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Global Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy Podcast

Global Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy Podcast

Author: Aidan Noone - The Results Man

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A Podcast Created Especially With YOU In Mind

Helping you Make Personal Breakthroughs - helping you achieve the results you want. Help with Sleep Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Smoking Cessation, and Addictions. All your problems exist in an unconscious (subconscious) mind) level. If you knew what the real problem is, you would fix it. Wouldn't you? You'd be crazy not to want to do it, yourself? Wouldn't you? I give you probably the quickest, easiest and pain free way to make a breakthrough. You must want to do what you say you do! Committed!

Aidan Noone - The Results Man
94 Episodes
Did YOU know that past Events shape our emotions and behaviours. Traumatic events can lead to being stuck in the past and experiencing negative emotions and reliving them every day.Have you ever heard of the profound impact that traumatic events can have on YOUR mental and emotional health. These past events not only shape our emotions and behaviours but can also cause YOU to become anchored in their past, continually reliving the trauma and the accompanying negative emotions. This fixation on the past often results in avoidance of certain situations and a constant, almost ingrained sense of discomfort that can feel like a perpetual burden. And YOU know something it doesnt necessarily have to be like that. There are relatively easy methods and techniques that I can teach YOU to be FREE from the pain of the past and set you FREE to create a future YOU desire. If this is something you're interested in, just type yes in the comments below because I want to invite YOU into a FREE community where you can learn many more strategies to help you be FREE of that, that's been burdening you for so long now, unnecessarily. Thanks for watching. Remember tyoe yes below if your're interested. --- Send in a voice message:
Here's how YOU can use the power of Your mind to overcome many negative feelings and beliefs you may have. Your mind holds power to initiate change right now. And rightfully you ask me : How do I do that. You see there is a very powerful capacity you have right inside you and yet you may not be consciously aware of it. It's the ability to use the power of your mind by using a natural gift you already possess and that gift is "YOUR" hypnosis. Many times during the day you automatically adopt a frame of mind that enables you to achieve a certain task and it's proven that by being in "YOUR" hypnotic frame of mind that you are at your optimum best. You achieve much. Jus think about the times when you are really working so well and you are being very productive, doesn't time just fly by? And you ask: "where did the time go." Thats hypnosis, "YOUR" hypnosis. Yes "YOUR" hypnosis. Let me just demonstrate a simple hypnotic technique. I promise you there will be many more powerful convincing examples of "YOUR" hypnosis as we go forward into future videos.Ok, lets being. I am presuming you are in a quite place where you can prove to yourself the power of "YOUR" hypnosis. In a place where you can engage yourself with this simple proof of "YOUR" hypnosis. Together, we will harness the power of "YOUR" hypnosis to achieve lots more as we progress!Just close your eyes. and hold out your dominant hand, your right hand or your left hand. Doesn't matter which one. Just imagine that I'm placing in your hand a big juicy bright yellow lemon, feel the weight of it! In fact you might even begin to get the fragrance of the big juicy lemon just as it sits in your hand. And just imagine what it would feel and taste like when you bring the lemon up to your mouth and bite into it? Just imagine what it would be like to do that!Now what do you notice?Let me know how well you got on using the power of your hypnosis. Please let me know by dropping a comment in the comments below and let me know how you got on? --- Send in a voice message:
Aidan Noone [00:00:00]: Hello. Do you want to know the easiest way I know of to overcome obstacles without feeling overwhelmed and defeated and without spending years in therapy. Well, keep watching and listening. Just think of the following. You probably grew up in a average family. Perhaps you had siblings, brothers or sisters, or maybe you're an only child. It really doesn't matter. So you went to school or perhaps you didn't have much schooling. Aidan Noone [00:00:41]: Again, that doesn't really matter. You had the same age friends perhaps or older friends or younger friends or from school or from the neighborhood you grew up in. Now then one day, yes, one day something happens. An event. Something happens to you. Perhaps it was an accident of some sort, or it was another event that was significantly emotionally charged enough that it traumatized you and continues to do so today. You somehow became become stuck in the past, in the event. Your mind is constantly thinking about it. Aidan Noone [00:01:22]: Or when you venture into a certain space or context, you relive the original event and the traumatic accompanying feelings. And, eventually, you learn to avoid situations that you find