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World of Wisdom

World of Wisdom

Author: World of Wisdom

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A curiosity driven podcast about wisdom, learning and the personal and systemic implications of the transition we are in. Hosted by Amit Paul and Nils von Heijne
240 Episodes
Jenny Grettve founder of the Economic Institue For Feminine Futures, author of the upcoming book Mothering economy came by the podcast. We spoke of why, with all our innovative capacity, it is so difficult to create a caring and kind economy? This is a conversation on many levels that zooms in and out of the economic, educational and systemic work Jenny is involved with. We also speak of how to invest in love, what it takes to come into alignment with ones values and what it would take for us to just stop. Other ways to find out more of Jennys work: website, WhenWhen Agency Enjoy! Host: Amit Paul.
Jim Wallenberg is a company advisor, speaker, change leader. We spoke about engagement, working in different capacities in a company, how it is possible that many people still seem to think that engagement in a company is some random magic or luck and not a result of hard work. We also spoke about how to not get hired as a manager and what it takes to get compliance. This is a fun, tangible conversation about some the topic of leadership, management and how we get things done together. Enjoy! Host Amit Paul
Paul Weinfield (Spotify, webpage) musician, coach, teacher and more. Paul wrote a text about the heroes journey that grabbed Amit. This is a wonderful conversation about things like surrender, growth, truth, what it means to be human. But not in a high flying, abstract way, this is tangible, close and personal. Check the links if you're curious about Paul's work. Enjoy the conversation! Host: Amit Paul
Glenda Eoyang is the founder of the Humans Systems Dynamics Institute ( They have been working on human systems development for several decades teaching courses and developing tools for agency and collective action in the liminal times we are in. This is a gem of a conversation. Glenda provides some valuable frames from the institutes work on how to manage and navigate in the current times and we speak about difference, paradigm shifts, questions that make a difference, baker folds, non-linear dynamics and stances we can take to be of service to the transformation. Enjoy! If you are interested in the HSDs newsletter send a note to info[at]
This is a bit of a change of pace. Jonathan Chadwick (who was a guest in EP 101) offered me to think out loud and structure my thoughts which I accepted gladly. The outcome is this open, explorative conversation where I get ot unfold and compost some ideas that can hopefully generate resonance and inspiration in you. Host Jonathan Chadwick. Guest: Amit Paul. If you want to connect with Amit you can find more about him on Enjoy.
This episode is an intermezzo. It is an audio version of Amit Pauls and Eric Lichtmans article in the Unpsychology Magazine 10: Edges: To move in spaces where worlds shift. Enjoy!
Ida Faldbakken (⁠LinkedIn⁠), CEO of KatapultX and co-founder of ⁠Katapult Future Fest⁠, and I had a deep inquiry into what it is to gather, what it's for and what it means to not waste peoples time. We also spoke about what it takes to break our habits, like what if the people on stage are there to propagate the conversation off stage, what if these contexts do not have to scale in themselves and can still continue to scale their impact in the world, what does it mean to work at the peak of ones capacity - what does it mean to stop when we're not at capacity? This is a rich conversation about our current challenges seen through the lens of gatherings. Enjoy!
Manish Jain, founder of ⁠Swaraj University⁠ and ⁠Ecoversities Alliance⁠ is this weeks guest. We spoke of alternatives to education, why education as we think of it today may be one of the root causes of the metacrisis rather than a solution for it and we spoke of reclaiming learning and knowledge. The treachery of language like 'first generation learners' and types of knowledge - spelling goat vs herding them and which is more knowledgeable for instance. We also speak of how come,outside of our culture, not everything has a price. This is a rich and deep conversation that will have you rethinking everything you knew about education.
Grace Rachmany of the Voices of humanty, Priceless DAO, DAO leadership and many more projects is this weeks guest. We spoke of democracy and the state of it, we spoke of decision making, what happens to a society that has the monetary system as it's primary social structure. We speak of value, commons, technology and responsibility. This conversation is a deep and thoughtful one that points to the many possibilities of what reshaping our societies entails. Enjoy! Link to extended shownotes (Substack)
Tanuja Prasad (LinkedIn) and I had a conversation about her work in regenerative investments. We talked about the spirit of investments, the driving force behind investment up until this point, how to transcend the extractive paradigm and shift away from the control and force as the governing principles towards something more generative. Tanuja and I spoke of the Systems view of life and how it’s influenced our work and thinking. This is a conversation that is profound and subtle. It works with a new set of metaphors and concepts with the ambition to reinvent the fundamentals of investing for a regenerative paradigm. Enjoy!
Eva Karlsson (LinkedIn), CEO of Houdini Sportswear visited the podcast. We got to talk about solutions that are not solutions, the planetary boundaries in business, measurement, common sense, why joy at work is a radical thing to focus on. We also spoke of the benefit of having a strict set of design boundaries to work with, spoler: it spurs creativity. We also spoke about responsibility in business and working in synergy with the living planet. Host: Amit Paul Extended shownotes (Substack)
