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All Rise Up - A Podcast To Support Your Business and Life
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All Rise Up - A Podcast To Support Your Business and Life

Author: Alice Nicholls

Subscribed: 1,438Played: 16,543


This podcast has been created to share powerful conversations around health, wealth and sovereignty.
Alice Nicholls is a functional nutritionist, digital business owner, adventure enthusiast, believer that Mother Nature did it first and did it best, and a guide to inspire you to rise up into a higher potential so that you can move from just surviving to thriving.

'You're not old until age becomes your excuse'.

Today, more than ever, cultivating self-reliance across health, wealth, home and environment is pivotal to being able to thrive in these areas. Within current societal constructs, moving with the majority will see you live a life vastly less than your highest potential.

Run from the majority.
Be uncommon.

Listen to conversations on the topic of business, wealth, health, the earth, nutrition and self-reliance and let us All Rise Up.]
90 Episodes
In this juicy long-form conversation, we range from speaking of the (I would say) perfect and magical and ‘of course’ unsubstantiated medicine that Nat is a practitioner of, and Nat’s way of truly listening to understand paths of care for her clients. I love how open Nat is to having hard conversations in public with people who disagree with her, and hearing her approach to this is an important part of the conversation. Nat also shares openly about the reason she was suspended from practicing an area of health that she is both qualified in and passionate about. From nuts, to podcasts, eCourses, eBooks, published books and… err… interesting candles (listen to find out what type of candle Nat launched and sold out of twice!), hear how Nat qualifies the type of products she puts out into the world and how she views the importance of up-levelling in business and the importance of women being open to accessing not only multiple income streams but higher potential and creativity in a world that is due to be shaken up by an inevitable economic crash. I loved this chat with Nat and I hope you do to! If you get value out of this podcast, please pop a share on your social media so others may benefit. Go give Nat some love and thanks so much for listening.
Powerful decisions in hard times, self-honour and un-branding with Brittany Eastman. I had the honour of chatting with the ineffable Brittany Eastman I had the honour of chatting with the ineffable Brittany Eastman recently in a long ranging conversation. We started with her sharing openly about her experience travelling Internationally from new Zealand to Western Australia - mask-free - with her little ones during a time when there wasn’t another soul bucking the directives and honouring their rights. We touched on the birth process - of life and business - the medicalised maternity model and forging new paths and new beliefs in a world gone mad. We also touched on the process of business, coaching and focus Brittany brings to her clients and to her creative expressions as the bridge between women, their art, and knowing their sovereign worth in a world full of copy-cats. I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I enjoyed sitting in conversation with Brittany. Please go give her a follow, share the podcast if you got value out of it, and if her creative projects call to you, pop yourself on her waitlists to be notified of their next launch. You can find this magic human here:  
I have been wanting to sit down with Jordan Potts from Exalto Holistic Hub and Felt Retreats since I met him at a performance breath-work session last year.  His work with the breath, and with holistic, functional fitness and strength with kids to adults is not just inspiring, but is rich in long-term wellbeing, rather than the disposable churn and burn we see so much in the health and fitness industry.  We chat about: How events our of our control can change the course of our lives from a young age The energy of having the same lessons show up until we are willing to face them Disposable fitness and health vs. true, longterm health and fitness Breathwork and the four models of breath-work Jordan practices The four pillars of self-practice and reliance that can take any person from victim to ownership of self The power of self-love, self-worth and gratitude and so much more. You can find Jordan (and I sincerely hope you do!) over on these channels: Exalto Holistic Hub Instagram Yoda Strength Instagram Felt Retreats Instagram Exalto Holistic Hub website Felt Retreats Website _____________ If you like this podcast, please share it on. It may help support someone else. If you LOVED it, please take a moment to rate the podcast in your podcast app. It helps to deliver the content to more people in the world who want support with health, wealth, self-reliance, and self-love and it would mean the world to us. Alice. X
