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The You Project

The You Project

Author: Craig Harper

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The You Project is a 30-90 minute dose of inspiration and education hosted by Craig Harper with great stories, ideas, strategies and lessons from high-performers in sport, business, science, media and health.
1546 Episodes
Tracy-lea Connor has been on the show before talking about her journey with chemobrain and her book called... ‘Chemobrain’ (shocker, I know). This time we opened the door on her experience living with a psychopath for years. We spoke about red flags, gaslighting, people pleasing, being addicted to a person (it's real addiction and break-ups come with a literal biochemical withdrawal), love-bombing, manipulation, control, fake kindness and care, why people stay in toxic relationships, escaping and lots more. Enjoy.See for privacy information.
Hi Team, I’m up to my eyeballs this week in corporate work, so I’m going to revisit one of my favourite conversations with one of my favourite actors and all-round good humans, Samual Johnson. Enjoy.Samuel Johnson (OAM) is an Actor (TV, film and stage), Gold Logie winner, regular Aussie bloke, co-creator of the charity ‘Love Your Sister’ and money-raising machine, who (to this point in time) has raised more than thirteen millions dollars for cancer research. Mid-way through 2021, Sam was hit by a car, breaking his skull (including his face), fracturing bones in his neck and suffering a significant brain injury. To say his life has an been interesting journey, is an understatement. This conversation went far and wide and I think you’ll enjoy it. I loved it (the chat) and him. Even if he’s not Samuel L. Jackson (in-show joke). loveyoursister.orgSee for privacy information.
Well, this chat was equally fascinating and terrifying. According to David Gillespie, Artificial General Intelligence (Al that is as smart as, or smarter than, the average person) is just around the metaphoric corner and it may not be good news for us non-robots. In some ways, it seems like the rapid evolution of Al is hurtling humanity towards the edge of an existential cliff, that might do us more harm than good. According to some, Al is at the precipice of being sentient to the point where it can think, make decisions, deceive and manipulate (humans), train itself and experience the equivalent of what we call 'consciousness'. Until recently, I too thought this 'Al stuff' was exaggerated and mostly BS, but not anymore. By no means do I think we need to panic, but I do believe we need to open our eyes to what is happening. We would be naive (and can I say stupid?) to assume that all technological advancement equals human advancement.See for privacy information.
For a range of fascinating reasons, we humans tend to hate the idea of 'being wrong' about beliefs, ideas and rituals (habits maybe?) that are important to us. Especially when those things are foundational and integral to who we think we are; our identity, our purpose, our sense of self and our self-worth. Ironically, we love to see ourselves as open-minded, considered and objective as long as you agree with our core beliefs and ideas (lol). So, what are the dangers of 'needing to be right?’ Take a listen.See for privacy information.
Tegan McKenzie is a Somatic Sex Therapist, working with women to help them navigate and explore their own sensuality, sexuality, emotional well-being and self-care. Well, l've had thousands of conversations (on this show and beyond) with people working in all kinds of fields and this chat, was a first for me. Having the opportunity to chat with Tegan and knowing that the majority of my audience is female, I thought it was a conversational door worth opening. Am I the most qualified person to have this chat? Probably not? Did I learn a lot? Yep. Was I amazing? Nope. Was it interesting? Definitely.  @bespoke_health_co/See for privacy information.
The Tai Chi-teaching, rural living, nature loving, tech geek, father of one (dog) is back, and this time we chat about the potential ban on kids under sixteen accessing social media, the pros and cons of our current digital world, the first bloke to have a Neuralink implant, how the new super-dooper Al programs aren't always super or dooper, headphones that allow you to clearly hear an individual voice (the person your chatting with) by blocking out all the other voices in a noisy room (I want those), a self-balancing motorcycle (ridiculous but Patrick loves the idea) and China's new robot dog that comes complete with a machine gun on its back. What could go wrong? See for privacy information.
