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The Retirement Tax Podcast

Author: Steven Jarvis and Benjamin Brandt

Subscribed: 58Played: 1,534


The Retirement Tax Podcast is your place to learn how to sand the rough edges off your 6 or 7 figure income tax bill the IRS expects you to pay over the course of your retirement. Hosts Benjamin Brandt, CFPⓇ , and Steven Jarvis, CPA bring you tax topics you can take action on. Leveraging their combined decades of experience in the financial planning and accounting worlds they share their insights and answer your questions.
67 Episodes
Summary: In this episode Steven and Ben are back together and answering questions sent in by great listeners like you. Covering a variety of topics Ben and Steven take the time to give specific answers to these situations along with broader insight that will benefit everyone listening in. Stay tuned to the end as Steven and Ben talk about tax filing statuses, 529 plans and creative ways to use them along with 1031 exchanges and rental properties. You can submit your own question at
Continuing the theme of sharing lessons learned from recent client conversations, Steven and Ben share common things they see on tax returns that are just as commonly areas for confusion and questions. The tax code can feel like a mystery but with a little help it can be less intimidating. The guys share some of the things they regularly see, like foreign income and business deductions for non-business owners, that might have you scratching your head if you've never encountered them before. Listen in as Steven and Ben shed some light on things you may have always wondered but didn't know who to ask.
In this episode our dynamic duo is back for more tax fun as Ben wrapped up his spring surge and Steven is passed the tax filing deadline. Fresh off of so many client meetings they both have stories to share and questions to answer. This episode's discussion focuses on what to do if you (or someone you know or are responsible for) haven't filed your taxes...maybe in a few years even. The good news is that it is unlikely any is going to jail, it's just time to get things caught up and back on track.  
In a special episode this week Steven is joined by a tax professional who doesn't do any tax preparation. Kristine Stevenson is an Enrolled Agent who previously worked for the IRS and now specializes in tax resolution work. Steven and Kristine talk about what tax resolution work includes and when it might be something a taxpayer needs to pursue. They also discuss what it's like working for the IRS and how their systems and communications work. This interview was originally recorded on Steven's podcast for Financial Advisors.
This week's episode is a special one in that Steven is not being joined by a CPA or CFP. Steven's guest this week, Ashley Quamme, is actually a Fractional Financial Behavior Officer (don't worry, they talk about what that is) and specializes in helping financial planning firms go beyond the numbers and understand how their clients think, feel and do money. Steven and Ashley explore the science behind some of the things Steven has learned and does in his own practice and the advice he shares with Advisors. This is an incredibly insightful conversation that will give you a different angle for improving your tax and financial planning skills. This interview was originally recorded on Steven's podcast for Financial Advisors.
Benjamin Brandt is back on the join this week and rejoins Steven Jarvis to talk tax topics that are relevant in April. Whether you've already filed your return or still need to get it across the finish line the guys have some great information for you. They also dive into what it means to file an extension and when it makes sense to do just that (spoiler, Steven regularly files an extension for his own taxes). And they cover some of the things you should be on the lookout for before you get your heart too set on amending a return.
In this episode resident "Least Boring CPA" Steven Jarvis wraps up his walkthrough of a 1040 providing insight and information to make sure you understand your tax return. Steven covers both technical details as well as reminders on what might be most relevant to you and changes to watch out for from year to year. This is as "hands on" as a podcast episode can get so be sure and follow Steven's recommendation to have your own tax return handy as you listen to this great episode.
In this episode resident "Least Boring CPA" Steven Jarvis continues taking you through the first part of a 1040 providing insight and information to make sure you understand your tax return. Steven covers both technical details as well as reminders on what might be most relevant to you and changes to watch out for from year to year. This is as "hands on" as a podcast episode can get so be sure and follow Steven's recommendation to have your own tax return handy as you listen to this great episode.
In this episode resident "Least Boring CPA" Steven Jarvis takes you through the first part of a 1040 providing insight and information to make sure you understand your tax return. Steven covers both technical details as well as reminders on what might be most relevant to you and changes to watch out for from year to year. This is as "hands on" as a podcast episode can get so be sure and follow Steven's recommendation to have your own tax return handy as you listen to this great episode.
In this episode your favorite "least boring" tax podcast hosts are back to sort out the truth on the internet. Sharing some recent tax articles they read, Steven and Ben dive into a specific example of when the internet gets it wrong and some general advice on how to make sure you know what is actually true online. This isn't about dragging anyone through the mud, Steven and Ben both give examples of times they've gotten things wrong, but it's important to commit to life long learning and always improving.
Tax Potpourri Ep.57

