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The Better Man Podcast

Author: Dean Pohlman

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The Better Man Podcast is a podcast redefining what it means to be better as a man. In it, we’ll discuss how to balance success with our overall well-being, take on a more comprehensive understanding of fitness to include our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and strive to align our actions with who we are at our cores. We can be successful and proud of who we are without sacrificing our core values or our well-being.

Dean Pohlman is known as THE yoga expert for men. His unique fitness-centric, strength-based approach to yoga—exemplified in his yoga workouts, programs, books, videos, blogs, and more—has helped to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of men [and women] worldwide.

Join Dean as he explores the habits, mindsets, tools, and tactics that lead to health, happiness, and fulfillment for men. You'll hear interviews with world-class experts who pull back the curtain and share their proven strategies for taking your body and mind to the next level.

More significantly, we’ll discuss the challenges they faced that truly tested them on an emotional level, and work to better understand what they did to work through those events, and how it helped them to grow for the better.

Learn how to implement new habits sustainably and realistically. Discover systems and processes that will empower you to hit your biggest goals. And be prepared to go deep beyond the world of physical fitness, to explore the mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of health that will truly allow you to thrive.

Get inspired and get ready. The Better Man Podcast is a conversation to help you become the better version of yourself.

Dean Pohlman
Founder / CEO of Man Flow Yoga
Best-selling Author of Yoga Fitness for Men & Yoga for Athletes
Co-Producer of Body By Yoga Series
98 Episodes
There is a certain epidemic that’s strangling men’s mental and emotional health. But since it’s sneakier for men than it is for women, many mental health clinicians don’t even know how to spot the signs.  I’m referring to depression, isolation, and a lack of connection with other men.  Men are lonelier than perhaps ever before. But we experience depressive symptoms in a more subtle way than women—and this further exacerbates our mental health.  That’s why I invited one of the most knowledgeable people on the planet about this topic onto today’s episode in Pierre Azzam. Pierre is a physician and professional coach with over a decade of experience in neuroscience and mental health—including battling lifelong depression himself.  Through his clinical work, Pierre recognized that the mental health industry as a whole is terribly unaware of men’s mental health problems. Since then, he’s founded Braver Man (and then Braver Collective) to address these issues men face in an effective manner.  In today’s episode, Pierre and I discuss…  Why depressive symptoms show up differently for men than women How postpartum depression also affects new fathers  The exact amount of time it takes to rewire your brain and free yourself from depression  The 3 biggest threats men face to their overall mental and emotional wellbeing  And more, including…  Does your fear stop you from doing things that would enhance your life? Here’s what Pierre recommends to conquer this fear (6:10)  How to feel more comfortable with being vulnerable and acknowledging your emotions (even if you got bullied for this as a child) (13:48)  Why the postpartum period can cause intense mental health risks for not only mothers, but fathers too (22:56)  The major hormonal changes men go through after becoming fathers—that almost no new father realizes (25:43)  How judging yourself morphs into toxic shame that causes more angry outbursts with your loved ones (31:13)  Why the most common depressive symptoms for men are commonly missed (even by mental health clinicians) (31:58)  This book reveals all the various ways men cover up their depression (37:04)  Why practicing gratitude when you notice depressive symptoms is a massive step forward (even if it doesn’t feel huge in the moment) (51:13)  The exact amount of time it takes to rewire your brain’s neuroplasticity to free yourself from depression (56:36)  Why shared experience between other men can save your mental health (and even your life) (1:05:22)  The 3 biggest threats almost all men face to their overall mental and emotional wellbeing (1:12:42)  Listen now! Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. Braver Man Coaching & Braver Man Collective: If you’re interested in working with Pierre in one-on-one coaching or a greater collective of other men, you can learn more about each on his site here:  2. Follow Pierre on Instagram: The best way to keep up-to-date with how Pierre’s improving men’s mental health is by following him on Instagram here: Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
BMP-Ep096: Strategies & Tips For Your At-Home Yoga Practice While an at-home yoga practice has many benefits—such as requiring no commuting, being able to do it whenever and wherever you want, and choosing a yoga routine that best suits your goals of the day—there are a few drawbacks too: You might set unrealistic expectations for your practice. Missing a workout can fill you with guilt. Or your focus might shift out of yoga and into something else, like weight training or running.  That’s why I’m sharing a few of my favorite strategies to get the most out of your at-home yoga practice in today’s episode.  In this episode, I’m revealing:  How to get the most out of your at-home yoga practice (even if you miss a day)  Why you don’t need to follow full workouts to benefit from yoga  Simple ways to introduce more movement into your daily routine And more, including…  The “fitness has seasons” secret that alleviates your guilt when you miss a yoga workout (or two) (1:45)  How practicing yoga for only two minutes per day can still help you build strength, increase flexibility, and improve mobility (3:32)  This new Man Flow Yoga program is the perfect way to start your day (and prepare your body for a more intense workout later) (5:16)  How to incorporate more yoga poses and stretches naturally throughout your day (without following a full workout) (6:21)  Why you don’t need to feel excited to do your yoga workout when you do THIS (8:31)  Listen now! Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Everyone wants to be happier, have fewer worries, and feel more excited about life. But often, we sow the seeds to our mental health destruction without even realizing it. This makes happiness impossible and fleeting. But it doesn't have to be that way.  24 years ago, today’s guest, Dain Heer (CEO of Access Consciousness), gave himself six months to change his life, or he was going to commit suicide. Within a couple of weeks, he stumbled onto an unusual—and immediate—way to become happier that always worked in the trenches of life.  