uncomfortable. Or perhaps you feel uncomfortable a lot of the time, and yet you don't know how or why you feel those negative, horrible feelings. You may feel as though a weight is on your shoulders, carrying it around all the time nonstop, being weighed down. Now you become so used to feeling the way you feel that you firmly believe that that's the way life is, and that's the way it will always be for you. Now I'm here to reassure you, to tell you life doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to feel and experience the past trauma that you've been experiencing. You don't have to be stuck back in the past, back in an event. Aidan Noone [00:02:38]: There are remarkably simple and easy ways to help you to become unstuck from the past and free yourself to move forward and bring and begin to enjoy life more now than ever before. Now being stuck is like being frozen inside a piece of concrete, forever stuck. And I want to tell you again that if you feel that way, you can smash the concrete and break free. Yes. Every person is unique and special. And in all cases, I highly recommend and advise you that you, in the first instance, always consult with your primary health care provider, your general medical practitioner, to check that there isn't any medical pathology that is causing your current way of being. Always important. Now there are cutting edge techniques and interventions derived from advanced fields of psychology and personal change, engineering. Aidan Noone [00:03:49]: In fact, you have everything you need right inside your head to help you make to help you make that personal long lasting change. You just need to be shown how to use your brain for a change and keep the change. And when you have all that done, you you might consider consulting a reputable, qualified, professional person to assist you to make that change. Leave your comments or questions below, and I will endeavor to answer and respond to you just as soon as I can, or any comments at all, whatever you need to ask or say. Remember, there is a way forward, and you don't have to spend months and a dead years in therapy. So take care now for now, and all the best, and I'll talk to you very, very soon. Bye bye for now. --- Send in a voice message:
This recording is hypnotic in nature and YOU DO NOT listen to this whilst driving or operating machinery or anywhere your undivided attention is required. Listen only whilst it is safe to do so in a quiet and private personal environment. I want you to enjoy and listen regularly. --- Send in a voice message:
This is a therapeutic Metaphor and there is deliberately no transcript included. --- Send in a voice message:
Speaker A [00:00:00]: I have a question for you. When is the problem, not the problem? Paul Watzlawick, excuse the pronunciation, a renowned psychologist and philosopher, once shared a profound insight that reshapes how we think about challenges and solutions. He suggested the problem is not the problem. Yes. The problem is not the problem. The problem is how the client, how you, are trying to solve the problem. This statement, simple yet powerful, holds a very a key to understanding why we find ourselves stuck in cycles of frustration and failure when facing difficulties. Imagine you're trying to fix a leaky faucet a tap. Speaker A [00:00:52]: You're you've tried tightening a screw here, replacing a washer there, but the drip, drip, drip continues. Frustrated, you consider the falsehood to be the problem. But according to Vatslovic, the real issue lies in how you're attempting to fix it. Perhaps you're using the wrong tools, or maybe the actual problem isn't what you think it is. The faucet isn't the problem. The approach to solving it, is. Now, of course, this concept applies far beyond plumbing. It's relevant to personal relationships, workplace dynamics, and even in how we tackle internal struggles like anxiety or low self esteem. Speaker A [00:01:44]: Often, our instinctive solutions to problems like avoidance, confrontation, denial don't resolve the underlying issue. They might provide temporary relief, but the problem persists or even worse is worsens. Now let's say you're feeling overwhelmed at work. Your solution might be to work longer hours, skipping breaks, and bringing home bringing work home. Initially, it might seem like the right approach to manage your workload. However, over time, you find yourself more stressed, less productive and facing burnout. The problem wasn't the overload itself, but how you choose to handle it. A more effective solution might involve time management, delegation are discussing workloads, adjustments with your manager or colleagues. Speaker A [00:02:48]: Vatlavik's insight encourages us to step back and reassess not just the problems we face, but our strategies for solving them. It's about questioning our automatic reactions are considering whether they're truly effective or if they're just familiar parts leading us in circles. This shift in perspective can be liberating. It opens up a range of possibilities for creative problem solving like that we might have overlooked if we focus solely on the problem as we perceive it to be. In practice, this means being open to change, seeking advice, and being willing to try new approaches. It's about recognizing that our first instinct might not always be the