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Momma Theologians | Christian Motherhood Ministry

Author: Momma Theologians

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Hey Momma! If you desire deep spiritual formation, in the midst of raising the tiny souls that God has given you, you're in the right place.

Our Christian Mom Ministry is passionate about equipping you to grow in a deeper knowledge and love of God, biblical literacy, theological study, and spiritual formation. Enjoy our narrative and devotional episodes about: Bible study, Bible reading tips, spiritual growth, Christian theology, scripture memorization and more.

Our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We pray God, through His Spirit, will do exactly that!
90 Episodes
“Are you truly praying for thy will to be done,” the preacher asked a rapt congregation, “Or for my will to be done?” My church recently hosted a missions conference where our international and national partners shared their work for God’s Kingdom around the world. For five days, I listened to stories from missionaries and church planters about smuggling Bibles into closed countries, preaching the Gospel to those who had never heard it, and experiencing persecution for the Christian faith. I sat on the edge of my seat as they recounted God’s faithfulness to them in suffering, needs, and endurance. Their testimonies both encouraged my own faithfulness, and yet, caused some discouragement to rise up. I wondered how serving my own little community in the center of the Bible belt could make the same difference in the Kingdom of God. How could I, a mother who works in the home, make an impact on the Kingdom? On the final Sunday morning, one of our international church planters shared an exhortation for our faith family to live on mission wherever we are. He ended with the question above, challenging whether we truly were living our lives for the Kingdom of God. He encouraged us to submit our will to the Father’s by daily praying, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). We’re all kingdom builders. In my home, my primary mission field, I often want to build my kingdom, rather than God’s. I build routines that protect my own comfort rather than provide opportunities for Gospel proclamation. I use my discipline to point to my own control rather than God’s sovereign rule. I create all day long—meals for my family, words for others, activities for my children—expecting to receive glory rather than point to my glorious Creator. I steward my home and family to establish my own kingdom, rather than to further God’s Kingdom. The question is not whether you and I are building a kingdom. It’s whose kingdom are we building? Because we all are part of the story of the Kingdom. ________________ Practical Takeaways Begin memorizing the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. You can even invite your children to join you! Brainstorm different ways you can go out of your comfort zone to share the Gospel with others. It might be inviting your children into your Bible study time or striking up a conversation with another mom at the park. Read through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 where he describes what the Kingdom of God is like. Prayerful Takeaways Begin each day by praying Matthew 6:10 over your planner and to-do list—that God’s Kingdom would come to earth through your work that day. Pray through the different areas of your life and ministry right now. Ask God how you can join his Kingdom work in each of those areas. Confess ways that you have been seeking to build your own kingdom rather than God’s. ___________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Bethany Broderick Bethany Broderick lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her husband, three-year-old daughter, and one-year-old son. A recovering perfectionist, she writes about resting in God’s grace in the everyday moments of life as a woman, wife, and mother. She is on the blog contributor team at The Joyful Life and has featured articles at Risen Motherhood, Coffee + Crumbs, and Kindred Mom. You can find her words on her personal blog ( and on Instagram (@bethanygbroderick).
Responsibility, exhaustion, and distraction often overshadow the joys of motherhood. Quiet and solitude remain as elusive as the Loch Ness monster. As we pour ourselves out for our children, we struggle to find more to offer our spouses, friends, and God. Wouldn’t it be lovely if the solution consisted of doing less rather than more? What if being mindful of each moment enabled us to refresh our souls and glorify God? __________ Please read the Biblical truths behind this message and declare the awesomeness of our God: As he was now getting near, at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works which they had seen, saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest!” Some of the Pharisees from the multitude said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” He answered them, “I tell you that if these were silent, the stones would cry out.” – Luke 19:37-40 WEB ______________ Momma Theologians Prayerful Takeaways: 1) Start your morning by reading Psalm 148 and 150 and carry that spirit into your day. Actively look for moments of beauty, write them on your heart, and give praise to the Lord. 2) Read and meditate on Psalm 103 and/or 136. 3) Find a few moments to marvel at God’s creation around you. Consider these songs to accompany your solitary worship:  Chris Tomlin’s “I Stand In Awe” featuring Nicole Serrano or “Beautiful Beyond Description” performed by Soul Survivor and Momentum. 4) Challenge yourself to spend time outside each day this week. Try to experience God with all five senses and turn the time into a prayer of praise. If you can’t go outside, marvel over prerecorded sights and sounds from nature. _______________ Momma Theologians Contributor Leslie Klosterman Leslie Klosterman has savored more than a decade as a stay-at-home mother and volunteer. However, she recently took a leap of faith and completed her master’s degree in Christian Spirituality and Formation at Regent University. God has blessed Leslie with three lively sons (a teenager and twins who are eight). Leslie loves God, reading, writing, K-Dramas, dessert, and taking pictures. She also has a passion for ministering to women and children. You can find more of her writing at her personal blog. 
