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Light Warrior Radio with Dr. Karen Kan

Author: Dr Karen Kan

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Dr. Karen Kan, medical doctor, Doctor of Light Medicine™ helps spiritual conscious sensitive souls harness their Superpowers so they can resonate at their highest light and help anchor in a new future reality of joy, peace, love and harmony for all. For her Free Sensitive Soul Empowerment Guide, go to
680 Episodes
Ever wondered what happens when you blend a Corporate Jedi with a Golden Buddha? Well, that magical fusion brings us the incredible Marcus Bird and the Aboukra Energetics and Dimensional Healing!  Picture this: Marcus, my mentor and friend, “gifted” himself chronic fatigue syndrome years ago, unable to even crawl to the bathroom. During a meditation session, he found himself in a pyramid, encountering off-world beings with a message for humanity.  In this captivating interview, we delved into: The inception of off-world contact on our planet Marcus's fascinating concept of humans being "seeded" on Earth The profound connection between Sacred Geometry and health stability Exploring why Sensitive Souls often experience Ascension symptoms Unveiling the 6 pyramid/octahedron spinning structures within us and their roles    Discover the importance of stability in time and space for quick and easy healing. Catch the replay of the Supercharge Your Healing Abilities Workshop at  And for a rapid self-stabilization journey, dive into the Pyramid Meditation Mini-Course for just $39 – it's pure magic for manifesting
Your psoas is more than just a muscle; it’s the primal messenger of your core being. This bio-intelligent tissue reflects your integrity on every level, serving as the guardian of your Hara, or moving center. Deep within your core, your psoas holds a wellspring of inner power. Often, we only pay attention to our psoas when we experience pain in our back or hips. However, nurturing and reconnecting with your psoas can lead to profound self-connection and transformation. Join me as I interview Liz Koch, author of "The Psoas Book," to help us rediscover this vital muscle. In this episode, we’ll discuss: Why this "emotional muscle" is known as the muscle of the soulSigns that your psoas needs more loveSimple self-care techniques for maintaining a healthy psoas As a spiritual healer, I am thrilled to explore how these two worlds intersect in this unique and insightful interview!
Do you have a trusted friend who has actually talked to aliens? I do. And what is particularly interesting is that much of what they told him, I was also “told” by Source to be true as well. Growing up, I loved the show Star Trek, but there were a few episodes that scared me. One of those episodes was when Captain Kirk had to fight a strong reptile alien. Fast forward to a couple of years ago, I became enamored with a Netflix series called Grimm. The costumes and CGI technology were incredible, the characters and heroes were interesting and believable. One of the “bad guys” had a snake-like head and was a ruthless wealthy businessman. The hero, the Grimm, had to take him out. So what’s with this Reptilian persona of being the bad guy? Is this Truth or Fiction? Is it a story we are told to make us scared and intimidated? If Reptilians or other aliens exist, are they all “bad”, “harmless”, or could they be a mix of both? Join me during this interview with my friend, Ken Rohla where he will be sharing his real-life experiences with Reptilian aliens (and no, it isn’t scary). Ken is a brilliant engineer, scientist, and inventor, so he is a credible contactee. He will also reveal what these aliens told him and how it pertains to the current world events occurring today!
In this previosuly aired enlightening interview with Wellness Leadership Expert Marcus Bird, we discover what REAL reasons many healing professionals struggle to make money in the wellness business.  Wellness professionals are desperately needed on this planet, and to make a bigger difference, they need to learn to be in full alignment with the true essence of who they are.  During this interview, we discuss: How to know if you’re in alignment with who you truly are (and why that’s crucial)Why the law of attraction won’t work if you’re not in alignment with who you truly areHow to find out your “magic” to share that with the worldThe real reason clients who pay more get better resultsHow to give to those in financial need without sacrificing yourself and your healthHow to release negative beliefs that block your abundancePractical strategies on how to know “how much to charge”How practitioners can get time, money, and location freedom…and much more! If you wish to connect with Marcus Bird, please visit
Join us for an enlightening journey into the fascinating world of water memory and its probable impact on health and well-being! Michael Hobson will be your guide, drawing from the groundbreaking research of esteemed scientists like Jacques Benveniste, Luc Montagnier, and Bernd Kröplin. In this episode of Light Warrior Radio, we discover the incredible ability of water to store and transmit information, influenced by both external frequencies and human consciousness. From Dr. Masaru Emoto's work with water crystals to Veda Austin's crystallographic studies, we'll explore how water responds to intention and thought. These insights reveal how we can positively impact our health and the world by programming water with intention. By understanding this, we can potentially improve the quality of the water we consume, including the water within our bodies, leading to better health and longevity. Join me and mathematician, econometrics professor, and water expert, Michael Hobson as we delve into captivating topics: The link between water memory, consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all life.How our emotions and thoughts affect the structure of water.The lingering frequencies of toxins in water even after physical removal.How water interprets our emotions, feelings, and consciousness.The creation of water by the Earth's crust and our bodies.The role of Exclusion Zone (EZ) structured water in our bodies.   We'll also explore future research directions and potential breakthroughs in harnessing water's power for holistic well-being. Take advantage of our Discount Code: lightwarrior10 for your first order at Aquene Springs!
