DiscoverTinnitus Relief Podcast by My Tinnitus Club
Tinnitus Relief Podcast by My Tinnitus Club
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Tinnitus Relief Podcast by My Tinnitus Club

Author: by Frieder Kühne

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Hey Tinnitus Friends,

This show is all about tinnitus, the science behind tinnitus relief, and how you can find the right tinnitus treatment for your situation. We talk about the latest science based approaches to a tinnitus cure, various effective tinnitus treatments and how you can get quick relief from ringing ears.

Interested to learn more about science based tinnitus relief? Visit to join our transformative online tinnitus community.

The episodes offer a scientific and myth-busting approach to tinnitus but are also full of personal stories of living with single-sided deafness, tinnitus and a hearing aid in the remaining ear. We have interviewed some of the most renowned tinnitus researchers and practitioners in Europe and the world. Through my personal tinnitus relief framework, I have helped hundreds of people live their best life, and finally find tinnitus relief. Ready to successfully leave tinnitus behind?

Read my free guide to tinnitus here:
Learn more about our tinnitus program by visiting our online club at !

We wish you sound tinnitus relief and happy listening :)

86 Episodes
Hey Dear Tinnitus Friends, Here is a short update from my side. I wanted to all let you in on my current journey and partner in crime: depression. So I have dealt with depression for many years now, unfortunately unknowingly. And producing this tinnitus podcast and giving my all in over 500+ tinnitus coachings, I never realised that underlying, things were not right. Until finally I had to acknowledge that something was going on. The panic attacks were not to be pushed aside (quite impossible to ignore something that feels that strong). So today I just wanted to give you a short update on my current situation, and tell you what I think you can currently do to get better with your tinnitus and habituate. You can find all links under Thank you all for your support my tinnitus friends and speak soon, Frieder
I Am Taking A Break

