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Adventures In Consciousness

Author: Karl Simanonok

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The nature of consciousness has been a fascinating mystery to people for thousands of years. Despite all that modern science knows about the brain and how it functions, nothing has tied it all together to explain what enables us to experience consciousness, until now.

Dr. Simanonok provides a scientific explanation called Nexus Theory for how consciousness is enabled in our brains through the interactions of two kinds of light. When you come to understand the deepest and most important part of yourself, you may be surprised to discover how importantly this informs you as to Who You Really Are, and Why Death Is Nothing To Fear.

Adventures In Consciousness further explores topics like optimizing brain health through nutrition and supplements, as well as ongoing advances in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, quantum physics, and cosmology. We are connected in profound ways to the entire universe, after all!
7 Episodes
The first ten episodes of Adventures In Consciousness will enable you to begin understanding, in the context of the Nexus Theory of consciousness, the physical aspects of how your brain works to enable consciousness in you. You'll discover exactly how your own consciousness works locally in your brain as a tiny part of the larger Source of consciousness spanning the universe nonlocally and instantaneously. If you are a spiritual or religious person, this understanding could add a lot to that aspect of your life. If you are an atheist or agnostic, you'll learn about physical mechanisms you probably haven't considered before that you might find sufficiently explanatory for your own consciousness without invoking any articles of faith. After the first ten episodes we'll discuss a variety of wide-ranging topics relating to brains and consciousness, as well as continuing to take some deeper dives into the physiological mechanisms of Nexus Theory enabling consciousness in us.
In this Episode you'll learn about the biophotons that are emitted from all the living cells of your body, some of the special properties of light, and a little about holograms. This will prepare you for understanding further mechanisms of consciousness, as light and its characteristics are where it all begins.
This Episode presents a brief overview of the major parts of the human nervous system that you'll need to know about if you don't already. Most names for brain structures don't have common language equivalents, so we'll be getting a little bit into the weeds of scientific jargon. This Episode could be especially useful to you when you start looking at brain photos and drawings, and perhaps Google searching specific structures mentioned.
In this Episode we cover the general flow of information in your brain: how initial 'raw' sensory information is first presented to your consciousness through the thalamus at the center of your brain into your biophotonic holographic Nexus residing in your cerebral ventricles, and then that 'raw' perception is supplemented with interpreted information arriving shortly afterward from your cerebral cortex to provide learned meaning to your perceptions. BONUS: a simple experiment is described in this Episode through which you can perceive incoming 'raw' visual information followed shortly afterward by the interpreted information coming from cerebral cortex yourself. Please note: if you haven't already started looking at some labeled brain photos and drawings to see how it's laid out, now would be a good time to begin. It's a long process to sort out all the parts and their relationships with one another, but by starting with the structures mentioned in these Episodes you'll get a quick jumpstart to what's most important.
This episode explains how your nerve cells, called neurons, make connections called synapses with other neurons to transmit information from one neuron to the next, through changes in the electrical potentials between the inside and outside of neural membranes. It is important basic information that you'll need to understand how your brain works, but it isn't specific to Nexus Theory, so if you're a scientist or someone already familiar with these structures and functions, you can safely skip to Episode 6.
Cells must maintain their structures to properly perform their functions, and this Episode focuses primarily on the role of microtubules in maintaining the cell's internal structure called the cytoskeleton, and the importance of the cell cilia lining the cerebral ventricles in our brains in Nexus Theory.
This episode describes how the nonliving connective tissues surrounding and connecting cells are also important in understanding Nexus Theory by the theoretical ability of collagen fibers to guide biophotons throughout your body and brain. The results of the two experiments described in this Episode are published here: Simanonok, K.E. Elastooptic photon signal modulation in collagenic fiber optics of tendon. Biomaterials, Medical Devices, and Artificial Organs  11:83-92, 1983.