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The Fritz Boyz Podcast

Author: Fritz Boyz Network

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McGill and Nanner come together once a week to talk cults, modern pirates, Viking queens, legal drugs, plagues, Australian bushrangers, respectable chefs, fake marital artists, scams, and many other wild stories & happenings in society (then & now). Nanner's nihilism and McGill's blind optimism make for a fritzin good time, so sit back and enjoy!
85 Episodes
Ep. 78: Carlo Gesualdo

Ep. 78: Carlo Gesualdo


Who doesn't like true crime? According to totally accurate information we see on Instagram, bingeing on true crime means you might be a psychopath. We say binge away. In our opionin someone who brutally murders his wife and her lover upon discovering them in flagrante delicto is more of a psychopath than your run of the mill 20-40 year old modern era woman (or man) with a Netflix account.Carlo Gesualdo is not a household name by any means, but his music has managed to stand the test of time. It's somewhat mind boggling how much of a footnote his crime is in the story of his life. October equals spooky season and for the Fritz Boyz that means even more spooky season themed episodes are on the way. Enjoy!
Its another TFTF!!!! In this captivating tale, The Boyz go back to the early 00's. Mcgill recalls one of his first run ins with the law, and ponders if he was indeed set up over a case of beer. The next tale we wi ll leave to your imagnation, but it involves drugs, money, and mexican gangbangers.
The Boyz despise R Kelly and I'm sure you do too. In this episode The Boyz go over the life, times, and crimes of R Kelly. The man had it all. Money, talent, fame, and probably the choice of any adult women he wanted. But Kellz had a dirty not so secret secret. Kellz liked young girls, and through his career he would commit a laundry list of crimes that would eventually end up with him being locked up for a long time.
Whether you're still struggling to pay the bills with the old 9 to 5. Or your degree in Philosophy didn't immeditaely land you a six figure job. Gig work could potentially be the answer to your problems. It's true you can be your boss and make a decent amount of money "working" for Instacart and/or Doordash, but is it worth it in the long run? You're going to put miles on your car. You're going to deal with ungrateful and demanding customers. All for just over $20/hr (depending on your location).Nanner and McGill have spent years picking up Doordash orders and shopping for Instacart, so they've been through it all. Take a listen to this episode if your on the fence about signing up for Doordash, Grubhub, Instacart, Shipt, Uber Eats, or any other new app that's just sprouted up in your area. It might be worth the $$$.



Warhammer 40k is a tabletop game that comes with a fritz load of lore. It takes place in the year 40,000 and evrerything is all fucked up. In this episode the Boyz Reminisce about their inroduction to their inroduction to 40K in th 90s, as well as their recent rediscovery of the hobby, in this banger of an episode. In the name of the Emperor!!! Waaaagh!! And blood for the blood god!!! and all that.
Ep. 74: YNW Melly

Ep. 74: YNW Melly


We'd imagine some corny reporter has already uttered this line when covering the YNW Melly case, but here it goes anyway: Did YNW Melly have murder on his mind that day in 2018? The lyrics and premise of Melly's "Murder on my Mind", his most popular song, are not doing him any favors as he sits in a Broward county courtroom fighting for his life. The Boyz don't see the death plenty in his future, but who knows what's next in this wild and crazy trial.From Danny Polo to extremely white lawyers sounding down right hilarious as they recite rap lyrics, the case of YNW Melly has it all. At the end of the day was it jealously, money, or Melly's alter ego that led to the deaths of YNW Juvy and YNW Sakkchaser?
Ep. 73: The Opioid Epidemic

Ep. 73: The Opioid Epidemic


This week the boyz are getting serious. The Opioid epidemic has claimed the lives of millions of Americans, including a few that The Boyz have known personally. In fact, I'm sure that you have known quite a few people lost to this scourge. It's a sad subject that we are attempting to bring some bit of levity to, so press that button and get educated, and maybe, just maybe, get a couple chucks in while you are at it.
Ep. 72: Homelessness

