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Off Topic

Author: Mia Ristaino

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Welcome to the Off Topic Podcast with Mia Ristaino. This podcast has been a dream of mine for a really long time and I’m so excited it happening. I can’t wait to share the ups and downs of my life as we grow together and try to navigate this crazy thing we call life!
26 Episodes
23: brain dump #2

23: brain dump #2


This week's episode is a bit of a mess. I had a topic I wanted to talk about and it was all planned out but I just wasn't feeling it today so instead I spent 20 minutes ranting about random things, with absolutely no point at all. MY SOCIALS! NEW YT channel: TIKTOK: INSTAGRAM:
I have always worried so much about what people think about me even people I don’t know. I few weeks ago I reach a breaking point and decided I was done living in fear of what other people think of me and I really wanted to let go of this habit I have. Over the past few weeks, I have really discovered so much about myself while working on worrying about other people’s opinions less. If social anxiety is something you struggle with I hope this episode helps you. It’s incredibly freeing to realize people don’t care about what you’re doing as much as you do. MY SOCIALS  NEW YT channel: TikTok: Instagram:
I have really been thinking about gratitude a lot lately and I thought it would make a perfect topic for a podcast episode. I hate to admit this but gratitude is something I struggle with and maybe it’s because I am a little pessimistic at times. I have been self-reflecting a lot lately and I have begun to work on my gratefulness. Before recording this episode I did a lot of research about the importance of gratitude and I learned so much. In this episode I share my thoughts and what Google says about the importance of gratitude. I also share things that have helped me be more grateful as well as some tips from Google. I really enjoyed creating this episode and I hope you like it too.  MY SOCIAL NEW YT Channel: TikTok: Instagram:
I know this is an interesting topic for a podcast episode, but I feel like I have an interesting perspective on cussing. I’m not someone who cusses often but I do occasionally. After some of the comments I have received, I wanted to talk about cussing and my perspective on this topic. As I have gotten older my opinions on this topic have changed so much. I think that there are both positives and negatives to cussing and this is just how I approach the topic of cussing. I just want to remind y’all this is just my opinion and everyone has different opinions :) Hope y’all have a wonderful Wednesday. My Socials  NEW YT Channel: Tiktok: Instagram:
Advice sesh #2

Advice sesh #2


You guys love the advice episodes and I wanted to do it a little differently this time. I went live on Tiktok while I was recording this entire episode and all these questions come straight from that live. I really enjoyed answering these questions in real-time and showing y’all a little behind-the-scenes of the podcast. If you enjoy Off Topic make sure to follow the podcast. If you don’t follow me on my other socials  TikTok: Instagram:
My summer bucket list

My summer bucket list


Making a summer bucket list has been something I have done for years. My bucket lists are typically very unrealistic but this year I really tried to pick things that I can actually do. I hope y’all enjoy this fun episode and it gets you excited for summer. If you make a summer bucket list of your own I would love to see them, you can dm me a picture on Instagram or post it on your story and tag me. If you post your bucket list I will try to repost as many as I can!! MY SOCIAL Tikok: Instgram:
This was just one of those days that my thoughts were so disorganized so I really hope this episode makes so sense. I really struggle with being stuck in the past and I regret so many of the decisions I have made. I was so focused on my future as a kid that I didn’t enjoy my childhood and now I want to go back. I feel like these thoughts and feeling really impact the decision I make now. I’m very torn between making my current self happy and doing what's best for my future. I’m in the process of changing my mindset and trying not to live in the future while making an informed decision that benefits me in the moment and my future.
So what, I'm a crybaby

So what, I'm a crybaby


This one is for all my crybabies out there. I understand just how hard it is to be a super emotional person and other people can make you feel so embarrassing for crying/being emotional. But I'm here to tell you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with crying and being super emotional. This is something I have been struggling with the past few years and recently I changed my prospective and I have a completely new outlook on my emotions. FOLLOW ME ON MY OTHER SOCIALS TIKOK: INSTAGRAM:
Where I've been

