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The Transformational Powerhouse Podcast
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The Transformational Powerhouse Podcast

Author: Chelsea Morgan

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Welcome to the Transformational Powerhouse Podcast. I’m Chelsea Morgan from The Collective Therapy. This is a place where I will share my top secrets about how to keep love alive in the year 2000’s 😅 I’ve gathered all the juicy tips from the last 10 years working as a healer, counsellor, teacher, RTT Therapist and serial back to back monogamous relater! My goal is to help transform you into the powerhouse YOU were born to be! 🤛🔥 I believe therapy should be fast and effective, matching our modern way living! Life in the fast lane… LETS DO THIS!
33 Episodes
What part do your emotions play in the outcome of your health? Answer in a ‘nutshell’ = A-LOT. How? Why? It’s all to do with the network of intelligence that happens automatically, running from the stem of your brain, down your spine and communicates with all your organs!
Let’s use cheating as an example, can you ever recover? Why did you go through such contradicting emotions; “ lDon’t leave” to “I never want to see your face again”? What’s the difference between jealousy and envy and how do they dance together? TUNE into the episode. It’s a juicy, info packed episode not to be missed 😊 ( I don’t say that often but I mean it 😉) xoxo
Diving deep into my break up experiences!  Ewww  BUT I have to say that this is truly is the reason why I have a fiery passion within me to help couples!  One of my clients once asked "Why would you want hear listen to peoples shit all day...?" Made me laugh...  Tune in to this episode to hear why. Raw, open and honest! xoxo
Your home. The place where you should feel fulfilled.  This episode describes the energy needed in each room so that you feel comfortable and satisfied in the space. Because of course spaces and the way they make you feel affect your relationships. Sound odd? Have you considered that maybe your not connecting how you would like to as a family because the space is 'breathing' some weird 'woo woo' or vibes. So tune in to hear helpful tips about how to transform and infuse the rooms of your home with the suited energies so that you get the most out of the space.  xoxo
There are patterns within human beings.  We can default to similar limiting beliefs that can break us down and have us looping over past pain.  Defaulting us all straight back to where we don't want to be.  Therefore it’s important for us all to know what this is so we aren’t working against that main engine and executive ‘boss room’; THE BRAIN.  Tune in to hear what the rules of the mind are and the limiting beliefs that we default to! Reach out if you want more information on how this affects your life directly and how you can make the CHANGE
EP 27- What Is RTT?

EP 27- What Is RTT?


