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Dr Karl Podcast

Author: ABC listen

Subscribed: 61,154Played: 1,066,399


Join Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Lucy Smith and their scientific guests, with a bunch of curious triple j listeners for a weekly injection of science, myth-bashing and answers!
342 Episodes
What role do genetics play in determining how smart someone will be? Why are rainbows always the same shape and colour? And where do the vitamins in fruit and vegetables come from?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
If all planets are stuck in the sun's gravitational pull, what stops them from being completely pulled into the sun? Does melting cheese change its nutritional value? And could we genetically modify before birth?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Can we harness the power of earthquakes? Why don't dogs have bellybuttons like us? And why tf do you sometimes see one little cloud in a clear sky?Dr Karl answers these questions and more, on triple j Mornings with Ruby Miles.
What kind of math formulas go into AI? What influences our biggest fears? And can humans acclimatise to every weather condition?Dr Karl and special guest Tom Crawford answer these questions and more, on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Can eating certain foods change the taste of bodily fluids? Why do I get congested after a night out drinking? And why does armpit hair stop growing at a certain length?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
If the whole population stood in one spot and ran would the earth spin like a treadmill? What would happen if gravity didn’t exist? And are farts powerful enough to propel you in space?Dave from Glass Animals asks these questions and more on this bonus episode of Science with Dr Karl.
What's actually happening when you get the wind knocked out of you? Why does swallowing combat yawning? And could we ever visualise someone else's pain?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Why is it so dangerous to look directly at a solar eclipse? How do we know that all foods taste the same to every person? And the big question - do aliens exist? Dr Karl and special guest, Kirsten Banks, answer these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith. 
Why does my voice wobble when I have vulnerable conversations? Why does food taste different at different temperatures? And how do you grow seedless mandarins if they have no seeds?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Bec Charlwood.
What impact does trauma have on your memory? Why do chillies burn your tongue and lips but not your throat? And could octopuses take over the world? Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Why do some medications reduce your sex drive? Why do dogs bite their own tail? And if you were preparing for the end of the world, what is the one medication you would take with you?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
What is it about beans that make us fart? Why do we lose muscle so quickly? How does a drink's temperature impact its fizz?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Why do old people have such a distinctive smell? What would happen if gravity suddenly doubled? And why do my limbs always swell during a flight?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Is it possible to speed up or slow down the speed of sound? Will stars eventually become invisible to the naked eye? And what would happen if you took your space suit off in space?Dr Karl and special guest, Dr Laura Driessen, answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
What does space smell like? Is the youngest sibling technically more elite? And do bushfires burn at a lesser intensity when at higher altitudes?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Why does the sun feel hotter on certain days? What would happen if an astronaut sneezed inside his helmet while in space? And does drinking lots of water make you sweat more?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
How important are orgasms to our mental health? What would happen if the world stopped spinning? And would expired milk be safe to drink if you boiled it?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Ash McGregor.
Does working out increase your sex drive? Should we be worried about seagulls eating too many chips? And how has a stingray who's had no contact with males for eight years become pregnant?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Can drinking apple cider vinegar improve gut health? Is it okay to put chicken in the fridge while it’s still hot? And how does the carnivore diet affect the body?Dr Karl and special guest, Professor Clare Collins, answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Are we connected to all our muscles? Why do I get sleepy when I have passengers in my car? Does drinking alcohol through a straw get you drunk faster?Dr Karl answers these questions and more on triple j Mornings with Lucy Smith.
Comments (36)

Laila Stjerndrup

I absolutely loooooove this program. I have copied a page and a link regarding the issue of hot noodles being banned in Denmark. they translate quite well in translator ( I'm Danish by birth, so I checked it out) many many thanks for many hours of amazing listening Laila stjerndru

Jun 13th

R Johnson

On 15-2-24 Dr Karl said fish change from female to male by changing chromosomes from XX to XY. Actually, sex changing species (which I observed in my aquarium) are born with both male and female gonads, with hormones determining which mature and function. When the male dies, the testosterone rises in the dominant female causing the male gonads to mature and the female to atrophy. No change in the chromosomes. See

Feb 17th

R Johnson

About using tape to keep your mouth closed while sleeping (Jan 19). It's one of the Buteyko tricks to improve breathing. With mouth closed, CO2 in blood is higher so pH is more favourable to release O2 to the organs.

Jan 31st


The app is Castbox

May 4th


Unfortunately I have a wierd app glitch witch makes it go faster or stop for 1 second

May 4th


This is all so cool

May 4th

R Johnson

Considering flóating poos to be good, what about ónes I sometimes produce so boúyant that they are unflushable?

Mar 26th

Lis Stanger

I've got an electric mower, just love it

Feb 25th

Jarred Vandenberg

covids a scam

Oct 15th

Lucy Claire

amazing ⭐⭐🌟🌟🌟

Sep 10th

R Johnson

Cheese affects my dreams also, as do any of the foods that I have food intolerance to, resulting in vivid, wild dreams, often nightmares. Cheese and other fermented foods contain amines which can adversely affect some people, including other symptoms like headache and diarrhoea. I would recommend keeping a record of any other symptoms your may experience when you have nightmares and, if they are troublesome, see an allergy specialist with expertise in food intolerances (eg. Royal Prince Alfred Hospital allergy unit). Some people may also have intolerances to colourings, flavourings, preservatives, aspirin and natural salicylates, yeast, wheat, milk or eggs.

Jul 21st

Sonny Darvishzadeh

red meat has been linked with cancer? was it organic, natural and or grass fed beef doctor or mixed with processed meats? which study says fresh meat causes cancer? stop spreading false information. you're a doctor, talking like an uneducated person

Dec 13th
Reply (9)

Jamie Baker


Oct 11th

Beaudean Best

I feel sick one someone touches my belly button too, i dont like looking at them ill avoid eye contact

Aug 5th
Reply (1)

Maria Panteli

What's Linda Marigliano's other podcast?

May 27th
Reply (1)

Sonny Darvishzadeh

pastry chefs have cold hands? oh wow that'd be incredible if experienced chefs develop that through the time!

Mar 4th

Calm Eron

The original Australian Radio Scientist Answers kids, well everyones calls using his med. & physics degrees! on his weekly radio show. Thurs. 11-12am AEST & yours too. Just call in 10 min before show starts. & nerd up in pride!

Nov 12th

Alexander Beard

we n been there since

May 27th

Grant Wilson

Does anyone have a true theory of " What came first, The chicken or the egg" ?

Jan 13th
Reply (4)

Duane Johnston

can't get this ep to play, can you let me know if it's a problem on my end? every other ep plays

Jan 12th
Reply (1)