DiscoverYOUR STORY IS A LEGACY with Rosanna Giacalone - Life Story Guide, Spiritual Healer, Joy & Beauty Creator
YOUR STORY IS A LEGACY with Rosanna Giacalone - Life Story Guide, Spiritual Healer, Joy & Beauty Creator
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YOUR STORY IS A LEGACY with Rosanna Giacalone - Life Story Guide, Spiritual Healer, Joy & Beauty Creator

Author: Rosanna Giacalone l Life Story Guide, Legacy Coach, Spiritual Healer, Light Bringer

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Craft And Share Your Legacy * Discover Your Passions & Unique Talents * Spiritual Healing * Understanding Life Transitions

Do you know that your life story is unlike any other? Do you wish you could create that story for yourself and future generations to come?Are you trying to figure out the purpose of your life? Do you know what sets your heart on fire and what are your natural talents? Are you trying to make sense of or recover from trauma or a life transition? If you‘ve answered yes to any of these questions, you‘ve come to the right place.

In this podcast, you will learn how to answer all of these questions and to create your very own legacy keepsake in a beautiful book called, ”My Magnus Opus: The Greatest Story Ever Told --Yours!”. My mission is to inspire you and help you create your life story for yourself and future generations. Let‘s get started!

Hi, I‘m Rosanna Giacalone. I am a spiritual, joy-filled, compassionate listener of other people‘s stories from all walks of life and and all ages and backgrounds. Like me, these extraordinary people didn‘t quite see their ”light” and their gifts that they impart/would impart in this world. I wanted to guide them to create their incomparable stories not only so they could see their amazing selves but also be able to share them with their children and their children‘s children. In this way, their story; their legacy could live on forever.

One thing I know is that the tapestry of your life is woven together in such a way as to create an incomparable individual story. In order for you to see that, you must really look at and record your journey. It is my hope that this podcast helps you do that.

