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Reinvented After 40

Author: Kym Showers

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Reinvented After 40 is a podcast for women over 40 who want to take responsibility for their own lives and stop depending on others to make them happy.

Join Certified Life Coach, Kym Showers each week, as she shares the practical strategies, tools and tips she used to re-invent her own life after she turned 40.

This podcast is designed to help you create a life that you love living by teaching you how to manage your thoughts and feelings which will create transformational actions and results in every area of your life.

So, if you’re ready to live a happy, vibrant, love-filled life, this is the show for you!

For more information about the podcast and Kym Showers visit
143 Episodes
You don't need anybody besides yourself. In the second half of life, the secret to living a happy, thriving, empowered life is to fully embrace the power you have and start moving away from codependency. So are you ready to start becoming fully responsible for your own happiness and being your own superhero?   Tune in this week to be your own superhero. I discuss how we've been raised and socialized to be codependent, why only you can be responsible for your own happiness, and you'll learn how being your own superhero means a better life with more fulfilling relationships.   Get full show notes and more information here:
We play it safe and throw in a mix of pessimism and reality for safe measure in our daily lives. But why not go all-in on everything great that could happen? I am unreasonable in my optimism every single day in how I show up to my world and think on purpose, and I have yet to see a downside to living in this way.   Learn what it means to be unreasonably optimistic, why women in the second half of life tend to play it safe, and how being unreasonable in my optimism has completely transformed my life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
We all use the word ‘busy,’ usually without a second thought. It’s just how we’re used to feeling, right? It’s a word we’ve picked up along the way and never questioned, but I’m urging you to drop it from your vocabulary. I believe that being ‘busy’ has no real direction or purpose, and that’s why I’m inviting you to start being productive instead.   Learn the power of being productive rather than being busy. I’m showing you why there is no room for being busy if you want to live a life of intention, how I curate productive days on purpose, and what happens when you feel like you have a generous amount of time, space, and energy in your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
139. You Can Do It

139. You Can Do It


At 63 years old, I’m committed to the idea that I do anything I want. I normalize showing up for myself, getting crystal clear on what I desire most, and telling myself that I can do even the hardest things, and I want you to know that you can do it too.   Learn why I believe you can do anything you want, and how you can do so much more than what you think you’re currently capable of. Hear the importance of being your own source of motivation and inspiration, why you have to learn how to be your own coach, and what happens when you feel confident in your mind and body.  Get full show notes and more information here:
I think of my best self as my highest self. I like to know that me being my highest self every day is creating exactly the life I want to live. This is the secret to creating a life that you’re obsessed with, and when you are clear on your and your best self, and how to show up as her every day, it’s possible for you to bring this to the table every single day.   Tune in this week to discover what your best self really looks like. I show you why you are all you need in this world, how to get clear on what’s currently stopping you from loving your life and being the best version of you every day, and you’ll learn how to start showing up as your best self, cheering yourself on.   Get full show notes and more information here:
137. Stop Being Nice

137. Stop Being Nice


If you’re afraid of letting people down or having them judge you, I invite you to stop being nice. There’s so much time and energy wasted on trying to win people over and convincing them of who you are, but you are worth so much more than how other people think about or treat you.   I give you the best news ever, which is that, as women in the second half of life, we don’t have to be nice anymore. Hear the difference between being nice and being kind, how to set yourself free from the trap of trying to be nice, and what happens when you focus on living your dream instead.    Get full show notes and more information here:
If you’re unmotivated and uninspired on a regular basis, you are wasting your life, and I know this is how it feels to you too. Living every day without vision, purpose, or goals is a waste of the beautiful life you’ve been given. So today, I’m offering you hope by suggesting a few simple things you can do to fuel the fire in your belly.   Discover how you might be wasting your life right now and how to start making progress toward the dreamiest life possible. Learn the importance of taking ownership of your life experience, why you are the most powerful person in your life to spark change, and what happens when you make a commitment to your future self.   Get full show notes and more information here:
135. Onward and Upward

