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Hagar's Voice

Author: Danielle Strickland

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Welcome to the launch of the Hagar's Voice Podcast. Here's a brief intro, backstory and the hope for this channel.If you, or someone you know, is a victim of clergy sexual abuse, we are here for you. You are not alone. Visit
11 Episodes
We are so grateful to Alexa for her time and wisdom. We sincerely hope this empowers survivors considering court with the info they need to navigate that space with a little less harm. And that we ALL grow in our awareness in order to strategically support survivors in their attempts to find justice.Here's a link to the 278 project "Survivor Safety Matters":www.survivorsafetymatters.caHere's a link to the document where Alexa and her team have clearly laid out a comparison between the charter rights of victims vs the accused and how well those rights are executed in the court system: are the stats Alexa rattled off in case you want to take a closer look: ACTIVISM:Canadians, please sign this petition to endorse action be taken to change 278 (which gives the accused access to victim's private records like counseling records, journals and such):Non-Canadians, here is a link to a petition you can sign to communicate the same thing to decision makers:Follow the movement on Instagram (liking and sharing the content boosts the volume): someone in the media, government or with a connection to sexual assault centres? Make an introduction to the Survivor Safety Matters team:
This episode shares the story of a survivor who experienced abuse in two different industries and a traumatic trip through the court system.  The story (and therefore episode) is long, but there are obvious breaks along the way to pace your own processing as you listen.  The survivor, "Cassandra*" has been incredibly generous to provide the following show notes and access to communicate with her if you'd like.RELATED ARTICLES:"Cassandra’s" complaint to the Federal Ombudsperson for Victim’s of Crime (June 25, 2023)Links to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights - review of Bill S-12 Publication Bans:Oct 5, 2023: Morrell Andrews refers to the “Cassandra” PB issue at 17:05:48-59 and she has powerful words about what we still face in the system at 17:06:50-17:07:34. 17, 2023:Dr. Ben Roebuck, the Federal Ombudsperson for Victims of Crime, presented at 17:04:10  to 17:04:41– the part specifically about protecting therapeutic records and their plans for a systemic review. the reference to Cassandra wishing she had known to speak to a lawyer before reporting to the police, which led to the defence subpoena of her records and her decision to stay the case: of SA can get 4 hours of free Independent Legal Advice:
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to Christie Penner Worden for returning to the podcast for some deeper learnings and a whole boatload of wisdom.Some items related to today's themes:Better Together: How Women & Men Can Heal the Divide and Work Together to Transform the Future by Danielle StricklandChristie's 4 Warning Signs/Flags: confusion, chaos, distraction & destructionChristie's Steps for Abuse Prevention:1) Collect warning signs as you go along (know you unique flags)2) Pre-Decide you have options (determine now that you have agency)3) Visualize acceptable options (imagine your authentic self using your agency to respond to abuse)
A HUGE thank you to Alexa Barkley for her encouragement and wisdom.  She has provided some resources and references that you might find helpful:Here is the article that tells a few more/different details of Alexa's storyAlexa's correspondence with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario & Quebec (CBOQ)demonstrates very typical behavior for organizations that are lacking trauma-informed care principles and are oriented around a desire to protect the institution instead of orienting around making the situation right.  This correspondence also demonstrates the effort so many survivors go to in order to 1) be heard, 2) be grace-filled, and 3) use their voice to educate decision-makers.  It is nothing short of heroic.Jaymie Friesen of the Mennonite Central Committee is part of Alexa's circle of support and her letter to the CBOQ is a powerful demonstration of truth-telling and holding decision-makers accountable for their responsibilities.  It is educational and not abusive, but it pulls no punches.  The Mennonites also have an Abuse Prevention site that is incredibly insightful and helpful.  It demonstrates incredible transparency in naming abusers who have had credible claims brought against them.  Well done, MCC.Into Account is a powerhouse USA-based advocacy organization that Alexa referenced & that Hagar's Voice highly recommends for survivors seeking advocacy or decision-makers seeking guidance.#ChurchToo: How Purity Culture Upholds Abuse and How to Find Healing is a resource Alexa mentioned.  She also recommends You Are Your Own – A Reckoning with the Religious Trauma of Evangelical Christianity & Pure – Inside the Evangelical Movement That Shamed a Generation of Young Women and How I Broke Free & Putting Trials on Trial – Sexual Assault and the Failure of the Legal Profession  Each of these books is available in multiple formats. Those interested in the connection between purity culture and abuse might consider the thus-themed season of the Reclaiming My Theology podcast by Brandi Miller.  This season ran from Nov 2022 through May 2023 and is an in-depth autopsy of the theologies behind the purity movement and the ramifications of it still playing out today on more than just gender dynamics.  This podcast can be found on all major platforms.If you'd like to connect with Alexa, you can find her on Instagram @alexa.m.barkley or Facebook as alexa.barkley.7
Thank you so much, Lori, for your time, insight, courage and leadership in today’s episode!  We join you in your calls to action, listeners, let’s:Contact Saddleback & call for Andy to stand down (@saddlebackchurch or Filipe at Echo ( to release all NDAs or sign the petition Lori created that has over 1500 signatures already!Use public channels (#southernbaptist) to call on the SBC to let women speak (or email them at are links to references Lori made in the episode:Her story as reported in the Roys Report with access to more articles on Andy Wood, Rick Warren, Saddleback and the SBC.Lori and her husband Jason Adams-Brown share their story in long-form on Lori’s podcast “World of Difference” (Part 1 of 6) Two (of many) sides of Andy Wood: opening to a sermon given in FL (May 2021) while pastoring in CA.Book: A Church Called TOVD.A.R.V.O. stands for Deny, Attack, Reverse, Victim & Offender.  More information is readily available with a DARVO Google searchHillsong Expose TV SeriesShiny, Happy People Documentary on the DuggarsChristianity Today podcast on Mark Discoll “Rise & Fall of Mars Hill”
Episode 5: Peter's Story