best one, and that sometimes the solution lies in changing our own behavior, your own behavior, your thoughts, your attitudes rather than trying to change the external situation. It's an invitation to be more reflective and less reactive to embrace flexibility over rigidity and to approach challenges with curiosity rather than despair. Vaclavik's wisdom isn't just a psychological concept. Speaker A [00:04:21]: It's a practical guide for more effective problem solving in every aspect of our lives. Remember, when you're faced with a problem, don't just focus on the obstacle itself. Consider how you're trying to overcome it. Now sometimes the path to a solution starts with reevaluating our approach, your approach. By doing so, we can transform our struggles into opportunities for growth and learning. I have a question. What is it that you're currently not aware of? And if you allowed yourself to become aware, you might just solve the problem or find find a sought after solution. Try it. Speaker A [00:05:15]: Leave your comments or questions below. Thanks for watching, and bye for now. --- Send in a voice message:
Full transcript NOT Available due to space Restrictions imposed by Anchor/SpotifyApologies. Hello again, and thanks for being with me here today. So no matter where you are or maybe you're alone, maybe you're with somebody, maybe you're not feeling too good. So just bear with me, and, let's have a little chat. And what I want to talk to you today about is how do you take things personally? Yes. Think about that. Do you take things personally? Because when when feelings are very, very strong, they automatically overwhelm our rational intelligence and prevent a more subtle or wider viewpoint from being considered. In other words, that we're blocked off from resourcefulness or resources that exist or in our consciousness mind somewhere, and we're not able to access them. But do you take things personally? Because it matters how personally you take things, take events, and how pervasive, and how permanent you think the effects will be. Consider this. If dinner didn't taste good, and you were the cook, would you tend automatically to think that it was your fault? Would you fail to think about whether the meal stayed in the oven too too long? Or perhaps because people you were cooking for arrived late to eat it, or whether the recipe instructions we're unclear. Perhaps you add a little a little too much salt. Would you worry about it for some time afterwards, berating yourself for spoiling the occasion rather than than just apologizing, shrugging it off and forgetting about it. Yes. How pervasive do you think events will be. In other words, pervasive being having a general broad application in your everyday life, affect affecting you, affecting you. So if you lost your job or failed to get offer the new one that you really wanted. Would you tend to lose heart in everything? Might you see your whole life as a failure and respond negatively to suggestions from others that you should start looking in past years, new for a new job. How permanently do you think the effects will be for you? After all we're talking about you, wherever you are, or whoever you may be. After losing a job or failing to get a new one, would you think I'll never find that job, another job? If you failed an important exam, would you view your whole life, your entire life as a as a failure, being delighted by that 1 single event. Think of some of the setbacks or sorrows that are making you miserable in your life now, and ask yourself the same sort of questions as to how you are responding to them, as opposed to reacting to them, responding or reacting. And I suppose in an ideal world, to respond is the more mature, the more resourceful, the far better place to be rather than reacting. Because when people take things personally and interpret events as having a far bigger or longer lasting impact than the the kid than is re really the case. They are overemphasizing or exacerbating the black and white thinking style of the emotional brain by generating more and more emotion. And I introduced, you know, the concept of cause and effect. Now it's not the standard understand understanding of what cause and effect is, of what cause and effect, our understanding of what we mean when we say cause and effect, it's different. And I want you to consider this the difference of this. Because when you are at cause when you are at cause, you are the author of what happens. You are the instigator of what happens, you are the one who is detailing what it is you want in your life, what it is you want happening. However, when you are at effect, you are at the effect of other people, of other situations, situations outside of yourself, maybe organizations out of yours outside of yourself, you are at effect. In other words, I like to think of it that you hand away or hand over to that organization or that person or that whatever it is, you hand to them your remote control. And you say, look, go ahead, press my buttons, and I'll do what you want me to do. Or rather than saying, look. --- Send in a voice message:
IBS is characterized by symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea, which are often unpredictable. This unpredictability can lead to a constant state of worry about when and where symptoms might occur, especially in public or work settings. The severity of IBS symptoms can vary greatly. Severe episodes can be particularly distressing and debilitating, leading to heightened anxiety and stress about managing daily activities. Concerns about the social and professional implications of IBS (e.g., needing sudden bathroom breaks during important meetings or social gatherings) can create significant anxiety. This can lead to avoidance of social situations, negatively impacting personal and professional life. The fear of experiencing painful or uncomfortable symptoms can itself be a source of anxiety. This is often referred to as anticipatory anxiety, where the individual becomes anxious about the possibility of having an IBS flare-up. Managing IBS often involves adhering to strict dietary restrictions, which can be stressful. Worrying about what to eat, the potential consequences of dietary mistakes, and the impact on social dining can add to the stress. Chronic conditions like IBS can affect body image and self-esteem. Constantly dealing with digestive issues can lead to feelings of embarrassment and a decreased sense of self-worth, contributing to stress and anxiety. There's a strong connection between the gut and the brain, known as the gut-brain axis. The stress and anxiety caused by IBS can exacerbate gastrointestinal symptoms, creating a vicious cycle where anxiety worsens IBS, which in turn increases anxiety. --- Send in a voice message:
Ever dreamt of a life without the 'where's the bathroom?' panic? Please stay to the end of this short recording to help you. I have a very special FREE gift for you, to Help YOU. It's completely FREE and yours to keep.Hello there, today I want to share some relaxation and stress management techniques that are especially beneficial for those of you dealing with IBS. We all know how stress can trigger IBS symptoms, so let's explore how to bring some peace to your body and mind.First, let’s start with deep breathing. This is something you can do anywhere, anytime. Breathe in slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your nose. I know this is different from what you might have previously been told. In through your nose and out through your nose. This helps activate your body’s relaxation response.Mindfulness and meditation can also be incredibly effective. Even just a few minutes a day can reduce stress levels significantly. You can simply sit in a quiet place and focus on your breath. Perhaps even think of your favourite colour or walking on the beach or a relaxing forest. Gentle exercise, like a leisurely walk, can also help manage stress. These activities not only calm the mind but also help regulate the digestive system, which is crucial for IBS management.Remember, diet plays a huge role in managing IBS. Foods high in fat, caffeine, or sugar can increase stress and trigger symptoms. Opt for a balanced diet with plenty of fibre, and consider keeping a food diary to identify and avoid triggers.Getting adequate sleep is also crucial. Poor sleep can exacerbate stress and IBS symptoms. Try to establish a regular sleep routine and create a restful environment in your bedroom.Don’t underestimate the power of social support network, family and friends and seeking out the assistance from a reputable registered and certified therapist. Talking with friends who are positive and forward looking is extremely important. Joining support groups, or seeing a therapist as I mentioned can provide emotional relief and practical strategies to handle stress.Journaling your thoughts and feelings, or using positive affirmations, can also be powerful tools. They help in understanding your emotional triggers and reinforcing positive mindsets. And a big plus about journalling is that when you get out onto paper or a word doc all the stuff thats been perhaps churning around in your mind - to a great extent it no longer has power over you. It can never be the same again and not have the same control over you it previously had. It changes. Do it regularly and notice the difference.Remember, managing stress is not just about reducing IBS symptoms, but also about improving your overall quality of life. Try incorporating these techniques into your daily routine and notice the positive changes. You are now taking control and I’m here to support you on your journey to wellness.Now I have prepared a special audio recording for YOU. You simple go to the link on my main page click the link, share your email and I'll immediately send you the link to download your special recording. You will listen to this recording only when it is safe to do so and most certainly not whilst driving. FREE AUDIO HERE --- Send in a voice message:
How a Chain Saw accident opened my mind. --- Send in a voice message:
This is a time-limited offer and Terms and conditions apply I was reminded of something recently when a client of mine who presented with the pain and discomfort of irritable bowel. The not being able to go places where they want to go, to do the things they they want to do. Always looking for the nearest toilet, needing to know the location of the nearest toilet/bathroom is. Having to bring a change of clothing in case of an accident. Always having to plan ahead and being mindful of every action and how doing the things you used to really enjoy are now majorly impacted by IBS. The sheer exhaustion of everything combined into what should be an enjoyable event, now becomes an almost nightmare. There is ample published evidence that the gut-brain axis, is how the brain and the gut communicate and that where the communication between your brain and your gut is out of sync or not communicating as it should can provide an environment where IBS can take hold of you. Hypnotherapy is an evidenced-based modality to greatly help in the alleviation of pain and bloating and discomfort. Giving you back your life. A personalised plan, a bespoke plan, can easily be drafted and designed specifically for you to help you ease the pain, the discomfort, the not having to worry about where the toilet/bathroom is. That life can return to some form of normality. With over 29 years of experience, I've created a short yet very effective programme that I'm offering to the first three people, who are serious about working to get themselves better, I will work with you totally FREE of any monetary charge and I will support you. When you sign up you get a free copy of my new book on IBS as well as agreeing to join my mail list and receive very valuable information and support going forward. All you have to do is agree to give me a video testimonial at the end when you are feeling much better.This is a time-limited offer and is available only to the first three people who sign up to receive my new book on IBS. The offer expires on December 12th 2023, 5pm Dublin/ London time. --- Send in a voice message:
The Quick and Easy Way - An Almost Done For YOU Process YOU getting results, you getting what you want from consulting a therapist and more specifically a registered and certified Professional Hypnotherapist who subscribes to a code of professional ethics and conduct.   As in all walks of life to achieve anything worthwhile, it takes planning, commitment dedication, and seeking out Professional help.  Some might say it takes hard work to achieve anything worthwhile and of value to YOU.  Is this statement always true all of the time? Generally, I would say yes, however, there are exceptions and other equally productive ways to get the results you want.   Let me explain to YOU. Some might refer to these ways as smart ways, the easier, quicker, and less painful or indeed pain-free way. There are probably as many forms of therapy as there are stars in the sky.  In the field of Hypnotherapy, over the last 40 years, there has been huge inroads, and huge developments proven to work and be successful,  like new interventions, and new ways of achieving results all done in a relatively short period compared to the previous 40-plus years.  That’s why I offer YOU some of the quickest and easiest methods of YOU making change. For example, if you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Insomnia, or Tinnitus, and or want to Stop Smoking, I offer You probably the quickest and easiest method of facilitating that change whatever that is. I take the pain out of YOU getting the results YOU want by offering YOU a step-by-step system and processes so that YOU don’t have to do all of the heavy lifting. I do everything to help alleviate any fear or doubt YOU might have. Really what I’m talking about is the ease with which YOU can achieve YOUR Results. So if YOU want to save YOUR valuable time, money and energy,  greatly increase YOUR success, I’d love to chat with YOU.  I will support You all the way and I have prepared for YOU a  SPECIAL personal development module for YOU to keep, on top of the work YOU and I do together.  Last but not least, I work only with a select number of clients who are committed and dedicated to achieving the results they want to achieve. I have a selection process to enable both of us to decide whether we are a good fit to work together.  I offer YOU a FREE strategy call. Thanks for listening and watching and I look forward to hearing from you.   --- Send in a voice message:
What has Your Circadium Rhythms got to do with You Getting a Good Nights Sleep. Welcome back to another episode of the Thoughts of An Irish Therapist Podcast! Today, we have a fascinating topic to discuss - the role circadian rhythms play in getting a good night's sleep. This is a subject that affects us all, as quality sleep is essential for our overall well-being. So let's dive right in! Circadian rhythms, often referred to as our internal body clock, are the natural, twenty-four-hour cycles that regulate various physiological functions, including sleep-wake patterns. These rhythms are influenced by external cues, such as light and darkness, and are synchronized with our surrounding environment. Research has shown that when our circadian rhythms are in sync, we are more likely to experience restful sleep. The release of hormones, like melatonin, is regulated by these rhythms, playing a crucial role in promoting sleepiness and maintaining a healthy sleep-wake cycle.But what happens when our circadian rhythms are disrupted? Well, it can lead to difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling fully rested upon waking. This disruption can have a significant impact on our overall health and cognitive functioning. Studies have demonstrated that individuals with irregular sleep patterns, such as shift workers or those who frequently travel across time zones, are at a higher risk of