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Robert Seik, PharmD – Triton Nutrition explores various topics in health, aging, and athleticism. Triton Nutrition is a performance health company focused on hormone optimization and increasing athletic performance and recovery through a clean diet and high quality supplementation.

54 Episodes
In 2013, Triton Nutrition sponsored the 2013 Never Quit Challenge, a charity jetski ride from Key West Florida to New York City, arriving September 11. The athletes, military vets and support staff relied on daily supplement packs and our Vital Vegan protein shakes to stay fueled for the 5 day ride. We at Triton Nutrition are proud to support current and former military service people and encourage you to do the same!
If you’re losing steam at the end of explosive workouts, you might want to consider adding creatine to your routine. MMA fighter and Thai kick boxer James McSweeney and Triton Nutrition® co-founder Robert Seik talk about Triton Nutrition® Kre-Alkalyn and how it’s been helping McSweeney go harder for more rounds.   Seik explains that Kre-Alkalyn is made with easily-absorbed alkalized creatine, made specifically for athletes engaging in explosive movements during their workouts. It’s perfect for boxers or heavy weight lifters.   McSweeney says since he started taking the supplement he finds he doesn’t fatigue during reps or rounds in the ring as quickly. “Since using the Kre-Alkalyn, I’ve stayed consistently explosive throughout my workouts,” he said. “I’m just as explosive the last round as I am the first.”   “You have to try it,” McSweeney said.   Take one capsule before any explosive movement and for an added boost, take another capsule immediately after. Try Kre-Alkalyn for yourself and watch your intensity last throughout your workout.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
Recovering completely means better, harder workouts ahead for MMA Fighter James McSweeney.   He recently added Triton Nutrition® Immuno Growth Factor with PRP to his nutritional regimen. He adds one scoop to his protein shakes at breakfast and lunch and another to a glass of milk before bed, for a total of three scoops per day.   James said that normally at this point in his training preparation, he feels fatigued, but with the extra focus he’s been placing on nutrition, he feels strong. He said ensuring his body’s recovery from vigorous training has played a huge role.   “The better I recover, the better I can perform the next day,” he said.   Triton Nutrition® co-founder Robert Seik explains that Immuno Growth Factor with PRP is made from pure bovine colostrum, which is a rich source of PRPs, or proline-rich polypetides. PRPs help calm down inflammation, which speeds recovery. Robert said athletes in a heavy training cycle should take three scoops of Immuno Growth Factor with PRP per day, while those in a more moderate training phase would benefit from adding one to two scoops per day to aid their recovery.   Keep checking back for more videos with James and Robert as they reveal additional elements of the nutritional and training plan that is helping James prepare for his next big fight.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
  Think you have your training and nutrition plan perfected? Don’t forget about your brain. MMA fighter and champion Thai kick boxer James McSweeney and Triton Nutrition® co-founder Robert Seik talk about Triton Nutrition's® Neurokinetic Cream and how it can help you stay focused in and out of the gym. One pump of this unique and innovative cream is applied twice daily to your inner forearms. Robert explains that fat-soluble B vitamins in their most active forms provided by Neurokinetic cream are used by the brain as co-factors to make neurotransmitters, which support healthy brain function. James said with the intense time commitment that goes into training and proper nutrition, he was excited to find a product that helps keep his mind focused and strong plus keep his mood good when he's not training hard. The easy application method means one less thing he has to take in pill or drink form, which he likes. After taking it for about five months, James said that his mood has improved in and out of the gym. He also finds he has more focus and that his mind doesn’t wander like it used to during training sessions. “It does keep me more focused,” he said. James said this is important because not only is he able to give his best during every workout, he’s more confident that his enhanced concentration and quickened reaction time will help him avoid injuries. “If you’re not concentrating, a lot of things can go bad in the gym,” he said. Try Triton Nutrition's® Neurokinetic Cream for yourself and let us know if your concentration, focus, and mood improves.       by Robert Seik, PharmD