And for the last 24 years, Dain has been absolutely brimming with happiness, lightness, and ease thanks to this bizarre method.  In today’s show, Dain shares:  How to have less negative self-talk in your life How to stop judging yourself and other people And perhaps most important, how to just be happy If you feel like something’s missing in your life, this episode might be the fix you’ve been looking for.  Some of the other highlights include:  A practical tip for becoming happier right now (that also works in the trenches of life) (4:15)  How judging people in your life, even positive judgements, can start planting the seeds of depression (9:37)  The subtle “Gift” mindset shift that instantly makes you feel a bit lighter (16:53)  How Dain walked into an “Access Bar” session angry, depressed, and suicidal — and walked out with a supreme sense of gratitude for life in just 75 minutes (19:14)  Here’s proof that “Access Bars” can decrease stress, anxiety, depression by 87% (Best part? It only takes one session) (20:29)  As many as 98% of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions aren’t sourced by you. Here’s how to stop letting them ruin your day (21:44)  How to live 95% of your day-to-day life in “Flow State” like Dain does (27:51)  Why awareness consistently and predictably moves you away from heaviness and towards lightness (41:40)  How to use “The Clearing Statement” to wake up happy every single day (1:05:00)  Listen now! Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. The Clearing Statement: If you’d like more of a deep dive into The Clearing Statement, how it works, and why it’s so effective, go here:  2. Access Dain’s Trainings and Tools: If you’d like to buy some of Dain’s trainings and tools to become happier, you can find the full list of them here:  3. Get Waking Up Miraculously for free: Waking Up Miraculously is a free tool Dain created for you. Grab it here: 4. Learn more about Access Bars: Access Bars are the most relaxing, de-stressing, well-being technique you’ve never heard of. Learn more about them, how to receive them, and how to give them, here: 5. Visit Access Consciousness: If you don’t know where to start to dive deeper into Dain’s world, visit the Access Consciousness site here: Or, you can visit Dain’s site here:   Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
This past weekend, 10+ guys came together at the Be The Better You Retreat to be open, honest, and vulnerable. While we worked out and did yoga—it is a Man Flow Yoga retreat after all—the true value of the retreat was getting like-minded guys in the same room to talk about their emotions.  There were three distinct themes that kept repeating throughout the retreat. And I have my own personal takeaways too.  In this episode, I’m sharing a recap of the Be The Better You Retreat and revealing: The three biggest takeaways from the weekend (and how to apply these lessons to your everyday life)  How men gaslight themselves (and how to stop doing this)  Why implementing change is so hard—and why your loved ones secretly don’t want you to change And more that will help you improve your overall mental and emotional wellbeing, including…  The weird reason it's easier to share deep things with strangers than it is with your loved ones (3:33)  How you gaslight yourself without realizing it (and why this is particularly common in men) (5:12)  How to ask for what you want—even if it’s uncomfortable (6:48)  Why committing to changes for a shorter period of time makes it more likely that you’ll stick with them (8:25)  The exact amount of time to plan any fitness or dieting goals around (9:14)  How celebrating milestones “hijacks” your brain and turns goals into habits (9:38)  A simple, yet proven way to decrease anxiety and depression and boost your happiness (15:40)  Why it can be a mistake to validate others’ feelings (17:33)  Listen now! Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. Join the next Be The Better You Retreat: If you’d like to attend the next Be The Better You Retreat, it’ll happen in either October or November. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when the date drops here:  2. Man Flow Yoga Engage Waitlist: If the retreat is out of your budget, or you want to apply these themes from the retreat to your everyday life, that’s exactly what we do in Man Flow Yoga Engage. The next cohort opens for enrollment in July. Join the waitlist here to be the first to know about it:   Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
I used to think that the keys to great health were eating right, exercising often, and getting enough sleep. While these are good for your health, they pale in comparison to the quality of your relationships.  In fact, a Harvard study proved that your relationships are the #1 most important factor for your overall health and wellbeing.  But many guys, myself included, can be terrible at their most important relationship: The one you and your partner share.  I get it, relationships are hard. But men have a tendency to commit fatal mistakes in their relationships—and most of these mistakes fly under our radar.  That’s the bad news.  The good news? Not only is improving your relationship possible, but nobody understands how to improve your relationship better than today’s guest, Jayson Gaddis, author and founder of The Relationship School.  Jayson had broken relationships his entire life because of his childhood conditioning. After doing the work and addressing the root cause (which was himself), he’s not only discovered how to improve his relationship, but he’s coached thousands of couples (and saved countless marriages) with his teachings.  If you aren’t completely satisfied with your relationship, this episode will show you the way.  And you know what?  