Episode 5: Peter's Story


Today we’re joined by Peter, a survivor who shares a bit of his story and amazing quantities of wisdom through his sober critique of the ways churches handle disclosures of clergy abuse.  We are so grateful for Peter’s openness and insight.If you, or someone you know, is the victim of clergy abuse of any kind, you are not alone.  Hagar’s Voice exists to support and stand with you.
In this episode we’re joined by Hagar’s Voice co-founder, Danielle Strickland.  It’s an informal chat about our origin story, the original Hagar character from scripture, theologies that promote the types of abuses we’re seeing in religious spaces right now & how to keep hope alive.  It was a delight to have her, enjoy!Gender narratives about God referenced from Danielle’s book “Better Together”Hope concepts previewed from her up-coming book “The Other Side of Hope”Danielle does a lot of work in justice and social improvement, check out her other involvements at If you're a survivor, we're here for you. Don't hesitate to reach out
Episode 3: Christie's Story

Episode 3: Christie's Story


Show Notes:In this episode Christie shares about the direct link between the narrative she received about her gender & the vulnerability that created for her to be groomed.  There is so much to be gleaned from Christie’s story whether you’re a survivor, a religious leader, a parent or a woman who has questions about her safety.  We are so grateful for Christie’s courage to share & her entirely unique way of seeing the world - we stand in solidarity with her call for us to make changes & honor her for the brave way she shows up in the world.Here are some resources you might find helpful as they relate to our conversation in episode 3:A series of recommended resources if you’re leaning into a growing awareness of the gender dynamics in North America…looking to embrace a narrative about women that prevents abuse, promotes equity & protects victims of abuse as they come forward.A resource for proofing your teens/children from grooming and abuseWe highly recommend checking out, a survivor-led community for survivors of adult clergy sexual abuse.  A beautiful environment of solidarity, safety & encouragement, we are so grateful for the work they do!
Episode 2: Heather's Story

Episode 2: Heather's Story


In episode 2 we hear from a pastor in a small congregation whose story of abuse was only the beginning of the pain and loss.  Heather shares how her most difficult obstacle to healing was the ramifications of what happened once she disclosed her abuse, but she also shares beautiful and grace-filled insights on how we can learn to do better.  Thank you, Heather, for your courage to share and for the wisdom of your story that prompts us to include some links below to resources to continue the conversation in our own spaces!Heather provided a succinct definition of Clergy Sexual Abuse that was so helpful.  If you’re looking for a deeper understanding of that phrase and the topic in general, this simple yet quality resource might be of value to you.  Understanding Sexual Abuse by a Church Leader or Caregiver (2nd edition) by Heather BlockTrauma Informed Churches is an organization dedicated to making churches a safe place for those who have experienced trauma of any kind or at any age.  Full of insight and practical guidance, it’s a great place for anyone in a religious space to gain understanding & skills in creating safe spaces. spoke of a theology of emotion, for those who are processing the grief of clergy abuse, perhaps this grief ball resource can be helpful as it names the emotions involved in grief and visualizes how they are intertwined together.Post-Recording Note from Heather:Thank you for listening and I am praying my story will be of encouragement to you.  I pray that you will be ignited with hope because of the ‘fever of love’ Jesus has for you and his desire for you to be healed and restored!I would like to note, since my resignation in July of 2021 I no longer hold the title of Pastor. To my surprise my credentials were removed upon my resignation BUT I still hold my calling. I lost community, income, employment, reputation, the list goes on, all because I found my voice and stood my ground. I resigned due to my principals and because of the destruction left in the wake of broken trust.Walking away for me was not not failure, it was freedom!To my fellow survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse, breathe deep and receive freedom as you navigate the road least traveled and as you step into all God has for you in your healing journey!Receive peace in Jesus name, you are not alone!—HeatherIf you, or someone you know, has been the victim of clergy sexual abuse, Hagar's Voice is working together to stop the abuse & start building a better way. We are here for you, you are not alone. 
In episode 1 of the Hagar's Voice podcast, we hear the story of Heidi, a pastor in the Four Square denomination who suffered sexual harassment from her fellow pastor (the president of Ignite Academy) and then a secondary trauma in the disclosure process. We honor Heidi for her courage to raise her voice in solidarity with her own story, on behalf of others who have experienced deep pain in their religious space, and in an effort to protect others who may be in harm's way for future abuse.Heidi has offered the full results of the investigation (updated link) done in her case, as well as her timeline of events and a letter to her Four Square family in a desire to walk in full transparency.  Heidi's courage to tell her story is a model of the courage we will need as we hear stories like this. The courage to believe a better way can be developed in the Church. The courage to value survivors even as their stories disrupt and disturb us. The courage to love our enemies. The courage to pray for a continued unearthing of this cancer of abuse that's harming the Church from the inside out.If you, or someone you know, has been the victim of clergy sexual abuse, Hagar's Voice is working together to stop the abuse & start building a better way. We are here for you, you are not alone. 
Welcome to the launch of the Hagar's Voice Podcast.  Here's a brief intro, backstory and the hope for this channel.If you, or someone you know, is a victim of clergy sexual abuse, we are here for you.  You are not alone.  Visit
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