My parents modeled spiritual disciplines, read to us, taught us how to think, and demonstrated repentance. They did this in small, daily moments of faithfulness as well as after intentional planning. It wasn’t complicated, but these four areas became powerful patterns in my life that shaped me and are now shaping my parenting. Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways What are some of the things your parents did well in how they raised you? How might you implement them in your own life? If your parents were not believers and/or didn’t raise you well, how has God led you in your parenting already? How can you grow still further in these things? Brainstorm ways you might apply my four points in your unique family circumstances. Select one or two ideas to try out this week. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR DEVOTIONAL NEWSLETTER TO STAY CONNECTED WITH OUR MINISTRY Go to  Find articles and essays written by mothers just like you as they share stories and reflections about how they grow spiritually in Christ in the midst of motherhood. Join our community on Instagram @mommatheologians __________________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Kyleigh Dunn Kyleigh Dunn is wife to Ezra and mother to three young girls. She reads obsessively, enjoys playing oboe and piano, and seeks to spread awareness of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders in the church and apply theology and biblical encouragement to moms experiencing them. Kyleigh blogs at and can be found on Instagram @kyleighrdunn or Facebook @thesojourningdunns.
I’ve come to realize that most of my identity crises - both regarding  to motherhood and with my spiritual growth - start with comparison. Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways Which one of the verses above speaks most to you? Try to memorize it and use it to protect your mind against destructive thoughts. Is there anyone you especially compare yourself to? If so, how about taking a break from following that person on social media or hanging out? Use the time apart to readjust your expectations of yourself according to God’s Word. You might not be exactly where you want to be yet, but I am sure God has already taken you a long way from where you started. Make a list of things God has done in you and through you Momma Theologians Prayerful Takeaways Pray the verse you memorized daily, asking the Holy Spirit to permanently mark it into your soul. Pray for the people you compare yourself with, blessing them. Pray for a deeper understanding of who God called you to be and for alignment with Him. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR DEVOTIONAL NEWSLETTER TO STAY CONNECTED WITH OUR MINISTRY Go to  Find articles and essays written by mothers just like you as they share stories and reflections about how they grow spiritually in Christ in the midst of motherhood. Join our community on Instagram @mommatheologians __________________________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Denise Assis Dos Santos Denise is a pastor, wife, and mother of two boys who wake up way too early every morning. She is a Brazilian living in Oslo, Norway, and speaks Norwegian and English in addition to her mother language, Portuguese. Denise has a burning desire to serve Jesus and to manifest His Kingdom on earth, all while juggling motherhood and a full-time job. You will find her writing, drinking coffee, listening to worship music, and working up the courage to do the dishes.
