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IEP Radio with Michael Schrantz

Author: IEP Radio with Michael Schrantz

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Welcome to IEP Radio with Michael Schrantz!

We are your educational resource regarding everything Indoor Environmental Quality related!

IEP Radio interviews leading experts in the field of functional medicine, environmental assessment, and remediation! We discuss how illness and exposure relate, as well as environmental assessments, remediation/cleaning, and ways to create or maintain a cleaner indoor environment.

Learn about hot topics such as:
-Chronic Illness & Low-Dose Environmental Exposure Concerns
-Water Damage and Damp Conditions
-Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Concerns
-Contaminant Sources & Locations
-Environmental Remediation and Cleaning
-Improving the Health of Your Home

More information is available on our website,
33 Episodes
IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: -Updates from Air Oasis -Challenges and misinformation regarding purification technologies -A review of their current and popular-selling unit: iAdaptAir -3rd party studies performed showing the effectiveness of their iAdaptAir to remove chemicals from the indoor environment -A discussion about hydroxyl radicals and how they actually work in the indoor environment. -Concerns about the production of ultrafine particles (UFPs) -The new and improved device: The iAdaptAir 2.0!!! -3rd party studies performed showing the reduction (not production!) of UFPs)! -How to purchase an Air Oasis unit (& their 60-day money-back guarantee)
-Overview of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome -Testing buildings before "ERMIs" were available (tape-lifts, VCS testing) -Utilizing "ERMIs" in the field -The develop/value of HERTSMI-2 sampling -Patient recovery and passing HERTSMI-2 scores -Actinomycetes (gram-positive bacteria) research -Endotoxin (gram-negative bacteria) research -Putting it all together (What Dr. Shoemaker recommends for testing)
IEP RADIO EP 31 CHRISTIAN CIRS NETWORK with Dr. Alan Gruning Click Here: In this episode, Dr. Alan Gruning and I discuss the new Christian CIRS network (, a non-profit resource, for those looking for health & environmental resources with Christian values & influence. CHRISTIAN CIRS NETWORK (CCN): -Overview of CCN -Who the audience is -How CCN can help the public -How practitioners can get involved -Update on the effects of Hurricane Ian (Sept 2022) and the effects on a region of CIRS CONTACT FOR DR. GRUNING: DR. GRUNING'S FREE PAIN CLINIC:
In this "Open Mike" discussion, John and I set the record straight regarding the history, application, and ongoing debates involving of ERMI, HERTSMI-2, and MSQPCR that come up between IEPs, clinicians, and clients. -Overview of PCR, QPCR, and MSQPCR technologies -EPA development of "ERMI" (2007 AHHS 1 study) -The 2013 EPA Office of Inspector General Report regarding ERMI -Review of EPA's 2020 Study (ERMI, AHHS 2) -Review of EPA's 2021 Position paper on ERMI -Professional considerations when interpreting MSQPCR data -Review of Dr. Shoemaker's HERTSMI-2 analysis -John & Mike's takeaways
COFFEE BREAK SERIES TYPES OF MOLD SAMPLING-CONSIDERATIONS & LIMITATIONS IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: 1. Air Sampling (culturing & direct examination (microscopy) 2. DIY vs working with a professional 3. Surface sampling (tape, swab, bulk) 4. MSQPCR surface dust sampling ("ERMI") 5. A "Mold Dog" 6. Closing considerations including interpreting the sample data
COFFEE BREAK SERIES What does a good IEP Inspection look like? IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: 1. Critical thinking & making you the priority 2. Cavity sampling, Mycometer, Borescoping 3. Not playing doctor 4. Interviewing the client 5. The visual assessment 6. Collection of samples 7. The report and what should be in it 8. Credentials & Search tools Useful links & resources: ACAC: ISEAI: SurvivingMold: Finding the right IEP document from ISEAI: IEP Radio's 4-part Remediation/Cleaning Series: SurvivingMold's Microbial Remediation Document:
International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness (ISEAI) Health & Environment Resources Special Guest: Dr. Lauren Tessier IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: 1. Latest & greatest with ISEAI 2. Research & Development Committee-Recent Fundraiser (Nov 2020) and topics to explore 3. Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP) Committee-what's being worked on 4. Upcoming Conference (May 2022) 5. How to get involved as a professional/student/supporter with ISEAI 6. Resources for patients 7. How to find Dr. Tessier for her services.
