DiscoverRadiant Church Weekend Sermon
Radiant Church Weekend Sermon
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Radiant Church Weekend Sermon

Author: Radiant Church

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This is the official weekend teaching podcast of Radiant Church in Kalamazoo, MI. Radiant Church was founded by Senior Pastor Lee Cummings in 1996 with a vision to lead people to become radiant disciples of Jesus Christ. To learn more about Radiant, visit
553 Episodes
Why do you believe? What is your faith rooted in? It’s easy to forget our jewish roots due to Christianity being watered down by our western understanding. WHY I BELIEVE is a brand new series taking us into the Easter season where we'll discuss our belief in God, His word, and how to navigate the world in its current state.In week three of our Why I Believe series, special guest Dr. Michael Brown brings a powerful word on why the Bible is relevant.
Why do you believe? What is your faith rooted in? It’s easy to forget our jewish roots due to Christianity being watered down by our western understanding. WHY I BELIEVE is a brand new series taking us into the Easter season where we'll discuss our belief in God, His word, and how to navigate the world in its current state. In week two of our Why I Believe series, Pastor Lee dives into why our world is a mess and how we’re supposed to respond in this hour.
Why do you believe? What is your faith rooted in? It’s easy to forget our jewish roots due to Christianity being watered down by our western understanding. WHY I BELIEVE is a brand new series taking us into the Easter season where we'll discuss our belief in God, His word, and how to navigate the world in its current state. In week one of our Why I Believe series, Pastor Lee unpacks our belief in God and gives five reasons why he believes that God is real. According to Barna Research. 51% of respondents polled stated they believe in a biblical worldview. When questioned with supplementary research it was found that only 6% actually do. There is more evidence for God and without acknowledging the evidence and the Creator that it points to, we will never be able to understand the world. Everyone has a belief about God. Each belief about God forms a story. Five reasons I believe in God: 1. Creation and the universe we all live in 2. The moral law we all possess 3. The beauty we all observe 4. The revelation of God we have received 5. My personal experience with God
Faith that only exists inside the four walls of the church is not faith at all. God is challenging household idols and restoring the family altar. Don't miss this word from Zach Dillon!
How do you respond when God comes? Watch part two of this powerful sermon from Lee Cummings in response to what Lord is doing in our city and across the nation. The reason God walks along the aisles of our church is because He evaluates the health and spiritual climate of the church. He has a heart of intention towards us (which is why He writes the letters in Revelation). God is the great interrupter. Revival is God in His mercy interrupting our conversation before it goes too far. If we have ears to hear, He is doing this (revival) in America. Sin is like gravity, it pulls you. The first stop on that gravitational pull is religion - going through the motions. The next stop is when we completely walk away. In His mercy he steps in and interrupts the gravity of sin and wakes us up. Jesus doesn’t condemn, he refines. Jesus is knocking on the door of the church saying, “I want my church back”. What happens when Jesus steps back in the room when we open the door? Spiritual vitality. Our heart gets lit on fire.
When God Comes