Ep. 72: Homelessness


We all fall on hard times. Rent, bills, doordash addiction, it can add up real fast and once you're behind the 8-ball it's difficult to get ahead. Sometimes you need help. What if that help isn't available? What if that doordash addiction turns into crippling drug addiction?People are divided when it comes to the homeless. Some try to spare change when they can. Others look away in disgust. Whether it's a loophole in the local laws or police are so overwhelemed they can't stop the tent cities from popping up all over town. They are popping up more and more these days. The underground world of the homeless continues to expand and they have their own rules, culture, and even hieracrhy.Join Nanner and McGill for a look into that world. It can get a little grimey.P.S. Johnny Bobbit from the GoFundMe scam is still a clown whether he's homeless or not.
This week The Boyz are asking the hard hitting questions: how did Hitler Bone??? From allegations of poop sex and micro peens, to the more bland tales of normal sex on a couch, we're gonna examine the different stories about the sex life of the most hated man in history. This is a suprisingly loaded topic. Hit that play button and get yourself informed about Hitler's sex life!
Ep. 70: Legal Highs 3

Ep. 70: Legal Highs 3


For the third installment of the Legal Highs series we're talking about betelnut, Benadryl, and a lethal combination that is hitting the streets relentessly. Said combination reminds us a lot of another deadly substance from Russia that we covered awhile back. Judging by the amount of other "legal" highs out there you can bet your bottom dollar this won't be the last of this series.Enjoy, and thanks for listening!
Skateboarding is obviously not a crime. Apparently trespassing in order to go skateboarding is a crime. Add some graffiti and overly aggressive bored local cops, and you have the latest Tales From The Fritz. This story took place back in the Boyz high school days at a skatepark that was a bigger let down than getting laid for the first time. It didn't take long for the township to realize what a giant waste of money said park was, so before you know it the gates were closed forever.The fence wasn't all that diffcult to climb and that meant sessions were going to continue. Nobody wants to skate a crappy park they have to pay for, but you might as well skate a crappy park for free. One fateful day the cops decided they had enough. With a hotheaded detective flying into the park it quickly became fight or flight. Nanner and McGill both selected flight and went their separate ways. Hear how it all played out...
Rodrigo Duterte has to be the most honest politician to ever walk the face of the Earth. As the mayor of a major city in The Phillipines Duterte enacted harsh drug laws and may or may not have established a death squad to deal with the drug problem. Human rights groups have pinned thousands of corpses to Duterte. When he ran for President (and won) he promised the deaths of millions. Learn more about the mass murdering mayor/president of the Phillipines right now by clicking that play button!!
McGill & Nanner discuss the cam model industry and whether it's better than porn. For some it must be, because its a thriving industry that translates to massive amounts of income. Unfortunately, it can also tear families apart. Ask yourself what kind of clown spends hundreds of thousands of dollars (his parent's & sibiling's money) on a site that allows him to talk to a woman that he'll most likely never meet? Grant Amato is that clown and his story is one that ends in tradegy, but not really for him. It makes you wonder how many other Grant Amatos are out there.COVID launched OnlyFans into the stratosphere and by proxy the cam model industry. What does that mean for the future of dating? What does that mean for the future of sex? Let's find out.
The Gaylord's were a predominatly white gang that was based in Chicago, mostly active during the 70s and 80s.In this episode the boyz look at the origins of the gaylords and try to figure out who these ridiculious people are and what they did. The gaylords were not a typical gang concerened with just making money. These guys had values (even thouh they were pretty racist), they fought to preserve their way of the life. Racism, gentrification, and turbelent times are the main factors in the gaylord's existence.
Tales From The Fritz: 01