I Am Taking A Break


Hey Guys, Here are the ressources
Hey Dear Tinnitus Friends, Find all resources here In this episode, I tell you all about why I believe that tinnitus habituation can cure you of all your negative tinnitus emotions. Of course, we must understand the complexities of tinnitus to understand what a science-based approach to tinnitus will look like. Understanding that everyone is different and that habituation is open for everyone, however, is a key ingredient for getting better with tinnitus. In the end, I believe there are two sides to tinnitus treatment. On the one hand, we have to see what physiological factors are influencing our perception of Tinnitus, and on the other hand, we have to look at the psychological implications that tinnitus poses to us. Managing these two together is one of the most important things that people have to keep in mind when they successfully want to cure their tinnitus and habituate. If you need more support, you can find our online tinnitus habituation program at I hope this episode was helpful for you and wish you a great weekend Frieder
Hey Tinnitus Relief Friends, find our best ressources here at Hope you all had a great week! In this episode I combine all the short clips I made for tinnitus week 2024: 1. My Story of being born deaf and living with Tinnitus 2. Tinnitus and the mosquito bite 3. Why avoiding tinnitus is a bad idea 4. When hearing aids for tinnitus make sense 5. ACT for tinnitus in daily situations 6. Why there is no real cure for tinnitus yet 7. Tinnitus week 2024 and beyond I hope you all enjoy the episode and hear you in the next one! Frieder
Hey, Tinnitus's friends, Find our most valuable ressources here: In today's episode, we have a special for Tinnitus week 2024. All this week I have been publishing videos on tinnitus and tinnitus Managment, so today, we have a special podcast episode: I want to give you a daily guide for Tinnitus relief. I have been talking about ACT therapy on this very podcast a lot. And today I want to give you a special instructions manual on how to use this powerful science based strategy for long-term tinnitus relief. You know that my personal story of being deaf in one ear, and experiencing severe tors, and wearing a hearing aid in my remaining ear, let me to become a tinnitus coach, and to be very passionate about helping people get better with tinnitus. So I hope today's tinnitus podcast episode is useful for you, and I'll see you in the next one Frieder
Hey Tinnitus Podcast Friends, Find all resources here Today we have another episode of our newly launched Humans with Tinnitus format. And in this coaching session here on my Tinnitus Podcast, we are joined by Scott who is a valued member of our online community. Scott has had Tinnitus for over 6 years and now he shares his story with us of how he was very close to habituating, nearly cracking the code for tinnitus, but in the end, he suffered a little setback. This is a deeply touching story of Scotts way to find peace, amidst the difficulty of dealing with his tinnitus sounds. And in today's Humans with Tinnitus coaching session, we shared with Scott how he can continue his path towards Tinnitus habituation, and to get relief from his tinnitus, and how, in the future, he could behave more helpfully, so his brain can stop tagging Tinnitus as something intrusive or dangerous. We hope that you found this episode useful, and if you want to be part of humans with tennis and share your own, Tinnitus relief story on this podcast, then click the link Thanks and hear you in the next one! Frieder
Hey Tinnitus Friends, Get relief and help for your tinnitus here Welcome to a new Tinnitus Relief Podcast Episode. In this one I am coaching Malcolm from San Antonio, who has experienced tinnitus only for a few months. His tinnitus anxiety was quite high and in this session we deconstruct some of the reasons why he developed such a highly anxious response to tinnitus. It is part of the new format for our podcast and youtube channel where we coach people with tinnitus and help them on their path of tinnitus habituation. If you want to get one of these coaching sessions as well, then simply click the link here in the description. Hope this was useful for you and see you in the next one, have a great weekend my Tinnitus Friends, Frieder
Hey Tinnitus Relief Friends, We are back with a new episode and you can find everything you need here under this link In today's tinnitus podcast episode, we have another tinnitus coaching session together with Karl. Karl is a valued member of our online tinnitus habituation program and we spoke to him about his journey and current difficulties. If you want one of these tinnitus coaching sessions for your tinnitus journey, then simply click the link above! This is a message of hope, not everyone is at the end of their habituation journey yet, but together we try to find out how to move them ever closer to being able to live a happy and healthy life despite the experience of tinnitus. What do you think about this new format, do you like it? Let us know! All the best and hear you in the next one, Frieder
Dear My Tinnitus Relief Friends, Find all my ressources here Welcome to the year 2024. The first tinnitus relief podcast episode of this year. And we kick things off in the most amazing of ways. In this episode I bring you an interview that I conducted with Michelle, who was part of our Tinnitus relief and habituation program. A year later Michelle shares her tinnitus success story and how she managed to become finally habituated and unbothered by her tinnitus. This episode kicks off a series of podcast episodes where we interview and coach people with tinnitus to help them get relief from their ringing ears. If you like the tinnitus podcast, please consider subscribing and leaving us a review. Thanks and hear you in the next one! Frieder and the team