How do they do it? How do elite athletes become, well, elite? Consistent commitment in the gym and in the kitchen. For MMA Fighter and star of Spike TV’s Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights James McSweeney, it’s finding and sticking with what works for him and incorporating it into his routine every day. That includes Triton Nutrition® Vital Vegan Protein and Vital Greens.   James said he’s tried many different types of protein over the course of his career, but they tended to leave him feeling bloated and gassy. “With the Vital Vegan Protein, it’s so much cleaner and the taste is good,” he said. Adding the Vital Greens to his morning and post-workout shakes helps him know he’s got his nutritional needs covered for the day. “I’ve got my foundation, so it takes the pressure off. Anything after is a bonus. I can’t lose once I’ve taken my drink,” he said. His personal recipes: Chocolate Vital Vegan Protein with the Berry Vital Greens or Vanilla Vital Vegan Protein mixed with Chocolate Vital Greens. “With these two products it really does help to build the foundation,” James said. “It helps my performance to no end.” Triton Nutrition co-founder Robert Seik explains that all athletes need protein to counteract the stress hormone cortisol and to rebuild muscle after a workout. Many powders contain a lot of artificial ingredients and sugars, which can cause gas. Vital Vegan Protein provides the benefits of easily digestible protein without the additions that can cause negative effects. Vital Greens provides a great source of vegetable-based nutrition which offers antioxidant protection.  Keep checking back for more videos with James and Robert as they reveal additional elements of the nutritional and training plan that keeps James in top fighting form.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
Are intense physical training and general life stress putting important hormones at risk in your body? The need for hormone replacement therapy is reaching epidemic levels, caused by nutrient deficient diets and exposure to environmental toxins.   For athletes, maintaining an optimum ratio of hormones, including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA, is vitally important for both men and women. Intense training causes the body to release cortisol, known as the stress hormone. The more you train, the more cortisol you release. In addition to exercise, stress from work and family life can also keep cortisol levels elevated. Unfortunately, the glands that produce hormones in the body have limited capacity. When an overabundance of cortisol is released, the body’s ability to make other beneficial hormones becomes reduced. This is called the “cortisol steal” where cortisol blocks other important hormones, putting our bodies in a catabolic, or breakdown state.   What does this mean from a health perspective? An athlete with too much cortisol and not enough testosterone could wind up training hard only to be “skinny fat”, meaning they might look lean, but not have an optimally low percentage of body fat.   The first step in hormone optimization is resetting cortisol levels, which is addressed in this video. The second step is improving your sleep cycle, which depresses cortisol and helps you recharge and reset for the next day so your glands can produce more of the hormones you want. In fact, 80 percent of the growth hormones we produce are made at night while we’re sleeping. Check out other videos that address specific hormone optimization tips for men and women as well as overall balance.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
What supplements are important to take when you are on Hormone Replacement Therapy? Certain nutrients are depleted during HRT and it is very important to replace those nutrients that are depleted.   First it is first important to eat a nutrient-dense diet. Triton Nutrition then recommends a multivitamin called Basic Multipro for Men or Basic Multipro for Women. 2 capsules twice a day is the general support dose. There is also a Performance Multivitamin for Men and for Women that is expanded.   For both men and women the two most important cofactors that you will need in addition to your multivitamin is magnesium and zinc. Triton Nutrition has Mag Powersorb and Zinc Glycinate. Both are in an amino acid chelate form, which is the most absorbable form for the body.   Women should take 2-3 capsules of the Mag Powersorb and 1-2 capsules of the Zinc Glycinate a day. If they have heavy workouts then they will need to increase the dosage up from there.   HRT also requires B vitamins supplementation in a certain form because it depletes your body's resources. Triton Nutrition's philosophy is to supply nutrients in the most absorbable, most absorbable form. You sometimes see B12 in the form of cyanocobolamin, but Triton Nutrition does not use that form, they use the active form called methylcobolamin. In Triton Nutrition's Neurokinetic Cream, the biologically active forms called methylcobolamin and hydroxocobolamin are used in the form of a topical cream. This should be applied to lean body parts, like forearms or lower legs at one pump, twice a day. If you are severely depleted in methyl donors, there is methylcobolamin and 5-MTHF, both active forms of the vitamin, and you may need a total of three pumps a day.   The reason this is called Neurokinetic Cream is because the forms found in the cream are important in the making of neurotransmitters and they are also important in the metabolism of the beautiful hormone biochemistry symphony. Hormone Replacement Therapy also depletes other B vitamins as well. If you are not getting enough in your food then you need to turn to a supplement. Triton Nutrition offers a product called B-Energy Complex, which is made of the active forms of the B vitamins. B6 is in the form Pyridoxyl 5'-Phosphate and B2 is in the form of Riboflavin 5'-Phosphate, which are the active forms. These are the most usable and valuable forms of the vitamins.   