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Powerless To Powerful, The #1 Positive Side Of Addiction Podcast
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Powerless To Powerful, The #1 Positive Side Of Addiction Podcast

Author: Mark Mascolo

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Finally The Recovery Message You Have Been Looking For!
It‘s Not In Your Nature To Be Powerless, Don‘t Just Recover... Go From Powerless To Powerful !
A Podcast For Those Who Have Decided To Trade Being Powerless Over Their Addiction For ‘IT‘ Being Powerless Over Them & Their Families.
108 Episodes
You've seen the movie, right? So it begs the question.... "What In The World Does That Have To Do With Recovery?" Well, here's the deal... in 25 minutes you'll know. Enjoy today's session. Here's the link for the 2 recovery audiobooks I talk about CLICK HERE FOR RECOVERY AUDIOBOOKS Til Next Time Be The Best YOU!! ~Mark
Serenity NOW!

Serenity NOW!


Is it a request? Is it an affirmation? Go to and  #1 Sign up for The Positive Side Of Addiction Newsletter... IT'S FREE as is #2 The FREE Recovery Audiobook I am going to give you to sign up! Enjoy this session ~ Mark
Here is the entire session in 1 sentence: The odds are stacked against you.... not that you can't, that you won't. Be sure and join The Positive Side Of Addiction Newsletter(it's free) and get the our new audiobook, The 3 Distinct Phases of Recovery... it's FREE too at Til next time....Remember, We don't just recover, We Go From Powerless To Powerful! ~Mark
Everyday millions of people type the words, "How do I _____", into a search engine.  'How do I' is a great question.... but really comes after the sequence of The W's. I'll give you a hint... W#2 is Who as in Who Am I Willing To Become? Enjoy today's session... BUT BUT BUT, check out the FREE 5-day Challenge called More Powerful Me and hit the bullseye on 'Who Am I Willing To Become?' Til next time, go out and be the best and most powerful version of YOU personally, professionally, and spiritually... you know the person God created you to be and to become!! ~Mark
Welcome to the frist session for 2024.  Our lives are often dictated by the quality of the questions we are willing to ask ourselves.... Asking and Answering these 3 are at the CORE (the central and most important part) of successful recovery! Enjoy!!! ~Mark
Today we launched a new series titled, The Powerless To Powerful Interview Series, where we are connecting with people who are committed to serving the addiction recovery community. Today's inaugural session, Mark talks to Dr.Mark Lasko who is the executive director of The Samaritan Recovery Community in Nashville Tennessee. Samaritan has been providing addiction recovery for close to 60 years and in this session Dr Lasko discusses a vision that is not only shaping what Samaritan is all about, but lays a groundwork for ongoing support and care to, as we discuss all the time..... Raise The Percentages Of Men & Women Who Realize The Rewards Of Long-Term Recovery From Addiction. Enjoy this empowering interview. Until next time, be empowered! ~ Mark
The title sounds like a problem, right? A deservability problem like there is something(s) I am entitled to. What if I was to tell you, I am grateful God had another plan than what I had? Check out all we are doing at Til next time, be empowered! ~Mark 
When I began the outline for this session, I had 1 main point and 1 main lesson.... God had a different plan... instead of 1 lesson, I discuss 3. The 3 Lesson(s) I Learned About Recovery From My Dog(s). After you listen, go to and get the free video series, "A Man's Quest For His True Identity". Enjoy today's session ~Mark
One of the myths about successful recovery is 'the God Of My Understanding'. Today's session focuses on the God Of Our Mis-Understanding..... Til next time, be Empowered ~ Mark Oh yeah, check out all of the empowering stuff like the FREE video series titled; A Man's Quest For His True Identity at
A Man’s EGO

A Man’s EGO


Oh my..... there's one of those misunderstood words.... discover why in today's session. Then go to discover how to strengthen your recovery and supercharge your life because of your recovery at Til Next Time, Be Empowered! ~Mark
Today's session covers 9 (of literally hundreds) of myths about success. I begin with 3 definitions: #1 Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose. #2 Myth: A widely held, but false belief. #3 Belief: The acceptance or state of mind that something is true.... and I am going to add, "whether it is or not".... hence the title of the session. I am willing to say the one thing men in recovery want to say but won't; "It's not in my nature to be powerless.... and I can assure you my brother, it's not in your either".  Enjoy today's session.... check out all the great stuff plus the FREE Resource I mention in this session at Til Next Time, Be Empowered! ~Mark
Language is a powerful tool. As is the actions regarding the language! Enjoy today's session. Get the free video series titled 'A Man's Quest For His True Identity', plus something else that I can promise will strengthen your recovery. Check it out at Til next time, be empowered! ~Mark
Today's edition focuses on time.... no not the length of time in recovery.... although that really matters as does the quality of time and the quality of the life you are living because of that time. The most important space in time is the space between your thought and an addictive action...... again, 'the most important space of time' that is the foundation of success..... check out and til next time be powerful in all you do!!!! ~ Mark
Why Are You Here?

Why Are You Here?


The word 'why' is a question, right? But the word 'why' is also a statement of purpose. It means havin a reason, a vision for something. In the bible it says, 'where there is no vision, the people will perish'. Does perish mean to actually die, or could it just mean 'to lose heart'. So the question that is a statement of purpose.... Why Are You Here? Enjoy todays episode..... go to to get the free resource I mentioned. ~Mark
Let me give you a peek inside today's edition.... The definition of practice; the actual application, not just the theory..... oh crap, what does that mean? ACTION. Enjoy! Until next time... Be Powerful ~Mark Check us out at
This is the 'secret' of success! Enjoy! Check out Til Next Time, God Is Calling Us To Be Powerful In All We Do! ~ Mark
The 4 Parts Of Prayer

The 4 Parts Of Prayer


The definition of 'CORE'; the central and most important part of something. Your Prayer Life should be your CORE Pillar. Did you know that there are actually 4 Parts Of Prayer? #1 is the 'ask' part!  There are 3 others... discover what they are in today's episode. Enjoy! Check us out at Til Next Time, Be Powerful In All You Do!! ~ Mark
The title speaks for itself.... enjoy! Go take the FREE CORE STRENGTHS Test at Til Next Time, Be Powerful In All You Do ~ Mark
The 5 Commitments

The 5 Commitments


A commitment is defined as: a dedication to a decision. A decision is defined as: cutting off all other options. Be Willing To Do More, To Become More To Have More To Serve More. Go take the CORE STRENGTHS Test.... it's FREE at Til next time.... Be Powerful In All You Do! ~Mark
And so it begins.... we have shifted our CORE Message to Relapse Prevention. The Science For Success is The Psychology Of Empowerment: The Psychology Of Empowerment is: principles that govern the process of gaining strength, confidence, and optimism. Begin With Who & Why..... Who are you willing to become? Discover the STRENGTH in Your Unique Personality. Take you FREE CORE STRENGTHS Test at Til next time... remember God wants us to be Powerful in all we do! ~ Mark
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