It just might help you and your partner live 10 years longer…  In this episode, Jayson reveals:  How men unknowingly play the victim in relationships  How to have a healthier relationship with conflict  And how you can have better relationships (even if your relationship is less than perfect now)  As so much more, including…  The single biggest reason men tend to mess up in relationships (7:44)  Why becoming more comfortable with your feelings allows you to hold space for your partner’s feelings (12:20)  How you subconsciously attract the perfect person to trigger your unresolved childhood emotions that can tear a healthy relationship apart (18:41)  The “Wisdom of Shame” secret for reframing shame into realistic goals (20:41)  2 questions to ask yourself every day to eliminate shame (27:27)  3 fundamental traits couples need to have for a successful, long-term relationship (32:32)  Why the “Outside In” approach to conflict in relationships is the #1 killer of relationships (and how to use the “Inside Out” method to enhance your relationship instead) (33:39)  The most important factor for success of a long-term relationship (and how to share this with your partner without triggering them) (36:21)  The only 2 choices you have around potential conflict in relationships (and how one leads to a great marriage while the other ruins it) (38:52)  The “impact me” formula for bringing up relationship problems in the healthiest and most effective way (46:25) How to better solve the wicked “fight below the fight” where men make conflict worse (55:47)  Couples that know how to handle conflict live 10 years longer than couples who don’t. Here’s how to get better at conflict… (58:25) Why what you fight about doesn’t matter as much as how you fight (and how to argue in a more productive way) (1:06:21)  The “LUFU” skill required to handle conflict in a healthier way (1:09:25)  How leading with mini disclaimers before bringing up sensitive topics puts you and your partner on the same team (1:16:46)  Listen now! Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. Subscribe to Jayson’s YouTube channel: If you want to improve your marriage, especially as a parent, Jayson puts out great content for free on YouTube here:  2. Join Jayson’s Relationship School: Nobody taught you how to be good at relationships… Until now. If you’re serious about improving your relationships, check out Jayson’s Relationship School here:  3. Buy Jayson’s Book, Getting To Zero: How to Work Through Conflict in Your High-Stakes Relationships: If you’d like to read Jayson’s book, you can order it on Amazon here:  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
Most guys who are interested in self-care and self-improvement struggle heavily with it. Flicking on the TV or loading your favorite social media for doom scrolling is so much easier. Especially when you lead a busy life and are responsible for your family.  And you know what?  I struggle with this too. It’s a daily battle to pick the activity that’s rewarding in the long-term instead of the one that’s numbing in the short-term.  But it’s possible to make the right choice even when you’re exhausted and your willpower is empty. In fact, I just went through this exact process last week. After a long, stress-filled morning, I plopped down on my couch after putting my daughter down for a nap, and flicked on the TV.  But then a voice inside my head challenged me to use my time wisely. And in this episode, I share exactly what I did to flick off the TV and work on myself instead.  In this episode, you’ll discover:  Why it’s such a struggle to prioritize self-care (and strategies to make it easier)  A prose I wrote called “Choosing Self-Care” that gives you a sneak peek into my brain—and reveals how I flicked off the TV (try this next time you want to veg out)  How to make time in your schedule for the activities that truly matter  Some other highlights include:  One question to ask yourself when you’re low on willpower to hijack your brain for self-care (2:07)  The insidious “mentally buzzed” trap you fall into each time you flick on your TV or open a social media app (3:29)  How to choose what’s rewarding instead of what’s numbing (4:57)  Why your environment is a better predictor of the success of your goals than motivation, willpower, or discipline (8:36)  Listen now! Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. Be The Better You Retreat: The next Be The Better You Retreat happens this weekend in Austin, TX. While I haven’t scheduled the next one yet, I will do another one later in 2024. Subscribe to our emails to stay in the loop if you’d like to come.  2. Man Flow Yoga Engage Beta: I kicked off the beta for Man Flow Yoga Engage recently—and we’re ironing out all the kinks to make it even more impactful for men looking for more from their life. The next cohort opens in July, so keep an eye out if you’re interested in joining.  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting   
Here’s an uncomfortable truth:  You will get injured at some point on your fitness journey. While we can do our best to prevent injuries, injuries are unavoidable. But just because you’ve injured yourself doesn’t mean you have to be sedentary for months. In fact, after listening to this episode, you might be able to cut your recovery time in half.  Here’s why: The science behind pain and recovery reminds me of the science behind nutrition. For years, we’ve been told outdated advice on nutrition, and the proper protocols are just becoming popular.  Well the same is true for pain and injuries. For years, we’ve been told to use the RICE method—and are only recently discovering how ineffective this protocol is. That’s why I invited Garrett Salpeter (aka The Health Engineer) on today’s show to give you an updated understanding into the science behind pain and recovery. Garrett’s background in engineering and neuroscience has helped him create NeuFit and his patented NEUBIE device, which helps you recover in half the time as normal.  How was Garrett able to create tools to actually speed up recovery? Well, his big insight into pain and recovery is how much of it stems from your brain and nervous system, not just the injury itself.  When you can tweak this “software” side of your injury, your body doesn’t get in the way of the healing process. And you recover faster. Regardless of your age, injury, or fitness level.  Garrett will challenge many of your beliefs about pain, chronic pain, and injuries in the episode. And if you’re currently dealing with chronic pain, I can think of no better way to spend your time than by tuning into this interview.  Here’s a sneak peek into what Garrett and I discuss:  The science behind pain and recovery (including chronic pain) How to speed up your recovery by weeks (or even months)  The differences between the hardware and software of an injury (and which one prolongs your recovery)  5 most common triggers of chronic pain (and strategies to ease and eliminate chronic pain)  And so much more!  