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Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages
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Orchard Community Church Sunday Morning Messages

Author: Orchard Community Church

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Sunday morning messages from Orchard Community Church in beautiful Ventura, California. Listen in to hear the Good News from Pastor Matt Hoyt and occasional guest preachers.
149 Episodes
Surrender, Sacrifice, Service - Guest Preacher Nita Hanson Philippians 2:5-8, Matthew 10:37-39 ________________________________________________________Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190
"Honor and be Humble with One Another"Romans 12:10, I Peter 5:5 and Philippines 2:1-11, Matthew 23:12.Scripture calls to honor one another, which means to put others above ourselves, and to humble ourselves means to put ourselves below or behind others. Jesus is our best example of both of these things, and we also see from Him that, in the end, God exalts those who humble themselves.____________________________________________________________Community: The One Another VersesOne of the ...
"Encourage and Build Up One Another" 2 Corinthians 13:11, Romans 14:19, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 1 Timothy 5:1-2, Hebrews 10:23-25 Life and faith are hard; for these reasons, scripture calls us to "encourage one another" and "build one another up. We are to be a support system for one another to carry us through hard times and help us thrive.___________________________________________________________Community: The One Another VersesOne of the ...
Members of One Another

Members of One Another


"Members of One Another" Romans 12:3-8 and Matthew 12:46-50Christianity is not a solo quest, nor is it something we do together with no responsibility to one another. Scripture says that we are "members of one another," which means we share a deep spiritual bond and commitment to one another in Christ._________________________________________________Community: The One Another VersesOne of the greatest gifts God gives us is the community of the Church. This community supports ...
"Love and Forgive One Another"John 13:34-35 and Colossians 3:13To begin this series, we'll look at the two "one another" statements that are most fundamental to our life together in community, the call to love and forgive one another, and note how they both flow from our relationship with Jesus.______________________________________________________________________Community: The One Another VersesOne of the greatest gifts God gives us is the community of the Church. This community suppor...
Worship vs Ritual

Worship vs Ritual


“Worship vs Ritual” Matthew 15:8, Isaiah 29:13, Psalm 29:1-2, John 9:39When we’re just going through the motion spiritually, our worship degenerates into an empty ritual because our desire is not for God, so our hearts are not in it. It’s about worshipping Jesus._____________________________________________________Going Through the Motions (Tent Series)Our hope is to have vibrant and alive faith. Yet, try as we might, it’s easy to end up going through the motions in our spiritual lives....
“Conformed vs Transformed” Romans 12:2 Mark 1:16-20, Romans 8:29When we’re just going through the motions spiritually, we inevitably begin to conform to the patterns of this world rather than seeking to be transformed and conformed more and more into the likeness of Christ. It’s about becoming like Jesus.  ...
Jimmy Mac Faith Story

Jimmy Mac Faith Story


Today Jimmy Mac, Orchard's Worship Director, shares his faith story. Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190
“Living for Self vs. Living for Jesus” James 4:13-15, Psalm 24:1-2, Romans 12:1, 1 Thessalonians 2:4 When we’re just going through the motions spiritually, we begin to believe we belong to ourselves and live for ourselves rather than remembering that we belong to God and seek to live for Him. It’s about belonging to and living for Jesus._______________________________________________________________Going Through the Motions (Tent Series)Our hope is to have vibrant and alive faith. Yet, t...
Religion vs. Faith

Religion vs. Faith


Religion vs. FaithMatthew 13:15, 15:8, Hebrews 11:1-3, 6, John 6:68-69When we’re just going through the motions spiritually, we can easily slip into religion in the worst sense of the word, which simply means doing religious stuff rather than seeking to have vibrant and alive faith in Jesus. It’s about believing in Jesus. _______________________________________________Going Through the MotionsSummer Tent SeriesOur hope is to have vibrant and alive faith. Yet, try as we might, it’s easy to end...
One Crazy Farmer

One Crazy Farmer


One Crazy FarmerMark 4:1-9 and Ephesians 17-18In this parable from Mark, Jesus tells about a farmer who sows seed in some strange places where it’s unlikely to grow, but the seed that does grow produces an amazing yield. The point is that God reaches out to everyone, and those who respond experience amazing transformation, which the Ephesian passage describes in further detail.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentur...



RememberEsther 9:20 - 10:3As God's people are saved, they respond with a celebration, the Jewish festival of Purim. It's a celebration of looking backward and remembering but also moving forward. All the stories of deliverance in the Bible, including Esther, foreshadow the ultimate deliverance of God's people through the salvation we have in Jesus. In this way, we can see that the whole Bible really is about Jesus and what he has done. May we remember this as we move forward in our lives.____...



"Saved" Esther 9:1-19 In another stunning reversal, the decree of life is carried out. People marked for death are spared and given a new lease of life. This reversal feels harsh to us, but it would have been seen as equal justice in the time. And yet this event foreshadows a much greater reversal, one in which life also came out of death—the Cross and the mercy and grace that come from Jesus' death on it.________________________________________EstherGod Behind the ScenesEsther is t...
A Decree of Life

A Decree of Life


"A Decree of Life" Esther 8:1-17 God's providence leads to another reversal. An irrevocable decree that brought death to the Jews had been given, but now a counter degree bringing life. In the same way, a decree of death stands against us for our sin that can't be revoked, but the counter decree of the gospel has been issued, bringing life. When we give our lives to Christ, we are united with Him, so His death becomes our death to sin, and Hi...
Justice of a Sort

Justice of a Sort


"Justice of a Sort"Esther 7:1-10 God provides another amazing reversal; justice is served, and Hamman meets the fate that he had set for Mordecai. The death of a substitute satisfied the King's wrath. With Mordecai and Haman, it was the guilty dying in the place of the innocent; with Jesus and us, it is the innocent dying in the place of the guilty._______________...
"The Man the King Delights to Honor" Esther 6:1-14 God's providence leads to a great reversal; Mordecai is honored instead of Hamman. This is really no surprise since scripture says that God "opposes the proud and shows favor to the humble." Both Hamman and Mordecai were servants of the King, but Mordecai had the humble heart of a servant, so he was the man the King took delight in honoring. Yet there is another man, a greater servant, whom G...
"The Prequel" John 14:15-31At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out with power on all believers, and the church was formed. With this passage for today, Jesus helps us understand that the Holy Spirit comes to help us to know Him more, to live our faith in Him, and to continue His ministry in the world. Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190
Approaching the King

Approaching the King


"Approaching the King" Esther 5:1-14 In this passage, we have contrasting characters. Esther approaches the king by faith and with humility. Haman has an approach, too; his is one of foolish pride in his accomplishments. With God, it's never about accomplishment; it's always about relationships. Do we know and belong to Him?__________________________________________________EstherGod Behind the ScenesEsther is the ...
Seize the Moment

Seize the Moment


"Seize the Moment" Esther 4:1-17 God will accomplish His purposes. The question is whether He'll do so through or in spite of us. In this passage, Mordechai and Esther's faith comes to life, and they begin to follow God's lead. No matter where we find ourselves, we can be confident that God can use us for his purposes. God's providence leads Esther to become the people's mediator before the king, foreshadowing a greater mediator.______...
Buckle Up!

Buckle Up!


"Buckle Up" Esther 2:19-3:15 We live in a broken world where life is often hard and unfair, and we often sin and suffer, but God is always near and at work for the good of His people. So we always have hope, not least of which is for a greater King!________________________________________________________EstherGod Behind the ScenesEsther is the only book in the Bible that doesn't mention God. On the surface, ...