It is also important for the body to safely eliminate toxic chemicals from the body that are absorbed from environmental exposure. These chemicals are also called xenoestrogens because these toxins act like estrogens and throw off the balance of hormones in the body. These toxins are found in plastics and pesticides as well as cleaners, weed killers and flame retardants on our furniture. It is very important to eliminate these toxins from our body.   Estro Shield with DIM helps eliminate these toxins from the body. It also contains bioperine to help with absorption and Turmeric, which acts as an anti-inflammatory.   Women who are estrogen dominant either from her own body's excess production of estrogen or most likely from xenohormones from the environment will experience anxiety, insomnia and breast tenderness, to name a few.   Men with the accumulation of the xenoestrogens will notice symptoms of low testosterone. Why, because these xenoestrogens can occupy the testosterone receptor, which blocks the testosterone from binding.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
CrossFit athletes are high intensity, heavy trainers and many write in asking what they can do for nutritional support. It is important to listen to your body and when you feel that you need recovery days, it is important to take them. You should have some heavy days and some light days. Triton Nutrition was founded by Rico Ebetino, a former US Navy SEAL and Robert Seik, PharmD. What brought the two together was the topic of athletes and nutrient depletion. Both realized that a company was needed that delivered the highest quality of nutritional supplements to hard training athletes.   It is also very important to remember that you cannot just supplement someone's deficient hormones because HRT depletes your own body's nutrients. So nutrient supplementation is necessary with HRT. It is common to see someone who begins HRT and feels good initially, but over time they begin to feel bad again because their nutrients are being depleted. Add heavy training into that equation, which also depletes your nutrients and you can find extremely nutrient depleted individuals.   Robert wants to stress the food first model and that you need to try to get your nutrients first from food and then add supplements when necessary to correct those nutrient deficiencies. It is also important to get the right amount of protein in your diet for those who are training. Protein supplementation in itself can also deplete certain nutrients in your body so it is important to keep that in mind as well. B complex vitamins and magnesium are depleted with protein consumption.   So, heavy training with heavy sweating will create zinc and magnesium depletion, protein consumption will deplete your B vitamins and magnesium and lastly HRT can cause nutrient depletion it itself. Combine all three and you can create a severely nutrient depleted individual. Listen to your body and rest when necessary and correct those nutrient deficiencies.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
Immuno Growth Factor with PRP contains a very pure form of Colostrum from grass-fed, organically raised cows. It is cold-pressed in order to preserve molecules called proline-rich polypeptides or PRPs. It provides one of the best building blocks needed for muscle recovery.   On Triton Nutrition's site, you will find recipes that use Vital Vegan Protein with a scoop of Immuno Growth Factor with PRP. But for heavy training athletes, Robert recommends taking three scoops of Immuno Growth Factor with PRP a day. One scoop three times a day with water is almost like an infusion of good amino acid building blocks direct to the muscles.   A highly trained athlete who is exercising a great deal is actually compromising his or her immune system due to the stress of heavy training. It is important to listen to your body and if you're training extremely hard and raising your cortisol level then you're increasing inflammation and weakening your body's immune defense.   It is very important to balance your training, but if you're gearing up for a competition then it is important to support your body as much as possible. Immuno Growth Factor with PRP is an excellent way to do just that for those high intensity workouts. This is an excellent product for CrossFit athletes and for those endurance athletes.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
The main ways our bodies age are through the mechanisms of drying up, burning up, turn to stone and we rust. Drying up is through dehydration and the deficiency of certain minerals. We burn up through the process of inflammation. We deposit Calcium into our arteries and we turn to stone. Lastly, we rust through oxidative stress.   Our bodies are inflamed for a number of reasons. We are exposed to so many environmental toxins that are aggravating inflammation in our body. We are eating more and more GMOs that cause inflammation and we're not eating foods that are naturally anti-inflammatory.   The healthy consumption of good oils helps reduce inflammation. You also need to eat a nutrient-dense diet and if you're not then you need to make sure you supplement your diet. Most people are deficient in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which decrease inflammation. Triton Nutrition's Omega Prime Fish Oil contains 950mg per capsule. The fish oil is isolated from small cold-water fish under the polar ice cap, which are more pure than large fish, which usually absorb more toxins.   