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Thought Rebellion

Author: Thought Rebellion

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Get ready to open your mind to a universe of possibilities with hosts Discordian, Cici, and Mjölnir as they demolish group think and encourage you to venture further into the what ifs. When close mindedness and one way thinking has become the norm, and deviation is discouraged, it’s time for a thought rebellion! Support this podcast:
84 Episodes
Bicameral Mind

Bicameral Mind


Long before the earliest writings of the Sumerians and the Egyptians were developed, people communicated with each other by a number of different methods. Early humans could express thoughts and feelings by means of speech or by signs or gestures. They could signal with fire and smoke, drums, or whistles.Have to imagine they were operating in fight or flight mode similarly to other creatures in their various environments, motivated by instinctWhatever abilities and skills they learned and perfected would have been subject to the habitat of predators and those not primarily based on their survival , un nurtured ,But at some point for whatever reason of which there are’ many theories humans began to organise and adapt beyond pure instinct .. and it’s believed language played an integral part in this evolution … --- Support this podcast:
IRS - Death & Taxes

IRS - Death & Taxes


Benjamin Franklin in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy in 1789 once wrote "Our new constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." This wasn't the first time the idiom was spoken, nor would it be the last, with the unwavering tax continuing since that time, both in the United States and abroad, providing funds for the governance of the lands.  Today we are going to explore the concepts that work or don't work, disproportionate taxing, some of the craziest tax schemes of all time, and then jump into current happenings such as the giant information leak, the hiring of new IRS officers, stock piling of weapons, Shakira, and much much more... --- Support this podcast:



Franklin D Roosavelt famously said , the only thing we have to fear , is fear itself … the context of which , was in ref to the great depression facing the American people at the time, and that the hardship ahead was tenable if each individual would do their part to weather the storm ..  one may then ask the question what fear actually is .. , has its function changed over course of human evolution , why are we born with some innate  fears that are  biological traits  and others we acquire through exposure or learning , both it seems  serving as a function in our  growth and development and changing culture and traditions. --- Support this podcast:
Dead Internet

Dead Internet


The Dead Internet Theory posits, as the name would suggest, a dead internet, by which it means the internet has been nearly entirely taken over by artificial intelligence. The so-called theory got a lot of traction after a post appeared on Agora Road’s Macintosh Cafe, by one IlluminatiPirate, in which he outlines, at great length, the idea that the internet is basically devoid of much humanity compared to the internet of 2007. He even gave a TLDR in which he states “Large proportions of the supposedly human-produced content on the internet are actually generated by artificial intelligence networks in conjunction with paid secret media influencers in order to manufacture consumers for an increasing range of newly-normalized cultural products.” Is this just glorified solipsism or is there something more going on? This theory is so obscure that there isn’t even a Wikipedia page for it, but we’re going to explore it today. --- Support this podcast:
23 Enigma

23 Enigma


23 Enigma. The universe is non-simultaneously apprehended, as Buckminster Fuller said. And what he meant was that every conscious creature perceives the world through its own unique objective lens. Is at the same time objectively in the frame or lens of every other sentient awareness, it interacts with these events, occur non-simultaneously and take the shape and form discreetly personally. Whereas even the night sky they gaze upon is uniquely theirs from the outside. Looking at 23 it seems like just any other ordinary number. It appears anywhere and everywhere, but it often goes as unknown as such things as the time on the clock, the day of the month, a birthday or anniversary. Perhaps your table number at lunch or dinner, or even the flight number or airplane seat, but does it truly mean anything young believed meaningful coincidence was our own mind’s way of alerting us to some inner significance, often misunderstood and dismissed the synchronicities of our lives. He believed he could offer us great insight into our own inner turmoil and hidden shadow. --- Support this podcast:
The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve


The Federal Reserve is the most powerful and least understood institution in the United States of America while its companion central banks are found throughout the world. The name can be a bit confusing as it is not federal nor does it hold any reserves. The mind might next jump to the assumption that it is a bank, but alas it is not this either. In actuality, a network of corporations or a multinational cartel would be a more accurate description. It’s history is long a sordid, so let’s open the bank vault to reveal its insides today on the think thrice podcast. The song from the video: SYN 28 Days Later (No copyright Music) Taken from the channel: Deejay Lil'diaz License: not provided Link: Checked on the site: Song: GRÄF - Money  Link: Music promoted by FreeMusicWave. --- Support this podcast:
The Alien Overview

The Alien Overview


Extraterritorial Species. Aliens, martians, ETs, men from outer space, little green men, space beings….they are known by many names and have been seen in a multitude of forms, but what are these unknown entities and what could their presence mean to the human race ? Join the think thrice team as they discuss the possibilities. The song from the video: SYN 28 Days Later (No copyright Music) Taken from the channel: Deejay Lil'diaz License: not provided Link: Checked on the site: The song from the video: Synthwave No Copyright - Alien Ruins // Cyberpunk Royalty Free Background Music Taken from the channel: White Bat Audio License: not provided Link: Checked on the site: --- Support this podcast:



Join the Think Thrice team as they explore Antarctica. The song from the video: SYN 28 Days Later (No copyright Music) Taken from the channel: Deejay Lil'diaz License: not provided Link: Checked on the site: --- Support this podcast:



Join the Think Thrice team as they explore ghosts. With everything from ghost stories to myth and legends all the way to science surrounding ghosts. The song from the video: SYN 28 Days Later (No copyright Music) Taken from the channel: Deejay Lil'diaz License: not provided Link: Checked on the site: --- Support this podcast:
The Grail

The Grail


The story of the Grail is best remembered as being entangled in Arthurian Romance and has been depicted in various works as being either a stone, dish, or cup. This symbology has been found in many stories throughout many cultures. In reality however, the tale originated in Irish folk tales. Its first written form appeared in a tale called The Prophetic Ecstasy of The Phantom and around 1050, it then became a mainstay of Arthurian literature. When the story was later popularized in the Chrétien de Troyes tale, Perceval: The Story of the Grail, written around 1190, from this version, the current story of the Grail remains in popular culture, continuing to present itself in new ways.   The song from the video: SYN 28 Days Later (No copyright Music) Taken from the channel: Deejay Lil'diaz License: not provided Link: Checked on the site: The song from the video: ✝️ Christian Music (No Copyright) - "Gregorian Chant" by KevinMacLeod 🇺🇸 Taken from the channel: BreakingCopyright — Royalty Free Music License: Creative Commons – Indicate original source (reuse is allowed) Link: Checked on the site: --- Support this podcast:
Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Flying Objects


UFO's, once considered a fringe obsession, now seemed to be in the news more than ever. Theories have ranged from extraterrestrial spacecraft to top secret tech to religious iconography to naturally occurring phenomenon. And for years, the United States government and the governments of the world's denial of their existence has kept the populace's opinions divided. So what's changed why in recent times has the government, as of late, finally admitted to their existed. And where is all this leading to? Join the Think Thrice team as we delve into the UFO phenomenon. The song from the video: SYN 28 Days Later (No copyright Music) Taken from the channel: Deejay Lil'diaz License: not provided Link: Checked on the site: --- Support this podcast:
Mind= Light= Matter= Energy Walter Russell was a multi-talented pioneer, one of which only comes along very rarely. He was well advanced beyond his time with his works in science and the arts. This man, who was a contemporary of Tesla and Einstein, often gets left out of the historical conversation of the time. Tesla himself advised Russell to lock his cosmology away for a thousand years because mankind was not ready for it. An autodidact, cosmic illuminated one, scientific visionary, and author of books which some say merge the fraction between science and spirituality; this is our look at Walter Russell, considered one of the leaders of the New Thought Movement. --- Support this podcast:
Super Soldiers