developing sleep disorders and experiencing disruptions to their circadian rhythms. These disruptions not only affect the quantity but also the quality of sleep. So, what can we do to promote healthy circadian rhythms and ensure a good night's sleep? Firstly, it's important to establish a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps to regulate our body clock. Additionally, exposure to natural light during the day, especially in the morning, can help reinforce our circadian rhythms. On the other hand, avoiding bright lights, such as mobile screens and electronic devices, leading up to bedtime can minimize disruptions and promote a more restful sleep.In conclusion, our circadian rhythms are a vital component in maintaining healthy sleep patterns. By understanding and aligning with these natural rhythms, we can optimize the quantity and quality of our sleep, leading to improved overall well-being. That's all we have time for today, folks. Thank you for joining us on this episode of the Thoughts of An Irish Therapist podcast. Remember, getting a good night's sleep is a crucial step towards achieving your full potential, both mentally and physically. Until next time, sleep well and stay healthy! --- Send in a voice message:
Because You're not probably aware of the importance that Ultradian rhythms play in your health and well being, YOU are likely not getting good restful rejuvenating sleep. Keep listening as today we discuss this fascinating topic. Ultradian rhythms. Ultradian rhythms, refer to the short cycles that occur within our body throughout the day. These rhythms regulate various processes, such as hormone secretion, brain activity, and even our sleep-wake patterns. Research has shown that these ultradian rhythms not only influence our physical health but also play a vital role in our overall well-being. One area where ultradian rhythms have a significant impact is in the realm of sleep and its crucial role in our cognitive abilities. We already know the importance of sufficient sleep for cognitive function, but it turns out that these ultradian rhythms and the quality of our sleep go hand in hand. Our sleep consists of several ultradian cycles, with each cycle lasting around 90 minutes. These cycles include both REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep.During REM sleep, our brain is highly active, and this is when we experience vivid dreams. This phase is crucial for memory consolidation and learning. On the other hand, non-REM sleep is known for its restorative effects on the body, allowing it to repair and rejuvenate. Properly functioning ultradian rhythms ensure that we experience enough deep sleep, which is essential for memory formation and cognitive performance. Without enough deep sleep, our ability to learn, remember information, and make connections may be impaired. Furthermore, the interplay between Ultradium rhythms, exercise, and cognitive health cannot be overlooked. As we discussed in a previous episode, exercise is crucial for maintaining cognitive abilities as we age. However, recent research has found that lack of sleep may offset the cognitive benefits of exercise, particularly for middle-aged individuals. A study conducted by researchers from University College London revealed that middle-aged individuals who were physically active but slept less than 6 hours per night experienced faster declines in their cognitive skills. After a decade, their cognitive functions were comparable to those who were less physically active.This study highlights the importance of adequate sleep in obtaining the full cognitive advantages of physical activity. It also emphasizes the need to consider both sleep and exercise together when assessing cognitive well-being. So, what can we take away from this? Ultradian rhythms, especially when it comes to sleep, are critical for our overall health and well-being. Ensuring that we get enough quality sleep and pay attention to these cycles can have a positive impact on our cognitive abilities. It's a reminder that sleep is not a luxury; it's a necessity for our bodies and minds to function optimally. That's all for today's episode on Ultradium rhythms and their role in health and well-being. I hope this information has been enlightening for you. As always, I'm Aidan Noone, and thank you for tuning in to the Aidan Noone Podcast. --- Send in a voice message:
The gut-brain connection reminds us that our bodies and minds are intimately intertwined. There probably was never a more truer statement than what I've just stated.  There is indeed a very strong mind-body connection, the mind and the body are intertwined. Whatever the mind can conceive of,  the mind can achieve.  