Rapid Transformational Therapy ( RTT) is designed by the worlds leading therapist.  A modern form of hypnotherapy used at The Collective Therapy which continues to change lives daily!  Why?  What is it?  How can it help you? Tune in to this episode to hear!
Ever wondered why fear takes over your entire mind and body? Where does fear come from and why?  Tune in to hear some tips about how to recognize fear and then take control of the fear in ‘it’s tracks’ before it takes control of YOU! Reach out if you need any further help
Oh how the War begins when the break up ends! Just at the time when you think it’s over and then maybe it isn’t? Sound familiar? Have you been there?  Tune into this episode which explains why people do what they do in some break up / separation situations. 
Have you ever wondered what happens to the brain and body when we get angry? What chemicals are produced? Why we feel sick in the stomach or have an urge to yell?  I find it fascinating that the body has an intelligence of its own...  Tune in to hear the 'in's and out's' of this bodily 'anger intelligence'.  xoxo
Do you want to hear 5 tips, explained in 5 mins each? Then tune on in. There truly are my juicy relationship tips gathered over the last 10 years. Short, sharp, delivered straight to you. ⭐️Contact me on if you have any further questions! Or follow me on Instagram and click the link in my bio for FREE Ebook and Quiz.
Are you struggling to connect in your relationship? Has the desire faded? And your frustrated because your have tried everything to get it back but your just not on the same page. Parenting and work life has taken over. You bicker at each other and wonder how the heck your going to get tot the finishing line. Well tune on in because GENDER ROLES may be getting in your way. ⭐️Contact me on if you have any further questions! Or follow me on Instagram and click the link in my bio for FREE Ebook and Quiz.
Divorce is soul shattering. It sucks the life out of you and the pain bleeds into all areas of you like. I know you self sabotage, I know you push away the very thing that you want. And more than abuthinh I know that you want it to stop, but how? If this is you then tune on into this episode my darling and I will help you out. I have tangible tips and exercises to DO to set you FREE. And get you on top of life again. Back to you. Back to self trust and self love. Back to self empowerment. I have helped many people bounce back after divorce. You can too xoxo ⭐️Contact me on if you have any further questions! Or follow me on Instagram and click the link in my bio for FREE Ebook and Quiz.
Oh JOY what a wonderful emotion.  It actually in one of the highest vibrating emotions we can have. Yes, emotions also carry energy. Emotion = energy in motion. Everyone wants joy in their life. We need joy to be healthy and happy and live our best life!  So, would you like to know how to cultivate JOY in your life?  Would you like 4 easy things to DO. And live by?  There is an equation 😉 Tune on in to hear it. If you took any value from this episode please share in around, spread the joy!!  xoxo ⭐️Contact me on if you have any further questions! Or follow me on Instagram and click the link in my bio for FREE Ebook and Quiz.
Imagine being in jail for 15 years. In solitary confinement for 18 months. In a cell of 12 by 9 metres, tortured with 24/7 fluorescent light for 114 days, not seeing your mother for 15 years! HOW do you come back from that? How do you integrate back into society? What emotional qualities do you need? TUNE ON IN to hear the answers. It’s raw! And by this time Bob had a few vodkas under his belt so there ain’t no holding back here!
Are you curious about what happens inside jail? Hear it from someone who was inside 12 different jails for accumulative of 15 years. Hear about the daily routines, the torture and the corruption! It’s a wild story! ⚠️ it’s crass, dark, detailed and unedited! All resemblances to names and people are for entertainment 👌🏽
Danielle’s ‘little’ brother Bobby, Incarcerated for 15 years, moved around to 12 different prisons and utterly neglected by the system. 😡 It’s emotional, it’s real, it’s raw! Get on in and listen xoxo
Talk about RAW! A man with a story let me tell you. Tune in to hear about his real and unedited story. His childhood, personality and his ‘attraction’ to crime. In the episodes to come you will hear about what affected his recovery, relationships and transformation after being jailed for 15 years. It’s a goodie and we certainty don’t hold back. Real, raw, crass, cold 👌🏽
KEY TAKE AWAYS…  - How has society / culture and people have tarnished feminism.  - Are you rebellious, obedient or heart led in life and relating? Who’s running the show? You or your inner child?  - How has gender roles affected relationships today.  - The difference between co dependence and independent in relationships. And what that looks like. - The history of gender roles and why the heck they were invented!  ⭐️Becky has been making waves in the self-love and empowerment space in Perth for the last 2 years. Drawing on her former lives as a PT and photographer, Becky sheds light on the Great BMI lie and unpacks the beauty industry and the standards it's held society to for centuries, as well as challenges the archaic “sex education” to create an all-encompassing empowerment experience.     Regardless of journey, body, size, gender persuasion, and goals, we all tend to have a similar internal dialogue of not being enough.     If you ready for a more embodied empowered life, join Becky on her journey to liberate women through her many teachings.  ⭐️Follow Becky on Instagram @beckyfelstead and her website;  ⭐️Contact me on 👇🏼 if you have any further questions!  Or follow me on Instagram and click the link in my bio for FREE E book and Quiz.
Let’s talk about self sabotage and looping behaviours that keep us stuck and feeling not enough, in love and relationships. I know you want to change.  I know you hate the self sabotaging behaviours over and over.  I know it’s not what you want but it happens far too often. It’s addictive.  Why? This episode explains exactly what we keep doing the same thing over and over, destroying ourselves or our relationships YET we don’t want to.  In this episode I give you an exercise to do to set you free of this!  Contact me on if you have any further questions! Or follow me on Instagram and click the link in my bio for FREE Ebook and Quiz. I LOVE to help people  in relationships so it would be my pleasure xoxo
A behaviour or 'act' so commonly experienced but so hugely misunderstood: cheating, infidelity, betrayal. We tend to as human beings put our 'head in the bucket' about subjects that can risk reaction, controversy or awkwardness.  I say bring it on! Because, in order to transform you into the powerhouse you were born to be, we have to start talking about the very thing we don't want to.  Why? What we suppress controls us. My aim for this episode is to create awareness and understanding around cheating, infidelity and affairs, of whatever sort. Because understanding sets us free.  In this episode I address some of the main motives, drivers and reasons people cheat collected over time as a back to back relator and relationship counsellor. As well as some tips in how to navigate the horrid beast of betrayal.  If any of you can relate to this episode please book in a FREE discovery call with me.  LINK IN Instagram BIO where I can help create understanding or help you on your healing process. xoxo
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