Highlights from this show include:  How Garrett recovered from a 3-month injury in just 3 weeks (5:24)  The weird neurological response to injury that slows down your recovery (5:40)  The scientific reason why movement, not rest, fast tracks your recovery (10:48)  How your brain can create pain out of thin air (and how to prevent it from hijacking your fitness routine) (20:52)  Why worrying about injuring yourself when working out actually increases your risk of injury (30:11)  How your body gets in the way of its own healing process (36:56)  Why focusing on the “software” of your injury instead of just the hardware can speed up the healing process by weeks or even months (38:17)  The “Motion is Lotion” mindset shift that helps you recover from pain and injuries faster than anyone else your age (42:25)  The top 3 activities you can do outside of physical therapy to boost your recovery and curb your pain (57:47)  How to better tell the difference between common soreness and full-blown pain (1:01:59)  Can muscle cramps make you stronger? Here’s what the science says… (1:09:22)  How joint mobility exercises can calm chronic pain and even eliminate it (1:17:35)  5 most common triggers of chronic pain (and why it isn’t always physical) (1:20:09)  Why Mike Tyson credits Garrett’s “NEUBIE” machine for him being able to fight Roy Jones Jr. at age 54 (1:39:11)  Listen now! Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. NeuFit: If you want to speed up the healing process, there’s no better way than by checking out NeuFit. Garrett has trained thousands of personal trainers and doctors across the world into his modality. Learn more about NeuFit here: ​  2. Buy Garrett’s Book: If you want a deeper dive into the NeuFit modality, I also recommend reading Garrett’s book, “The NeuFit Method: Unleash the Power of the Nervous System for Faster Healing and Optimal Performance.” Order it on Amazon here:  3. Follow NeuFit on Instagram: Want to stay up-to-date with NeuFit? Follow them on Instagram here:  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
For whatever reason, men are particularly bad at managing their stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. I’ve struggled with this myself. Everyone struggles with this.  But why?  As men, we’ve been discouraged to give our emotions the validation they deserve. Instead of confronting issues, we avoid them by turning into workalcoholics or exercise junkies. While these can be beneficial activities, they cause your emotions to bubble behind the scenes… Until you unleash them at the worst possible times.  But there’s a better way to manage uncomfortable feelings like stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, so you actually overcome them. In this episode, you’ll discover:  Why avoiding your emotions is a bigger problem than you think 2 prerequisites you must have in order to confront and address discomforting emotions  3 simple, yet wildly effective strategies to address and conquer stress, anxiety, and overwhelm  And more, including…  Why “pushing through” stress like you would a tough workout makes it fester under the surface until you explode (even if it works in the short-term) (1:18)  How men use exercise as a crutch to avoid uncomfortable emotions (and how to use your endorphins as a tool instead) (4:23)  Do your thoughts keep running around in a circle like a dog trying to catch its tail? Here’s how to break free of this endless worry loop (10:41)  How physically writing down your worries “deletes” them from your headspace (11:32)  Listen now! Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Something devastating happened to you when you turned seven years old… You figured out your default state of being and thinking and trapped yourself in a “mind matrix.” Inside this “mind matrix,” your ego formed, your defense mechanisms solidified, and you started living the rest of our lives on autopilot.  This happens to everyone, not just you…  But the problem is, relying on defense mechanisms you formed when you were a child makes it easy to self-sabotage in adulthood.  To make matters worse… Most men stay trapped in these childhood behavior patterns because they’ve repressed them for so long they don’t even realize their impact—until gut-wrenching pain shocks your system and allows you to see the matrix.  That’s why I invited Ani Manian (aka The Mind Whisperer) onto today’s show.  Ani went through this matrix-shattering experience when his dad’s body got cremated. And since then, he’s discovered how to help other men go through these transformative experiences without the soul-crushing pain.  In today’s show, Ani reveals: How shame works into your subconscious and holds you back  Why coping strategies you created as a child still control you today (and how making peace with these parts allows you to move forward)  How to actually love yourself (and why men find self-love impossible)  How to reach your true, limitless potential—no matter how many obstacles you encounter And so much more, including these highlights…  How to tap into the limitless potential sitting idly inside you (4:56)  The weird reason why newborn babies have more control and contact with their emotions than full-grown men (9:18)  The main reason why adults struggle with being present (and how to improve this skill) (11:55)  How your nervous system creates a “Shell Identity” of yourself in early childhood that still limits you to this day (13:58)  Why gut-wrenching emotional pain helps you see the “Ego Matrix” your trapped in (15:32)  The “Check Engine Light” secret for using your suffering to reach your highest potential (22:23)  Why you can trace back every self-sabotaging behavior in adulthood back to a childhood hero (30:02)  The fundamental mistake people make on their self-growth journey that prevents them from escaping their programming (31:27)  The “Shame Core” that you store deep inside yourself that makes transformative change impossible (44:47)  Why deep friendships with other men is the most effective way to break free of self-defeating patterns (51:07)  Do you struggle with loving yourself? This is the most practical and useful way to practice self-love (1:05:29) Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. Scale with Psychology Podcast: If you’d like to learn more about Ani and his version of self-improvement, check out his podcast, Scale with Psychology, wherever you listen to podcasts.  2. Ani’s website: If you’re a high-level entrepreneur who wants more out of life, check out Ani’s website here:  3. Follow Ani on Instagram: Want to stay up-to-date with The Mind Whisperer? Follow Ani on Instagram here:  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