135. Onward and Upward


We get to choose to think anything we want to think. This is the beauty of our lives, and I want you to become the watcher of you and your thoughts. When you’re aware of what your brain is feeding you on repeat every single day, you can decide to start disregarding those thoughts that aren’t actually useful for you.   Discover why it doesn’t matter whether a thought is the truth or not, as long as that thought serves you. In this episode, I introduce you to my favorite thought, onward and upward, and I explain to you how this thought is serving me powerfully in my life, motivating me to keep creating new and amazing things.   Get full show notes and more information here:
As my six-month coaching groups come to an end, I love having my clients share their a-ha moments and the most impactful lessons they learned during our time together. One of my clients recently said she was given permission to be happy in our coaching container, and I felt inspired to expand on the power of being happy.   Hear why you must give yourself permission to be happy, the importance of prioritizing the things that bring you happiness, and what happens when you identify and do more of what makes you happy.    Get full show notes and more information here:
You get to decide how you want to show up in the second half of life. Whatever is on the horizon for you, you get to say yes. Everything you want is available to you; it’s all happening, and it’s going to happen whether or not you decide to participate in it. It’s time to step into the energy of ‘it’s all happening’.   Discover why your life is happening, why you need to step into ‘it’s all happening’ energy. I’m discussing why life is scary, how to go after what you want anyway, and you’ll learn how to step into the energy that allows you to say yes to your beautiful life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
When things change, it's easy to slip into a state of worry, feeling pessimistic about what the future holds. However, I truly believe that optimism is the better choice every single time. So if you want to approach the second half of life with more optimism, you're in the right place.   Discover why optimism is the best place to live our life from. I'm sharing why embodying optimism every day is going to take your life where you want it to go, and you'll learn how to avoid pessimism and start intentionally living with optimism, even when it seems like things are going wrong.   Get full show notes and more information here:
I want you to know that your dream life is possible, no matter where you are or what you’re experiencing in your life right now. You probably can’t even begin to imagine how dreamy and wonderful your life could be, but in this episode, I’m showing you what it takes to bring it to reality.   I lay out the work of becoming the most powerful person in your own life. Learn the power of being the only person you need, and what happens when you show up to do the work of putting yourself first, saying no when you mean it, letting go of people-pleasing, and staying in your own lane.    Get full show notes and more information here:
If, like me, you’re in a season of saying big, hearty yeses to your dreams and goals, welcoming and befriending anxiety is a vital skill you must cultivate. The great news is that the presence of anxiety isn’t a problem. It’s just a sign that you’re living a big life, and I’m showing you how to take charge of your anxiety in this episode.    I show you why anxiety isn’t a problem and how I choose to navigate my anxiety. I’m sharing what happens when we feel our feelings instead of pushing them away, how I’ve learned to address the fears my brain offers me, and how you too can acknowledge, respect, and respond to your anxiety.   Get full show notes and more information here:
If you’re a woman in the second half of life who struggles with chronic self-doubt, indecision, or overwhelm, chances are you’re listening to the lies your brain is telling you. If you find yourself on the cusp of a big leap, only to back paddle or quit out of fear, this episode is for you.   Learn what happens when you keep going and never quit on yourself. I’m showing you what it looks like to set yourself free from everything holding you back in the second half of life, and how to become aware of the noise your brain offers so you never let it talk you out of anything you want.    Get full show notes and more information here:
128. Break the Rules

128. Break the Rules


One of the most enjoyable additions to my well-being in the second half of life has been my decision to become a rule-breaker instead of a rule-keeper. I spent my whole life dedicated to being a “good” Christian, mom, wife, friend, and daughter... until I realized these self-imposed rules were keeping me stuck and resentful.   Hear why you must question the rules you no longer want to live your life by and the freedom that’s available to you when you decide to let them go. I’m sharing my experience of breaking rules in my life, what happens when you stop confining yourself to arbitrary rules, and why self-love is key as you change the agreements you hold yourself to.   Get full show notes and more information here:
Learning how to show up and keep showing up for myself has been the secret to becoming the version of myself I am today, and in this episode, I’m guiding you through practicing this for yourself. Showing up for my own sake has given me the dreamy life experience I could only imagine for the longest time, and you’re worthy of it too.   Discover why I believe showing up for yourself is the answer to everything in life, and how to become the version of you who trusts yourself more than anyone else. I’m sharing the benefits I’ve experienced that have come from learning to live in this way, and what you might have to let go of to be the ultimate shower-upper in your own life.    Get full show notes and more information here:
Have you found yourself with less energy lately? It could be that you’re spending way too much time focused on other people's business, which is why this episode is all about staying out of other people's relationships. It’s a big step towards creating a simpler, happier, more streamlined life for yourself!   Learn how you may unknowingly be involved in other people’s relationships, as well as how to stop gossiping and, instead, foster meaningful conversations en route to a more emotionally mature, vibrant, and happy you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
Everything we truly desire in the second half of life is scary. It feels scary to want it, to say it out loud, and to stay committed until we achieve it. If you’re tired of quitting on yourself out of fear and instead are ready to become the boss of your own life, who goes after everything you want as if your life depends on it, you’re in the right place.   Learn three ways to get what you want. Hear why fearless decision-making is a superpower, how to create a consistent plan that sets you up for success, the importance of breaking free from codependency and people pleasing, and some of the amazing things I’ve created from unwavering self-trust.    Get full show notes and more information here:
124. Think Bigger

124. Think Bigger


Our brains are programmed to fixate on all our ‘problems,’ and I’m here to tell you that there’s more available to you than your brain is letting you believe. Focusing on and dramatizing your so-called problems is a huge energy leak that’s taking you in the wrong direction, whereas thinking bigger gives you a dreamy life you’re obsessed with.   Learn what thinking bigger means, and how this practice feeds your goals, wants, and dreams in a way that makes your life experience amazing. Hear what happens when you stop feeding your brain problems and how I’m practicing thinking bigger in my own life every single day.   Get full show notes and more information here:
I’m convinced that being chic and stylish in the second half of life will up-level every single thing about you and how you feel every day. I have found a style that is totally me, and it’s stopped me from feeling stuck, frustrated, and even stressed about how I want to dress.   Discover how embracing style in the second half of life changes everything. I’m showing you how to start considering your own individual style, and you’ll learn to start curating your closet with clothes that represent the woman you’re becoming, not the woman that you once were.   Get full show notes and more information here:
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