Omega 3-Fatty Acid consumption can reduce a number of inflammatory markers like hs-CRP (high-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein) as well as many other areas in the body. It inhibits a cascade of cytokines or eicosanoids that can aggravate inflammation.   The more we train, the more fatty acids are required. Those who are on certain medications that deplete their fatty acids or those with certain diseases such as diabetes also require more of these Omega-3 Fatty Acids. These Omega-3 Fatty Acids also lower triglycerides and help balance cholesterol levels.   Another product that reduces inflammation is the D3 Ultra Drops. Vitamin D deficiency is rampant here in the United States. The Harvard School of Public Health states that the best benefits of 25-hydroxy vitamin D is seen in the 70-90 ranges. Vitamin D below 50 is associated with insomnia. Low Vitamin D means that there is an increased production of inflammatory cytokines like IL-6, IL-17, TNF alpha. Vitamin D drops are relatively inexpensive. D3 Ultra Drops are 1200 units per drop and because it is miscellized it is highly absorbable.   Immune Boost Spray is an isolated form of colostrum produced from grass-fed, organically raised cows. PRPs are extracted from this colostrum. Dr. Andrew Keech's Peptide Immunotherapy book emphasizes the importance of colostrum and the proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs). These PRPs balance the process of inflammation and balance a healthy immune system. This is very important in times of autoimmune diseases like Lupus and Scleroderma.   For more information on the benefits of PRPs please see the article Viruses and the Advantages of PRPs.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
What are the most important nutrients that you need to take to support your body's hormone balance? Triton Nutrition's philosophy is to first build the foundation, to balance your body's biochemistry with nutrition and hormones and then to boost performance.   The first thing to note is that men need to take Zinc and Magnesium. This is the best way to maximize your testosterone level. You cannot make testosterone without Zinc and Magnesium. Triton Nutrition promotes the food first model. You want to make sure you get the 6-7 servings of vegetables a day. Take loads of dark green leafy vegetables. 3.3 oz of pumpkin seeds has about 500mg of Magnesium or you can put 2 cups of Epsom Salt in a hot bath for a 30 minute soak to absorb your Magnesium. Supplements will most likely be necessary if you work out hard.   For Magnesium, Triton Nutrition recommends Mag Powersorb, 2-3 capsules a day for men, which is best absorbed on an empty stomach.   Testosterone can easily be converted into estrogen and it is important to maintain a healthy ratio. A healthy balance in a young man is to have a testosterone level at about 1000 and an estradiol level at about 20. We want to make sure that testosterone doesn't drop too much and that estradiol doesn't climb too much. This happens very easily when there is a Zinc deficiency. In order for testosterone to be converted to estrogen, all that's needed is to simply remove a single Hydrogen atom, which is the smallest atom in the world.   Triton Nutrition has a product called Zinc Glycinate, which is in the most optimal form that the body absorbs. This is called a chelated mineral. Each capsule is 20mg and Robert recommends that men take three capsules a day.  The more we exercise and the more we sweat, the more minerals like zinc and magnesium are excreted from the body.   Testosterone in women is very important as well. If women have estrogen dominance, they will experience weight gain, heavy periods, breast tenderness and PMS. Robert recommends 1-2 capsules of Zinc Glycinate a day or 20-40mg.   Triton Nutrition also has a product called Estro Shield with DIM. DIM or diindolylmethane can be found in cruciferous vegetables. Everyone should eat about a cup of lightly cooked broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage a day. This will contain some of the DIM compound. DIM safely eliminates xenoestrogens, which are toxins that are similar in structure to our own estrogen that our body makes.   Estro Shield with DIM also contains bioperine, which helps with the absorption and it also contain Turmeric, which helps detoxify and acts as an anti-inflammatory.   So Zinc helps block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Magnesium is needed in the body to make estrogen. Estro Shield with DIM will help balance out the estrogen and testosterone in the body and maintain a higher level of testosterone than estrogen.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
A common question is how can I maintain healthy joints and what can I do if I am experiencing joint pain? Joint pain usually means that there is inflammation present and you need to get the inflammation down. It is important to support your body's anti-inflammatory processes when you're doing your heavy workouts like those who do CrossFit.   Triton Nutrition's product called Joint Restore contains glucosamine, chondroiton as well as hyaluronic acid, which are all building blocks. The product also contains anti-inflammatories like MSM and a New Zealand green-lipped mussel extract called Etarol. If you take two capsules before a workout and then two capsules immediately following a workout it helps with joint restoration and helps reduce the inflammation.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