If you’re anything like me, you probably start your day with hot coffee and short prayers. Lord, give me strength, help me wake up, please make the baby sleep a little bit longer, please be the patience I come up short with. You might be mentally reviewing and ordering your tasks for the day, or you might prefer to wing it. You might be readying children for school or gearing up for “long days of small things” with your littles, as the author and theologian Catherine McNiel so aptly phrases it in her book of the same name. Whatever season of mothering you are in, I imagine your plate is full and your capacity for care might be waning. You are doing all that you can and trusting that God’s grace will provide for all that falls through the cracks, and these days, it may feel like pretty much everything is. Momma Theologians Practical/ Prayerful Takeaways 1.  Ask Holy Spirit to show you if there are any areas in your life where you could more wholeheartedly support the wellbeing of your family? 2. Do something out of the ordinary for your kids—bake them a batch of chocolate chip cookies on a Wednesday afternoon and tell them (and yourself) how delicious God’s love is! 3.  There are 221 references to the word “build” in the ESV translation of Scripture. Spend some time on reading through the verses referencing this word. Pick one Scripture to re-write in your own words, and meditate on what God is showing you through this verse or passage. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR DEVOTIONAL NEWSLETTER TO STAY CONNECTED WITH OUR MINISTRY Go to  Find articles and essays written by mothers just like you as they share stories and reflections about how they grow spiritually in Christ in the midst of motherhood. Join our community on Instagram @mommatheologians ______________ Momma Theologians Contributor Kelsi Folsom Kelsi Folsom is a poet and singer making her home in beautiful Kansas City with her husband and four young children. She navigates the ups and downs of marriage and motherhood with black coffee, her library card, and a no.2 pencil. Her essays and poems are published in Motherly, Coffee and Crumbs, Grit and Virtue, Verily Magazine, Mothers Always Write, Kindred Mom, and elsewhere. She is the author of three collections of poetry, Breaking the Jar (Finishing Line Press, 2022), Buried in the Margins (Finishing Line Press, 2020), and Words the Dirt Meant to Share (Desert Willow Press, 2018). Having lived in multiple countries and moved fourteen times since getting married, Kelsi loves encouraging women to find refreshment and comfort in the moment-by-moment friendship of Jesus Christ. She firmly believes in the power of true worship to foster healing through the embodiment of God’s unconditional love. When she isn’t cooking for family and friends, she enjoys thrifting, reading Bible commentaries, and occasionally putting her B.M. in Voice Performance to good use. Connect with her on IG @kelsifolsom and sign up for her quarterly newsletter The Shameless Beauty Digest.
None of us would admit we view God as a cosmic vending machine who will dole out blessings if we only insert the right coins of our good works.  Yet, here we are, living as though this karma ideology was the gospel truth. Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways  Read Matthew 11:28-30 and praise God for the truths of Jesus’ promises found there. Confess belief in Karma Christianity and pray that God will show you His nearness through your current difficulties. Journal about a difficult time in your past while paying special attention to God’s presence with you and your family. Think of another mom in your life that may be having trouble and pray for her. Ask God how you might support her well during this time. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR DEVOTIONAL NEWSLETTER TO STAY CONNECTED WITH OUR MINISTRY Go to  Find articles and essays written by mothers just like you as they share stories and reflections about how they grow spiritually in Christ in the midst of motherhood. Join our community on Instagram @mommatheologians Our team consists of fifteen writers and Momma Theologians, plus myself,  but it is always a joy to host and steward others’ words in this space to encourage you on in your spiritual growth. If you are a writer and would enjoy the opportunity to be featured on our podcast, just like Elena Limoges is featured on this one, or to have your essay published at Momma Theologians, check out our writer’s and submissions guidelines at: __________________ Momma Theologians Guest Writer Elena Limoges Elena Limoges is a registered nurse turned writer living on the West Side of Chicago. She is passionate about telling stories of God’s goodness, even in difficult situations. She draws on her experience to write in the spaces of mental health and also justice. When she is not caring for her two small sons, you can find her making delicious food, delving into audiobooks, and discovering new coffee shops around the city.
This gives Eve hope: childbearing will be painful, but the womb will be an instrumental tool moving God’s plan of redemption forward. It is a  primary weapon in the war between the seed of the Serpent and the seed of Promise. Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways How does tracing childbearing through Scripture give you hope and comfort in your suffering as a mother, be that miscarriage, infertility, postpartum depression, or wayward children? How does Scripture’s view of childbearing align with your motives for having children and thoughts on family size? Be sure to consider both the creation order and the Great Commission. While you should not feel that motherhood is taking you away from “ministry,” or that you need to do more than stay at home and disciple your children alongside your husband, the priority of spiritual fruitfulness should pull you towards discipling your children and involvement in the body of Christ. How does this challenge or encourage you? Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians _____________ Momma Theologians Contributor Kyleigh Dunn Kyleigh Dunn is wife to Ezra and mother to three young girls. She reads obsessively, enjoys playing oboe and piano, and seeks to spread awareness of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders in the church and apply theology and biblical encouragement to moms experiencing them. Kyleigh blogs at and can be found on Instagram @kyleighrdunn or Facebook @thesojourningdunns.
