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The Disentanglement Podcast

Author: disentanglementpodcast

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”André” and ”Sara” document their attempts to disentangle themselves from surveillance tech‘s assaults on privacy and security, one step at a time, amidst their witty marital repartee.
41 Episodes
In which we discuss two new additions to our digital device collection that we think actually help in the disentanglement process.
In which we discuss the state, not of not being addicted to something you consume that compromises your resilience in the world, but the state of failing to consume something you need that to be resilient. Trust us, it makes more sense when you hear us talk about it.
In which we explore the common use of "addiction" to describe damaging entanglements with digital media and devices, in conversation with these books: Haidt, The Anxious Generation Alter, Irresistible Lembke, Dopamine Nation Courtwright, The Age of Addiction
In which we detail our efforts to extract ourselves from certain Google systems, chiefly free email, calendar, drive, and the Chrome browser, replacing them with a Protonmail family account and the Brave browser.
In which Mister André explains how he bought a Google Pixel for the precise purpose of deGoogling it, and what he has learned about smartphone use generally from the annoyances of going outside the privacy-sucking mainstream.
In which we discuss one of our favorite recent reads, The Revenge of Analog by David Sax, as depicting a positive alternative to many of the toxic digital entanglements of our time.
35-We're Back!

35-We're Back!


In which André and Sara, still pretending to be their very-bad-spy-alter-egos, tell you why you haven't heard from them in about 10 months, what they've been up to, and what to look forward to on Season 2 of the Disentanglement Podcast.
In which we sketch out our path from lots of email addresses/accounts to just one and back again, and why it might help to have multiple email identities for privacy and security reasons.
22-Cashless in Sweden

22-Cashless in Sweden


In which we discuss the visit one of us took to Sweden, an aspiring cashless society, and what the implications might be for privacy and security. Not to mention a functional economy.
21-Enemy of the State

21-Enemy of the State


In which we diverge from the usual format to discuss the 1998 film "Enemy of the State," which was alarmingly prescient about surveillance and privacy invasion long before it was anywhere near as possible as today.
In which we discuss what exactly the point would be of paying for email that is both private and end-to-end encrypted, even when the party on the receiving end doesn't have an equally private and encrypted email service provider.
This semi-confessional episode is for all of you who have lost an hour online for no good reason and do no good thing. Or two hours. Or possibly four.
In which we detail what it took to get from our country of origin back to our country of residence in this era of covid monitoring and surveillance devices in everyone's pocket.
17-Auto Surveillance

17-Auto Surveillance


In which we spook ourselves about how much our cars are tracking information about us and reporting back to headquarters.
In which we regale you with our efforts not to be tracked during our summer travels, and when the surveillance systems caught us off guard anyway.
In which we update you on summer camp software, then observe the ways that the digitalization of medical records forces you to answer questions you don't want to and participate in clinical trials you don't consent to.
In which we revisit the topic of deleting online accounts, and the enormous difficulty of avoiding creating new ones, followed by extended ranting and raving at summer camp software and what prime pickings it is for both security and privacy breaches.
In which we discuss how we unknowingly got suckered into household-unfriendly tech practices, how we noticed them, how we reformed them, and how it's really an ongoing process. The earbud ends up being the villain of this story, strangely enough.
In which we discuss the multi-year process of arousing interest in digital tech issues at our child's school, and how we finally got some traction.
In which we describe all the steps we took to keep our identity private in distributing this podcast, and how we are so deeply entangled in so many web systems that our cover got blown anyway, which is a frankly ridiculous thing to worry about since voice recognition means we couldn't keep our identity a secret if anyone was really determined to figure it, but still.
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