Triton Nutrition has the Three B Philosophy: Build, Balance and Boost.   Build requires building blocks and the first thing you need to do in order to build is to build a good foundation for the body. What this means is that you need a solid, nutritional foundation. The hormone biochemistry in our body is very complex. Each individual hormone has 300-500 different functions. These hormones have to change from one form to another and they have to activate receptors, to be deactivated and to be metabolized and eliminated from the body. All of this is a complex symphony of biochemistry that goes on and you can't have this symphony occur without the nutritional cofactors necessary. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are very important nutrients that are necessary.   Even if you make your best effort with a nutrient-dense diet, you can still have nutrient deficiencies because our soil is severely depleted. Supplements will be necessary in order to supplement your nutrient-dense diet.   Your diet should consist of a large amount of vegetables (6-7 servings), a few select fruits (2-3 servings) and high quality proteins. It's important to eliminate those foods that are not nutrient-dense and that actually rob your body of nutrition, like flour and sugar. The top 20% of people are actually only getting 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.   If you are someone who exercises, this will place an additional toll on your body and cause more of a nutrient depletion through an increase in metabolic processes.   Balance is the next step in the Triton Nutrition philosophy. Balancing hormones is very important. In women, it is important to balance your estrogen and progesterone. Many women do well without the added estrogen during HRT and progesterone replacement therapy is enough. The balancing of nutritional cofactors is also very important. If you are on HRT you need to consider taking additional nutrients because HRT alone can deplete certain nutrients from your body. Magnesium and B complex vitamins are certain nutrients that are often depleted. These deficiencies can make you feel weak and fatigued, often how you felt before you started on HRT. Instead of increasing your dose of HRT, you actually need to supplement those nutrient deficiencies.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
Robert Seik, PharmD is a compounding pharmacist who owns two compounding pharmacies. He receives many questions regarding hormones and nutrition and since this is an area that Robert specializes in, he would like to speak a bit on the subject. What is hormone replacement therapy and why do we need it? The hormones produced by the endocrine glands are the main signals that organs use to communicate with each other and excite the body into action. These hormones include the adrenal hormones such as cortisol and DHEA as well as the sex hormones, progesterone, testosterone and estradiol, to name a few as well as the thyroid hormone, which regulates metabolism as well as many other functions. Each hormone produced in the body may have about 400-500 metabolic functions. If one hormone is low or too high you will feel the effects of that hormone in terms of symptoms. The proper amounts of hormone levels are important because they can make us feel better, think quicker, move faster, improve our memory and keep inflammation down. We face a number of challenges in modern times with nutrient deficiencies hence the founding of Triton Nutrition to support hormones and the proper nutrient balance. We are also exposed to an enormous amount of toxins daily called endocrine disruptors, which affect the proper hormone balance. Add to that the stress of overworking and overtraining and you'll find that many individuals experience overproduction or underproduction of certain hormones. In order to maintain good functionality during menopause, andropause and the other daily stressors, it is important to focus on good nutrition and maintaining proper hormone levels. Hormone replacement therapy is one way to maintain optimal functioning for a healthy body, healthy mind and longevity. By Robert Seik, PharmD
Cortisol is a stress hormone, which is produced under stressful conditions, one of them being heavy training. A CrossFit viewer asked how they could nutritionally support their hormones under heavy training loads. The first hormone that comes into mind is modulating the hormone Cortisol.   Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands and is designed to be released in short bursts. Cortisol is an anti-inflammatory hormone and it also helps us mobilize energy. This is used in times of fight or flight when these short energy bursts are necessary to run or fight.   In modern times, we disrupt our Cortisol production by poor sleep, overworking, heavy training and poor nutrition. Cortisol production has been directly correlated with training load. It is important to pay attention to your body and note that if you are overstressing your body and producing large amounts of cortisol, your body will start to break down. It will break down your muscle because it is a catabolic hormone.   