Hey Tinnitus Relief Friends, First of all I want to wish you all happy holidays. After creating many many epsiodes, this concludes the year 2023 of our tinnitus relief podcast. I am very thankful for your support and hope this podcast has been helpful for many of you out there. If you want to join our 30 day challenge or the club, here are some ressources for you In this podcast episode, I interview Mini Gupta from Australia, who is a audiologist and tinnitus specialist. We talk a lot about curing tinnitus and how it is possible for someone to go back to living a normal and healthly life despite tinnitus. We hope that you enjoy this last episode for the year 2023 and we are back in January, after taking a bit of a break. All the best and we wish you happy holidays, merry christmas and a great start to the new year 2024. We will help you to get relief from tinnitus in 2024! Frieder and the whole team
Hey Tinnitus Friends, Check these resources for tinnitus relief: In this episode of our tinnitus relief podcast, we talk about the newly launching 30-day tinnitus habituation challenge that we are launching in January 2024 inside our online tinnitus management community. The 30-day tinnitus habituation challenge is designed to help you find out in what part of the habituation journey you find yourself, how you can move through the phases with more ease and ultimately naturally experience the power of the brain habituating to tinnitus. Who needs some random guru tinnitus cure when you can put in the honest and good work of allowing your brain to see tinnitus as not an enemy, but as what most people see it: a benign body sensation that sometimes annoys you ;) All we do is to use some science-based tinnitus relief strategies such as cbt for tinnitus and ACT. Come and join us for an amazing start to the year 2024 and one that will see your bothersome tinnitus go where it belongs: into the background! See you all inside the club! Frieder P.S.: Wishing you and your loved ones a great and merry Christmas or happy holidays.
Hi Tinnitus Relief Friends, Get all my best resources here Today I am very excited to have tinnitus specialist and coach Glenn Schweitzer from Rewiring Tinnitus on the Podcast. He's on the tinnitus relief show for the second time now and we talk about how you can prevent habituation setbacks, meditate with your tinnitus and even how to claim back your life and energy. We might not have the ultimate tinnitus cure for you, but we have more than 15 years of combined knowledge on how you can best turn tinnitus into an annoying bystander at most. For more information on Glenn's work, please visit Enjoy and hopefully this episode will bring you some much needed tinnitus relief :) All the best and hear you in the next one, Frieder
Hey dear Tinnitus Family, Find all my tinnitus relief resources here: In today's episode we tackle a very interesting approach to curing tinnitus. But actually we are not curing tinnitus but we are curing your reaction to tinnitus. And while we explore the concept of tinnitus habituation, what it means, how it happens, and how you can support your brain to get there, you'll find out in this episode. So tune in and listen as we discover how habituation can help all you tinnitus sufferers out there get some much needed relief from the ringing in your ears. Thanks for tuning in and hear you in the next one :) Your host and founder of Frueder
Hey Tinnitus Family, Get the best tinnitus support including our black Friday offer here: In this episode of the Tinnitus Relief Podcast, we bring you a great comparison between the effectiveness of two tinnitus treatments: Tinnitus Sound Therapy and CBT or behavioural approaches to Tinnitus. We discuss why sometimes sound therapy does work well for people with tinnitus, but sometimes a CBT for tinnitus approach would be better suited. Tune in and find out what tinnitus treatment approach is the right one to get you closer to your individual tinnitus habituation. Enjoy and hear you in the next one! Frieder
Hey Tinnitus Friends, Get fast relief and download the challenge here: Strap in for an exciting episode of our podcast where we dive headfirst into the world of tinnitus with a twist – welcome to our 7-Day Tinnitus Habituation Challenge, crafted by the ever-creative and tinnitus coach, Frieder! This isn't your average health guide; it's a fun, engaging, and incredibly effective journey to tackle tinnitus. We'll take you through each day of the challenge, spicing up the science of tinnitus management with humor, real-life anecdotes, and easy-to-implement strategies. Discover how mindfulness isn't just about sitting quietly, how CBT can be more than just a fancy acronym, and how ACT is your new best friend in the tinnitus world. Plus, get a virtual tour of our Tinnitus Club – it's like a VIP lounge, but for your ears! Key Highlights: A day-by-day breakdown of the 7-Day Tinnitus Habituation Challenge – with a dash of fun! Mindfulness, CBT, and ACT – demystified and made surprisingly enjoyable. The inside scoop on how our Tinnitus Club is revolutionizing tinnitus support – party hats included! What are you waiting for ? Let's get you some sound relief for your Tinnitus ;) Your host Frieder