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84 Episodes
Good morning Beautiful Soul,   Are you looking for your life partner?  You may be divorced or, you may be single, but what should you look for in "The One"?  I hear from so many people that had great relationship chemistry in the beginning that it fizzled out.  So, I interviewed 20 couples who had 50+ years of a self-described beautiful marriage and asked them what made their relationship work and stand the test of time.  I also asked them if it was love at first sight and you will be surprised when I answer almost half of them (9 to be exact) told me no. Listen in, even if you are married to the words of advice and wisdom from these incredible of them is actually about to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.    I hope this inspires you if you are searching for or leaning into your own beautiful marriage. Until next week, I send you so much light and love, Rosanna
Hello Beautiful Soul, It takes one voice to galvanize other voices into action to start social change in this world.  The kind of change can help solve world problems. How can you be a part of this great movement?  In this week's episode, I talk about an incredible movie I just saw called, "Uncharitable" on this very topic and help you ways to discover the causes that you are most passionate about and the talents you have to have to use in this world. I can't wait to hear your stories.  Please post them in our wonderful private Facebook community: My Magnus Opus Community. Until next week, I'm sending you so much light and love, Rosanna  
Good morning Beautiful Souls, I heard an inspiring prayer the other day and there was a line in it that stuck in my head.  The priest said, “Right thoughts lead to right actions and right actions lead to right living.” I rewound that line on my drive home from the service and asked myself if I had right thoughts which of course, I interpreted as positive thoughts and the answer was yes. So let’s this episode down into 3 parts of right or positive thinking: Number 1) What is positive thinking? Number 2) How can we achieve it? And Number 3) What are the benefits of positive thinking? If you are a negative thinker, or practice negative self-talk, you can change your behaviors with practice. If you are positive thinker, this will be a good reminder when it is one of those times you are really stuck and need a good reset. Until next week, I'm sending you so much light and love, Rosanna In this episode
Hello Beautiful Soul, Happy gearing up for Fall Monday!  By now, your kids are back in school, you’ve taken the Fall clothes out and maybe you’re even thinking about a fresh start.  One of the things I am doing this Fall is teaching two of my nieces about Personal Finance.  This idea stemmed out of a conversation with my newly married niece who will be a first-time home buyer and also with my college-age niece who I always teach the importance of being financially independent. Why is this important for your children to know and how does it help keep you on your financial toes?  Listen in as we cover these topics. And, as always, I invite you to share your thoughts, tips and comments in our private community of like-minded inspiring individuals by going to: My Magnus Opus Community on Facebook. And until next week, I send you so much light and love, Rosanna
Hello Beautiful Soul, Are you feeling alone or lonely?  There is a big difference between the two. We are alone by choice or by circumstance, but we feel lonely based on how we interpret our situation. And ,if we feel lonely, this often makes us feel despondent and can eventually lead to depression.  So, what are things we can do to help us with these feelings.  Listen in, and I will tell you three ways to get started. Feel free to share any of your own methods to ameliorate feelings of loneliness by going to our private facebook community: mymagnusopus or send me an email at:  Until next week, I’m sending you so much light and love, Rosanna
Good morning Beautiful Soul,   Conflict.  It's something we deal with throughout our lives.  And, more often than not, we don't deal with it in a constructive way. We may blow up as a result of the conflict, avoid the person or, even ignore the situation we are fighting about hoping it will blow over. And as we know, these techniques do not work for a long term solution. The secret to successfully resolving conflict is to really listen to the other and process what you say through your heart. We dig a lot deeper into this subject in this week's podcast. So, listen in, and I would appreciate if you are moved by something you hear, please leave a 5 star review on Itunes so that others who may need to may receive this free gift too. Until next week, I'm sending you so much light and love, Rosanna Feel free to dm me: @mymagnusopus Or send me an email: And finally, join in a group of likeminded inspiring individuals by going to Facebook and joining our private Community: MyMagnusOpus.
Good morning Beautiful Soul, Over the years, I’ve been blessed to learn the extraordinary lives others were living but had not shared with others –not even their children.  It has been such a gift to be able to ask the right questions to get people to open up and speak about themselves.  Ultimately, that is what gave birth to my passion driven company which is called, “My Magnus Opus” The Greatest Story Ever Told –Yours”. Most people I’ve spoken to through the years agreed that they wanted to make a connection to something that was bigger and more enduring than their own lives.  They wanted a meaningful and lasting legacy that could help capture and guide their lives and live on with their children, family and future generations. For this episode, I will give you a free resource to use to start to shape your own life story that may even we will work on a thinking and writing exercise that will help you to do just that -begin to leave your legacy.  It will likely lead to the self-actualization of the gifts you were born with to use in this world.  The writing guide prompts I use in this podcast can be downloaded as a free resource by going to: And until next week, I’m sending you so much light and love, Rosanna