I get the pleasure of sitting down with Ana Pereira to chat about becoming the boss of your money in a new world, and merge the action and energy of women and abundance and make our money work for us. Please note this is a conversation between two adults and not in any way meant to be offered as financial advice. Please seek professional assistance if required when making decisions about your finances or wealth and investing, as any topic discussed on this podcast is personal and not offered as direction for you. Any money’s won or lost through using the information that you hear in this podcast is of no responsibility on either podcast guest. TOPICS WE DISCUSS IN THIS PODCAST: What is the IMF (international monetary fund)? Inflation and how this affects the dollar (and how this affects countries who are already seeing insane inflation). What is rent-vesting? What does this look like and why is this a great way of increasing your longterm passive wealth portfolio. Is being debt free important? Is there good and bad debt? Will your super be able to give you the lifestyle you want to have when you’re at that age. Covid and the market crash nobody spoke about. Covid-19 as a cover for financial disruption. What is inflation - money printing and the psychology of people Super. Where to invest and what we need to be aware of and potentially change to make the most of our super. Is our money in the bank safe? Are cash-savings important or valuable? An emergency fund. What happens when the bank crashes and there’s ‘Bail-in’. Why we’ll no longer need commercial banks Precious metals - Gold and Silver - Why Ana sees this an insurance policy against Crypto and the Fiat currency. Why Gold and silver? If you had $1000 to spend on either gold, silver or crypto, what would you spend it on and where would you get it? Where to buy your Gold or Silver What is crypto-currency? Third party danger when transacting in the current environment. What do people need to know before investing in crypto-currency? Who should and who shouldn’t get into crypto. And so much more! ♥️ Please tag me and a Taking radical responsibility on your awareness and knowledge creation. Three top tips: Invest in yourself and your education on money (what’s coming in and out) Manage your money mindset because this is what will trip you up. Work out where you want your money to come from LINKS TO TOPICS REFERENCED AND HOW TO FIND ANA PEREIRA INSTAGRAM / WEBSITE Ana’s ‘Get into Crypto’ webinar: LINK TO 1:1 Money Strategy Session Money Mindset Matters e-book - $5 from either purchase of Money Mindset Matters or the 1:1 sessions are donated to Indigenous Literacy Foundation.  Freebie Money Action Plan Links ABC Bullion - offices in every state. Economist - John Adams In the interests of the people Mike Maloney - Hidden Secrets of Monday & Gold/Silver James Rickards - The New Great Depression - Winners and Losers in a post-pandemic world.  
This is the first episode of the All Rise Up Podcast of 2021 and we kick off with our second chat with Christina Austin from @TheAlmostHippy. We chat health, wealth, and sovereignty, plus the 'RDI' of the current environment and why it's so important to be conscious of who is driving your personal decisions around spending. (Hint, up until now, it's probably not you).  Other quick topics:  If you weren’t chained to debt, what would the last year have looked like for you? Retail business vs. MLM and the mindset on this Mortgages, the university industry and debt in our early 20’s Why doing the right thing means we will always end up broke and needing more The Advocate Planner  What is means to 'Borrow from the future' Why we don’t think mortgages are bad N’kay? (Or are they?) Questioning the belief systems we have always have when it comes to money What does spending ‘Double-time’ even mean? Why 'being in the range' of a healthy life is so disempowering A secret part of the show Alice should absolutely have cut out and totally forgot. (eeep) The negative effects of women being taught to be 'good girls' their whole lives.  Crypto-currency, Bitcoin and digital currency (and why you should not listen to our 'not financial advice').  'Work-guilt' and shame and how they drive your life Christina on her view on 'wealth' for her and her husband Quentin. “For true wealth, I have to love what I’m doing, and he has to love what he’s doing. Christina: 'How can you focus on and prioritise your own small space and become self-reliant?' It would mean the world to me if you'd share this podcast episode because inspiring more self-reliant women means a better, healthier future for all of us. There 'were' two things I wanted to share with you today and an audio was required for the first because I didn't know how to write it down. I've shared with you before that speaking is often more truthful through me to you than writing, because I don't censor myself and I never edit (this isn't always a great thing🤪) so more unfiltered reality comes through. I wanted to share *some* of the magic and secret women's business that happened last week over the Full Moon Gathering of the Four Seasons Journey in the School of Shamanic Womancraft that I am a part of (what a mouthful). Two instagram videos of some of the energy of these experiences are here: 1. 2. I wanted to share a link to a podcast that I just listened to and got value out of with Steven Bartlett and Africa Brook where she speaks to not identifying as the token 'oppressed woman of colour'. A discussion on labels came out and I really appreciated the truth that was shared in the power of labels. I wanted to invite you to empower yourself with one that works positively for you. Here is the link. I recommend this podcast for all of us. Holly got in the car when I was listening to a section where Africa shares her experience with changing her world from porn-sex to the reality of orgasms without ejaculation, and while I asked if she'd be open to listening with me that got a big N.O. (I'm gonna make things weird as a Mum aren't I?). What I didn't plan on sharing was a memory of an experience I went through more recently than not where I was improperly labelled with something that could have killed me in the vulnerable state I was in. I didn't plan on how decades of us being 'good girls' can place us in dangerous places to be manipulated and intimidated by people in 'perceived' positions of power. Here is the link to the audio. I am so grateful to be here with you. I cannot wait to meet you in a space I facilitate in the future. Let's grow parallel together. X