Super Soldiers


Enhanced humans with extraordinary abilities beyond imaginable, the super soldiers. There is a long standing history in the realm of science fiction, comic books, and fiction surrounding these fighters but what about in reality? The idea of creating super soldiers has been circulating since the inception of war mixing military and science while also raising ethical, legal, and social concerns. Discover the hidden capabilities to these secret human weapons on today's episode of Thought Rebellion. --- Support this podcast:



a solar eclipse appears to be rare a once in a lifetime Event , but this is not entirely correct The data actually says that they have the potential!! To be seen as freq as every few years / and it’s depending on where on earth a Person may be , why we don’t see they regularly though , is because they often appear far off out at sea where no human BEE the last solar eclipse took place in 2017 - AND not unlike it is in most scenarios , an experience is always dependant upon an individuals relative perception AND placement, if that so happens to be within the path of totality - which is the specific region where the eclipse cast its shadow , then the their is the chance … it’s not only a Persons position on the planet that dictates whether or not an eclipse will be seen but also the specific circumstances taking place around that location / it might only take a few clouds or some amount of stormy weather to obscure such a marvel , that a person or group of people find themselves in the right place at the right time to witness the unification of Night and day , may seem like pure Luck , but it is infact , just science … This type of mirage however is only made possible Due to the moon unlikely probability that our moon is just the right size and distance - as is the sun , away from earth , to allow for such a phenomena to take place , and it must have been polarising for the ancient peoples of the past to encounter such a sight , Nowadays we are able to makes forecasts , and we understand the mechanisms behind it all through a very modern mindset, , but if we imagine such a thing happening suddenly without warning or explanation , its significance and influence cannot be understated , and so it’s no wonder so much mythology and spiritual beliefs are centred around around the heavenly Theatre above … --- Support this podcast:
Big Cancer

Big Cancer


A multi-billion dollar business. Projections for 2030 are expected to exceed 245 Billion dollars PER YEAR in the fight against cancer. Individuals currently spend an average of over 100,000 per year on their treatment. There are currently 260 non-profit Cancer organizations in the United States alone. The business of cancer is booming for the usual multi-national players that have their fingers in every pie. Let's pull back the curtain on the interlocking directorate, how the industry fights the symptoms but promotes and provides the carcinogens, and finally the treatments and even possible cures that may have been silenced in the name of the almighty dollar.To put cancer into perspective, it is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for 1 in 6 deaths. The most common cancers are breath, lung, colon, rectum, and prostate. 1/3 of the deaths are from tobacco use, high body index, alcohol consumption, low fruit and veggie intake, and lack of physical activity. Cancer causing infections such as HPV and hepatitis are responsible for 30% of cancers. New cases in 2023, 1,958,310 with 609,820 deaths in the United States alone. IN 2022, there were an estimated 20 million new cancer cases and 97 million deaths worldwide. Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumours and neoplasms. One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs; the latter process is referred to as metastasis. Widespread metastases are the primary cause of death from cancer. --- Support this podcast:
the pursuit of Jouralism is a precursor to writing history , often associated with the pursuit of knowlegde and of truth .. first for something to be recorded as historical fact it needs to be documented , previous to modern day reporting and documentation of events , eye witness accounts and retellings even as far back as in the ancient past , became a source of reference for future generations to access and through doing so gain understanding of the times The history of journalism spans the growth of both technology and trade, the progressive installments are marked by the advent of specialized techniques for gathering and disseminating information on a regular basis, that caused, the steady increase of "the scope of news available to populations , and the speed with which it could be transmitted. Before the printing press was invented, word of mouth was the primary source of news. Returning merchants, sailors , messengers and travelers brought news back to many different lands, and this was then picked up by peddlers and spread from town to town and place to place . Ancient scribes often wrote this information down. This transmission of news today is regarded as highly unreliable and died out being replaced with the invention of the printing press. Newspapers (and to a lesser extent, magazines) have always been the primary medium of journalists since the 18th century, radio and television in the 20th century, and the Internet in the 21st centuryin the modern age as the theme of dissemination of information prevailed with mediums such as the and newsapapergoing forwards television ,, the advet of visual media , reduced the ambiguity of facts in representation ,mostly because seeing is believing and considered as proof of reality , that is of course until we fast forward to present day where the antidote to that problem is transformed by deep fake fabrications been made possible by further advancements like photoshop and , right at the forefront of in our present day , sophisticated A1 tools that challenge the very nature of truth itself if we take a perhaps abstract example into consideration Moses was like a modern day journalist of sorts /. And so similarly , if you aloow for a moment , any of the many other prophetic figureheads throughout history that have been the harbringers of new sources of information for our contemplation all have in common that what they sought to achieve was the Communication of a story that lead the recipients to ponder moral ethical and spiritual circumstances.. because if we think out it , Isn’t that what you the news papers of the recent past and even the accelerated mediums of today - evokes in viewers, a previously unknown awareness of some revelation today - we See that a crime has been committed/we are versed on the apparent facts around the matter /. And then proceed to - . If only even privately , to make determinations . and these determinations often result in judgements. - And then in turn , society as a whole forms a consensus, around what3ver prevails out of the multitude of attitudes that emerge around any specific narrative.. --- Support this podcast:



The Torus, First identified by the ancient greeks, the torus is a donut-shaped flow of energy. Exemplifying the as above so below concept, the toridal is found at the micro and macro level. From the Milky Way Galaxy down to the atom with its invisible force field. Nature displays the torus in an abundance. The Law of Reciprocity demonstrates that an outward flow of energy will then return to the source of activation, as with the torus. The ultimate feedback loop. Today we will present a background of the toridal field, how to use the energy in your own body, how to create a torus field energy device, and the future implication of this abundant energy field. --- Support this podcast:
Zero Point Energy

Zero Point Energy


Zero Point Energy, the concept with the ability to free mankind from our ongoing energy problems. Forget oil, forget electric, tap into the etheric zero point energy field for unlimited fuel that could be used for a boundless array of potentialities here on earth and to reach towards the stars. So what is this fabled energy field? How has it already been used? And what would the future look like with it fueling our infinite potential. --- Support this podcast:
Secret Language of Birds

Secret Language of Birds


language allows for the communication between sentient species on the planet , humans and other animals developed the vocalization of phonetic tones and learnt to use them to recognize patterns amonst their own and between differing species because we see our current day perfected medium of speech as being of a higher order , and are able to record and repeat it, we often neglect the language of nature that is sounding around us almost all the time ... through growing interactions and the domestication of various animals we also came to map and categories the behaviors of dogs cats horses livestock and many others ,which help inform us as to what feeling and disposition each animal may be trying to convey , sans speech, and in the particular case of birds , found we were able to teach them to mimic our own utterances , much to our own pleasure and amusement even inanimate objects are alive , such as the rocks, trees and many more, via their unique properties and relationships with nature they convey they own messages to our senses, if we only pause a moment to take notice and consider their place in the grander scheme of things and hear their silence speech , we might gain understanding when its about to rain not only might the crows gather to call , but the grass releases spores that we can smell in anticipation and upon its onset and so it seems communication is not reserved for spoken language alone In Abrahamic and European mythology, medieval literature and occultism, the language of the birds is postulated as a mystical, perfect divine language, and when we look back and throughout our history we discover a mysterious notion , that there is a geographically expansive belief, to exist a magical language used by birds to communicate with those trained and initiated to do so ... --- Support this podcast:



Anti-Gravity, or non-gravitational field, is a hypothetic phenomenon which frees an object from the force of gravity. A concept which has been explored in the past through science fiction extensively, but has also been experimented with and investigated by curious scientists as well. Often tied with electromagnetism and aerodynamic lift, the once science fiction may have already become science fact. Join us today for a look at inventions from the past and present that may be the answer to the long sought technology that will free mankind from living under the weight of gravity --- Support this podcast:
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