Just think about it, the person who conceived of what a chair is had to first conceive of an idea of a chair before the actual chair can be made in reality. Similarly whatever thoughts you entertain, obviously in your mind, can have a profound effect on your mood and can ultimately affect your long-term health. Today, we have a fascinating topic to discuss - the mind-body connection and its impact on our overall well-being. Specifically, I'll be diving into the gut-brain axis, a concept that has been gaining significant attention in recent years. But before we begin, let's start with a basic question: what is the gut-brain axis? The gut-brain axis refers to the intricate relationship between our brain and our gut - the long tube that runs from our mouth to our behind, responsible for digestion. Now, you might be wondering, why is this relationship so important. Well, it turns out that our gut is not just a simple digestive system, but also a hub for communication with our brain. In fact, there is a constant flow of information between these two vital organs. But how does this connection actually work? Imagine for a moment that you're feeling stressed. Maybe you have a big presentation coming up or a deadline to meet. Well, your brain, in response to this stress, sends signals down to your gut. And what happens next? Your gut reacts. Have you ever experienced the feeling of butterflies in your stomach during a nerve-wracking moment? That's your gut responding to the signals from your brain. Now, this communication is not just one-way. In fact, your gut can also send signals back up to your brain. This means that the health and balance of your gut can actually influence your mental well-being. For example, research has shown that the composition of bacteria in your gut, known as the gut microbiome, can impact your mood, stress levels, and even your cognitive abilities. Here's an interesting study that highlights the importance of the gut-brain axis. Researchers examined the gut microbiome of mice and found that altering the bacteria in their guts also affected their behavior. The mice displayed changes in anxiety levels and memory function - all because of the gut-brain connection. So, what does all of this mean for us? Well, it suggests that maintaining a healthy gut is essential for our overall well-being. And how can we achieve that? Through a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and, you guessed it, good quality sleep. Yes, sleep is not only crucial for cognitive health but also for the proper functioning of the gut-brain axis. So, there you have it - the gut-brain axis and its impact on our mind-body connection. It's a fascinating area of research that reminds us of the intricate ways in which our body functions. Remember, taking care of YOUR gut can have profound effects on YOUR mental health and cognitive abilities. Well, that's it for today's episode. I hope you learned something new. Stay tuned for more exciting discussions here, Until then, sleep well and take care! Thank you for watching and listening        To Book a FREE Strategy Call just Click HERE                                                    --- Send in a voice message:
How Good Sleep Can Affect How You Benefit From Exercise Scientists have discovered that middle-aged individuals who don't get enough sleep may not fully benefit from exercise in terms of protecting their memory and thinking abilities. A study conducted by researchers from University College London (UCL) revealed that people in their 50s and 60s who engaged in regular physical activities but slept less than six hours per night experienced a faster decline in cognitive skills such as attention, memory, and learning. After a decade, their cognitive functions were similar to those who were less physically active. The study, published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity journal, emphasizes the importance of sleep for safeguarding cognitive health as people age. The researchers suggest that adequate sleep is necessary to obtain the full cognitive advantages of physical activity and highlight the need to consider sleep and exercise together when assessing cognitive well-being. --- Send in a voice message:
When is a Problem a Symptom? What YOU need to know. When YOU present to me with Your problem or issue, YOU might begin to tell me about the symptoms YOU are experiencing, the discomfort you experience, and sometimes the pain you are experiencing. Perhaps YOU might present as a smoker wanting to become a non-smoker. Or do YOU want to lose weight? Or do YOU have an addiction? YOU name it.  Whatever the symptom is, YOU describe to me in detail YOUR experience. Whatever YOUR presenting symptom is, that's exactly what it is, it's a symptom. And like all symptoms, a symptom is a sign that something is not quite right within YOU. You might be shocked about what I'm about to say. 90 plus percent of the time, the stated problem is not the problem.  It's just a symptom of something deeper. I'll say that again, 90 plus percent of the time, the stated problem is not the problem.  It's a symptom of something deeper. The problem is usually something else, the smoking, the nail-biting, anxiety, and weight problem, are symptoms of something deeper.  That something is usually outside of your conscious awareness. And when it's outside of YOUR conscious awareness, it usually resides in the unconscious mind - the deeper mind. No matter how logical YOU seem to YOURSELF when you tell YOURSELF what YOU think the problem is or how convinced YOU are of what the cause is - be reassured, what YOU believe is the cause of YOUR presenting symptom usually has very little to do with it.   YOU just speak your best guess. Now that's not YOUR fault. It's just YOU attempting to do the best YOU can for YOURSELF. That's normal and natural to want to do that! Most of YOUR problems exist at an unconscious (subconscious) mind) level.  