Your body makes cortisol preferentially over other hormones.  When there is a large amount of cortisol being made, you will see other hormones decline like testosterone and DHEA. These hormones are responsible for building your body up. This is why it is important to take a rest after heavy training.   Make sure you get 20-25 grams of protein within ten minutes after heavy training. This will blunt the rise in cortisol. Triton Nutrition makes Vital Vegan Protein and ProFit Whey and these can be used in combination with Vital Greens or Vital Reds. Please check out our site where delicious recipes are listed using these proteins.   Another great product is Triton Nutrition's Immuno Growth Factor with PRP, which is a pure, cold-pressed colostrum product made from grass-fed, organically grown cows. This cold-pressed technique maintains Immunoglobulins (IgGs) and proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs). PRPs help balance inflammation and IgGs are needed because the immune system can be weakened during heavy workouts. This is a very efficient form of protein and can be combined with the other powdered forms of protein.   There are two products by Triton Nutrition that also help with Cortisol regulation: Relora-plex and Adrenal Shield. Adrenal Shield contains extract from three herbs: Chordyceps sinensis, Ginseng root and Rhodiola rosea root, which helps balance the cortisol and the other hormones responsible for balancing energy, like DHEA. This will help with afternoon fatigue.   Relora-plex is a specific blend of herbs designed to reduce cortisol. Relora-plex is specifically helpful when someone would like to start on hormone replacement therapy but his or her cortisol is elevated. You don't want to start therapy before getting the elevated cortisol under control first because the other hormones supplied during therapy won't function properly. Relora-plex allows the person to feel less anxiety and more smooth energy throughout the day. At nighttime they fall asleep faster and they stay asleep. It is important to sleep well because that is when 80% of growth hormone is produced.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy means that the exact molecule in the product is identical in structure to the hormone produced in our body's glands. These bioidentical hormones can be made into creams, capsules, gels, sublingual lozenges, sublingual drops and subcutaneous implantable pellets at a compounding pharmacy.   Pharmaceutical companies make synthetic hormones that are not structurally the same as what our body produces. These chemicals have been altered by attaching a group to the compound therefore making man-made chemicals that can be patented. It is possible to find bioidentical hormones that are made by pharmaceutical companies and they do this by patenting their delivery system since bioidentical hormones themselves cannot be patented.   For example, estriol or estradiol can be found in a patch form for women. Testosterone can be found in a gel form. This is how the pharmaceutical company delivers a bioidentical hormone in a patented delivery form. The molecule itself is not patented, only the delivery system.   The Women's Health Initiative and the HERS Study both showed that the synthetic form of progesterone called medoxyprogesterone acetate caused thin women to have an increase in breast cancer, ovarian cancer, heart attack and stroke. After these two studies, an enormous amount of women stopped taking Prempro and Provera. But they still continued to experience symptoms of progesterone and estrogen deficiency. Women are actively seeking information on bioidentical hormone therapy and they want answers.   Please see the video Why Hormones Are Not Enough to learn more about how it is necessary to supply your body with the proper nutrients so that your body is able to produce the hormones required for your body to function properly.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
The Protein Timing intake is very important for an athlete. It should be taken immediately after a workout, within ten minutes. During your workout you are breaking down muscle, so afterwards you need to ingest your protein portion.   An athlete's protein timing portion varies depending on the size of the athlete and the training demand. A good equation to remember is 0.8-1.4 grams of protein for every kg of Lean Body Mass. Lean Body Mass is muscle, organs and bone. There are a number of different ways to measure your Lean Body Mass and remember that 1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds.   So, within ten minutes after training, an athlete should ingest his protein and it should be an easily digestible protein source. The maximum the human body can digest per hour is 30-40 grams. Robert Seik recommends 20-30 grams of protein following a training session. This protein will help repair tissues that were broken down, reduce muscle soreness and reduce the amount of stress hormones released.   Remember to choose a good protein supplement that is easily digestible and make sure you take the right amount of protein to suit your body size and workout.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