Christ’s death and resurrection open the door for our salvation. Jesus makes “safe the way that leads on high, and [closes] the path to misery.” God not only makes us new, He drives history forward to the New Heavens and the New Earth, where there is no more sorrow. He works to pull us out of a world of death and decay. Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways Meditate on Psalm 139. We gravitate towards the sections on being fearfully and wonderfully made, but do not neglect the rest of the Psalm, especially the emphasis on God’s constant care of and presence with you. Consider more empathetic alternatives to “it was God’s will,” especially ones that account for the complexity of God’s will. What could you say instead to a friend who has lost her baby? Here are some ideas to get you thinking: I’m sorry you lost your baby. It’s right to grieve your miscarriage. God did not design the world to be this way. Remember how Jesus wept at Lazarus’s tomb? He isn’t indifferent to your pain. God sees your sorrow, hears your cries, and is working to bring death to an end.     3. If you are currently grieving miscarriage, set aside time to lament, honestly bringing your pain before God as you seek to trust Him. For more comfort regarding miscarriage, I highly recommend the book Held, edited by Abbey Wedgeworth, for mom, and the corresponding Ours, edited by Eric Schumacher, for dad. Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians __________________________________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Kyleigh Dunn Kyleigh Dunn is wife to Ezra and mother to three young girls. She reads obsessively, enjoys playing oboe and piano, and seeks to spread awareness of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders in the church and apply theology and biblical encouragement to moms experiencing them. Kyleigh blogs at and can be found on Instagram @kyleighrdunn or Facebook @thesojourningdunns.
Have you ever been downright confused when attempting to read your Bible? Have you ever questioned how you should even read certain parts of Scripture? If so, momma, you’re not alone. An important thing to understand that will tremendously help you know how to read your Bible is genre. Law (Genesis-Deuteronomy, but note these books contain some narrative also). Narrative (Joshua-Esther) Poetry/Wisdom Literature (Job-Song of Solomon) Prophecy (Isaiah-Malachi) Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways Ask these questions to help your study: What does this teach me about God? How does this point to Christ? Therefore, how should this change the way I live? Is there a genre you often shy away from? Study a book from it. Pray! Prayer is powerful in helping us read God’s Word. Pray for understanding. Pray God would help you apply His Word rightly. Even ask God questions as they come up in your reading. Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians _____________________________________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Cassie Pattillo Cassie is a student pastor’s wife, mom to two energetic boys, and hopeful adoptive mom to their daughter, growing in their hearts from India. She’s passionate about biblical literacy, and writing and teaching about Scripture. Currently, she’s pursuing an M.A. in Ministry to Women from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary to better equip her to teach God’s Word. Cassie loves slow mornings with a cup of coffee, a good book on the beach, and Gamecock football. She loves giving Gospel-centered encouragement through writing, which you can find on her blog, Diaries of a Daughter.   TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the   Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Risen   Motherhood, Journeywoman, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian   Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising   Christian Children, Praying Mom, Help Me Teach the Bible,  Metanarrative,  Calling of Motherhood, God's Grace in Motherhood,  Motherhood Encouragement, Bible study, Bible Genre
As Christian parents, we long to keep our children pure. We set guards on our computers, we limit screen time and negative friendships, and we pray our kids will never run into another child, teen, or adult who turns their eyes toward evil things. But inwardly, we wonder: is it is only a matter of time? And many of us have crashed into that moment already. Jesus taught his disciples to be "wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves." (2) But what does that look like? As I've read through the Word with my children, we've stumbled upon several stories that have helped us begin these difficult conversations. Lesson One: Turn away from nakedness. Lesson Two: Look for the way of escape. Lesson Three: Watch, Pray, and Stick Together. Lesson Four: Keep a Daily Check-In. Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians ________________________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Katherine Pittman Katherine Pittman is married to Geoffrey (an itinerant preacher) and homeschooling mom to three. She is the creator of Write the Word on my Heart, a Bible memory curriculum for little ones; and co-host of the Books and Parchments podcast. When they’re not on the road, the Pittmans make their home in central Virginia, gathering with and serving among the saints at Richmond Christian Fellowship. Connect with Katherine on Instagram, Facebook, or her blog. TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the   Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Risen   Motherhood, Journeywoman, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian   Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising   Christian Children, Praying Mom, Help Me Teach the Bible,  Metanarrative,  Calling of Motherhood, God's Grace in Motherhood,  Motherhood Encouragement, Sexual Purity, Momma Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality, Raising Christian Children, Difficult Conversations with Children
Wisdom begins with a right attitude toward God, one that leads us toward  Him and keeps us close to Him. Whatever choices we face in the day about how to apply God’s word and walk rightly before Him, if our  decisions flow from fear, reverence, and love for God, we will walk in wisdom. We can cultivate this attitude many ways, such as time in His  Word, fellowship with believers, and worshiping God in church and at home. Wisdom is rooted in faithful discipleship. Momma Theologians Prayerful Takeaways Read and reflect on 2 Chronicles 1. In what areas of life do you feel daunted or unsure of your ability to fulfill the responsibilities on your shoulders? Pray for wisdom in these areas. Meditate on the fear of the Lord and spend time contemplating His character in reverence and awe. One encouraging passage might be Nehemiah 9, in which the Israelites are praising God and confessing their sins. Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians ____________________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Amy Fischer Amy Fischer is a home educating mom of three rambunctious boys. Originally from Indiana, she now resides with her family in northwest England. Amy writes about home education and parenting on her blog, Around the Thicket. She is also the co-host of the Thinking Love podcast, a show about the Charlotte Mason approach to education. When she isn’t chasing after her boys, you will find her reading, writing, or planning her next hike. TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the   Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Risen   Motherhood, Journeywoman, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian   Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising   Christian Children, Praying Mom, Help Me Teach the Bible,  Metanarrative,  Calling of Motherhood, God's Grace in Motherhood,  Motherhood Encouragement, Wisdom, Theology, Biblical Definition 
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). It was Joshua's declaration before the Israelites, and for many of us today, this verse has become our testimony as well. We read it at our weddings. We hang it on our walls. And as we do, we declare: "[we] have decided to follow Jesus," and we're taking our family with us. Almost from the time my husband and I were saved, we served in the church, especially among teens and college students. Eventually, we married; and together, we consecrated our marriage to the Lord. By his grace, we would serve him. Five years into our marriage, we rejoiced when I became pregnant with our first child. But soon, many began to question if we could still serve. Some even expressed dismay. They didn't say it, but the feeling implied was this: our lives would be just too busy to serve with children. Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians _____________________________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Katherine Pittman Katherine Pittman is married to Geoffrey (an itinerant preacher) and homeschooling mom to three. She is the creator of Write the Word on my Heart, a Bible memory curriculum for little ones; and co-host of the Books and Parchments podcast. When they’re not on the road, the Pittmans make their home in central Virginia, gathering with and serving among the saints at Richmond Christian Fellowship. Connect with Katherine on Instagram, Facebook, or her blog. TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the  Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Risen  Motherhood, Journeywoman, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian  Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising  Christian Children, Praying Mom, Help Me Teach the Bible, Metanarrative,  Calling of Motherhood, God's Grace in Motherhood, Motherhood Encouragement, Serving the Local Church in Motherhood, Church Service, Family Serving