Intelligence is not 'a' thing but rather, a bunch of things. In some rooms I'm mildly smart, in others l'm wildly stupid. It's context, task and situation dependent. Want my advice on technology, you're in trouble. Ask me about biology or psychology, you're in with a chance. In this freestyle episode, Tiff and I talk about individual learning and teaching styles, getting better with age, exposing yourself to new and different stimuli (challenges, experiences, situations, information) and the issue of retention (remembering the stuff we learn). Enjoy. See for privacy information.
Amy Molloy and I agree, there's no five easy steps to virtually anything. Might be five hard steps. Or twenty-six. Or five easy and five hard. Might take you a month and me, a decade. The point is, different things work for different people. Whether it's grieving, getting in shape, making money, communication, growing a brand, reducing anxiety, a relationship model, lifestyle or even, hosting a podcast! My best job might be your worst nightmare. Your easy run might be my torture session. And your favourite meditation practice might give me anxiety! I loved this chat with the deep-thinking, incredibly articulate, super-smart (it's all true) story-teller that is, Amy Molloy. Amy is a journalist, editor and award-winning author who produces uplifting content for the biggest names in global publishing. Enjoy. The SpaceSee for privacy information.
Adriano Zumbo is an Australian pâtissier and television presenter, who opened his first patisserie in 2007 before rising to prominence as a frequent guest on MasterChef. He is the host of the Australian baking competition program Zumbo's Just Desserts, and a judge on the Netflix web series Sugar Rush. It's fair to say that I didn't fully comprehend the work, skill, creativity and even science, that goes into making awesome sweets (cakes, pastries, biscuits, desserts, etc.), factoring in the myriad of taste, texture, presentation and ingredient variables. Coming from the bloke with the most boring and repetitive eating habits on the planet, this is no surprise. I learned a lot in this chat. Enjoy.See for privacy information.
Apart from being a successful Entrepreneur, TV Gladiator (Angel), 6th Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo, Author (of 12 books), TV Presenter (The Biggest Loser, The Circle), Journalist, Podcaster, Wife of one (funny bugger Ed Kavalee) and Mum of two, Tiff Hall is also an amazing podcast guest and not surprisingly, we had a great chat. Enjoy. @tiffhall_xoSee for privacy information.
Who knew that cooling your testicles (if you have them), might help you have a kid? Or maybe, cooling your partner's might help? And now you know. Science Bro. Apart from that gem, Biohacker and Naturopath Lucas Aoun and I discuss the health pros and cons of coffee, a new peptide called Dileucine, his thoughts and recommendations on fibre, eating fruit, CBD oil for sleep and calm, NMN (a super popular supplement at the moment), how Ozempic works, magnesium and morning tiredness, plummeting testosterone levels, my results using creatine and lots more. Enjoy. @ergogenic_healthSee for privacy information.
According to Gillespo, the common birth control pill is increasingly being used for an 'off-label' purpose (with significant health risks), and less than ever for the intended purpose. I was also interested to learn that overall, young people (teenagers and early twenties) are less likely to have sex than parents were (back in the day) and the age at which women are having their first child has increased by around a decade since the 70's. Fortunately for Gillespo and I, Tiff was present to contribute to the conversation. Enjoy.See for privacy information.
Most times on TYP, a guest and I sit down with a (loose) plan of what ideas and topics we'll talk about over the coming hour (or so) and every now and then, we cover none of it. Straight out of the gate, we take a conversational left turn and never get close to the intended path. This is such a chat. Having said that, this is my all-time favourite chat with Hannah (and we've done lots), because I really got to know the person behind the title, the profession and the brand. The vulnerable, periodically fearful, curious, compassionate, always brilliant.. woman. *WARNING: Over the course of our chat, we open the door some topics that for some, might be triggering (including domestic violence). @nobullpsychSee for privacy information.