Good morning Beautiful Soul, Are you living the life of your dreams?  I have heard time and time again from people of all ages that they are not where they thought they should be.  What if I told you that no matter if you are 20 or 60 or what your circumstances are that you can live the life of your dreams. It all starts with the Law Of Attraction.  What is that?  How do we use it? Today we are going to talk about it along with 10 practical steps to help you live the life of your dreams. Are you ready?  Press Play and Let's Get Started. Until next week, I'm sending you so much light and love, Rosanna I would love for you to share your dream life vision in our private My Magnus Opus Facebook Community where other like-minded storytellers share their hopes and dreams: You may also reach out to me if you have any questions: and if you'd like a private coaching session with me, you may sign up for one here: Resources From This Episode - Five inspirational books that help me create my dream life: 1) Mirror Work - Louise Hay  2) The Power Of Now - Eckhardt Tolle 3) Awaken The Giant Within - Tony Robbins 4) Principles - Ray Dalio 5) Tribe of Mentors - Tim Ferriss  
Good morning Beautiful Soul, I have to say, there are certain topics that I get a few questions on and then there are others that there are so many, I know it is a topic that I have to cover.  Spotting Red Flags in relationships was one of those topics.  The questions started with a number of followers talking about the sad endings of romantic relationships - be it an engagement, a marriage, or a long term love interest - even though every follower admitted that if they were honest with themselves the red flags were always there.  Other emails came in talking about friendships that showed red flags and still others talked about emotionally draining work situations where they chose to ignore the red flags. So, I decided I would dedicate this show to spotting red flags and what we need to do to deal with them in order to protect ourselves and keep us in the healthy relationships we deserve in all areas of our lives. Let me know your thoughts on this podcast since I would love to hear from you: And until next week, I send you so much light and love, Rosanna
Good morning Beautiful Soul, I used to think I had to look like I had it all together.  Everything had to be just right -- from my marriage to my family to my career to my home and the list went on.  The truth is, it was rarely all together.  None of that truth changed except the fact that I was finally comfortable enough in my own skin to admit how many times and how many things I can and do get wrong. What I didn't realize is what a gift admitting that would be not only for myself, but for the kids that looked up to me, those that looked to me as a role model, my peers, my friends and almost everyone around me.  Without sharing my vulnerabilities, they were afraid to share theirs.  And with vulnerability, I could not graciously receive help. I have come to learn I am strongest when I feel my most weak.  For, it is in that state, I get to lean into God and not rely on my own strength or knowledge. I also accept help from others.  What a blessing a perceived weakness truly is.   I hope this podcast episode gives you permission to be open about yours and recognize how strong you truly are!   Until next week, I'm sending you so much love, Rosanna   Join us in our private Facebook Community at: Follow us on IG: Or send me a personal email at: since I would love to hear from you!
Good morning Beautiful Soul, At some point, or for many of us, at several points during our lives, the romantic relationships we are involved in come to an end.  Rarely does it end in a smooth way where you both just decide it’s time to move on and go your separate ways.  Instead, in almost all instances it involves grieving and separation process. This applies not only to the couples that have been fighting or taking breaks from each other but also for the couples who have just remained together “settling” in a relationship that isn’t best for either of them because they did not want to face the prospect of dating again. The process of splitting up isn’t easy since bonds we’ve formed with serious partners make it hard to imagine life without them.  But, there comes a time when if we listen to your heart or God’s voice, we know it is time for a new chapter. And the new chapter is better because we emerge with a stronger sense of self and learn lessons that will serve us in our next and often better and healthier relationship. I have spoken to so many people as they went through break-ups and divorces, plus I’ve had my own share of them.  We discussed the ways we coped and got through to the other side of the split. On the other side of these break-ups we discussed what the best things were that we did to help us through the process.  Everyone had a bunch of suggestions but there were 6 that we could all agree on so I thought these would be great to share with you. I hope these help get you through this difficult time. Remember, you are not alone.  Join our supportive private community on Facebook: My Magnus Opus Community or email me: Until next week I send you so much light and love, Rosanna
Good morning Beautiful Soul, Wherever you are in this world, I’m so excited to be connecting with you.  In today’s podcast episode, I will be talking to you about new chapters and new beginnings. What comes to your mind when I say those words?  New chapters… Is it excitement, anxiety, fear or some combination of those feelings? I’ve been through many chapters in my life and every time I close a chapter, there are 4 things I do to prepare for the new one.  I want to share those with you since I’m about to embark upon a new journey myself. Until next week, I send you so much light and love, Rosanna