ONBRAND™️ - A brilliantly effective 3 hour branding and marketing masterclass based on a $10.50 croissant. Money - Subscribe for first-in information on ‘Tender Conversations on Money’ The World of My Business - Subscribe for ‘Behind the Scenes of my Business’ emails and audio from Alice Smug Health and Lifestyle School I mentioned: Hiro Bogo - The World of Your Business Playbook Simone Seoul - Joyful Marketing Jane Hardwicke Collings - School of Shamanic Womancraft Four Seasons Journey
Welcome back to new podcast episodes of the All Rise Up Podcast. A podcast to support your business and life.  Episode 49.  As a pre-curser to this episode, the sound will, once again, be interesting. You'll hear why when I share where I was recording this episode. It CAN be done like this.  I feel honest when I speak, I feel in FLOW when I am moving. If I can't record a podcast while running (the panting may bother you), I'll record it while driving. ;) This one anyway.  Within this episode I share what may be the direct results of wealth embodiment work, while running.  Unpacking the connection between generational and cellular wealth stories, my own comfort zone in a high-percentile of wealth and the question I asked myself about expansion and creation, and how a $10.50 croissant sparked the launch of a new Masterclass, just for fun. Because business gets to be like that.  I am so happy to be back!  Let's have some fun with this podcast again.  LUNE Sales Page:  LUNE Direct purchase link: Tori Washington - Wealth Embodiement  
Hello my beautiful friends. Today's podcast episode #36 is packed to the brim with so many juicy nuggets. As with any of the info I share from personal experience, take what works for you and leave the rest. I pressed record specifically to support those of you who are unconsciously holding your businesses back from 'just starting' by sharing the process of witnessing our thoughts and stories and re-adjusting them in a more powerful and positive way. Nek minit.... The podcast is packed with info on: Why I want you to be at the Blue and Presidential Diamond Summit Re-writing the story of why you aren't 'just starting' Why doTERRA wants you to be successful Your WHY and why I think it's so important to focus on YOU and YOURS first before serving more than you already do by sharing the oils. Examples and clues to success! How to buy essential oils
Manifestation Hack: Write down all the goals that you want to accomplish in 2019 Go to your voice recorder Record all of your goals in your voice saying "I am" or "I have" in present tense.  Listen to your voice recording every night before bed.  I am personally going to add to this: Look at your goals list If you have more than 3 you don't have any (If you had to remove one, which would it be? Remove it). Is there any there that you've added because you 'think you should?' Is there one you have left off because your head says it's selfish but your soul says PLEASE?     
"You do you. You be the lighthouse. You attract other people just by being in your own beautiful light. You don't have to tug people along this journey. They'll see it." Thank goodness for this thing called technology because this Alice (right here, me) called another Alice (Abba) on Skype from Australia to Mexico, to chat about doTERRA, family, travel, abundance, and what it means to raise a grounded family where abundance lives. (let's chat about empty LLV bottles being toys huh?  Alice Abba is a happiness and business mentor, a wellness guide (using her fave tools, essential oils) and a doTERRA Blue Diamond leader, running a multi-million-dollar-team who live all over the world. She's known for living an aligned life, and being authentic in her mum life and my biz life (no ‘perfection’ filters over on Alice's page). She's known for working with passionate, intelligent and self-driven mums who are ready and open to receive my guidance and support as they unearth—and lean into—their potential and grow their businesses (especially in the post-motherhood journey). We chat: Travelling with family while needing the time to invest in her business. Honouring what the other person needs in the family dynamic What being a shining example of the opportunity is + how to get all the people you want to join you in the business to do it! How the doTERRA opportunity can be used to support a family 'before' it's begun so that difficult experiences during work/maternity leave don't need to occur. Throwing off the bough-lines and living 'The Coconut Life'. Purpose and Meaning, why this is so important and comes in many flavours Cultivating imagination, creativity and grounded-ness in kids even when abundance lives How Alice attracted empowered leaders 'finding leaders', 'finding builders' We are 'failing' at every level of this business. And why that helps us all. Why allowing our team the ability to grow into their rank is so important to Alice How is your business asking you to fumble... [note Alice was going to the gym everyday when she rank-advanced to Blue Diamond! You know I always speak about our physical health being so impactful for our business success!] Show notes: Facebook: Instagram: Website: How to buy doTERRA oils:  