Josh Lenartowicz is one of Australia's greatest ever Professional Bodybuilders, having twice placed in the top ten at the Mr. Olympia (the biggest comp in the world), winning four IFBB ‘pro shows’ and then right at the peak of his bodybuilding journey, his flourishing career was hijacked by a life-threatening medical challenge. I love Josh (older brother-type love) and have coached and mentored him for years, and while this chat wasn't always comfortable or easy for him, it was raw, real, vulnerable and I think for many, it will be helpful. As I said when I chatted with Carly and Brad Cunningham on the show (whose gym had just burned down), I think it's important to have real conversations when things suck, when life's tough and when we're in the middle of uncertainty and discomfort because eventually, we all have to navigate the mess, the mayhem and the sh*t. @josh_lenartowiczSee for privacy information.
Trevor Hendy is a legend of Aussie sport. Six-time Australian Ironman Champion, four-time World Ironman Champion, four-time Uncle Toby's Super Series winner, Member of the Order of Australia, Hall of Fame athlete and all-round good bloke. But... behind the athletic prowess, the body, the trophies, accolades, awards, fame, money and popularity, things weren't always as ‘Disney' as they appeared from the outside looking in. This chat goes straight into my TYP top-ten (maybe top-five). I don't want to give too much away here but to call Trev and interesting bloke, and this an interesting chat, is a major under-sell. Fascinating stories. Amazing insights. And admirable self-awareness, open-ness and humility. Enjoy.See for privacy information.
Well, this was an action packed, information packed, story packed conversational extravaganza. In fact, I'd hypothesise that we've never had a higher words-per-minute rate than this episode. Hold the-f*ck on because once Peter Sage warms up, it's a mind-bending personal development onslaught (in the best way). We spoke about anti-social media, the consciousness pyramid, the two fears we're born with, climbing the wrong mountain, giving up the need for control, personal epiphanies, the book I hated and then loved, having a purpose bigger than us and lots more. *Peter Sage is a well-known international serial entrepreneur with over twenty-five years of experience in growing fast-paced enterprises. During this time, he has launched, operated and brought to success over two dozen companies, several of which he took from scratch to over 8 figures. Enjoy.See for privacy information.
Dr. Bill Sullivan (Author of 'Pleased to Meet Me') is back chatting to us about the challenge of being truly open-minded and curious when it comes to ideas and beliefs that don't reflect our own, whether or not we're teachable, the skill of 'unlearning', a thing called 'the knowledge illusion', the concept of evidenced-based decision making and living, using science in our everyday lives (even if we're not scientists) and what can happen when our beliefs and ideas become our identity. Enjoy.See for privacy information.
OMG (as the kids say), I loved this chat with Dr. Alex; maybe my favourite so far. We did a deep dive on how consciousness is ‘switched off' under general anaesthetic, how to remove a large benign brain tumour (just in case you need to), the amazing hi-tech tools surgeons get to play (work) with, creating the perfect environment for a surgeon to perform optimally (it's complicated), how our brain floats in salt water (and why), why colours aren't 'real', why laughter might actually be a stress response and lots more. Enjoy. @dralexkoefmanSee for privacy information.
On this episode of TYP, Patrick shows how easily someone can 'steal our voice' and misrepresent us, using Al to 'say things' that we've never said (if you know what I mean). Unknown to me, he showed up to our chat with a bunch of pre-recorded, Al-generated statements using my voice, that he proceeded to wheel out through the course of our 'actual' conversation. Even though it was all in fun, it's also kind of terrifying to realise that with just a 30-second audio sample of my voice (or yours), people with bad intentions can potentially create havoc. Even more terrifying when you consider the fact that this technology is improving exponentially and pretty soon, it will be almost impossible to know what audio (and video) is and isn't authentic. See for privacy information.
He is predictably unpredictable. Once again I walked through the Geoff door to a wonderland of random thoughts, seemingly unrelated concepts, high-performance coaching, a few new theories, laughter, and in general terms, Geoff-speak. I dunno what else to tell you. Enjoy.See for privacy information.
Comments (5)


I hope I feel and speak like you when I'm 60 🥰

Nov 7th

Mark Stephan

Great podcast. My favourite podcast right now

Dec 23rd


Well done, fat shame the guy the second the interview starts.

Nov 17th

David Camilleri

nice one harps great stuff

May 28th

Michelle Hornabrook

So excited you are doing a podcast Craig. Much love x

Feb 2nd
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