There are a lot of men in the Man Flow Yoga Community who either want more or need more from their subscription. Whether you struggle with motivation, consistency, your relationships, or too much stress, I have good news for you: Man Flow Yoga Engage will help you overcome these struggles (even if they’re not purely physical struggles).  I haven’t launched something as big as Man Flow Yoga Engage since I first launched the Member’s Area.  And in this episode, I explain…  What Man Flow Yoga Engage is  Who Man Flow Yoga Engage is for  Why you might want to join Man Flow Yoga Engage  How Man Flow Yoga Engage differs from the Member’s Area  And how you can join the beta launch for Man Flow Yoga Engage (and secure a fat discount)  If you’re curious about Man Flow Yoga Engage at all, listen now.  Highlights from this episode include:  What exactly is Man Flow Yoga Engage and how does it differ from the Member’s Area? (2:15)  The “Targeted Wellness Sessions” included in Man Flow Yoga Engage that fast tracks your unique fitness goals (4:59)  How Man Flow Yoga Engage addresses the single biggest problem affecting modern men today (11:05) Have a question about Man Flow Yoga Engage? Here are my answers to the most frequently asked questions I’ve received (14:12)  Who is Man Flow Yoga Engage for? Here are the two types of people I’ve designed this for… (18:20)  Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. Man Flow Yoga Engage: If you’re interested in the beta launch of Man Flow Yoga Engage, you must sign up by March 24, 2024. Learn more and enroll here:  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
One of the most understated things that most men carry around unknowingly is some type of deep grief or sadness that comes from your childhood.  But therapy, which is dominated by women, doesn’t give the best route to confront, address, and accept these deep-seated feelings. To make matters worse, most men are so out of touch with their emotions that they can only try to explain them logically.  But emotions don’t happen in your head. They live in your body.  Understanding this tells us why so many men lead lives of quiet desperation, isolation, and depression. And nobody’s a better guide to healing your emotional wellbeing than today’s guest: Connor Beaton, founder of ManTalks.  Connor had it all on the outside looking in. But behind the scenes, his life was falling apart in every aspect.  One day, after hitting rock bottom, Connor apprenticed under an old-school psychologist. And since then, he’s not only turned his life around, but leads other men to transform themselves.  Connor reveals a ton in this episode including…  Tactical ways to improve your emotional awareness and health  The root cause of why you find yourself in a repeating cycle of self-sabotage  How doing psychological shadow work can improve your marriage (and save you from divorce)  Why men are so bad at understanding their emotions (and easy ways to improve your emotional IQ)  And so much more.  The state of men’s emotional health is in sharp decline. But Connor has strategies and tactics that can help.  Other highlights from this episode include:  How replacing the word “therapy” with this is the easiest way to start your emotional wellness journey (3:30)  The emotional health of men is in sharp decline: These are the 4 main reasons why (7:54)  Why it’s paramount for men to define masculinity instead of continuing to let society define it for us (13:52)  How female-centric psychology deprives men of key aspects they need for therapy to be effective (16:12)  Who else struggles to share their deepest problems with other men? Connor reveals how to have these tough conversations here… (24:43)  How your inner dialogue shatters your confidence, fills you with shame, and traps you in isolation (29:05)  Do you feel like you’re on a roller coaster of self-destruction? This is the reason why… (32:54)  2 tactical tricks you can start today to turn your inner critic into your inner hype man (35:55)  The self-fulfilling “Shadow” prophecy that causes unnecessary suffering in men’s lives—and how to break out of this vicious cycle (50:08)  How ignoring your shadow parts make them grow stronger and more destructive (and how to mine the gold from them instead) (54:02)  Why all your deepest fears and insecurities rear their ugly heads in your relationship—and how to accept them before they undermine your marriage (1:12:35)  The “Charge & Intensity” secret for getting out of your head and into your body to feel your emotions (1:20:41)  Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. ManTalks: Need help applying what Connor talked about in this episode? Head to his website, Man Talks, here to learn more:  2. ManTalks Podcast: Check out Connor’s podcast, Man Talks, wherever you listen to podcasts.  3. Follow ManTalks on Instagram: @ManTalks or via this link:  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
Despite never having easier access to other people, men today are lonelier than perhaps any other point in history.    We don’t deeply connect with each other. We don’t share our struggles in a vulnerable way. And it comes with the steep cost of loneliness, stress, overwhelm, and other mental health issues.    But there’s not a more effective way to overcome acute mental problems than by sharing your struggles with other men. I realized this last week when I was freaking out about everything. I didn’t want to share my worries with my wife, but not talking about them gave them more power.    And so, I reached out to a few friends I trust and asked them if they ever felt this way. My worries evaporated a little bit more with each reply I got. But I know most men today aren’t lucky enough to be able to feel this vulnerable with other men.  That’s why I recorded this week’s show and reveal: Why bonding over shared struggles is the best “hack” to improve your mental wellbeing  The 5 biggest problems modern men face—there’s a good chance you also struggle with one of these  How Man Flow Yoga Engage (coming April 1) can help men open up with each other and improve their mental health  And more, including…  The wildly effective, yet simple way to improve your mental wellbeing (that most guys overlook) (0:51)  How I overcame the downward spiral I had last week—and how to use this approach yourself next time anxiety and stress knock on your door (1:21)  The “Pawn Secret” for easing mental overwhelm in just a few moments (2:55)  3 reasons why men’s mental health is in decline (4:22)  The top 5 non-fitness struggles that the Man Flow Yoga Community wrestles with (6:45)  A brief explanation of Man Flow Yoga Engage—the latest addition to your Man Flow Yoga experience that has nothing to do with yoga or physical fitness (14:35)  Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. Man Flow Yoga Engage: Coming April 1, keep your eyes on your email inbox for more info.  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