Do you ever feel like you're spinning your wheels and you aren’t sure why? Do you ever feel like you are doing everything “right” yet you’re still experiencing gaps in your life? How much of your soul energy do you feel you embodying?  These are important questions to ask as we make our way into the future. Collectively we have mastered the teachings of the mental realm and now it’s time to embark on the journey of becoming energy literate in ways that will truly empower us in our life.  One of the first things we all need to learn about is the places in our lives where we are leaking our energy, leaving less energy for the co-creations we want to experience.  During this previously aired episode of Light Warrior Radio,  I spend some time with energy expert and catalyst, Sita Severson (formerly known as Katy Bray) where we will dive deep into learning about energy leaks, energy literacy, and embodying your soul energy.  By the end of the show you will have:  Learned your primary energy leaks and what you can do about itGained valuable insight on what will help you evolve in the most powerful wayDiscovered how to use your energy to co-create what you truly desire using your potent soul energy To learn more about Sita and her work, please visit her website HERE!
Do you want to order shoes online that fit the first time? Find that perfect parking spot? Or maybe even “play” the stock market successfully? Then it’s time to start flexing your very own intuitive muscle!  Did you know that every day offers endless opportunities to notice the ways our Higher Self is absolutely, positively tripping over itself to get you to pay attention to the messages it’s sending? Did you know that it doesn’t have to be hard work? All it takes is learning to tap into your very own Perceptivity, your intuitive ability, the ability you were born with and can learn to apply whenever and wherever you want at will. My friend, Heidi Connolly’s new book, Psychic Games in Playing With Your Higher Self, invites you to stop, reflect, consider, question, feel, sense, and listen, and do it all in the form of play. Games like “Color Crush,” “The Psychic Stock Broker,” “Clue’d In,” and more, send you off on a journey of positive exploration through the highest frequencies of play!  Listen to this lively and fun show where you’ll learn about: Plorking - what we can be doing all the time!“Right, Left, Center” way of getting from A to B in a carWhat it means to be in the energy of “fun”Simple, safe, and playful ways to engage your intuition with games Join her upcoming event on May 23, 2024 from 3:00 - 5:30 PM EDT  (50% for our listeners) here: To get a copy of any of Heidi's books please click here
Are you looking for a potent, portable, and pharmaceutical-free solution?  Search no further than your own voice! Want to know the best part? It's completely free!  Join me for an enlightening conversation on Light Warrior Radio with Kathleen Nagy, the brilliant mind behind "Humming for Health," as we delve into the transformative power of your voice. During this captivating podcast, we'll explore:  Why your voice is nature's own healing symphony  Discovering your unique chakra notes, including those of your earth and soul chakras The surprising benefits of humming over toning with an open mouth for healing purposes A downloadable audio to effectively move water and lymph throughout your body Simple yet effective methods to clear congestion in your sinuses  To get your own copy of Kathleen's book, please visit Humming for Healing
Ever since my mentor, Marcus Bird taught me the pyramid meditation for rapid manifestation in Fiji a number of years ago, I’ve been fascinated by pyramids. I found out that the Pyramids in Giza are actually octahedrons! And that sitting inside a pyramid is one of the safest places you can be - negative energy can't harm you there! In this re-aired episode of Light Warrior Radio, I interviewedKen Rohla about his pyramid experiences and the science behind their healing properties. He says they are scalar wave antennae that can produce amazing healing effects from even deadly illnesses. They can also offer EMF protection, improve plant growth, and, as I already experienced, accelerate the manifestation of thought into reality. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years Ken worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health field, including Gabriel Cousens, MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently, Ken’s focus is developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as bioweapons, nanotechnology, nuclear radiation, geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods, microorganisms, electromagnetic pollution, depleted food, and other issues. Ken’s has a private membership site with exclusive, cutting-edge information at
Have you ever thought that we must match our vibrations with what we desire to manifest it? Whether it's wealth, a romantic partner, or a fulfilling career, it's all about syncing up those frequencies! And what about this profound notion? "You're the master creator of your life, so every bit of it—yeah, you made it happen!" These core teachings resonate with gurus and law of attraction coaches worldwide. But what if these teachings aren't as helpful as they seem?  What if they're actually holding us back from manifesting our deepest desires? Enter my amazing colleague and brain expert, Jeff Gignac!  He's taken the complex process of manifesting abundance and simplified it into a science—literally! If you're frustrated with your current efforts and yearn to invite more prosperity and abundance into your life, you're in for a treat! Join me during this episode of Light Warrior Radio Podcast, where Jeff sheds light on: Debunking the myth of needing to be a vibrational match with your desiresWhy the "we create our reality" mantra might not always serve us wellHow striving for guru-level vibrations could potentially hinder our manifesting abilitiesThe two fundamental ingredients to manifesting, distilled into a scienceThe one straightforward action that holds the key to manifesting your desires Be sure to grab Jeff's incredible Sound Bath gift HERE!