Protein Powder Recipes using Triton Nutrition's Pro-Fit Whey and Vital Vegan protein powders. Whey is a good protein source for those who do not have a food intolerance to Whey. Vital Vegan, which consists of 5 different vegan proteins, is highly recommended and is low in allergenicity.   Triton Nutrition offers both Pro-Fit Whey Protein powder and Vital Vegan Protein powder. Robert Seik's personal favorite it the Vital Vegan Protein powder that offers a combination of five different plant sources: Chia, Hemp, Brown Rice, Cranberry and Yellow Pea proteins that are low in allergenicity because there is no dairy component. So, there is no Casein and there is no Lactose. There is also no Soy. Soy is genetically modified in the United States, it is low in branched chain amino acids and it can be allergenic. Since the Vital Vegan does not have Casein, Lactose and Soy, it means less chance of acne, bloating, gas, asthma and postnasal drip, which are commonly seen with food intolerances. The Vital Vegan is offered in both Chocolate and Vanilla flavor.   The truth is, we live in a very toxic environment so there are also two additional ingredients found in the Vital Vegan: Calcium d-glucarate and Sulforaphane, which is broccoli seed extract and these help our body detoxify by supporting the liver and ridding the body of chemicals that are found in our environment that our body sees as Estrogen such as pesticides, herbicides and chemicals found in plastics, to name a few.   In addition, the Chia seed protein expands with liquids, so it gives us a nice gastrointestinal cleansing effect. For added brain focus, energy, and fat burning, MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides) are also included.   When making your shakes you can add almond milk, coconut milk, coconut water or you can just add water. Remember to add fruits and vegetables to your shake so that you alkalize the shake. Protein powder by itself causes an acidic environment. Triton Nutrition offers Vital Reds, which is an organic combination of fruits and vegetables and comes in Strawberry-Kiwi flavor and there is Vital Greens which comes in a Chocolate flavor and a Berry.   If you mix Vital Red with Vanilla Vital Vegan and Almond milk with frozen strawberries, it is delicious. For those who like chocolate, Chocolate Vital Vegan with Chocolate Vital Greens will give you antioxidants because of the Dutch processed Cocoa. Add this with Almond milk and you have a delicious shake. Remember these shakes are sweetened with Stevia, no refined sugars or artificial sweeteners. There are more recipes on Triton Nutrition's site.   To read more on good sources of protein, Triton Nutrition's Health and Wellness Resource Libray has a very nice article.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
Probiotics have a very important role in our body, specifically in our digestive tract. When they are lacking for various reasons, like after taking antibiotics, other illnesses and diseases can ensue.   Probiotics generally refers to friendly bacteria or intestinal gut flora that belong in our digestive tract. This is a 30 foot tube from end to end and it contains about 100 trillion of these microorganisms, but this is only if the digestive tract is healthy.   What are the causes of a decrease in intestinal flora? There are many. One example would be when someone takes antibiotics that kill off the bad bacteria, but in doing so the good bacteria or flora are also killed off. Many times this allows fungus to grow because the good flora is not regulating it and the person will develop a yeast infection. You don't have to take prescription antibiotics for this to happen. There are antibiotics present in our food that can do the same harm. There is also chlorine in our water supply that can also kill off the flora in our gut and the end result is the development of disease.   Many functional and regenerative physicians believe that if a person is ill and they don't quite know where to start, they start with the gut. They use the 4 R Protocol, which stands for Remove, Replace, Reinoculate and Repair.   Remove stands for remove the offending agent. Remove offending foods or the offending bad bacteria or virus that is causing harm. Replace means replace the enzymes and acids and other nutrients that have been lost. Reinoculate means the good bacteria have to be replaced with probiotics. Repair they intestinal lining if there has been a lot of damage. This may involve using amino acids like glutamine or cold processed pure bovine colostrum products that help repair.   It is very important to replace these probiotics because it is the body's main immune defense. Some physicians will say that over 70% of our main defense is through the gut. We also rely on these probiotics to digest certain foods such as beans, legumes, and nuts and they usually provide the very last steps to provide the nutrients that we need.   The gut flora is also responsible for reducing inflammation. Patients with diverticulitis, Ulcerative Colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome often have wiped out gut flora. Healthy bacteria secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines that keep bad bacteria at bay. When the healthy flora is gone then you can see these disorders appear. Once these flora are gone, Leaky Gut Syndrome can occur, which is mentioned in the gut health video. This means that holes have developed in the intestinal lining, which allows undigested food and other pathogens to leak into the body, which causes a whole host of other problems.   