If YOU knew what the real problem is, YOU would fix it. Wouldn't YOU? You'd be crazy not to want to do it, YOURSELF? Wouldn't YOU? When YOU seek out the appropriate professional help available, YOU are put in a place where YOU can fix the problem YOURSELF in YOUR own mind with the assistance of the therapist present or virtually present. So what I want YOU to do now, please, is, to think of YOUR problem and or symptom in a new way, knowing that the symptom is just a symptom. The real issue lies at an unconscious mind level. Appropriate and suitable professional practitioners are available, it's just a manner of being discerning and checking out who is the best option for YOU. Making a personal breakthrough is probably a lot easier than YOU ever thought possible. If you like this video, let me know. I've lots more material to share with YOU. Thanks for being here and watching and listening. Bye, bye for NOW! --- Send in a voice message:
Here are 6 further ways for YOU to get Better Sleep.1. Create a Sleep-Friendly Lifestyle: Regular exercise during the day can promote better sleep, but avoid intense exercise close to bedtime. Maintain a healthy diet, as certain foods and drinks like heavy meals, spicy foods, or too much liquid before bed can interfere with sleep. 2. Manage Stress: Stress and anxiety can interfere with sleep. Developing effective stress management techniques, such as practicing mindfulness, journaling, and now journalling is really powerful to get out of your head all that stuff that's been building up, either writing into a journal or into a Word document on your digital device. Learn relaxation exercises, to calm your mind before bed. And it's no harm to consider seeking professional help. 3. Audit and Adjust YOUR Sleep Environment: Yes check out your sleep environment for factors that may be contributing to poor sleep quality. Check for noise, uncomfortable bedding, excessive light, is it too hot or too cold. Make Your own adjustments to create a much better sleeping environment. 4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I): If you consistently struggle with sleep, consider talking with a CBT-I therapist. 5. Avoid Napping: If you have trouble staying asleep at night, try to avoid daytime sleeping or limit it to a short power nap early in the day. Sleeping too close to bedtime can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep at night. 6. Talk to Your Primary Medical Carer, Your GP. If you have done all that YOU personally can do to help improve your sleep it may be beneficial to consult a healthcare professional. Above all, remember you are not alone, help is always available. Do not suffer alone, please share. Remember, everyone's sleep needs are unique, so it may take some to experiment to find what works best for you. Implementing a combination of Sleep Improvement and sticking with them can significantly improve your ability to get to sleep and remain asleep, leading to better overall sleep quality and potential long-term health benefits. The goal is to have a healthy lifestyle that promotes good rejuvenating SLEEP. --- Send in a voice message:
Poor sleep quality can indeed have a negative impact on overall health. Here are the first 4  of 10 tips to  help YOU improve Your ability to get to sleep and remain asleep: Sleep Environment: Create a sleep-friendly environment by ensuring your bedroom is cool, dark, quiet, and comfortable. Use curtains or blinds to block out light, consider using earplugs or a white noise machine to mask disturbing sounds, and invest in a supportive mattress and pillows. Maybe try out an eye mask. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Set a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock and promotes better sleep. Bedtime Routine: Develop a relaxing bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. Engage in activities such as reading, taking a warm bath, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation, or listening to calming music Limit Stimulants and Mobile Phone, Tv or Electronic Tablets : Avoid consuming stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol close to bedtime as they can disrupt sleep. Additionally, limit exposure to electronic devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers, before bed due to the stimulating effects of blue light. --- Send in a voice message:
Did YOU Know That Poor Sleep Can Contribute To Prolonged Chronic Health Conditions?Perhaps You are one of the 80% of people recently surveyed in Ireland who are sleep deprived. The study involved over 13,000 people. Did you know that Sleep Quality can affect the length of chronic illnesses such as stroke, heart disease, mental health issues, and alcoholism. This list is not exhaustive. And that 90% of depressed people have poor sleep quality. Many people have reported restlessness contributes to their falling asleep. Others report waking up and not being able to return to sleep.Poor sleep contributes to Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Depression, Seizures, Migraine Headaches. Weight Gain, yes weight gain is reported as an effect of poor sleep. The ultimate Goal is for YOU to rediscover the ability to get restful rejuvenating sleep. To learn strategies to fall asleep and remain asleep, ultimately developing a healthy lifestyle. --- Send in a voice message:
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