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The Essential 11

Author: Matt Beaudreau

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Essential 11's online mentorship program was created to provide you with the ideals young men need to become strong, successful leaders among leaders. The name Apogee comes from an astronomical term meaning "summit," a homage to the life we envision for each of our participants. A life where they have the tools they need to reach the greatest heights of their potential.
337 Episodes
Developing leadership skills and fostering personal growth are crucial for becoming a great leader and a well-rounded person. These elements are really important for young men to shape their futures, influence their decisions, and help them navigate the challenges of adulthood. Growing as a leader means developing important skills and experiencing personal growth. David Waldy shares his life experiences, lessons, and advice to future leaders. Leadership and purpose intertwine as guiding principles for personal growth and development. Defining one's identity and taking consistent actions aligned with integrity can lead to meaningful progress and fulfillment. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "I had trust, respect, integrity, and confidence in my external relationships. Why? Because they could trust me to do what I said I would." – David Waldy "Love is a choice. You're not always going to feel it." – David Waldy "We've abandoned our dining room tables, our neighborhoods, and the people who live right next to us because we're so hyper-concerned about all these big, giant things." – David Waldy Takeaways: Every day, be the person you want to be by putting your focus on self-improvement and learning more about who you are. Live your life in accordance with your principles, be truthful with yourself, and never stop learning; they will help you develop humility and integrity. By letting yourself be vulnerable, forgiving, and compassionate, you can cultivate empathy for others and yourself, leading to more rewarding relationships founded on free will. Prioritize your tasks and establish clear goals, but don't forget to make little, steady progress every day. Focus on the here and now while you work through traumatic experiences in treatment, and surround yourself with supportive and accountable advisors and mentors. Conclusion: Opportunities for personal growth and leadership development can shape a young man's future. If you want to be a successful, compassionate leader and overcome life's obstacles, you need to learn to embrace responsibility, move on from past limits, define and pursue your mission, and cultivate meaningful relationships. Stay true to yourself and know that you can change.
With its flexibility and personalized style, homeschooling can attract parents and students who want a more custom education. It shapes the learning path to match each child's speed, interests, and unique obstacles, promoting better academic results and more student participation. With homeschooling, it can be a safe space from bullying and the social challenges that can sometimes come with traditional schooling. However, homeschooling needs a lot of time from parents and takes on the roles of both teachers and social activity planners. Hannah Frankman shares her journey to self-discovery. She talks about homeschooling, career paths, and overcoming challenges. As they learn the value of being homeschooled, listeners gain insights into alternative approaches to learning. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "If homeschooling is all formulaic, you're kind of missing out on the potential of what homeschooling can be, which is infinitely customizable." – Hannah Frankman "It doesn't matter how long it takes between each step in your career. But each big step should make everything that comes after it feel like a footnote." – Hannah Frankman "And then my mom was always really communicative with the woman who ran the school. That woman was incredibly supportive to us and ensured that I was always feeling seen, valued, protected, and taken care of by the adults in the room." – Hannah Frankman Takeaways: Alternatives to standard curriculum, such as homeschooling, encourage creativity, help kids find passions, and impart practical skills. With open communication and support, homeschooled kids can prevent bullying and yet participate in a variety of activities, co-ops, and online communities. Even when pursuing one's passion takes an unusual professional route, success and long-term fulfillment can follow. Though widespread, impostor syndrome can be avoided by emphasizing one's accomplishments and not looking to others for approval. It takes imagination to balance a job, parenting, or homeschooling. Still, microschools and other support networks can help by communicating non-traditional educational methods and promoting an intrinsic desire for learning. Conclusion: A personalized and flexible approach to education can lead to critical thinking, independence, and self-confidence. It emphasizes the value of real-world skills over standardized testing, the importance of community, and the possibility of successful career paths outside conventional academia. But, it's also essential to manage challenges such as socialization and external skepticism regarding homeschooling.
Are today's families and communities losing their way? In a society increasingly divided, instilling strong values in our children amid so many conflicting influences is critical. Maintaining traditional structures with positive role models is the way to guide the next generation on the right path. Though you may face criticism for being traditional, it will surely lead your children towards success. Sean Patrick Flanery is an American actor and martial artist. He is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt who has been trained in martial arts since the 1990s. He owns his own martial arts academy and is passionate about teaching practical self-defense techniques. In this episode, he shared many powerful lessons about building strong families and communities. He emphasized the importance of traditional values like hard work, meritocracy, and disciplined parenting. Join us as we tackle issues such as traditional parenting, the value of meritocracy, balancing personal values, and more! Quotes: “If you don't occasionally question whether or not you're being too hard on your kids, you're not being hard enough on your kids.” – Sean Patrick Flanery "A big part of being a decent dad is knowing when to catch your kid and when to let your kid fall."– Sean Patrick Flanery "The world is a competition. When are you gonna start? There is no bell curve in life. Life is a meritocracy, you will get out what you put in. You show me a kid that's not trying to win, and I'll show you a loser."– Sean Patrick Flanery Takeaways: The old-fashioned way of raising kids with a nuclear family, clear rules, a little healthy contest, and learning based on hard work still works really well, even though some people might not like it these days. Towns and neighborhoods do best when people who believe in the same things, like honesty, hard work, and helping others, stick together instead of ignoring each other. Being there for your family is more important than getting ahead at work. If a job takes away too much family time, saying no is okay. The best kind of success is when you can balance work, what matters to you, and the people you love all at once. Conclusion: Traditional values like hard work, meritocracy, and disciplined parenting are important. However, we must remember the need for balance—acknowledging outside influences while maintaining a firm foundation at home. Prioritize time with your loved ones over fame or fortune. By cultivating virtues like integrity, grit, and compassion, leaders can help strengthen the moral fabric of society. Overall, this discussion highlights how individual choices can make the world brighter for generations to come when guided by a noble purpose.