Good morning Beautiful Soul, Do you truly love yourself?  Do you know how to love yourself?  I started my self-love journey years ago when I stumbled upon the work of an incredible spiritual teacher and healer named Louise Hay.   Fast forward, I had the pleasure of working in Jennifer Lopez’s company a year ago and was amazed to learn that she too did the mirror work prescribed by Louise Hay and it marked incredible transformations in her life and receiving from the Universe things she had dreamed of that had eluded her in the past. Listen in on how to get started with this transformative practice. Until next week, I’m sending you so much light and love, Rosanna
Good morning Beautiful Soul, Is your life aligned?  A simple way to assess this is by knowing your why. We will get into a practical example of what it means to connect with your why with a woman whose story I am working on and I will also share my own example of this with you. And after you tune in, I hope you’ll take time after the show to leave a review if the show was meaningful to you.  I do this show every week no matter what since this is my gift to you.   I would be so grateful if you would share your feedback on Itunes so that other people may find it and be blessed by the show’s message. Thanks so much!  And until next week, sending you love and light always, Rosanna If you are interested in purchasing your own: My Magnus Opus Luxury Keepsake Book for your life story please go to:
Good morning Beautiful Soul, Are you feeling depressed, anxious, or frustrated when you speak to or spend time with your partner, your boss, a friend, or family member? If so, you may be in an emotionally abusive relationship.  The effects of this can have a major impact on your self-worth and they can also cause a number of health problems both mental and physical. In this episode, I am going to share Sandra’s story about two abusers in her life – one at home and one at work.  I will also talk about the toll the abuse cost her mental and physical health and then 7 ways she was finally able to break the cycle of emotional abuse. I want you to know Beautiful Soul, you are not alone in this.  Reach out to someone you trust, find a qualified therapist to work with or, text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor. Until next week, I’m sending you so much light and love, Rosanna If you are interested in purchasing your own: My Magnus Opus Luxury Keepsake Book for your life story please go to: And, if you'd like personal coaching with me, please go to:
Good morning Beautiful Soul, Here is a sobering truth.  We will always have life problems.  No one escapes them -no matter how rich, no matter how talented, no matter how famous -we are all the same in this regard. How we deal with them is what allows us to cope and prepare to face these challenges with confidence. In today’s episode, we are going to discuss 5 ways to do this.  Listen in. Until next week, I send you so much light and love, Rosanna If you want to get another tip, send me an email at: and put in the subject Episode 69...
Good morning Beautiful Soul, I hope you had a wonderful Easter and Passover.  If you are not celebrating either of these Holidays, let me invite you into the sadness and ultimate triumph and celebration each of these holidays bring. They both end in a time of redemption; a time for second chances, a time to be freed of our sins. There is a Psalm I read at the start of Holy Week which began last Sunday.  It reads: “Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” During this season of Spring and rebirth, it seems only appropriate that we should, repent ask for forgiveness and be cleansed whiter than snow. Imagine the purity and beauty for a moment of unblemished snow and ask yourself what it is you need to be forgiven and cleansed for?  What habit has prevented you from being all you are called to be? Listen in and start anew! Until next week, I'm sending you so much light and love, Rosanna And please continue the dialog in our private Community of inspired listeners just like you simply click here to join:  
Good morning Beautiful Soul, Have you asked yourself the question, how has my life made the world a better place?  Do you know the answer to the question?  Do you think about that as you start your day? In this week’s podcast, Today, I’ll share with you three questions to ask yourself in order to use your unique talents and experiences (yes, even the bad ones) to better the world. Until next week, I’m sending you so much light and love, Rosanna And, if you want to keep the dialog going please join our private Facebook Community of likeminded, inspiring people by clicking here: Or send me a dm on Instagram: @mymagnusopus Or sign up for weekly inspiration by joining our mailing list simply sign up at:
  Good morning Beautiful Soul, Do you feel in control of your life?  Or, do you focus your days around other peoples’ needs to make them happy at the expense of your own needs and happiness? If you answered no, to the first question, you are like most people.  In this episode, I am going to share key lessons I’ve learned from a book I read in my late twenties called, “ Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend.  I will also share some hard work I did with a therapist to learn to create and keep boundaries in both my personal and work life. Tune in to learn more and to keep the dialog going, please go to our private Facebook Community at: Until next week, I’m sending you so much light and love, Rosanna You can also dm me on Instagram: @mymagnusopus Or sign up to get weekly inspiration from me by going to:
Good morning Beautiful Soul, Do you know what the most important life lessons you’ve learned so far are?  The ones that stand the test of time. Join me on a journey to discover yours and use them as a basis for the many decisions you make so your life is fully aligned with them.  Listen in to learn how. I’d love to hear from you on this topic so please dm me on Instagram @mymagnus opus or send me an email at: And until next week, I send you so much light and love, Rosanna And if you'd like to be in a private community with inspiring people, I invite you to join us:
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