5 Minutes To Save The Earth

<p> An inspiring podcast to unite you with a budding worldwide movement to stabilize the climate and protect the next generation.</p>

Episode 10: How and Why To Quiet Quit

Send us a Text Message.We waste our lives and ruin the planet producing mountains of useless disposable crap. Ending this wasteful and destructive activity, and limiting work to producing essentials like food and medicine and shelter is the low hanging fruit that can save the Earth. We discuss.Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't already by signing up for our email list HERE.


Episode 9: Thinking Out Loud

Send us a Text Message.This week, I work without a script! I'll just talk to you about what's on my mind, the latest developments and plans on what The Saners will be doing going forward!Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't already by signing up for our email list HERE.


Episode 8: Our Current Campaign

Send us a Text Message.It's the hottest summer in recorded history. Our movement, The Saners, is determined to prevent climate collapse and build a better civilization to replace the failed one that is destroying itself, and ending life as we know it on Earth by creating and accelerating the Sixth Extinction. Our current campaign—which could really use your help by taking some simple actions, costing you nothing—is called Strike While the Planet Is HOT! Listen to the founder of The Saners, Ra...


Episode 7: How To Transform Humanity on An Elevator

Send us a Text Message.To communicate our ideas quickly, effectively and persuasively, The Saners—our activist group that intends to prevent climate collapse and build a better society—will need an "elevator speech." Here's an attempt at one.Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't already by signing up for our email list HERE.


Episode 6: A Shockingly Better World

Send us a Text Message.Admittedly, things LOOK grim. But the future isn't predetermined. It's made. We, The Saners, have decided to put in the work (and hey, it's fun!) to create a shockingly better world. We know what we are doing. How? Listen up!Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't already by signing up for our email list HERE.


Episode 5: What's Core Sanerism?

Send us a Text Message.Our movement, The Saners, is built on certain tents. What are the core ideas that Saners must believe and support? What is optional? If we want to succeed in our objectives—prevent climate collapse and build a humane and sustainable civilization worldwide—we will need to be an effective movement. Here's how we can do that.Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't already by signing up ...


Episode 4: TAKE ACTION! Strike While the Planet Is Hot!

Send us a Text Message.The Saners, the climate group that seeks to prevent climate collapse and build a humane and sustainable civilization, has announce their (our!) summer action. It's called "Strike While the Planet Is HOT!" It's easy to participate—and important that you do. Here's how.Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't already by signing up for our email list HERE.


Episode 3: Routinely and Playfully Restoring Sanity

Send us a Text Message.Here's a description of what you can do—routinely—in the course of your day to spread the Saners' messages, recruit new Saners and help change the conversation to focus on preventing climate collapse and ensuring that our children will live in a better world than we have today.Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't already by signing up for our email list HERE.


Episode 2: The Saners - A Primer

Send us a Text Message.I've begun working on a pamphlet to introduce the key concepts of The Saners, and most importantly, why this movement can succeed in preventing climate collapse and building a better, more sustainable society. Continue the journey with me!Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't already by signing up for our email list HERE.


Episode 1: Serious Purpose. Playful Approach.

Send us a Text Message.This episode marks an abrupt and much needed change for the podcast, and for the Saners as a movement. We are changing tone—and this matters. We will continue to use an assertive nonviolent and non-cooperative approach. But we will be playful, we will have fun, we will attract more bees with honey. And like other successful modern movements, we will build an overwhelming and irresistible culture that dis-empowers destructive forces. We will save the planet from climate ...


Episode 6: When Human Law and Natural Laws Conflict, Nature Always Wins

Send us a Text Message.The authorities around the world, both in government and business, want the impossible. In fact they demand it. They want continued growth, continued and even expanded exploitation of both people and the Earth, as resources to increase their own personal wealth and power. Nature will not and cannot comply. Nature is finite and after many decades of abuse, of receiving gigatons of excessive CO2 and toxins of every sort, Nature is changing and becoming hostile to humans. ...