When God Comes


How do you respond when God comes? Watch this powerful sermon from Lee Cummings in response to what Lord is doing in our city and across the nation. We are in a sovereign and special moment. What is God doing in this hour?You have nothing more important than being in the eye of Jesus’ visitation.Whenever God comes, He comes with an agenda.In the desert there will be seasons where it is dry for months on end and then suddenly there is rain and the seeds are watered and the river beds are filled.When you find yourself in a spiritual season of rain, ask Him for more.Jesus is the resurrected Son of the living God.Respond to the Lord like Isaiah, "Here I am Lord, send me.”
As we enter this brand new year and this brand new season, it’s time that we remember that when we intentionally draw near to the Lord and seek Him, He rewards us. Join us for The Seeker’s Reward, our first series of 2023 that runs alongside our SEEK: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. To wrap up our series, Pastor Lee shares a word out of Romans 4 talking about our faith and the journey it goes through as believers and followers of Jesus. For Abraham to leave everything to pursue a promise was a step of faith. Our faith is at once a singular moment, an ongoing journey, and an ultimate destination. We are saved by grace. We are saved because of faith. Faith grows as we go through the process of living all the days of our lives. Faith is a single moment in time. Faith is also a journey - an ongoing process. The journey of faith is one of discovery. The journey of faith is one of maturity. The journey of faith is one of friendship. Faith is a destination. Our destination is when we see Him.
As we enter this brand new year and this brand new season, it’s time that we remember that when we intentionally draw near to the Lord and seek Him, He rewards us. Join us for The Seeker’s Reward, our first series of 2023 that runs alongside our SEEK: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Jon Zondervan continues our Seeker’s Reward series with a sermon focused around the daily decision we can make to invite God to move in grace and power in our lives. Repent: to change your mind, thus turning from sin and toward God To be truly impacted by the power of the Gospel is not primarily an emotionally charged response, it’s not just being sorry for our sins or conduct, neither is it simply reciting a sinners prayer. True repentance occurs when we encounter the presence, love, and conviction of God where we are awakened to the truth found only in Jesus, humble ourselves, and become fully persuaded that our thinking, philosophy, behavior and very lives must be conformed solely to what God has revealed through the Holy Spirit and His written word. This daily decision prepares the way for God to move in our lives and opens the door to the unmerited grace & power we need to live Godly lives.
As we enter this brand new year and this brand new season, it’s time that we remember that when we intentionally draw near to the Lord and seek Him, He rewards us. Join us for The Seeker’s Reward, our first series of 2023 that runs alongside our SEEK: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting.In this sermon, Caleb Culver speaks on the corporate altar and how we’re called to tend to it and take our spot on the wall.There are 4 different types of altars: - Personal altar someone would create - Family altar, place of family worship - Communal altar, in a village or town overseen by a levite - Corporate altar The fire that was used on personal and family altars was man-made. The fire on the corporate altar was sent by God. We have a new order: the living stones of God gathering is the temple, the hearts of the people are the altar, and the fire is the Holy Spirit. Prayer is the primary purpose of the altar of the new covenant. Why are we so quick to neglect the corporate altar? People. There’s something about getting in the room together and praying. There is an inextricable tie between the purity of the corporate altar and the condition of individual’s hearts. As the leader goes, so goes the altar. As the altar goes, so goes the nation. The forsaking of the corporate altar causes the fire to go out, which causes the sacrifices to stop, which leads to the breaking down of the family and personal altar.
As we enter this brand new year and this brand new season, it’s time that we remember that when we intentionally draw near to the Lord and seek Him, He rewards us. Join us for The Seeker’s Reward, our first series of 2023 that runs alongside our SEEK: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. God is looking for the willing ones. In this sermon, Pastor Lee dives into ways we can live our lives willing and positioned toward Christ. David was a man who captured the heart of God. David is the model of one who seeks hard after the Lord. At our core, humans are created to worship. God is looking for the willing ones. God is looking for the ones willing to make a bigger deal of God’s presence and power than our problems, enemies, and fears around him. God is looking for the ones willing to worship and Intercede beyond their comfort zone or the minimum requirement. God is looking for the ones willing to pray and worship God beyond their intellect and understanding. God is looking for the ones willing to seek God beyond our feelings. God is looking for the ones willing to do whatever it takes to create a dwelling place for God’s presence.
As we enter this brand new year and this brand new season, it’s time that we remember that when we intentionally draw near to the Lord and seek Him, He rewards us. Join us for The Seeker’s Reward, our first series of 2023 that runs alongside our SEEK: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. In this sermon, Pastor Lee begins our series with reminding us the “why” behind our prayer and our fasting. Hebrews 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Matthew 6:6 “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” What is a Seeker? Someone searching, looking or pursuing a greater proximity to God’s Presence; someone who has set their heart on a journey. What is the Reward? He is. The Seeker’s Reward is receiving more of Him, with every step made in His direction. 3 keys to saying “yes” to God’s invitation: 1. Seek God first (law of priority - reading God’s word first) 2. Seek God often (habitually - developing an appetite for God) 3. Seek God together (community - we grow best together - hunger stirs hunger)
Re-Do Your Resolutions