What do you do when you’re stuck in a rut and your motivation is running out?  If your first reaction is to berate yourself out of it or deny that it’s happening—a problem men in particular struggle with—then, well, you can actually prolong the rut you’re in.  I’ve experienced this myself. And I’ve also found a better, more productive way to handle a lack of motivation:  In today’s episode, I’m sharing the set of strategies I use to pull myself out of a rut, so you can try them whenever your motivation is running out.  In this episode, I discuss:  How to jumpstart your motivation when it’s running out The biggest mistake you can make after losing motivation My two-step process for getting back on track when you’re in a rut   And more, including:  The “Body Awareness” method for dissolving stress and overwhelm when you’re in a rut (1:47)  3 simple questions to ask yourself when you’re down that can provide clarity into your emotions (3:34)  Why being too tough on yourself when you’re stuck in a rut backfires (7:59)  How acknowledging bad feelings and negative emotions can sometimes be all you need to move past them (7:59)  How holding things in drains your energy and zaps your motivation (12:04)  Why low-energy activities “prime” your motivation tank and restore it (15:35)  Related Episodes:  Episode 83: How Low-Effort Exercise Enhances Your Health More Than High-Intensity Workouts Episode 82: The Power of Being Alone: My 24-Hour Solo Retreat Experience Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:    Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:    Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
Men today live in a constant state of stress. Despite never being safer from external threats, modern society presents us with more stress than any other generation before us—and it’s killing us.  In fact, when you live in a constant state of stress, things that are considered healthy—like weight lifting, cardio workouts, and cold & hot therapy—actually become unhealthy. They deplete your energy savings, swirling your cortisol levels to unmanageable heights, and create a vicious cycle of even more stress.  That’s the bad news.  The worse news is that the solution is so simple, most men will ignore it.  That’s why I invited human performance specialist, Brian Mackenzie, back onto the Better Man Podcast to prove to you—beyond a shadow of a doubt—that doing less is more effective than tacking on more to your already busy schedule.  For example, if you can go on a 45-minute walk per day without breathing through your mouth or bringing your phone, you will be healthier and have greater longevity than 90% of the world.  In this episode, Brian and I discuss:  The two easiest (and most effective) ways to improve your health, happiness, and longevity  How doing high-intensity workouts backfires when you don’t do the simple, foundational exercises  Why a positive mind (and a dog) are the two best “investments” you can make into your health and longevity  And so much more that flips the “more, more, more!” mentality most of us have on its head with unconventional wisdom including…  The single best modality, according to scientific research, to slow down the aging process and combat diseases (4:57)  Why movement is the most effective way to delay your death (6:58)  What’s the main difference between people living in “blue zones,” where they live well over 100 years old? Brian explains the difference here… (14:52)  Why walking is more important to your longevity than strength training, cardio, and even yoga (16:14)  Do you walk with your mouth open? Here’s what this habit reveals about your health… (17:47)  Why Brian recommends avoiding higher intensity exercise if you’re a high-stress individual (26:19)  How low level forms of exercise actually help your body adapt to higher intensity workouts (26:57)  Why a positive mind is the best health and wellness “hack” you can have (37:09)  The simple, yet wildly effective “Embrace Change” mindset shift for exponentially increasing your longevity (57:59)  Best practices for mixing in saunas and cold plunges into your cardio or strength training workouts (1:04:06)  Why simply buying a dog might be the best investment you can make for your health (1:23:46)  How removing phrases like “I need to…” from your vocabulary instantly makes your happier and healthier (1:26:29)  Resources mentioned on this episode:  1. Receive a free daily breathing plan based on your Breathing Calculator results: Your breath gives you important insights into your overall health. Take Brian’s Breathing Calculator test here and receive a free daily breathing plan when you finish:  2. Go to Brian’s website, Shift Adapt: If you’d like to learn more about Brian’s company, Shift Adapt, and how he can help you boost your health and longevity, visit his website here:  3. Sign up for the MFY Breath Series: If you want to work on your breath and yoga practice at the same time, I invite you to sign up for the MFY Breath Series here:  Related Episodes:  Episode 82: The Power of Being Alone: My 24-Hour Solo Retreat Experience Episode 75: Subtract; Don’t Add (Creating Space to Create Change for 2024) Episode 36: Training To Chill Out: Nasal Breathing, Cold Plunges, & Why Less is More w/ Brian Mackenzie Episode 1: Why Breath is the Most Critical Component to Your Health w/ Brian Mackenzie  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
Today’s hustle culture tricks men, myself included, into jamming more activities into our day to become more productive, more successful, and more fulfilled.  But this relentless pursuit of self-development opens up a void in our life. The more things we shove into our day, the less time we have to slow down and reflect on what actually matters.  In other words, adding more productivity hacks doesn’t result in significant improvement. It does the opposite: It drives you to the verge of burnout.  Nothing made this clearer to me than when I went on a 24-hour solo retreat. During these 24 hours of solitude, I realized some crucial things about my business, relationships, and life. And I want to share the template I used, so that you can do the same in your life if you’re feeling burnt out and unfilled.  In this episode, I reveal:  Why being alone, free from external influences, unlocks more meaningful change in less time  How doing less makes you more fulfilled  The exact template I followed during my 24-hour solo retreat that resulted in immediate transformation  And more, including:  6 simple questions to ask yourself to make 2024 more successful and fulfilling than 2023 (4:53)  Why listening to your own thoughts instead of relying on external influences (like books and podcasts) unlocks meaningful change—faster (6:12)  8 activities to dabble in when you’re feeling burnt out to refuel and revitalize you (7:11)  How long hikes clear out all your “brain gunk” and help you find mental clarity (even when you’re up to your neck in stress) (9:07)  Why “feeling” your way to self-development instead of “thinking” your way there unleashes significant improvement (and how to do this) (11:29)  The “building and optimizing” mistake of self-improvement that keeps you stuck, unfulfilled, and on the verge of burning out (15:41)  Constantly in “Go, Go, Go Mode?” Here’s why doing less makes you feel more fulfilled (19:41)  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting
Go up to any man on the street and ask him whether he’d like to have more money, and you’ll get the same response: Absolutely.  But today’s guest, Noah Kagan, founder of AppSumo and the OK Dork YouTube channel, woke up with a million dollars in his bank account, but was miserable.  Despite his success from the outside looking in, his finances didn’t fill the void his work or relationships opened. That’s when he realized that your goals aren’t nearly as important as the systems you set up to make yourself happy and fulfilled. The solution?  Well, for Noah, it meant realizing he had the power to change anything in his life he wanted.  And you know what?  Even if you don’t have a million bucks in your bank account, you have this same power inside you, waiting for you to activate it.  In this episode, Noah and I discuss…  How to take your power back in every category of your life Why optimizing for happiness and longevity is more important than long-term goals How taking action right now builds confidence and momentum Why achieving your goals won’t make you happy (and what to do instead to be happy and proud of yourself today)  And more, including:  The simple “Persistence over Resistance” mindset hack for conquering your biggest goals (2:10)  How pausing instead of instantly reacting to negative situations helps you uncover the correct course of action (7:19)  The “Now, not How” secret that crushes your limiting beliefs and keeps your momentum growing (12:09)  How to take your power back—in your finances, your fitness, your relationships, and your work (23:43)  Why taking action right now builds unshakeable confidence and unstoppable momentum (27:08)  How focusing on systems instead of goals makes you happier, more fulfilled, and often more successful (30:17)  Noah’s “Weekly Review” framework for self-assessment which has a profound impact on his happiness and success (43:28)  How thinking of new activities and habits as “experiments” makes you okay with failure (46:01)  The simple “GEBY” morning routine for enhancing almost every aspect of your life (56:09)  How setting your gratitude bar as low as possible instantly skyrockets your happiness (57:10)  Why playing “silly” games like chess or fantasy football minimizes your daily stress levels and prevents burnout (1:15:31)  Resources mentioned on the show:  1. Order Million Dollar Weekend: If you’d like to read Noah’s new book, Million Dollar Weekend: The Surprisingly Simple Way to Launch a 7-Figure Business in 48 Hours, you can order it here: 2. Follow OkDork on YouTube: If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur looking for engaging, motivation, and fun content, subscribe to Noah’s YouTube channel, OkDork, here:  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
More people than ever have the option to work from home.  But is working from home all it’s cracked up to be? Well, working from home may boost your productivity, work-life balance, and reduce your overall stress. But it can also do the opposite: Plummet your productivity, sabotage your work-life balance, and lead to burnout.  Personally, working from home worked until it didn’t. After my second kid was born, there were too many distractions at home to accomplish anything meaningful. Plus, it made me a worse parent because I didn’t have any buffer time between “work mode” or “dad and husband mode.”  So, how can you best decide if you should work from home or in an office?  That’s what I will help you answer in today’s episode, and reveal…  The pros and cons of working from home How to work from home without sabotaging your work-life balance or causing unnecessary stress My personal experience of working from home (and why I prefer working in an office today)  Other highlights from this episode include:  Does working from home actually hurt your work-life balance? Here are some tips to improve your work-life balance (6:35) How simply turning off your computer forces you to shut off “work mode” so you can be present with your family (11:49)  Why working from home can cause crippling burnout (and how to best prevent this) (12:58)  The counterintuitive reason why working from an office makes you a more patient parent (15:50)  4 practical strategies to boost your productivity and work-life balance when you work from home (19:44)  Resources mentioned on the show:  1. Remote Work Statistics And Trends In 2024 from Forbes:  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
What if I told you that there’s only one thing standing between you and the most impossible goal you could think of?  You’d probably be filled with skepticism, and you wouldn't be wrong. In fact, I was in your exact shoes with today’s guest Jason Drees (former Tony Robbins coach turned mindset coach and entrepreneur) posed that question to me.  But here’s the thing…  Jason cracked the codes to the universe when he realized that you must change your frequency, not your mindset, to do the impossible. It’s a topic that will probably scramble your brain a bit… It did the same thing to mine.  Why?  Because this conversation happens at a higher level of consciousness than most of us operate on. But it’s a conversation that can make even your wildest and most outlandish dreams come true—in no time at all.  In today’s episode, Jason reveals…  The biggest problem with Tony Robbins’s mindset training  How operating at a higher frequencies makes your limiting beliefs vanish—instantly  How to start operating at a higher level of consciousness and unlock your full potential today  And more.  Other highlights from this episode include:  How you can do the impossible by releasing your full potential (even if it seems, well, impossible) (4:51)  The weird way your mindset can halt your fitness progress even when you do everything else “right” (6:46)  Why writing down your limiting beliefs and physically crossing them out instantly changes them (11:08)  How Jason guided a client suffering from heartbreak get over his heartbreak after a 45-minute “Beliefs Changes” call (12:01)  The “Higher Frequency” secret that can change a poor mindset and limiting beliefs in an instant (and how to operate at this higher level of consciousness) (12:58)  Why chasing different strategies to reach your goals keeps you stuck (and how “chasing the version” helps your wildest goals come true) (20:43)  How to “time travel” and bring a better version of yourself from the future to the present (42:42)  Why your past models of achieving success actually hinder you and become limiting beliefs (46:22)  How an obsession with self-improvement can lead you down a depressive hole (and how to be enough right now) (1:10:20)  Resources mentioned on the show:  1. Buy Jason’s Book, Do the Impossible: Unlock Your Full Potential with the Power of Mindset available here:  2. Schedule a call with Jason: If you’d like to learn more about operating at a higher frequency, visit Jason’s website here:  3. Listen to Jason’s Podcast: You can listen to Jason’s podcast, Do The Impossible and hear him do a live coaching session here: or by searching anywhere you listen to podcasts.  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