Do you struggle with strained relationships with loved ones? Discover how to heal relationships without confrontation! In this re-aired episode featuring Amy Jo Ellis discussing the Full Court of Atonement, listeners are reminded of the efficacy of this method in resolving familial tensions. What’s remarkable is that it doesn’t require direct confrontation. Instead, it offers a simple yet profound process for energetically healing relationships by addressing differences on the ASTRAL plane. Amy Jo’s mission resonates deeply, prompting a re-airing of this insightful interview. Whether you missed it the first time or seek additional self-help tools, this episode offers valuable insights for navigating complex family dynamics. To learn more about the Full Court of Attonement, visit her webite here!
In medical education, the concept of genetic determinism reigns supreme. From school textbooks to classroom lectures, we're taught that our genes dictate our health. But what if this fundamental teaching is not just flawed but profoundly so?  Your genes serve as a blueprint, yet the environment plays a far greater role in shaping the outcome than the genes themselves. Surprisingly, only a tiny fraction of chronic illnesses, including the majority of cancers, stem from genetic abnormalities. Simply because breast cancer runs in your family lineage doesn't necessarily mean you're destined to follow suit.  By prioritizing self-care and embracing joy, you possess the power to deactivate harmful genes while activating beneficial ones.  Tune in to this enlightening episode of Light Warrior Radio, where Dr. Karen engages in a captivating discussion on epigenetics with the esteemed Dr. Bruce Lipton. To learn more about Bruce Lipton and his mission, check out his website and follow him on Facebook!
Are you a dedicated healer facing challenges in the realm of sales? Do the mere thoughts of sales conversations make you feel woozy or even a bit queasy? If you've found yourself struggling to attract paying clients, and those moments of discussing your services leave you tongue-tied, worry not. I'm thrilled to introduce Ann Hession, who has over 30 years of experience in transformational energy healing. Ann is a seasoned healer and a sales expert. Having engaged in one-on-one conversations with over 10,000 healers, she understands the unique challenges you might face in the sales world. Tune in to this extraordinary podcast episode to join Ann and I as we delve into: Why relying solely on inner healing might lead healers to struggle with abundance blocks.Debunking the myth that sales conversations are inherently negative.Unveiling the essential and surprisingly easy-to-learn sales skills tailored for healers.Identifying common pitfalls healers encounter when prompted with the "Tell Me More" request.The first crucial thing to say when someone expresses interest in what you do It's time for healers to step into the spotlight. The moment is now. Equipping yourself with the knowledge to heal from within and mastering straightforward yet impactful sales skills will propel you to evolve to the next level of Light and Mastery.  Join Ann during her upcoming Close Sales with an Open Heart Masterclass by visiting!
This riveting interview discusses The Still Point: The Simplicity of Spiritual Enlightenment book. Most people are living lives with varying degrees of stress or unease. In some, this is felt as mild unease or dissatisfaction; in others, it manifests as outright anxiety and depression. According to the book's author, Kevin Krenitsky, all these symptoms are due to a widely held but false underlying belief- that we are separate, isolated individuals, unconnected to others or the world around us. In The Still Point, we are directly led back to the recognition that our true nature of being is shared with all sentient creatures–and its inherent qualities are peace and happiness.  This teaching has been called the ‘perennial philosophy’ because it is the core message of all the great spiritual traditions throughout the ages. The fact that this realization has been overlooked by society as a whole has led to horrific consequences, including war, famine, and deeply unconscious behavior toward the planet and its inhabitants. Humanity has reached the point where it is necessary to recognize our ever-present being as unbroken peace. Only from this realization can we turn this planet into the paradise it was always meant to be and find happiness at the heart of the human experience. During this interview, we will discuss:  What does “we are all One” really mean?Why fighting for freedom doesn’t work to bring about peaceWhether karma or re-incarnation existsWhere addictions come fromThe direct approach to “enlightenment.” New insights into the ethics of eating a meat-based or plant-based diet If you’d like to get a copy of The Still Point, CLICK HERE!