Tales From The Fritz: 01


Join Nanner and McGill for episode one of Tales From the Fritz. A new series featuring a story from the lives of the Boyz themselves. Our first story comes from McGill's first year in the US Navy. Back in 2007 he was a military cop stationed in Bahrain. One crisp morning as McGill and his section were preparing for another 12 hour day of guarding the base from the bad guys, a call of "SHOTS FIRED, SHOTS FIRED.." came over the radio.When they arrived at the barracks where the call came in from, they were meet with a grisly scene, and a M. Night stlye twist that nobody saw coming. Press play and enjoy the story.
Imagine you just spent 10s of thousands of dollars to climb Everest. After months of intense preparation, you travel across the globe to shoot your shot at the majestic behemoth that is Everest. You get there, suffer your way all the way to the summit, only to get trapped in a blizzard on the way down. Your elation turns quickly to terror and disbelief. As you struggle to see in the white-out conditions you can only think of your family. You told them you would be careful and that everything would be okay. Now its looking like that was a lie. Unable to see anything, you attempt to take cover behind a stone in hopes that it will provide some type of protection from the 70 MPH winds. This is the position that many climbers found themselves in during that fateful day in 1996 ...On May 10th, during the height of the 1996 climbing season, a sudden and severe blizzard blew through Mount Everest, trapping 33 climbers in the death zone of the mountain. The result was the death of 8 climbers. What exactly took place has been hotly debated and the boyz are gonna try to get to the bottom of it. So journey back to Everest with us and enjoy this dramatic tale of courage, tradgedy, and triumph.
Ep. 65: FTX

Ep. 65: FTX


We'll be honest with you guys, we don't know much about crypto. McGill invested in Dogecoin awhile back, but then some clown went on SNL and ruined everything. One thing we do know is you can't use investors money to fund a "separate" failing company. Apparently Sam Bankman-Fried and his goofy ex-girlfriend weren't aware of that. If you take one look at these two you probably wouldn't think this story involves billions of dollars, sex, drugs, and the Bahamas. Believe it or not you'd be wrong.Do you think they set out to scam everyone from the beginning? Or was this simply a situation that got WAY out of hand and they were doing whatever they could to get back on track? Let's find out together.
Ep. 64: The GoFundMe Scam

Ep. 64: The GoFundMe Scam


After High School we all go our seperate ways. Some of us go to college, some go to the military, and in some cases a few of us make up a barely believable story so thousands of people donate money in the hopes of helping a homeless man with a heart of gold who didn't actually do what people believe he did.Back in 2017 the world was introduced to the story of Katie McClure, her boyfriend Mark D'Amico, and said homeless man, our boy Johnny Bobbitt Jr. Bobbitt gave Katie his last $20 for gas when he saw that she was stranded on the side of I-95. It didn't take long for the scheme to unravel, but not after the trio made away with $400k in GoFundMe donations. Once the truth was out the world was shocked.Not as shocked as Nanner and I, because we went to High School with Katie McClure. Hear what we think of our former classmates shady plot and how the Fritz Boyz would have dealt with old Johnny Bobbitt (aka The Weak Link).
In late 1800's Australia following an incident with a cop, a bushranger by the name of Ned Kelly and his boys went on a "rampage". Robbing banks, killing policemen (and a snitch), and just being all around gnarly dudes.Rampage is in quotations above, because it depends on whose side you're taking in this case. Yes, Ned Kelly and his gang did evade, rob, and kill, but what were their options? We're talking about a time where stealing a pig would get you sent thousands of miles from home to serve time on a wild mostly untamed island that is new to the English empire, aka Australia. Imagine what they'll do to you if you alledgedly shoot at a cop while he's attempting to arrest your brother.This one ends with one of the most infamous of last stands, so join us today for the story of Ned Kelly & The Kelly Gang.
Young love can be a pretty magical thing. But it usually doesnt end well. In the end, someone always gets hurt. No where is this exemplified better than the short lived relationship between Sex Pistols Bassist Sid Viscious and his girlfriend, Nancy Spungen. As we know, this infamous relationship ended with Nancy lying on the floor of the Chelsea Hotel with a knife sticking out of her stomach. A few months later Sid himself would also be dead of a drug overdose.This week we take a look at both the life of Sid and Nancy, as well as their untimely endings. This isnt a romantic story (contrary to popular belief), or a sexy one, Sid Viscious was not a good dude, and Nancy was an insanely troubled person. That being said, it is one hell of a story.Oh ... also, dont do heroin.
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