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Strategy Execution

Author: Brett Quinn - Founder & CEO of StrategyX

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Strategy Planning and Execution advice designed to help business leaders exceed their goals and live a life full of opportunity.
19 Episodes
3-Way financial forecasting helps get a closer look at cash flow, P&L, and balance sheets. This helps the decision-making process, by assessing a company’s financial future.  75% of all businesses fail. StrategyX is on a mission to stop that. Enter our monthly giveaway for up to 10 FREE user subscriptions with an annual value of US$3000. Apply here: Visit our Website:
Do you spend your days fighting fires and dealing with unexpected issues? Find out how to break that cycle.
Success Factors Help You Conquer Your Goals. To achieve your business goals, you need to have a specific way to measure those goals so you can tell at any time if you're succeeding or failing which will, in turn, assist in determining the best course of future action. Learn how to establish measure and monitor success factors for your business. You can check out more resources that will help you achieve operational excellence at
Many businesses owners and leaders want to shift to being a transformational leader but can’t because they have too much on their plate. Automation and StrategyX can help you solve this issue.
No business is entirely devoid of risk. Some types of business risks are more consequential than others. But all of them can cause serious harm if you don’t plan for them at the right time
Think about how to develop your companies culture like this. Imagine you have a glass of water, and you place one drop of blue ink in that glass of water. Initially, the first drop of ink doesn't change the colour of the water. But after you add two or three more drops, the water starts to change colour. The clear glass of water is your organisation and the ink drops are your new, desired culture.
Developing a values statement is critical to your company culture. It’s more than just inspiring quotes slapped onto brands with no relationship to the business whatsoever. Instead, values statements are expressions crafted to reflect the core principles that motivate your employees. Book a Demo with us here if you want us to demonstrate how we can help you establish an affordable, world-class strategy planning and execution framework: Did you know 75% of all businesses fail? We’re on a mission to change that. That’s why we’re giving away 10 FREE user subscriptions with an annual value of US$3000 every month to help businesses plan and implement their strategy. Apply here:
Most businesses struggle with their goal-setting process. At StrategyX, we uncomplicate the complicated. Listen to our step-by-step guide to goal-setting. Book a Demo with us here if you want us to demonstrate how we can help you establish an affordable, world-class strategy planning and execution framework: Did you know 75% of all businesses fail? We’re on a mission to change that. That’s why we’re giving away 10 FREE user subscriptions with an annual value of US$3000 every month to help businesses plan and implement their strategy. Apply here:
Too many new business owners find writing a mission statement overwhelming or see it as an afterthought. It not only ends up at the bottom of their to-do list, but their business suffers as a result. After listening to this episode you'll hear us refer to this subscription giveaway. Feel free to click here to apply:
Why do companies need a good vision statement? Doing business, is tough, in business you’ll fail more than you’ll succeed, you’ll get knocked over at every corner and you’ll think about quitting on more days than you’ll be able to count….a solid vision statement will keep you going, it will help you get back up, it will be the light at the end of the tunnel and it will keep you focused during the toughest times.
Too often business owners want to improve their business but they don’t know where to start. Here’s how to do it and gain a competitive advantage at the same time. Focus on developing core competencies. Check out our blog for the full transcript at:
Scoreboards are critical for the effective management of any business, but not enough people use them. Find out how to set up scoreboards to help you achieve your goals. If you would like to gain more visibility over your strategic goals, get in touch. StrategyX has built-in scoreboards to help you track progress against your strategic goals.
Understanding your core business is essential to improving the way you generate revenue today and the way your business will generate revenue well into the future. See the full transcript on our blog here:
You may have heard about the “Five Ps” or Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.  Aside from it making sense at face value, there is so much merit in this acronym that may not be obvious at first glance. Let’s look at what prior planning really does for high performance. Every person has the same 24 hours in a day, and yet, some people manage to get a lot more value out of their time.  So what is it that these people do differently? Well, they choose wisely what they will focus on for the day.  More importantly, they choose what not to do.
Every day, leaders must be doing three things. First: clarifying what they want as an outcome. Second: providing constant support and coaching. And third, and probably the most important of all, holding people accountable by using consequences carefully. Book a demo of the StrategyX platform to see how we help businesses turn effort into results:
Employee engagement can be defined as the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization, and put discretionary effort into their work. Discretionary effort! I consider it the secret sauce of engagement. When employees go out of their way to get a job done – without waiting to be told what to do next – you know you’re experiencing engagement.
In business we hear this all the time, “We need to be aligned.”  Have you wondered why alignment is so important?
One of the most important factors in achieving your goals is having a clear direction for where you want your company to go. It’s also the #1 principle for implementing a world-class strategy execution framework.
There are five essential elements for turning hard work into business results. This is true regardless of the industry or business you operate in.  If you master these five things, you will be on your way to success.
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