While being tempted by the devil in the desert, Jesus says that we won’t live only by bread, but of the words that come out of God’s mouth (Mathew 4:4). He is telling us that we can’t only feed our flesh, but that our spirit also needs food. And not any food, but God’s Word. A balanced spiritual meal can be defined as meditating in the Bible, praying and worshiping. Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways 1) One of the best ways to know if we are growing spiritually is to check if our reactions are being led by our flesh or by the Spirit. Try being aware of your reactions and ask God to show you who you are being led by. 2) Practice obedience to God in the small and big things. Obedience is one of Jesus’s characteristics (Philippians 2:8) and is a big step into growing spiritually. 3) Based on Philippians 4:8-9 exercise exchanging ‘bad’ thoughts with good thoughts. 4) Fasting is a spiritual practice that increases our connection with God. How about taking one day this week to fast for some hours to become more aware of the Holy Spirit? Momma Theologians Prayerful Takeaways 1) Use Philippians 4:8-9 to pray over your life. Your prayer could be something like this: “Dear God, help me keep my mind and thoughts on You and on things that You like so that I will be able to experience more and more of Your peace. Amen” 2) Talk to God honestly about where you are in your spiritual journey and ask Him to lead you to where He wants you to be. 3) Pray that you will stop comparing yourself to other people, but that your eyes will be fixed on Jesus. _________ Momma Theologians Contributor Denise Assis Dos Santos Denise is a pastor, wife, and mother of two boys who wake up way too early every morning. She is a Brazilian living in Oslo, Norway, and speaks Norwegian and English in addition to her mother language, Portuguese. Denise has a burning desire to serve Jesus and to manifest His Kingdom on earth, all while juggling motherhood and a full-time job. You will find her writing, drinking coffee, listening to worship music, and working up the courage to do the dishes. TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the   Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Risen   Motherhood, Journeywoman, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian   Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising   Christian Children, Praying Mom, Help Me Teach the Bible,  Metanarrative,  Calling of Motherhood, God's Grace in Motherhood,  Motherhood Encouragement
It is easy to grow weary in this work, despairing of the day that our kids will say please without being reminded, wondering how they will ever make it in the world when their bedroom floors are less walkable than the path to Mordor, uncertain if anything we’ve ever said to them about truth and beauty and goodness will have any bearing on their lives, or if they will only ever talk about which new Mario Kart glider they want for the rest of their days. Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians Practical Takeaways What is something that is making you weary right now? What feels like it might never end? Read Genesis 1-6 and consider God’s patience with humanity. Imagine what it would be like to let your plans and hopes and dreams for your own children play out for hundreds or thousands of years before starting over. Pray and ask God to sustain you in your work. Ask his Spirit to remind you of his long-suffering with you as you approach the day-to-day work of mothering your own children. _______________ Momma Theologians Contributor Elizabeth Berget Elizabeth is a wife, mama to three, homeschooler, photographer, and writer who has always done her best thinking while writing—from her angsty teenage journal entries until now. She’s lived in Africa and Asia but is really just a country mouse with a Minneapolis zip code. She strongly believes in the restorative power of Jesus and a home-cooked meal, or even just a really good cheese, and writes mostly about how the image of God is uniquely understood and displayed in motherhood. You can find more of her words on her website, or on Instagram. TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the  Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Risen  Motherhood, Journeywoman, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian  Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising  Christian Children, Praying Mom, Help Me Teach the Bible, Metanarrative,  Calling of Motherhood, God's Grace in Motherhood, Motherhood Encouragement 
When we believe God is a begrudging Father, we hide from him. When we believe he’s frustrated at our repeated failure, we run away from him in fear instead of to him for forgiveness. When we believe we’ve gone too far this time, we cut ourselves off from the very power which helps us overcome sin. If, in my own imperfect motherhood, I respond with grace and mercy when I find my child buried in blankets and shame, how much more will our perfect Heavenly Father lavish us with his steadfast love and abundant mercy. Jesus reminded us, “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11). Momma Theologians Practical/ Prayerful Takeaways Prayerful Takeaways Take some time to write down the areas of your life where you feel shame. Then turn the page and create a separate list of the promises of God that are yours in Christ. Hang these promises where you can see them and rehearse the truth when you feel ashamed. Be quick to confess your sin, both to God and to the person you have sinned against. Satan keeps us in our shame when he tempts us to believe we must hide our sin. Practical Takeaways One of the best ways I fight shame is through worship. Listen to songs such as “Before the Throne of God Above” (Sovereign Grace Worship) and “His Mercy is