from Jesus to others in our community? 4. Considering the sermon's message about Jesus's inclusive table, how do you interpret the phrase "the ground at the foot of the cross is level"? Discuss the implications of this statement for how we view ourselves and others.
Just Fill The Jars

Just Fill The Jars


Overview In our conversation, we explore the spiritual discipline of table fellowship and its role in Christian spirituality. I reflect on the insights of scholars like NT Wright and Barry Jones, underscoring the significance of shared meals for both physical sustenance and spiritual growth. Hear about the joyous occasion of Jesus' first miracle at Cana and how it exemplifies the abundance he offers in our lives. Embrace the invitation to gather, eat, and experience God's grace in community as we delve into the rich tapestry of biblical hospitality. Discussion Questions: 1. Considering Jesus' first miracle at Cana, what does this tell us about the significance of His presence in our celebrations and gatherings? How can we invite Jesus into our own moments of joy and fellowship? (John 2:1-11) 4. 2. The sermon touched on the role of obedience and service in witnessing miracles, such as the servants at the wedding in Cana. Share a time when your simple act of service became a blessing or revealed God's glory in an unexpected way. (John 2:5-9) 3. How can we embody the humility and servitude that Christ demonstrated, in our own communities and personal lives, as described in the sermon? Discuss how this aligns with Paul's teachings in 1 Corinthians 1:26-29. 4. Discuss the concept of the dinner table as a missional opportunity, as mentioned in the sermon. How can we more intentionally use our tables to extend hospitality and share the gospel with others?
Wisdom in Community

Wisdom in Community


1. In Jen's sermon, she addresses the complexity of applying wisdom from Proverbs in our lives. Reflect on Proverbs 8:34-35. How can this passage guide us in our daily practice of seeking wisdom and watching at wisdom's gates? 2. Proverbs 1:1-7 lays out the purpose of the book. In what ways does this introduction shape our approach to understanding and applying the wisdom found in Proverbs? Share examples of how you've used this framework in your life. 3. Jen invites us to discern the appropriate application of wisdom through Proverbs. Discuss how Proverbs 26:4-5 presents seemingly contradictory advice. How do you approach such riddles in scripture, and what does it teach us about dealing with complex situations? 4. Reflecting on the sermon's theme of crafting spaces of love, consider Proverbs 3:3-4, which urges us not to let kindness and truth leave us. How can we actively create environments where both truth and love are upheld?
6 Nuggets of Wisdom

6 Nuggets of Wisdom


Join as Dave share's six key insights (aka nuggets) from Proverbs for personal and spiritual growth to carry us through the year. Learn about the power of planning with purpose, setting a budget, responding with generosity, dedicating time to God's word, finding community, and, most importantly, running to Jesus for hope and healing.



The Christmas season can often be dominated by consumerism and busyness. Let's take a step back together and explore the intimate encounter between Mary and the angel Gabriel, revealing the true meaning of Christmas and God's new creation. From this awe-inspiring encounter, we uncover nine expectations we can have of God - including His unwavering belief in us, His unending purpose, and His deep mercy and love. We also remind you not to give up on prayer and to persist in faith, even when prayers seem unanswered and doubt creeps in. As we journey through this faith-filled conversation, we draw comparisons between the stories of Zechariah and Mary, reminding you that God often shows up in the most surprising places. Personal experiences are shared to embolden listeners to expect to find God in unlikely situations. We close by praying for the Holy Spirit to strengthen us all to share our stories, to reject mediocrity, and to fully embrace the blessings God has for us. So, join us for this heartening dialogue as we explore faith, expectation, and the unexpected encounters with God.



This message offers encouragement and hope for those wrestling with unanswered prayers and shaky faith. It centres on the biblical story of Zechariah and Elizabeth from Luke 1:5-20, demonstrating that God's purpose for our lives is unending. It delves into the issue of doubt in prayer, acknowledging that it can lead to feelings of guilt and shame, but it is all part of the faith journey. The sermon further explores the notion of unanswered prayers and God's timing, citing an example of a prayer answered after 27 years. The message calls for us to bring our prayers to God in worship, to believe in his goodness and faithfulness, and to know they are loved and valued by God.
Jesus Resurrected

Jesus Resurrected


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