Where I've been


I have been gone for a little while and basically I just wanted to take some time to explain whats been going on. Also I will but uploading a full new episode on Wednesday next week and it be the firs official episode in season 2 of Off Topic. If you don't follow me on my other socials you definitely should Tiktok: Instagram:



 Idon'tt even know how todescribee this episode. I have been feeling really off for the past month and for the longest time, I couldn't figure out why. I think I'm super burnt out. In this episode, I basically am just trying to make sense of my feeling as well as share some of the things that are helping me get back on track.



I feel like every time a new year starts the internet becomes obsessed with goal setting. All of this talk has really got me thinking about how much of our success is reliant on other people. This concept really threw me for a loop and I am still struggling to wrap my head around it. I shared some of my goals for the year in this episode as well as talked a lot about how crazy it is that as we get older the more our success becomes determined by other people. Socials  Tiktok: Instagram: 



Have Y'all I hope everyone had a great start to 2023. I wanted to share the thing I started doing in 2022 that really changed my life. IT'S HAVING A  ROUTINE!!! I shared my very basic and somewhat boring morning and night routine in hopes to inspire/help you start or create your routines for 2023. Have a fabulous day:)



I know it's been forever since I posted an episode. Now that finals are over and I'm on break I am back on the podcast grind. In this short and sweet episode, I talked about females and friendships and all the lessons I learned from my first semester of the college regarding friendships. Hope y'all have an amazing day 
school project

school project


One of my many projects in college was to create a podcast episode. I originally wasn't planning on sharing this but I thought I thought the topic fit well will the podcast. Anyway, I hope I get an A on this assignment. 
brain dump

brain dump


I honestly have no idea what this is, my brain was all over the place when I recorded this. Enjoy this messy, all-over-the-place brain dump. I defiantly want to talk more about growing up and get my thought together on this topic so definitely expect an updated more organized version of this episode soon.
spooky season

spooky season


Hey guys, here's a quick little bonus episode to get you guys in the Halloween spirit. It's kinda all over the place but I hope you enjoy it anyway and thank you to everyone that submitted Halloween/fall stories. Hopefully, I will be back to my regular posting schedule next week!



Hey guys, welcome back to OFF TOPIC. Recording this episode put me in the best mood ever! Some of your guys may have seen the what " in and out" TikTok trend and I wanted to turn it into a podcast with a fall-themed twist. I shared my fall favorites and what I hope will be in this fall and what I think we should leave behind. Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful week!
i am in college now

i am in college now


Hey guys, I'M BACK!!!!!! I'm so happy to be making podcast episodes again. Moving and getting settled into college was crazier than expected. Now that I have my schedule sorta figured out I (hopefully) be back on my normal podcast posting episode. This episode is a bit of a mess and my head was kinda all over the place. I recorded the episode after a long day, I just really wanted to get an episode out for your guys. Enjoy this very OFF TOPIC episode where I basically talk about what I have been up to since coming to college and my roommate joined in for a bit. I also talked about things that I didn't expect about college/things I wish people told me about college. Also as I am typing this out I realized that I forgot to edit out a segment of my coughing and I'm honestly way too tired to go back and edit it out. Hope you have a great Monday!!



Since we are all about to head back to school, I thought I would share my school experiences and some of my crazy school stories. I wanted to give you guys some high school advice as well as talk about some of the things I am doing to prepare for college. 
that girl

that girl


I'm sure by now we are all aware of "that girl" aesthetic and lifestyle. It's pretty unachievable and hard to maintain for the average person. Constantly comparing yourself to 30-second TikTok videos can leave you unconfident. I have struggled for a really long time trying to achieve the "that girl lifestyle but I failed and it wasn't till I changed my mindset and made small changes that fit easily into my life did I truly feel confident and like "that girl"