My own 'Upline'... or rather, THE person who introduced me to doTERRA, Presidential Diamond Tara Bliss, interviewed me way back in July 2017 when my team had ranked to Blue Diamond. I didn't re-listen to this before sharing it, because this was my truth back then and I know that this will still be relevant. I didn't want to listen and analyse my own answers and think about whether I would answer differently, or wish that I had added or subtracted anything, which, knowing me, I would have wanted to do.   I have to ask you to please excuse the sound. It was a Zoom recording and uploaded to YouTube, so it's not great... but the message may be what you need to hear today and so I am sharing it because of that anyway. Al. xx Al. XX HOW TO BUY doTERRA OILS GO TO THE BLOG SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK
I've just got home from camping. I'm dirty and I stink, but before I get in the shower, I have something I want to say about building my business with a new baby, like I did. This super quick and simple podcast isn't what will make you successful... I promise you. Why? Come listen. HOW TO BUY doTERRA OILS GO TO THE BLOG SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK
I'm a firm believer in simple meetings of fate.  I was in an Uber with my biz-partner and co-collaborator in doTERRA on the way to the SLC Utah airport on my way home from my first ever Global doTERRA convention and I asked her if there's any inspirational peeps she follows on Instagram and she mentioned Ange Peters.  Since then, I have listened with wrapt attention, fist pumping the air as I walked with Ange's podcast 'Hol-fit Talks' in my ears. Hanging on every word of her Q&A's and in total respect for her work with doTERRA and in the world.  We have a LOT in common. This interview renewed me, excited me so much for what we are creating here with doTERRA and humbled me for the lessons I get to draw from such strong Leadership. I'll allow Ange to tell her story because in truth, I can't do it justice and some parts of it are very personal.  Things we speak about: Her Fathers imprint on her life, and what her family experience ignited in her.  Her huge belief in everything natural and what the earth has given us. 'Boundaries. If I'm not good, the house is not good.' Honouring what's important 4-5 years in any business you're in the grind Why you're looking for empowerment and a sustainable team Showing up with consistency THE most important question to ask yourself  Teaching before you're ready The Dip Dialling up your passion Navigating friends and family in stepping into your purpose. Connect with Ange: Website: Podcast: Instagram HOW TO BUY doTERRA OILS:  
"Any way that you can be connecting with like-minded people [you should]. And the great thing about doTERREA because they're like minded people who're on this really positive uplifting healthy, inspiration 'living their best life' trajectory. They're the type of people that IO'd be wanting to surround myself with anyway. And I don't know where I could find such a big pocket of people who're like that outside of something like this. And the way that everyone lift each other up and support each other and works together...  I've made some of the best friendships through this process and I don't know in what other circumstance I would have met them." I sat down with Jessica Etcell from Becoming Birth, as Part III of a 3 part series with single Mamma's who've built and are building and expanding in life and their doTERRA businesses without a partner by their sides. Jess had a 3 month old and a 19 month old when she started her business with doTERRA. She had to move in with her mum, she had no money, she was isolated and she had post-natal depression.  This episode melted me and shows the strength of women when awakened, the ability to get done what needs to be done in the pockets of your life and how a business model can give the connection that's so needed.  How to buy your doTERRA Essential Oils (link) The Whole Daily Blog  
Keeli Martinez, Mom of three, doTERRA Presidential Diamond, oil educator, mentor and coach. Guiding others to create a life they love. I know a lot of you are frothing to get your ears into this podcast episode and also I know you won't be disappointed. I interviewed Presidential Diamond Keeli Martinez and along with being the head that asked the questions you wanted to know the answer to... I also got to be the ears and mind that was personally able to download the incredibly helpful advice and up-level myself in the process. Keeli absolutely delivered - dare I say 'preached Sista!' - and she had so much to share in a way that is passionate, inspiring and shows what leadership is.  