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TFS Podcast

TFS Podcast

Author: The felon show

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Interviews with ex cons, gang members, gang leaders, youth mentors, mental health advocates etc. From across Australia and New Zealand who have inspiring tales of redemption and overcoming the odds.
105 Episodes
Nekewhenua "Snakey" Wirihana shares his inspiring story of redemption. After moving to Australia as a youth to escape the gang infested streets of Hastings. He went on to become the youngest member of the Hells Angels worldwide, receiving his patch at only 20 years old. After being deported he is now deep involved in Te ao Maori, and has reconnected to his roots, his culture, and his land.
Ex Mobster Waka Tither shares his incredible story of overcoming, poverty, crime, gangs and prison. To becoming a humble servant of Christ. Theme music by The Plowman - Blind :
Nova Lopala shares his inspiring story of redemption, overcoming the struggles of deportation and gang life to running his own online fitness business where he trains people from all over the world not only physically but mentally as well.
Howard Cocker shares his story of running havoc on the streets of south Auckland to becoming a humble servant of Christ.
Petani shares his inspirational story of redemption. After a hard upbringing on Panama Road, he found himself escaping is harsh upbringing by joining the local street gang. At the age of 16 he was sentenced to life in prison for murder, not long after that he was also charged with a murder behind bars. After years behind bars he realised things needed to change and had an encounter with God. He started opening up and participating in treatment programmes. After being granted parole after almost 14 years. he has now been out of prison for 4 years and co directs One Eighty Turn charitable trust. An organisation dedicated to mentoring at risk youth, so they do not make the same mistakes he did. If you would like to contact Petani feel free to email:
Daniel Ahsin shares his inspiring story of redemption. After moving to Australia as a child, he pursued a career in Rugby League, being contracted to the West Tigers at the age of `17. After his father died in a bar fight, his life spiralled out of control eventually landing in prison at 23 with a 12 years prison sentence. After being deported he changed his life for the better and became a born again christian, he is now a youth worker employed with the grace foundation.
Tyrell Karaka from Manurewa, South Auckland shares his story of redemption. He grew up around criminal activity, drugs and violence, but also excelled in rugby league. Eventually he found himself addicted to drugs and in and out of prison. After serving his most recent prison sentence he has now been out for 3 years. He shares the struggles of changing this life for the better, and how it it has not been an easy journey.
George Ngaau AKA BLSD one shares his inspiring story of redemption. After growing up amongst crime and gangs he found himself in prison serving 12 years for serious offences. During that time he turned his life around and is now a well known christian rapper spreading a message of peace and love.
Former Rebels president Dave Martin shares his story of redemption. After joining the navy at 26 years old, he found his passion. Unfortunately though because of his violent tendencies he found himself in a notorious military prison. After leaving the navy and joining the Rebels MC he rose through the ranks to become president of his own chapter in Queensland. After the notorious VLAD laws were put in place Dave decided to leave the club life behind. He is now living his best life, and is doing his best to put his past behind him.
Lee Bell shares her story of redemption. After being adopted and losing her adopted mother she led a rebellious life that led to crime, gangs, addiction and cooking meth. She now volunteers at a faith based rehab "Arapohue retreat" where they heal addiction through the power of the gospel.
2 keen is a rapper who has recently been deported from Australia. He shares his story after being able to reflect on his life during his time of incarceration.
This weekend I attended a family violence conference with over 150 men from around New Zealand. Phil Paikea, Vic Tamati and the safe man safe family team are an organisation that travels New Zealand spreading hope and awareness about family and sexual violence. This is a collection of interviews of various people who attended the conference. The full video is on my YouTube channel : "The Fresh Start w/ Dave" SafeMan SafeFamily Fundamental #safemansafefamily SMSF is a lifestyle choice to UNCOVER (violence, abuse, trauma), DISCOVER (why it happened and how to heal), and RECOVER (through learning, practicing, failing, trying, achieving, reflecting, and resting). This is a self-led lifelong journey owned by and accountable first and foremost to oneself. Email:
Breanna Muriwai disappeared on August 28, 2022 under suspicous circumstances. Her mother Jasmin Gray shares her story and that of her daughter. The heart aches, the trials, and the tribulations. Jasmin believes the people Breanna was last seen with know more than they are leading on, and is hard pressed to uncover the truth of New Zealand's underworld.
Regan and James, 2 former gang leaders share their stories of redemption. Both were born and bred on the east coast of New Zealand. They have been through a life of violence and crime, and are now looking to restore the communities they once terrorized. Give their page on FB a follow "Hauora35"
Peter Lyndon James is the founder of Australia's largest rehab "shalom house." He himself is a former career criminal and drug addict who spent the better half of 26 years behind bars. After spending most of his youth and adulthood in prison he realised his life needed a change. He now helps other men and women do the same.
Former street worker Tommy Raki shares his remarkable story. After being abused in state care multiple times he ran away to K road, the red light district of Auckland. Not long after he was engaging in street work to survive and found himself immersed in the Auckland night life. After years of violence, drugs and abuse he's now managed to find happiness, and encourages many of his former street worker friends to do the same.
Zoltan Banyai, former body builder and bikie Vice President, shares his story of redemption. After ending up in prison when one of his shops was fire bombed, he slowly realised things need to change. After getting out of prison he got baptised and has since renounced his old life and is looking forward to a brighter future for him and his family.
Mony Mathew Ater shares his heartbreaking story of being deported back to South Sudan, a place where everyday life is a struggle. After serving time in Australia he was sent back to South Sudan, a country he had never stepped foot in. He now lives day to day not knowing what will happen tomorrow, he has almost died multiple times from disease and famine. If you would like to help or if you know any organisations that can help, you can contact Mony on: Facebook: Email: Mobile: +254 735 723501
Walt Heyer shares his incredible testimony of the struggles and abuses he endured in his youth, which he believes led him to identify as a transgender woman. He now travels the world with his wife sharing his testimony. Check out his website:
Francis Loto, the founder of notorious Sydney prison gang OC shares his story of redemption. After a life of abuse, drugs and crime, and after serving his last prison sentence he decided to change his life for the better and be a positive role model for the many youth that look up to him.