Could your voice hold the key to wellness and health? Imagine a magical machine that records your voice, analyzes it, and then provides the exact frequencies needed to rebalance your energies and possibly even regenerate body parts. Well, guess what? This incredible technology exists, and it's neither expensive nor fancy. You can start benefiting from it right now! Don't miss this episode of Light Warrior Radio show, where I dive into an enlightening conversation with Sharry Edwards, the clairaudient genius behind BioAcoustic biology. Tune in to discover: How your voice is the key to your well-beingSharry's journey in computerizing and mapping frequencies for balancing biologyWhy there's no need to fear "remote-controlled" humansHow you can get a free analysis of your voice printInsights on future "energy stressors" headed our way Stick around until the end to hear what Sharry reveals about me based on my voice! And don't forget to grab your free voice print analysis!
During this episode of Light Warrior Radio, Dr. Karen interviews Dipal Shah, a globally recognized Energy Medicine Practitioner, Mind Reprogramming Expert, International Speaker, and a #1 best-selling author. With a passion for empowering women, Dipal is on a mission to guide individuals worldwide toward living authentically, finding happiness, and embracing the courage to live a purpose-driven life. Let's explore "How to Love Your Intuition" and dive into: Uncovering why our intuitive gifts may be hidden in childhoodOvercoming common challenges hindering intuitive listeningEmbracing 3 easy techniques to connect with your intuition dailyAnd so much more! Let the journey to intuitive self-discovery begin!  Dipal Shah is a renowned Energy Medicine Practitioner, Mind Reprogramming Expert, and #1 best-selling author. To schedule a Discovery Call with Dipal, please visit:
Let's dive into the enchanting world of subtle energy – that invisible magic weaving through our daily lives, like electromagnetism. Back in the day, scientists had to convince folks that electromagnetism was real, just as we're awakening to the power of subtle energy now! Did you know subtle energy still dances around us after subtracting electromagnetism? Though unseen (much like our phone's energy waves), its impact is undeniable and measurable.  Imagine harnessing this energy for healing, awakening your Inner Healer! During this interview, I interviewed the incredible scientist Galina Kalyuzhny. We explore the late Dr. Yury Kronn's fascinating book, "The Science of Subtle Energy," and how it merges energy with mysticism, uplifting our planet's collective consciousness. Tune in for an enlightening discussion: Unveiling the nature of subtle energy and its measurable essenceCultivating a healing-friendly, energetic environmentInfusing subtle energy into jewelry or trace minerals for Inner Healer activationQuick-acting health boosts through energy-infused water with Vital 360, Longevity, and Stress ReliefUnraveling the unique energy patterns in my empowering 3R Formula...and so much more! Galina Kalyuzhny, a radiant soul from Russia, has collaborated for 15 magical years with the late Dr. Kronn at Vital Force Technology and Energy Tools International. Together with their team, they've advanced the knowledge and application of subtle energy.
Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month, starting at 12 noon Eastern to help customers, distributors, and users worldwide get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain to detoxification and addressed almost every organ in the body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and shareable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and Dr. Karen will field questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. If you are not a brand partner or customer of the Patch Training Team, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! This is the only space where Dr. Karen answers public patching protocol questions. Those who call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A monthly radio show sessions. After that, I'll take questions from the LW Phototherapy Patch Training Team Facebook Page,, under the discussion tab.
Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month, starting at 12 noon Eastern to help customers, distributors, and users worldwide get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain to detoxification and addressed almost every organ in the body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and shareable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and Dr. Karen will field questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. If you are not a brand partner or customer of the Patch Training Team, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! This is the only space where Dr. Karen answers public patching protocol questions. Those who call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A monthly radio show sessions. After that, I'll take questions from the LW Phototherapy Patch Training Team Facebook Page,, under the discussion tab.
Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month, starting at 12 noon Eastern to help customers, distributors, and users worldwide get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain to detoxification and addressed almost every organ in the body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and shareable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and Dr. Karen will field questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. If you are not a brand partner or customer of the Patch Training Team, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! This is the only space where Dr. Karen answers public patching protocol questions. Those who call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A monthly radio show sessions. After that, I'll take questions from the LW Phototherapy Patch Training Team Facebook Page,, under the discussion tab.