More” (Keith & Kristyn Getty)—which remind us we are free from sin and shame in Christ. Share your testimony with another person this week. Tell them how God has paid for your sin and covered your shame. We often can feel isolated in our shame, so when we proclaim the Good News in community, we encourage others to step out of their shame as well. ________________________________ Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians ______________________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Bethany Broderick Bethany Broderick lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her husband, three-year-old daughter, and one-year-old son. A recovering perfectionist, she writes about resting in God’s grace in the everyday moments of life as a woman, wife, and mother. She is on the blog contributor team at The Joyful Life and has featured articles at Risen Motherhood, Coffee + Crumbs, and Kindred Mom. You can find her words on her personal blog ( and on Instagram (@bethanygbroderick). TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the   Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Risen   Motherhood, Journeywoman, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian   Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising   Christian Children, Praying Mom, Help Me Teach the Bible,  Metanarrative,  Bible Study Tips
Just as it was not good for man to be alone in the beginning, it is not good for Christians to be alone. This includes busy, tired mommas. Even when we struggle to pay attention to the sermon, we need fellowship and unity with Christ’s body. Momma Theologians Prayerful Takeaways Praise God for the church, Christ’s body, and for how He uses church to form us into His likeness. Confess any areas where you are struggling with church, whether a lack of enthusiasm or commitment, difficulty paying attention or participating fully, embodying a humble attitude, or anything else. Thank Him for His grace and forgiveness. Ask God to use church to refresh and restore you and to help you grow spiritually as He intends. Pray to God for your local church, that it will draw every person toward Christ and fulfill His purposes. Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians _______________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Amy Fischer Amy Fischer is a home educating mom of three rambunctious boys. Originally from Indiana, she now resides with her family in northwest England. Amy writes about home education and parenting on her blog, Around the Thicket. She is also the co-host of the Thinking Love podcast, a show about the Charlotte Mason approach to education. When she isn’t chasing after her boys, you will find her reading, writing, or planning her next hike. TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the  Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Risen  Motherhood, Journeywoman, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian  Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising  Christian Children, Praying Mom, Help Me Teach the Bible, Metanarrative,  Bible Study Tips
Being a member of a local church is a vital part of the Christian life. The church represents the body of Christ and is the gathering of God’s children, coming together to serve God and worship Him. As Christians, we are called to live in fellowship with other believers and to serve one another as Christ has served us. We all have different gifts and callings within the Body of Christ, but the reason why God has blessed us with them is the same: to serve Him and His church (1 Corinthians 12:4-7). As mothers facing the challenges of parenthood and serving our families, adding service in the local church to our to-do-list might seem like too big of a challenge. However, it doesn’t need to feel that way. It is possible to be active in your local church even in the busy years of motherhood So, how do we do this in  the right way? _______ Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways - Pray and ask God for discernment about  the season you are currently in - Think about ways in which you can serve your community, in and outside of the church - If you are currently serving, check how it is affecting your family and change arrangements, if needed Momma Theologians Prayerful Takeaways - Pray for your church: we are encouraged by the Apostle Paul to pray for our leaders and brothers in faith. (1 Timothy 2:1-3) - Pray for wisdom on how to best use your gifts to serve those around you (1 Corinthians 14:12) - Pray for the Church, Christ’s Bride, that it will continue to impact society and advance the Gospel. (Mathew 16:18) ________ Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians Momma Theologians Contributor Denise Assis Dos Santos Denise is a pastor, wife, and mother of two boys who wake up way too early every morning. She is a Brazilian living in Oslo, Norway, and speaks Norwegian and English in addition to her mother language, Portuguese. Denise has a burning desire to serve Jesus and to manifest His Kingdom on earth, all while juggling motherhood and a full-time job. You will find her writing, drinking coffee, listening to worship music, and working up the courage to do the dishes.