Creating clear boundaries and how Keeli sets these up with her team How to 'sift' in your team, navigate and create culture in your team When there is a time to be in total servant leadership with team Q&A and why Her inspirational tools for business The dream leader list and how you can 'energetically' call in the leaders who feel good The 'Three C's' Keeli finds leaders have in common and why these are 'sparks' she looks for in her team Brain Dumping what feels good' How Keeli introduces the doTERRA business opportunity to her customers Why creativity is so important in growing your doTERRA business Everything you need is free! "It's never a lack of resources, only ever a lack of resourcefulness. " Links + Notes Grab your doTERRA Essential Oils: How to purchase doTERRA Oils Keeli's Facebook | Instagram | Website  + The Facebook live I saw Keeli in that ignited my connection with her: Your mind arrives first + Abraham Hicks - Into the Vortex App  + You Are A Badass - Jen Sinsero  + The Universe Has Your Back - Gabby Bernstein  + Diamond Song: Bob Marley, Don't Worry + Presidential Diamond Song: Rachel Platten, Stand By You + Ange Peters - Podcast
In this episode, I’m answering a question presented to me about the best way to build a doTERRA business with little ones around. It’s a ‘riff’ episode and I lay-it-down a little on : Why you’re probably wasting your time (your audience’s time and your kids time too). A reminder about what the 1% do. The exact areas of your business to focus on to be successful Why most people won’t do what it takes even with the ‘blueprint’. I also share with you what I believe your first goal should be (so that your wildest vision actually comes to fruition). The rest, I can’t remember. Its school holidays. My brain is mush.  
I recorded this episode a week ago and like usual, will publish without listening so that I don't over-think my art, or thoughts. This goes a long way to consistent output for me and it's this that supports my nervous system best. Launch, produce, curate, create, PRESS GO DON'T WAIT. Some of the topics: Can we talk about doing things in an ‘unprofessional’ manner? Can we launch before we are ready? Can we remember that the only narrative of our lives is the one we create and that we get to adjust this at ANY TIME and re-write the ending we’d already envisaged. It is not locked and loaded. Life is an evolution and we get to drive. Exposure therapy and a personal story of surrendering to the consequences of my own actions. (Can we communicate our way out of a situation we maybe 'over-communicated' into? I think in my instance, no. So I weeped but did not wallow my friends). Also, checking in on my 'shields' and what I would have done in the past in my moments of 'cringe'. We will joining together to learn our 'shields' during The Altar next year; a 10 month exclusive community program I am working on. Register interest here: The #1 regret of the dying. WHY has this not changed the way the majority of us live our lives. Let’s unpack this. (hint: consciousness…. get awake!) I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. "This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it. Shields and The Altar information (Launching in Nov): Register Interest here:  And more. Always more. Spotify playlist: Songs to weep to 🤣: Listen here. Book by Bonnie Ware: Top 5 Regrets of the Dying
This is a podcast episode on stories and topics that have been on my mind this week. I’ve loosely considered what is happening in my life this week, in my business, and things that are inspiring thought within me. I also chat about a polarising ad on the inter webs and whilst I thought about adding a disclaimer and MORE info on the nuance I see after the initial record, I have left it as is.   If you do not agree with what I have said or what my opinion is (or comes across as) for whatever reason, I do want you to know I understand there is nuance to this topic and if you think I’m wrong then that is okay and you’re right. These are simply our truths. Links/Notes to people and podcasts I have spoken about in this podcast: Huberman Lab podcast with Dr. Peter Attia Diary of a CEO podcast with Steven Bartlett The Joe Rogan Experience with Alex Berenson The Joe Rogan Experience Photographer Roshini McCartin Instagram:   Business Coach Rachel McDonald - Instagram Space-holder + facilitator Claire O’beid with - Atunement - Instagram Four Seasons Journey, School of Shamanic Womancraft.
We are joined for the third time (taking the record for most 'chatted-to' guest on this podcast) with @TheAlmostHippy, Christina Austin to talk about… look, I can’t remember much to be honest. (You'll have to listen to the info in podcast intro on why my memory may be a little short…) I am ‘pretty sure’ the podcast included some of the below; and I know that within these topics that there’s a lot of reading between the lines that needs to be done. It’s explicit, so, warning, no kiddies around unless you’re loose at parenting like us. How the last three years have changed us. How we show up online. Revenue streams and businesses online. Authenticity. Polarising topics and passion for potential. Fear and what holds women back. Please go give Christina a follow and standby for what is sure to be incredible business content coming from her in the future.
Comments (2)

Fiona Mullins O'Brien

wow what a powerful episode will defo share with my team.. I'm thinking of doing diamond club but I should be doing it already, just the kick up the ass o needed!!

Oct 17th

Ashlee Blonde Spencer

Holy smokes.

Mar 21st
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