Tax Potpourri Ep.57


In this episode your Least Boring Tax Podcast hosts cover a variety of tax topics including unusual ways to use the IRS's 60-day rollover rules on IRAs. As always Ben and Steven pull from real experiences serving real clients to share ways you can better understand your own tax situation and proactively plan for the future to sand the rough edges off your Retirement Tax bill.
Ben and Steven are kicking off 2024 by helping you wrap up 2023 and look to the future. Just because the calendar flipped over doesn't mean we can forget about 2023 quite yet. Make sure you are keeping track of important deadlines and on the look out for the tax documents you or your tax pro will need to get your 2023 tax filing done. Taxes will hopefully NOT be the most exciting part of your 2024, but small consistent actions over time will help make sure they are a little less painful this year.  
Going back to the most popular episode of the year of The Least Boring Tax Podcast as Steven and Ben discussed all things Medicare and everyone's least favorite tax relative: IRMAA. You hear the acronym all the time but our dynamic duo took a few minutes to dive into how IRMAA really works and the important things to keep in mind when IRMAA starts effecting you.
In this episode Ben and Steven have a less technical discussion and instead focus on the importance of mindset and perspective when it comes to planning. The words we use can make all the difference on the success of a plan and our ability to really consider changes we may need to make. Ben and Steven also talk about a recent live webinar they did together and some of the highlights of what was discussed there.  
03In this episode Ben and Steven discuss some real life examples of how things can go wrong with the IRS. This isn't meant to be doom and gloom, they share how you can be proactive and avoid getting into trouble, and best practices for what you should do if the IRS does ever have questions about any of your tax returns. At the end of the day applying the "straight face" test and keeping great records are your keys to success.
Thanks in part to an article that kept being sent to Steven, he and Ben share their thoughts on what the true value of Roth accounts can be and how to sift through the "noise" on the internet (that Steven refers to as garbage at one point in the episode). Tax planning is situation specific so Ben and Steven talk about the clients they typically work with and how it is going to make the most sense to look into Roth options. Stay to the end for their thoughts on what Congress might do in the future with Roth rules.
In this episode Ben and Steven give a preview of the upcoming live webinar on October 25th centered around planning for the inevitable passing of the first spouse. It may not be a fun topic to think about but there are a lot of important planning considerations when it comes to your life and legacy. From how your tax situation will immediately change to proactively disclaiming assets our hosts share valuable insight and an invitation to join a live session to learn even more.
In this episode Ben and Steven compare their approaches to the speed limit (they recently took a road trip with their families) and how that is different from how they look at filing their taxes. They are serious when they say "pay every dollar you owe", tax planning is not trying to see what you can get away with. Our hosts go through an entire list of potential ways to increase your risk of audit and share similar wisdom for most of these areas: do the right thing and keep great records.
In this episode Steven and Ben are back to share the latest from the IRS on where they are seeing fraud and scams happen. Hopefully none of these apply to you but it's always good to know what to be on the look out for so you can be one step ahead of the "bad guys". Steven and Ben share their insight on which ones on the IRS's list you should keep an eye on and how to make sure you keep yourself protected.
This episode was prompted by a Financial Advisor's question who follows along with Ben and Steven (there are always new things to learn, even for professionals!). Join the discussion as our hosts talk through the details you need to know and the actions you can take so you are getting the most out of this incredible tax savings tool. Listen through to the end so you can hear the question and answer so you are better prepared to understand the options when an HSA holder passes away.