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Author: Multimedia Ghana

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Panel discussion on social and moral issues affecting the lives of Ghanaians.
792 Episodes



Panel discussion of social and moral issues affecting the lives of the general population.
He promised to love me, so I moved in with him after my pregnancy. However, he informed me he had lost interest after my delivery, so we should separate. Since our separation, I haven't set eyes on my child. I visited him last week, but... (join for the full details) Now, as the baby daddy insists on her seeing her child, she must agree to intimacy every time she comes around.
Mother is in hot water as her daughter demands to know who her biological father is. Listen to the whole story as the mother claims she was a side chick, so she kept it a secret to avoid issues with the man's wife and now feels unable to go back and tell him they have a child together.
Young man heartbroken as his girlfriend moves in with her ex-lover, whom he caught speaking to her on the phone countless times. Listen to the whole story as the guy now demands a DNA test to be carried out on their child, as he suspects it might be the girlfriend's ex-lover's.
Mother heartbroken as 17-year-old daughter runs off at night to reunite with her baby daddy, whose family and he rejected her pregnancy after informing them. Listen to the whole story as the girl insists she loves her boyfriend and can't leave without him.
Husband and wife divorced because he kept going to the bar with her younger sister and always came home drunk together. Listen to the whole story as the husband demands custody of their child and for the younger sister to stay with him.
Young man denies paternity of child with ex-girlfriend. Says he only chopped her once and can't be responsible for that pregnancy. Listen to his side of the story.
He invited her home the night after his wife traveled, claiming their daughter was lonely and he felt she would be the only one able to care for her. Only to end up having sex with her that night. Listen to the whole story, as the class teacher is now pregnant and has informed the wife, but the man insists he's innocent.
They were married for 6 years when the woman went to court to end their marriage after her husband brought another woman home as his new wife. Now, eight months later, she's pregnant with her ex-husband's child. Listen to the whole story as the husband denies being responsible.
Father given the beating of his life by his daughter's baby daddy after he demands they stop living together until he comes home to marry her. Listen to the whole story; his daughter claims her father deserves the beatings.
DNA results reading: Man denies paternity of child, claims ex-girlfriend forced him into sex and suspects she was already pregnant before visiting him. Listen to find out if he's the father.



Panel discussion of social and moral issues affecting the lives of the general population.



Panel discussion of social and moral issues affecting the lives of the general population.
DNA test shows man isn't son's biological father after 20 years of raising him, due to mother's boyfriend's scheme. (Join the conversation for details)
18-year-old girl, chopped and impregnated by mechanic, laments how he lured her into bed using 'fried rice and chicken'... (Join the conversation for the full story)."



Panel discussion of social and moral issues affecting the lives of the general population.
Lady drops out of school to support her boyfriend through nursing training. Now that he's done and working, he wants to break up and asks how much she wants for the time she spent supporting him. (Join for more details)
Lady still insists her ex-boyfriend, who she claims impregnated her while they were classmates, is the father of her son despite DNA evidence proving otherwise. Join the conversation for more details.
DNA Test Results Reading

DNA Test Results Reading


"Caught red-handed! Man denies paternity of child after finding fiancée in bed with her ex, just days after she informed him of her pregnancy. Listen for all the juicy details!"
My son was 3 when she left him at my doorstep. Now, after 28 years of caring for him, she returned last week with her parents to tell me he isn't mine. They want me to give him to them and offered to pay me. Should he accept their money? (Join for the full story)
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