Jeremy D Johnson visited the podcast a second time after 2 years (website). This was a deep and curious conversation about change all the way down. We spoke of emergence happening in the middle, the idea of slowing down, the importance of hesitation, temporics of attention, the awakening of the relational (integrated) worldview in younger generations. We also spoke of this notion of the potential for creative responses in the fisures, in those moments when our habits no longer meets the worlds we live in. Jeremy is a master with words and this is a beautiful weaving that provided me with lots of insight. Enjoy! Host: Amit Paul Extended shownotes (Substack)
Eric "Zippy" Harris-Braun, founder of Holochain, had a conversation about Holochain, agent centric vs data centric blockchains, the power of Holochain as one of the components of the DNA for social organisms. We speak about money and why it is not a very wholesome storage of value. We speak of gramatic capacity and LLMs as grammar deducers, the importance of membranes as well as consent. We also speak about the weave as a new beginning for the decentralised web. Enjoy! Host: Amit Paul
Jeremy Akers from Gospel of change (Substack, X, LinkedIn) came by the podcast. We spoke of liberating structures, how to acheive coherence in groups and why that is crucial for the times we live in, game design and how that may take us forward. This is a conversation that orients towards the practical with some concrete tools and possibilities to look at for shifting habits. Enjoy! Host Amit Paul Extended shownotes (Substack)
Another solo episode with some pressing reflections that wanted to come out. I reflect on the myths of separation, control and survival. Also invite you to consider the Relax, Repurpose and Remember triad that Innrwrks is working on. Most of all I invite you to be with the very challenging (and rewarding perspective): If everything in this world is as its supposed to be - what are we invited to learn? Some of the resources that I touch upon: Episodes from World of Wisdom podcast Karl-Erik Edris, Michel Bauwens. Blogs: Temporal weaving as a practice, My substack, World of Wisdom substack. Other resources: Johnathan Rowson, Caring Economics (Eisler), Innrwrks... enjoy! Extended shownotes (Substack)
Karl-Erik Edris came by for a second conversation (here's the first from nov 2023). This time we spoke of the rise of fall of civilizations, where we currently seem to be in this current change, the axial age, the fall of the roman empire, Jesus, modernity and what might be coming next. What is it that our current ways of treating eachother and the planet can teach us? What are we invited to learn? If you are one of us that is looking for the 'smoke' that connects the real world and language as Karl-Erik puts it this is definitely a conversation for you. Enjoy. Host: Amit Paul Extensive shownotes (substack)
Nora Willhelm (web, linkedin) founder of the well, co-founder of Collaboratio Helvetica, alumn of the European youth parliament and much more came by the podcast. This is a specific and hands on conversation about what it takes to be one of those longing to bridge the existing system towards what is to come. The costs of being a bridge, why systemic work particularly is difficult to navigate and a whole host of concrete tips for those on the path towards working systemically. (Here is the Tedtalk about daily leadership.) Enjoy! Host: Amit Paul Extended shownotes (Substack)
Michel Bauwens (Substack⁠ and ⁠X⁠) is a thought leader and researcher in the space of commons. Also the founder of the P2P foundation. We speak of the state of the commons, dive into the pulsation of the commons, the rise and fall of civilizations, and much more. Michel makes a beautiful argument for why we are currently moving towards a time when communities will again steward commons in ways that has not been deemed efficient for some time and why the state+market structure we are currently in is crumbling under it's own weight. Enjoy! Host: Amit Paul Extended shownotes (substack)
Audrey Fillon and Victor Vorski came on the podcast and we spoke of Gathering. They are co-creating the Gathering of the Tribes (links: Gathering of Tribes' website, LinkedIn, YouTube channel, Instagram, Newsletter) It was a beautiful conversation touching on the technology of gathering, the need for breaking silos, the Project, what these times are asking of us, why systems thinking is not really a discipline, the importance of practice and action and much much more. Enjoy! Host: Amit Paul
Amanda Argo Efthimiou (webpage, LinkedIn, instagram) is specialized in integration of peak experiences and altered states with a background in Neuroscience. We speak of integration as an ongoing process, how cultural context is critical in understanding how we think about integration. We speak of how to retain the potency of a peak experience and how to think of time during integration, as well as ones integration practice. This conversation introduces a whole new perspective on integration on the high level, for those interested in or in need of more hands on guidance look into this conversation as referenced in the episode. Enjoy! Extended shownotes (Substack)
Comments (5)

Stephen Bau

33:40 participatory futures

Mar 1st

Stephen Bau

32:58 The etymology of question, the root, quest

Mar 1st

Stephen Bau

40:44 This is similar to backcasting

Mar 1st

Stephen Bau

Exploring the future from an everyday perspective

Mar 1st

Stephen Bau

Culture as the water that we swim in

Mar 1st