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Author: Raphael Davidovich

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My name is Raphael Davidovich. I want these podcasts to explore the deep and practical ideas to be found in Torah and Jewish Tradition.
318 Episodes
This is the message I sent to my community in response to the tragedy in the Holy Land this past week.
Elokai, Neshama

Elokai, Neshama


Exploring the words "Tehora Hee" in the brocha thanking Hashem for our neshama.
Exploring the speech a Jew gives when he brings the first fruits in the Temple. Connected to Pesach Seder
Exploring the haphazard nature of this week's Mitzvos
More on Asher Yatzar: Exploring the dangers of opening a closed door, or closing an open door.
Exploring why we say that our body's functions are "revealed and known before Your Throne of Glory".
Exploring the importance of a system that enforces the right thing
We explored several topics - from issues of tension and controversy in our community, to unzoned shuls, to Jewish Schools that don't teach secular studies, to Moshe hitting the rock etc. We hope you'll enjoy it.
Exploring the nature of the inconvenience that Edom would not let the Jews cut through their territory to enter the Promised Land. Where was Edom 39 years earlier?
Asher Yatzar

Asher Yatzar


Exploring the Bracha a Jew makes after using the bathroom
Exploring Korach's beef with Aharon - and how it influences the way we approach the Torah
Exploring the Maamor: V'Ata Tetzaveh - An essay on Moshe and Mordechai's leadership
The Rebels' Wives

The Rebels' Wives


Exploring the sup-plot of the wives of Korach, Dasan and Aviram, and On ben Peles
Tanya Chapter 47

Tanya Chapter 47


Exploring Tanya Chapter 47, and its connecting the Mitzvah of Krias Shema to the Mitzvah to recall the Exodus.
Wheat and Wine

Wheat and Wine


Exploring why the Torah wants a side order of wheat and wine with each korban
Tanya Chapter 46

Tanya Chapter 46


Exploring Tanya Chapter 46, which teaches us to use the tool of reflecting love back to Hashem. A great tool to appreciating saying Shema.
The Torah of Traveling

The Torah of Traveling


Exploring the shenanigans of being on the road in the Torah - comparing Parshas Behaalosecha and Parshas Beshalach
Acquire Me

Acquire Me


Exploring how a possuk in Parshas Terumah, when repunctuated, redefines the purpose of Mitzvos.
Assessing conflicts Jews have had with one another over the past 3500 years!
Tanya Chapter 45

Tanya Chapter 45


Exploring how having compassion for God leads to loving God
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