At Partell Pharmacy in Las Vegas, you can purchase VSL3, which helps treat Ulcerative Colitis. The sachets in VSL3 (the living shield) are packed with 450 billion probiotics. There are also other pharmaceutical grade probiotics available at their compounding pharmacy. It is important to look at the label when purchasing probiotics. You will find many that have 5 or 10 billion units of probiotics a day and that is why they are so inexpensive. The better quality products will contain more probiotics. Robert suggests taking at least 100 billion probiotics a day and more if you are ill or during allergy season. Why during allergy season? If we reduce inflammation in the gut by taking probiotics, we most likely can reduce inflammation in the entire body.   You can actually have your probiotic flora checked so you know what your gut status is. A Functional and Rejuvenative Physician will know the proper tests to order.   Diet is very important when considering your gut health. You can increase your healthy gut flora by eating lacto fermented foods like sauerkraut and kim chi and some yogurts rich in acidophilus. Avoid sugars and starch in the diet because yeasts and other bad flora can feed off of these types of foods.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
Neurotransmitters, the brain communicates to the rest of the body using chemical electrical signals. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters.   Dr. David Perlmutter is a lecturer for those taking their fellowship at the American Academy of Anti-Aging. He wrote a book called The Better Brain Book, which focuses on getting toxins out of the body that compromises cognitive brain function and he can improve disease parameters in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients.   Another lecturer who is on faculty is Dr. Eric Braverman. His book is called The Edge Effect. The book is about the four main transmitters of the brain and if you want to improve your body cognitively or physically, you should really begin with the brain and focus on the neurotransmitters.   Neurotransmitters are manufactured with amino acids and with other micronutrients and they change from one form to another. Many micronutrient cofactors are necessary for these processes to happen. The four transmitters are Dopamine, GABA, Acetylcholine, and Serotonin.   Dopamine is responsible for many functions in the body from elevating your mood to increasing fast twitch muscle fibers in athletes and increasing reaction times. Dopamine also gives us good sex drive and libido.   GABA is another neurotransmitter and this one allows us to stay calm and have a feeling of well-being. It helps balance the excitatory neurotransmitter Dopamine so that we can relax.   Acetylcholine is very important for memory and cognitive speed. Lastly, there is Serotonin, which has a very vast functionality. It regulates mood, appetite and sleep as well as some memory and learning functions. This is what SSRIs, like Prozac focus on for the treatment of depression and generalized anxiety. Instead of taking these pharmaceutical drugs you can make sure you are providing your body with the essential nutrients to make these neurotransmitters. Because remember, when you take these drugs you get side effects and create other nutrient depletions and the cascade begins.   The amino acids necessary to create these neurotransmitters are derived from eating a well-balanced healthful diet. It is important to have a healthy gut in order to absorb these nutrients, so look at the gut health video to understand this more. Your diet must have good quality sources of protein so you can get the amino acids to make these neurotransmitters. If you do not have enough in your diet then you will have to supplement.   A company called NuMedica, which makes high quality products, offers supplements to improve brain and cognitive health. Appe-Curb is one of these products. It was made to reduce cravings for sugar and other carbohydrates. It has also been shown to reduce the cravings for nicotine, cocaine and alcohol. This product contains many amino acids that are necessary to make neurotransmitters like dopamine. So, if the brain needs dopamine and it sends out signals that cause these cravings, you can provide this supplement so it can then make the dopamine it needs and the cravings go away.   There is also Neuro Methylation Cream and Cognitive Balance, which is part of NuMedica's cognitive support line. The video will give you specific details on these two products.   Dr. Kendal Stewart, a Neurologist and Neuroimmune Specialist runs the Neurosensory Centers of America out of Austin, Texas. He has much success helping ADD and Autism and other patients with severe neurological disorders by providing high quality supplements to merely balance the brain.   By taking these NuMedica products and providing your body with the necessary amino acids, nutrients and cofactors is just one step. You must also improve your immune system and reduce your toxic load.   Dr. Eric Braverman has a test in his book The Edge Effect to help you evaluate what neurotransmitter deficiencies you may have. The book is excellent-we also found the questionnaire on another site as well, click here. We do not have the test on our blog as mentioned in the video.   by Robert Seik, PharmD
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