Mommas, there’s a better way. Unlike those storybooks, every single passage of the Bible weaves together to create one beautiful metanarrative (aka- Big Story). Every story, Psalm, prayer, epistle, and prophecy fall into the backdrop of this Big Story. Since it’s all one Big Story, there’s also just one main character - God. Understanding this provides great richness and depth to our Bible study. Momma Theologians Practical Takeaways Practice asking the above questions while studying a book of the Bible you’ve never studied/haven’t studied in a while. Read The Jesus Storybook Bible or The Biggest Story with your kids. Both of these do a great job of pointing to Christ and teaching the Metanarrative. Study the Bible alongside another sister in Christ. Work together to see how a passage fits into this Big Story. Doing this will sharpen the both of you. Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians ----------------------------- Momma Theologians Contributor Cassie Pattillo Cassie is a student pastor’s wife, mom to two energetic boys, and hopeful adoptive mom to their daughter, growing in their hearts from India. She’s passionate about biblical literacy, and writing and teaching about Scripture. Currently, she’s pursuing an M.A. in Ministry to Women from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary to better equip her to teach God’s Word. Cassie loves slow mornings with a cup of coffee, a good book on the beach, and Gamecock football. She loves giving Gospel-centered encouragement through writing, which you can find on her blog, Diaries of a Daughter.  TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Risen Motherhood, Journeywoman, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising Christian Children, Praying Mom, Help Me Teach the Bible, Metanarrative, Bible Study Tips
As we grow in watchfulness of God’s character throughout our day our wonder begins to grow. We sing hymns about amazing grace, reminding us of both the depth of our sin and the penalty we’ve been saved from. “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are” (1 John 3:1). We plumb the depths of knowing and understanding our Creator more and more. He is so wonderful and good to show Himself to us, and as we satisfy our cravings with spiritual milk our appetite will develop to increasingly handle more substantial food. Momma Theologians Questions/Application for Reflection: * What did you notice around you today? * What did you learn about God during your Bible reading? *Take some time to meditate on a verse you’ve read today. *How have you seen God’s wonders in your life? *How have you marveled in the Lord today? Who can you share it with? ______________ Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians Momma Theologians Contributor Amber Thiessen Amber loves equipping women to navigate the chaos and calm of life’s changes by applying the gospel to everyday moments. After six years in East Africa as church planters, they’re back on the Canadian prairies where her husband serves as pastor. They have three children. You'll find her hiding behind a book, exploring with her family in the woods, or writing on her blog, In The Vine. Connect with Amber on Facebook or Instagram @thiessenamber TAGS* Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising Christian Children, Praying Mom, Awe of God
We as mothers get to revel in the limitless love of God even as we recognize our own limitations when we strive and often fail at loving our children like we want to. Because we understand the mothering love of God in salvation, we mommas, like the three Marys at the tomb, get to tell the good news of God’s love for us, equipped with empathy and understanding from our own day-to-day lives as mothers. We as mothers can describe the salvation offered in Christ in ways that only mothers can. Momma, on this Mother’s Day, God is calling us to live in the new life that God has labored toward since the earth’s beginnings. God is inviting us to live our days in such a way that we both recognize and live out the tireless, unending, fierce love of God in the day to day of diapers and dishes. God is calling us to bear the image of God right within our mothering, in both the pain and the joy. Happy Mother’s Day! Read the full essay here. We are so thankful you found us here! Momma Theologians is a new motherhood ministry podcast and our mission is to revive spiritual growth in the midst of motherhood. We offer resources, articles, essays, a monthly devotional newsletter and more at Be sure to follow us on social media @mommatheologians ____________________________ Momma Theologians Contributor Elizabeth Berget Elizabeth is a wife, mama to three, homeschooler, photographer, and writer who has always done her best thinking while writing—from her angsty teenage journal entries until now. She’s lived in Africa and Asia but is really just a country mouse with a Minneapolis zip code. She strongly believes in the restorative power of Jesus and a home-cooked meal, or even just a really good cheese, and writes mostly about how the image of God is uniquely understood and displayed in motherhood. You can find more of her words on her website, or on Instagram. TAGS*  Christian Motherhood, Momma Theologian, Bible, Jesus, Women in the Word, Women of the Word, Bible Study, Woman Bible Study, Mothering in faith, Motherhood, Christian Motherhood, Christian Mom Ministry, Children's Bible Study, Raising Christian Children, Praying Mom, Mother's Day 2022
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