Chronic Illness On a Budget and a Prayer Special Guest: Dr. Alan Gruning IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: 1. Dr. Gruning's background in health care and those suffering from chronic illness. 2. How Dr. Gruning's free pain clinic in Florida got started. 3. How Dr. Gruning treats those on the budget (no budget). Reference mentioned: 4. How Dr. Gruning works with those living in contaminated places (and/or) when the landlord does not care or they have a small home but no money. 5. How a clinician can start their own free pain clinic. 6. How to find donate. 7. How to find Dr. Gruning for his services.
Buying a Home Is your Realtor working for you? Handling health & exposure concerns Special Guest: Jennifer Schrantz (Realtor) IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: 1. The Role of the Realtor (Learn more about chronic illness & environmental exposure concerns here: ) 2. How your Realtor can HELP "screen" a home before making an offer (Helpful resource for you & your Realtor: ) 3. Seller Property Disclosure Statement (SPDS) (See example here: Good article for reference: 4. Making an offer & home inspections by professionals 5. Planning ahead so you can get the inspections you want QUICK TAKE-AWAYS: 1. (To the Realtor) Patience is a virtue. 2. Have open-lines of communication. Be a part of the process. 3. Your Realtor should have a basic understanding of your health & exposure concerns. 4. Your Realtor can help "screen" homes in advance to narrow down your choices. 5. Your Realtor should be an advocate for you in any planning or negotiations with the seller/seller's Realtor. 6. Find out what the sellers know about the home (SPDS). 7. You should still professionally inspect! Plan/coordinate ahead so you can get the home inspections you need. 8. Be willing to walk away. Health is #1. Disclaimer: Your Realtor should not replace the involvement of professionals. The goal of this episode is to provide education and consideration to Realtors & home buyers so they have a better chance of purchasing the right home.
IEPs and Clinicians How your Clinician & IEP can work together to help the Environmentally Sensitive patient Interview by: Dr. Jill Carnahan IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: 1. Role of the IEP 2. Role of the Clinician 3. Things other than mold exposure 4. Order of operations (Focus on health? Home? Both?) 5. Examples and helping prioritize areas-of-concern 6. How to work with Michael Schrantz (Environmental Analytics) Dr. Jill Carnahan
The Gupta Program Brain Retraining Special Guest: Ashok Gupta IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: 1. Ashok's background and story 2. What is the Gupta Program 3. The Science supporting this program 4. Application/Timing of the program 5. Success stories 6. Summary/Takeaways
Dehumidification & Ventilation Considerations Special Guest: Nikki Krueger Building Science Manager for Therma-Stor IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: MOISTURE -Basic concerns of too much moisture in a building -Are some areas more "moisture-prone" than others? (Residential Dehumidification Systems Research for Hot-Humid Climates: -Types of dehumidification systems -Ventilation Considerations (Ventilation System Effectiveness and Tested Indoor Air Quality Impacts: -Natural ventilation -Types of mechanical ventilation -Sizing mechanical ventilation -The Venting Dehumidifier
Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) HVAC Ductwork & Component Cleaning Special Guests: Matt Akins Manager of HVACR Education IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: -History & Purpose of ACCA -Overview of ACCA Resources to help locate an HVAC contractor -Standards for the HVAC Contractor (maintenance) -Overview of ACCA Standard 6 (Restoring the Cleanliness of HVAC Systems) -Visual Assessment of HVAC System -Cleaning Approaches -Post Cleaning Verification options -When to involve a 3rd party Indoor Environmental Professional to help assessment your HVAC system -General comparison between ACCA Standard 6 and NADCA ACR 2013 document
A brief discussion on COVID-19 & The PRV Book: Post Remediation Testing & Verification for Mold and Bacteria (5th Edition) Special Guests: Dr. Robert & Gail Brandys IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: -COVID-19 and disinfecting considerations (not a detailed plan) -How the PRV book is helpful for IEPs and remediation companies when it comes to develping a PRV plan/process -Personal experiences and examples to learn from
Contents Cleaning A review of "mold-contaminated" fabrics Special Guest: Ralph E. Moon, PhD IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: -General concerns of fabrics that have been exposed to or contain actual mold growth and/or mycotoxins. -Review of studies performed by Ralph Moon testing (4) various cleaning methods on (4) types of fabrics (cotton, wool, polyester, silk). - Conclusions & limitations of those studies (Hint: No method of cleaning is "guaranteed" to work, however, standard washing techniques and standard washing with bleach appears to work (overall) the best. Watch & listen to learn more!) -Things to consider if you are or live with a hoarder. -Importance of keeping your home/structure dry.
EP #18 IQ Air

