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The Positive Psychology Coach Approach
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The Positive Psychology Coach Approach

Author: Niyc Pidgeon

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Welcome to The Positive Psychology Coach Approach, a limited series podcast designed to introduce you to the amazing power of Positive Psychology and how you can learn more and implement it into your life and business.

I’m Niyc Pidgeon, a Positive Psychologist MSc, best-selling author, international speaker, and own a multi-million dollar coaching business and I’m excited to tell you more about my Positive Psychology Coach Academy (PPCA) Certification.

Designed to give you more than just credentials, PPCA is the only accredited Positive Psychology Coaching Certification offering the science, integrated coaching skills, and business strategies you need to create unforgettable results for you and your clients in any niche—even if you don’t have a degree or a background in psychology.

This podcast will take you through my journey of learning positive psychology, applying it in my own life, and creating the magic that is PPCA to help others build their businesses (and lives!) on the foundation of science and positivity.

If you’re ready to start the transformational journey towards success and growth, keep listening to learn more about PPCA or visit to apply today!
10 Episodes
My journey to coaching wasn’t a linear one, nor was it free of challenges or trials. But the more I studied Positive Psychology the more I was able to see the gift in each and every hard time of my life. They helped me learn and grow and become the person who stands before you today ready to change lives. That is perhaps the biggest gift of all; knowing that as you transform yourself you’re learning how to transform the world. That’s why in episode 1 I go more into:   My background How I found and use positive psychology in my life and business The lessons it’s all taught me   The Positive Psychology Coach Academy is ready to pass on the lessons and methods that will help you in life and in your business, coach or not. In learning to look for opportunities instead of problems, and shifting your perspectives and processes, you’ll find better ways to process events in your own life and build out tools for those you work with and love to grow within their own lives. I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!
I’m not about to sugarcoat the fact that I’ve had my world rocked by some truly horrible events and situations. From being severely bullied, to suicide attempts and the suicide of people I knew and loved, it would have been easy for me to give in to despair and develop a jaded worldview. In episode 2 of the podcast I talk more about:   The life events that propelled my interest in positive psychology How I started to view hardships as opportunities  How I learned to channel unstoppable success   The innate trust I have in myself and my abilities are one of the greatest gifts I have ever found within. It helps me have the confidence to try and try again, and remember that the only difference between a trial and an opportunity is your perspective. It’s a gift I consider a privilege to pass on to other/future coaches as I watch the ripple effect of positive confidence change the world.  I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!
I know you want to become a coach, or maybe you already are a coach because you want to help people. Well, that happens to be what we want too; it’s WHY we built The Positive Psychology Coach Academy. We’ve developed a comprehensive program designed to help you build and maintain your business, including the technical aspects no one thinks about. In this episode, we’ll go over everything in more detail, including:   How improving your process changes lives The exact tools you’ll be using How you’ll have to raise your expectations way up, cause let’s do this   Whether you’re looking to build your overall confidence, or you need an overhaul in your core work with clients and refine your questions and processes to assist in true transformation, we’re here to help. We’re excited to get started building or rebuilding your coaching brand and equip you with the tools you need to make real, impactful change.   I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!  
I often get a lot of questions about who exactly I designed The Positive Psychology Coach Academy Program for; the truth is, anyone. It’s open to anyone who wants to grow in positivity, happiness, and transformation; it’s for anyone who wants to become certified as a coach. You don’t even have to be a coach- these principles apply to every situation and relationship you have in your life.    In episode 4, I’ll go more into- The typical 3 types of students I see most often How the tenants of the program transcend expectation and occupation   The program is in the sweet spot of being broad enough to apply to anyone who is interested while still being able to be tailored to who and where you are in life, and the time you have to give. I didn’t want this to be another chore on your to-do list; I wanted it to be a tool that you can utilize time and again to joyfully cultivate growth within yourself and others if you choose. I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!
In this episode, we’re lucky enough to have a guest and personal friend talk about her experience in the Positive Psychology Coach Academy, Lucy Chadwick. Lucy had a background in Reiki healing but wanted to take the leap and become a certified coach in a way that allowed her to expand her expertise and reach. In this episode we discuss:   What the academy was ultimately able to help her achieve Her experience becoming a first-time coach How she plans to use it to expand coaching pursuits   Her embodiment of the values and tools taught in the program is another reminder that this program, and the main pillars of positive psychology work. They work not only in her own life and relationships but with her clients- in this way it’s truly inspiring when you reflect on the good you’ll be able to do for the world with such a rippling, exponential reach.   I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!
In this episode of the podcast, I sit down with PPCA Lead Coach and my COO,  Melanie Deague and discuss the origins of The Positive Psychology Coach Academy. I built this business from the ground up with help and input from talented, beautiful souls like her, and I truly believe the business wouldn’t be thriving the way it is now without her caring, compassionate, and expert input. We go deeper into:    How Positive Psychology changed both our lives The ways we still use Positive Psychology daily   From the beginning, we wanted to build out a program that would change peoples’ lives over and over again. A program that would resonate this year and 15 years from now. That’s why we continually invest in our own continual transformation and personal development because the best way to teach transformation is to experience it firsthand.  I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!
Would it surprise you to learn that as a multi-million dollar life coach who teaches other coaches…I still have my own coach? Yes, I still invest in my own personal development. Why? Because this work isn’t like most other, tangible or quantifiable work- it never stops for any of us, even me. In this episode of the podcast I talk more about:   The continual work I do in my own life How the Positive Psychology Coach Academy is designed to evolve with you   Psychology is always evolving. New discoveries are always being made. We as people are also always changing. For all these reasons it’s crucial you have a program for reference that allows for evolution and changes. It has to be able to grow with you and your clients, as well as any various discoveries made in the industry.    I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!
If there’s one thing I’ll never grow tired of, it’s a group of powerful, confident, self-actualized women advocating for themselves and their businesses. If they’re espousing the benefits of The Positive Psychology Coach Academy while they’re talking about their transformations, well, that’s just an added bonus. In this episode, I get to:   Interview past students who had taken their level 2 certifications  How the community we’ve built still helps them today Reveal what you can expect as a student   Starting anything new is scary, and that’s why I wanted to make sure and share testimonials with you of women who have been right where you are, on the precipice. They made the decision to transform their lives and businesses, and you can too.    I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!
So much of the coaching industry relies on unseen and unstudied beliefs and techniques. It can feel tenuous or like you’re winging it sometimes, and it’s easy to feel like an imposter when you also feel like you have nothing (physical) to show for your work. That’s why in this episode we’ll talk more about:   How The Positive Psychology Coach Academy is rooted in science  Tools you’ll learn that are based on actual research   Having an accredited course to offer is one of the things I’m most proud of, and that research informs the foundations of the program. It’s infused with traceable, verifiable research, and really helps to solidify the fact that this course is truly like no other; it’s REAL.  I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!
The ripple effects of this program cannot be overstated. Together I truly believe that we can and will change the world. The concepts and tools learned throughout The Positive Psychology Coach Academy affect so many different aspects of life. In this last podcast episode I talk more about:   Structures in the program that make it so effective How the results of the program yield far-reaching results   Regardless of your reach as a coach- maybe you’re not even a coach at all-but you’ll bring the elements of positivity and opportunity into every person you encounter. That energy will hold space for others in a way that they’ve probably never encountered before and will encourage them to embody the same calm and grounded energy you bring to every table.   I would love for you to join us in growth and learning at today!
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