The biggest problem affecting men today is that we don’t get to connect with similar men on a deeper level. I struggle with this too, so you’re not alone.  Modern life fills our calendars with to-do’s, family, and stress, which doesn’t leave much time to connect deeply with other men. When we do hang out with other men, it’s usually superficial: Watching sports, talking about the news, or having a drink.  But something magical happens when you connect with other men on a deeper level:  You unlock meaningful change, uncover deep-seated fears and insecurities, and understand how to become a happier and more fulfilled version of yourself.  In today’s episode, I discuss… My main takeaways from the last men’s retreat I hosted  Why attending a men’s retreat can unlock the change you’ve been searching for  How to attend the next Man Flow Yoga men’s retreat And more, including…  How being surrounded by other men with similar values is the quickest way to enhance your happiness, productivity, and overall quality of life (0:50)  The “Repeated Why’s” secret for revealing your ultimate motivations for self-improvement (2:42)  Do you struggle with being vulnerable with loved ones? Here’s how to overcome this fear… (6:10)  Why getting out of the normal hustle-and-bustle of your routine unlocks meaningful change—rapidly (10:38) The single biggest problem modern men face that’s making you unfulfilled and unhappy (15:36)  How to increase your longevity if you’re in your 50s, 60, or 70s (17:39) Want to become a better version of yourself—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Here’s your invitation to the Be The Better You Men’s Retreat in April (limited spots left!) (20:30)  Resources mentioned on the show:  1. Attend the Be The Better You Retreat on April 18th: If you feel like something’s missing in your life and you’re not as happy or fulfilled as you like, you’re not alone. This is a plague affecting most men today because we lack deeper connections with other like-minded men. That’s why I’m inviting you to attend the Be The Better You Retreat on April 18-22, 2024. Discover how this retreat will help you become a better version of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually here:  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
We’ve been told conventional health wisdom so much that most people believe it blindly. Things like you need to do cardio to lose weight. Eating fat makes you fat. And you need to eat at least 3 servings of grains to be healthy.  The trouble is, these conventional health wisdoms aren’t true. And today’s guest, Mark Sisson—founder of Primal Nutrition and Primal Kitchen, best-selling author, and publisher of—has been exposing false conventional thought about health his entire career.  In this episode, we tackle some of the most insidious “truths” that have derailed Mark’s health (and will derail yours too). Some of these topics include:  Why eating grains riddle your body with low-grade inflammation (the worst kind)  Why losing weight is more of a hormonal equation than an exercise and caloric restriction one  How to eat less without getting as hungry  Why nothing changed Mark’s life quite like switching to an anti-inflammatory diet  And so much more. Mark has been a long time hero of mine for his unconventional wisdoms about health and fitness. My hope is that after listening to this episode, you start challenging your own beliefs about health and fitness that may be subtly stifling your progress.  Other highlights from this show include:  How running sabotages your muscle mass: A lesson from a former weightlifting marathon runner (6:06)  3 of the biggest inflammatory foods (and how cutting them out makes your inflammation subside) (11:49)  Why one of the most influential “carb loading” experts recanted his entire career when he realized THIS… (15:40)  How eating more healthy fats in your diet actually increases your fat-burning rate (18:09)  Why exercising is a terrible way to lose weight (and what actually makes you leaner) (19:02)  How giving up grains for 30 days made Mark’s IBS, arthritis, GERD, and sinus congestion disappear (19:53)  The “Metabolic Flexibility” secret for retraining your body to burn fat instead of carbs for energy (24:28)  The “no longer hungry” cue from your body that stops you from overeating (34:42)  The insidious “Systemic Inflammation” which can cause leaky gut syndrome, diabetes, and other major health problems (38:06)  Why taking antioxidants after a workout can deprive your muscles of the benefits of exercise (43:39)  How mixing fats with carbs drives insulin into your fat cells and cripples your metabolic flexibility (49:49)  Do you wish you had a faster metabolism? Here’s the counterintuitive reason you should want a slower one… (51:19)  Does your knees or lower back hurt after walking? Mark’s new 5-toe shoes will eliminate your pain (1:06:44)  The one mindset shift required to transform your deepest holes in your life into growing experiences (1:18:12)  Resources mentioned on the show:  1. Save 15% on Mark’s barefoot Peluva Shoes with code ManFlowYoga: If you have lower back pain, hip pain, or knee pain, the problem may be your shoes. Not only are they more comfortable than the first-generation barefoot shoes (they even feel like a foot massage every time you walk!), but they’re also critical for eliminating knee, hip, and lower back pain. Try Mark’s Peluva barefoot shoes and save 15% on your order with code ManFlowYoga here:  2. Mark’s Daily Apple: Mark’s been publishing the #1 health and fitness blog, Mark’s Daily Apple, for over a decade. Check out Mark’s Daily Apple to hear his daily musings on health, nutrition, fitness, the health industry and the low-carb, paleo, Primal lifestyle here:  3. Follow Mark on Instagram: Keep in touch with Mark and what he’s up to by giving him a follow on Instagram @marksissonprimal or here:  Other important links:  Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:  Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:  Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting 
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