EP #18 IQ Air


IQAir (Air Filtration Devices) Special Guest: Glory D. Hammes (CEO) IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: -History of IQAir -Discussion on particle removal (versus "purification techniques") -Production line of devices -Research supporting their devices -How to select the ideal device for your unique situation -Where to shop for IQ Air devices
Air Oasis (purification & filtration devices) Special Guests: Jon Bennert (President/CEO) & Dr. Jeff Bennert (COO) IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: -History of the Air Oasis Family -Difference between “air filtration” and “air purification” -Overview of Air Oasis technologies used in their devices Advanced Hydrated Photocatalytic Oxidation (AHPCO) Ionization Ultraviolet Light -A review of their product line -Studies performed to show effectiveness of their units to remove chemicals from the indoor environment -“By-product” concerns (e.g. ozone and other “contaminants” that could be produced by these units) -Their “CARB compliant” units (no ozone emitting) -The ability for these units to help deactivate mold, bacteria, and viruses (make non viable) -Limitations of these units & things to consider when using them -How to purchase an Air Oasis unit (& their 30-day money-back guarantee)



Electric & Magnetic Fields (EMF) Special Guest: Brandon LaGreca, LAC, MACOM His Book on EMF: IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: What is "EMF?" Why are there health concerns? What research is available to support health/exposure concerns? A few tips & considerations regarding EMF exposure and how to test.
Mold Remediation: Post Remediation Verification Part 4 of a 4-part Series In this episode we continue the conversation regarding Post Remediation Verification that follows mold remediation projects. TOPICS: Potential roles of an IEP: Provide remediation scope of work Provide oversight of the project: before, during, after Identify expectations up front What is the IEP’s Testing Criteria? (e.g. What determines a “pass” or “fail”?) How much sampling? (statistical & health-based considerations) What type of analysis is being performed? (e.g. Direct Examination, Culturing, qPCR, Gravimetric dust, etc..) What are the known limitations of each analysis method? When are we sampling? (e.g. ~24 hours after final cleaning? ~4-6 weeks after final cleaning?) Note: IEP Radio has received express permission from Dr. Robert Brandys to mention his content.
Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) Special Guest: Annie Hopper On this episode we discuss: -Annie Hopper's personal story -What is neuroplasticity, and why is it important for our understanding of both the origin and treatment of chronic disease? -What is a "limbic system injury (LSI)" or "limbic system impairment" and what causes it? -What characterizes a LSI? What conditions have you found to be typically associated with LSI? -Overview of DNRS as an approach to resolving LSIs -What are the critical steps (acronym: I.M.A.G.I.N.E.) to rewiring an LSI? -What's missing from the conventional and even Functional approach to chronic illness (ex: MCS), and how does DNRS address that? -How do other treatments/approaches fit or not fit with DNRS? -A few of Annie's favorite recovery stories? -How to learn more & get started with DNRS About Annie Hopper: Annie knows what it’s like to suffer from a mysterious illness that the medical system cannot diagnose or effectively treat. In 2004, while working as a busy core belief counselor, newspaper columnist and talk show guest as an expert in Emotional Wellness, her health started to rapidly deteriorate. Mysterious symptoms like insomnia, headaches, body aches and pains, chronic exhaustion and an increasing list of sensitivities ensued. Toxic overload was the eventual diagnosis. But even after undergoing detoxification treatments and an extensive list of healing treatments from over thirty different practitioners, her symptoms continued to escalate. This was the beginning of what can only be described as a type of science fiction nightmare. After almost 4 years of suffering that eventually led to homelessness, Hopper deduced that a toxic brain trauma was most likely at the root of her suffering. Hopper went on to creatively rewire the neural circuits in her brain that had been altered due to toxic trauma and the symptoms of illness eventually dissipated. In 2008, Hopper founded The Dynamic Neural Retraining System, a drug free, neuroplasticity-based healing approach to rewire chronic illness disease patterns in the brain as seen in Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and many other chronic illnesses.
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