Hey My Dear Tinnitus Friends, Get quick help with your tinnitus with these resources: Today I am so excited to bring you a guest that I have been wanting to interview for a long time. In this episode I interview Sleep Dr. and insomnia expert Dr. Guy Meadows from the Sleep School in London. Apart from being a personal hero to me and my own personal journey with insomnia, Dr. Guy has helped thousands of people claim their lives back from insomnia. And in this episode, we combine the wisdom of science based approaches to both: insomnia and tinnitus relief. Dive into an amazing tinnitus podcast episode that uncovers the link behind tinnitus and bad sleep or insomnia. Honestly, if you want to improve your sleep and are dealing with tinnitus, then this is the right episode for you. You can find out more about Dr. Guy under Happy Sleep and Tinnitus Relief my friends! Your host and founder Frieder
Hey Dear Tinnitus Friends, Get all ressources here: Dive deep into the therapeutic world of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) tailored specifically for tinnitus relief in this enlightening podcast episode. Extracted from an exclusive video inside our Tinnitus Membership Community, this session is a must-listen for anyone seeking solace from the persistent ringing of tinnitus. Join us as we explore the core principles of ACT, a scientifically-backed psychological intervention that helps individuals lead a fulfilling life while coexisting with tinnitus. Discover the transformative power of mindfulness and acceptance strategies that enable you to embrace your condition without allowing it to define your existence. Key discussion points include: Understanding the fundamentals of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. How ACT differs from other tinnitus management therapies. Practical exercises to foster acceptance of your tinnitus symptoms. Commitment techniques to keep you engaged in a rich, value-driven life despite tinnitus. Real-life stories of how ACT has changed the lives of tinnitus sufferers. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been managing tinnitus for years, this episode offers fresh perspectives and coping strategies that promote mental well-being and resilience. Don’t miss these valuable insights from our Tinnitus Community experts—designed to guide you through acceptance and pave the way for a life of commitment and purpose. Tune in now and step towards a harmonious life where tinnitus no longer takes center stage. Enjoy and see you inside the community! Frieder
Hey Tinnitus Friends and Family, Get quick help for tinnitus here Today, I bring a special treat for our listeners as I delve into a heartfelt chapter from my very own book, "Accepting the Unacceptable: An Eight-Week Journey Towards Tinnitus Habituation". As I read, you'll journey with me through the nuanced complexities of living with and coming to terms with tinnitus, a condition that challenges the boundaries of what we deem as 'acceptable'. Tinnitus relief is often challenging, but it's just around the corner :) In this episode, I'll also share insights into how tinnitus therapy can play a pivotal role in the journey towards habituation. Drawing from personal experiences and professional observations, we'll discuss how therapeutic approaches of ACT and CBT can offer solace, guidance, and a fresh perspective to those working through the echoes of tinnitus and searching for a tinnitus cure. For those living with tinnitus or for anyone seeking to understand the power of acceptance and resilience, this episode offers a deeply personal exploration. Tune in and discover the strength that lies in accepting the once deemed 'unacceptable'. Enjoy! Frieder
Hey Dear Tinnitus Friends, Find my tinnitus resources here: In this thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Hashir Aazh, a leading figure in the world of tinnitus management and treatment via CBT, Dr. Aazh's shares his groundbreaking research and clinical expertise. He and his team have transformed countless lives, offering CBT and other tinnitus relief approaches to those dealing with the challenges of tinnitus. Dive deep as Dr. Aazh shares: His compelling journey into the workings of tinnitus. The latest scientific advancements and findings in tinnitus treatment. Patient success stories that underscore the potential for relief and recovery. Practical advice for those beginning or continuing their tinnitus management journey. From unveiling the nuances of audiological rehabilitation to the significance of a holistic approach, this episode unravels the mysteries of tinnitus care through the eyes of a seasoned expert. What did you think of the episode? Let us know and join our tinnitus membership community at See you in the next one! Frieder
Hey my Tinnitus Friends, Download the 100 hacks for tinnitus here: Welcome back to our weekly dose of your outring tinnitus relief podcast, the podcast where it's all about curing your reaction o tinnitus, so you can claim your old life back. In this episode, I share with you some tinnitus success stories but also my latest hacks. Hack 20 to 40 out of my 100 hacks to tinnitus. When you approach tinnitus treatments, ask yourself what do I really need, and what do I think will help me with my tinnitus. And then chose the right path for you. If you do like this podcast then maybe consider join our community, we would love to have you! All the best and hear you in the next one! Frieder
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