Episode 5: The Declining Nations

Send us a Text Message.What we think of as the most powerful nations on Earth are in decline, a rapid decline. It's a fall of their own making. They achieved and maintained their dominance in part by exploiting fossil fuels more successfully that other countries. They, and all of us, are victims of their "success." We will need to seize control from failed nations—and indeed nationalism itself is a huge failure—to stabilize our collapsing climate and rescue the planet so that our children wil...


Episode 4: Cost of Crisis

Send us a Text Message.We live in a world of neoliberalism and neo-classical economics. These false gods are the engine behind the fast-paced destruction of our biosphere and our accelerating path to climate collapse. This is insane, and sane people won't stand for it. Let's look at the real problems and how we can overcome stupidity and bad leadership to fix them.Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't al...


Episode 3: Why I No Longer Favor Working Through the System

Send us a Text Message.It's become clear that the system is aligned with Big Oil and against us, against our children and against our planet. They want to maximize profits and humans and the Earth are simply tools to earn more money. Neither has any value in our neoclassical plutocracy. We must defy the system, refuse to obey, and use smart non-violent tactics if we want a future for our children and our species. Here's how I came to that conclusion and what we must do next.Please also check ...


Episode 2: The COP Meetings - 28 Years of Failure

Send us a Text Message.The authorities have held 28 consecutive international climate meetings, called Council of Parties, or COP. All of these meetings have accomplished nothing: CO2 emissions are increasing and there is literally not even a plan to effectively deal with the crisis.We intend to go beyond those meetings, and those worse than useless so-called authorities and leaders. We intend to work with people of competence and ability to address the crisis—notably climate scientists. Our ...


Episode 1: The Alternative to Our Evil Society Isn't Chaos and Nihilism. It's LIFE.

Send us a Text Message.Political and corporate leaders would have you believe that they have things under control and that the only alternative to THEIR way is chaos. That's a lie. Their way, the way we are going, we are cooking the Earth and dooming our children and other species and the entire biosphere that sustains us. The only real alternative is to ditch their ways and adopt a science-based emergency plan to prevent climate collapse. That's we we intend to do and YOU can (and should) jo...


Episode 6: The Climate Crisis - A Retrospective

Send us a Text Message.This is a script for fictional documentary about how things could be—if we sane and caring and allegedly powerless people—took control of events and worked to save the climate and human decency. We need to imagine a better future if we hope to create one.Please also check out the website WeAreSaners.org—which is the hub of our growing climate movement. YOU can join if you haven't already by signing up for our email list HERE.


Episode 12: The Meaning of "Emergency"

Send us a Text Message.The leaders in business and government worldwide have failed catastrophically to address the existential climate crisis in a meaningful way. They want things to stay as they are—even though this is impossible. They like the current situation because they are on top, they get their way. They are hoarding wealth and power. They have inflated egos to protect. But WE will protect the Earth and our children. We recognize the emergency and will address it—over the objec...


Episode 11: Why the Powerful Climate Destroyers Are Vulnerable

Send us a Text Message.Maybe the reason climate activists—and ordinary people who love their children and Nature—have not yet launched an effective movement is that the opponent is too strong. Wealthy businessmen and governments have huge resources at their disposal. Destroying the planet for wealth and power is a private-public partnership. What can ordinary people with no formal authority and limited resources do? As it turns out, the powerful are vulnerable and the so-called powerless peop...


Episode 10: Guidelines For the Cllimate Emergency Team

Send us a Text Message.The movement, The Saners, seeks to put together a team of climate scientists to develop (and then implement) a worldwide emergency program to prevent the collapse of the biosphere. We want our children to inherit a stable and habitable planet—even though it will be a damaged one. What will this team of scientists do? What are our instructions to them? How will this team and their plans—even their preliminary plan—help our movement to succeed?Please also check out the we...


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