Re-Do Your Resolutions


2023 kicks off with a stand-alone sermon from Jon Zondervan.
We are people in waiting. There is a promise of the long awaited one returning. God has not forgotten His people, nor His good creation. He would deliver. Don’t miss our “The Awaited One” series this Christmas season at Radiant. Watch our Christmas Eve from Pastor Lee that concludes our “The Awaited One” series.
We are people in waiting. There is a promise of the long awaited one returning. God has not forgotten His people, nor His good creation. He would deliver. Don’t miss our “The Awaited One” series this Christmas season at Radiant. In the part two from this series leading into our Christmas Eve sermon, Pastor Lee dives into Luke 2 to share how to keep our hearts awaiting His return. Why did so many people miss Jesus’ first coming?Ignorance. Prejudice. Complacency. Distraction. What was the difference in all those who welcomed His arrival?They were actively waiting. Would it be any different today?It won’t be any different before Jesus returns. Because the same conditions exist right now.The Promise of His return remains.The Prophecies still stand.Signs are beginning to occur. How do we keep our hearts awaiting His return?Searching the scriptures - like the MagiAching and longing for the Savior – like SimeonPraying and fasting – like AnnaPurifying and preparing a People – like John the Baptist
We are people in waiting. There is a promise of the long awaited one returning. God has not forgotten His people, nor His good creation. He would deliver. Don’t miss our “The Awaited One” series this Christmas season at Radiant.In the first sermon from this series, Pastor Lee dives into several Old Testament scriptures to unpack the origins of the Christmas story in a way you've maybe never thought of before.
A Grateful People

A Grateful People


In this stand-alone sermon to kick off the month of December, Jon Zondervan shares a word out of Colossians 3 on gratefulness. Gratefulness doesn't come naturally. Gratefulness begins with seeing God as good. Gratefulness isn't false happiness. Gratefulness is about perspective.
You were created to thrive in the presence of God. In our Flourish series, we’ll explore and unpack how God has designed us to grow, and what happens inside of us and our families when we plant ourselves deep in the root system of the local church. In this sermon from Pastor Lee, we learn about how the legacy we build and leave behind is generational, global, and eternal. Reward is what we send ahead to heaven. Legacy is what we leave behind here on earth.  Legacy is GENERATIONAL and goes beyond your sight. Legacy is GLOBAL and goes beyond your reach. Legacy is ETERNAL and goes beyond your life. Legacy is not just leaving something for people, it’s leaving something in people.
You were created to thrive in the presence of God. In our Flourish series, we’ll explore and unpack how God has designed us to grow, and what happens inside of us and our families when we plant ourselves deep in the root system of the local church.In order for each of us to grow up into mature disciples of Jesus, we need the place where strength is built. Don’t miss this important sermon from Pastor Lee.Never underestimate your importance.You’re far more important than you believe.Your past, perspective, and giftings have shaped you.Your life only makes sense in the context of the Church.Never overestimate your importance.You are gifted but not complete.You need gifts to strengthen your gifts.Myth: I go to church to hear the minister.Fact: I am the church and I have leaders in my life that equip me to minister.
In this stand-alone sermon from Pastor Jimmy Evans, we learn about what it takes to have successful, God-honoring communication in your marriage. Communication is the most important skill in marriage because it transcends every area of marriage and is essential for health & intimacy. For effective communication to take place we must realize that there are different reasons for it and different levels we communicate on. Keys to successful communication in marriage:1. The right tone2. Enough time3. An atmosphere of trust4. The truth spoken in love5. A team spirit Types of time needed for effective communication in marriage:1. Proactive communication time2. Personal communication time3. Intimate communication time Man and woman’s needs are different by God’s design. Trust is the key ingredient that allows us to open our hearts to each other. Truth without grace is mean. Grace without truth is meaningless. Truth and grace is medicine. We have God-given differences that are there to make us stronger and better – but they only work when we understand and celebrate them. Commit to:1. The right tone2. Enough time3. Creating an atmosphere of trust4. Speaking the truth in love5. Creating a team spiritas permanent, inviolable standards of communication.
You were created to thrive in the presence of God. In our Flourish series, we’ll explore and unpack how God has designed us to grow, and what happens inside of us and our families when we plant ourselves deep in the root system of the local church. In this sermon, Pastor Lee shares on community and the importance of having relationships, vision, values, and a Godly worldview. Whatever and whomever you identify with most is your community. You can tell who you are really in community with based on how you live your life. You can’t follow the way of the world and the way of Jesus at the same time. You have to set the direction of your heart. What do you believe about yourself and the world around you? What’s your vision? What are you living for? What are your values? What is important to you? Surround yourself with those with wisdom. You need to stand up out of the seat of the scoffer. You need to turn around toward the right direction. You need to walk against the grain and be counter-cultural.
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