All across the world, people of all ages are impacted by bullying. Suffering from emotional and psychological pain as a result of bullying can have far-reaching effects. Yet, martial arts have helped many people overcome the trauma of bullying. From teaching self-defense, martial arts also boost self-esteem and discipline. It helps us find inner peace, master emotions, and grow in self and other respect. Bas Rutten discusses his incredible story from childhood bullying to becoming a UFC heavyweight champion and successful business. In talking about his transformation, Bas highlights the value of martial arts in personal growth, good breathing methods, and mental toughness. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "You have to commit, you have to do something, you have to make a plan, and even better, a backup plan." – Bas Rutten "I always saw myself as not being good, because they bullied me and I was always talked down to. So, I always over prepare for everything I do.” – Bas Rutten "Your body is an amazing machine, it starts with rest and protein, it comes back and it makes it even stronger. If you put one or two days of rest in between, you're going to be so strong." – Bas Rutten Takeaways: Pay attention to our physical fitness, eat right, and develop self-discipline - it's about sticking with a good exercise routine and saying no to those unhealthy habits for overall health and well-being. You can build mental strength and confidence by stepping out of your comfort zone, keeping your promises, and always keeping a positive attitude when interacting with others. It's always a good idea to have a backup plan, develop a range of skills, and be ready to adapt to life's changes - that's how we ensure we're resilient and versatile. Aim for long-term success by taking small, steady steps towards our goals, making sure you’re building sustainable habits and making steady progress. Conclusion: Taking up martial arts could be a transformative journey that not only boosts your fitness but also your confidence and resilience. It's about equipping individuals with the ability to stand up for themselves and restoring their sense of self-worth - it's truly empowering. Martial arts challenge you to go beyond your comfort zone, helping you uncover an inner strength you never knew you had.
Functional medicine is like your friendly neighborhood detective, identifying and addressing the root causes of diseases rather than just treating the symptoms. Factors like your genes, your environment, and your lifestyle are all considered to develop a treatment plan just for you. This approach is becoming increasingly popular, and for a good reason - it offers a more personalized and effective way to manage chronic conditions. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon shares insights from her experiences with leaders in the field of nutritional sciences. As an expert in functional medicine, she discusses the impact of nutrition on health and personal development. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "Physicians are trained in a very algorithmic way to come up with a differential diagnosis. There is something called a standard of care in which the overarching groups of medicine agree that this is the best way to treat a patient. This is a physician's job and responsibility." – Dr. Gabrielle Lyon "I think that physicians need to understand their limitations, be very honest, and self-aware of individual limitations. Without this understanding, physicians can be very dangerous." – Dr. Gabrielle Lyon "You have to feel good and honorable about what you're doing. It takes a long time to become an expert at something." – Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Takeaways: Physicians specialize in acute issues, so for nutritional, lifestyle, or exercise advice, consider seeking a reputable functional medicine provider for evidence-based care. Protein intake, strength training, and lifestyle factors are crucial for healthy aging, but remember that individual needs vary. Connective tissue issues could be the underlying causes of tendinopathies rather than just activity level. Aggressive training, not reduced intensity, is necessary to maintain muscle and function as we age. It's essential to examine single statements critically, collaborate with like-minded individuals for personal growth, and take control of your own health knowledge for physical sovereignty. Conclusion: Identifying and addressing diseases’ root causes is more important than simply treating symptoms. This needs a patient-centered approach that uses solid evidence and is not afraid to question old methods. We need to let people know about the benefits of this approach, work together across different medical fields, and fight for everyone to have access to affordable functional medicine. This approach to healthcare promises a more patient-centered and effective system that can manage chronic conditions more effectively.
Maintaining equilibrium among work, self-improvement, and family commitments is crucial for a fulfilling life. Balancing professional development, personal well-being, and quality time with loved ones nurtures a sense of harmony and contentment. Embracing this harmony fosters resilience and strengthens relationships, enriching both personal and professional spheres. Kyle Kingsbury shares his experiences transitioning from football to mixed martial arts and dealing with addiction and depression. Through fighting, he learned about performance, longevity, and mental well-being. But after starting a family, he realized he needed a more stable career that allowed him to be present. Join in as young leaders pose inquiries about life, personal development, and beyond! Quotes: “I found peace now; I didn't have to get in the cage. I actually felt amazing by myself in my own skin.” – Kyle Kingsbury “Consistency is key when it comes to any kind of change you want.” – Kyle Kingsbury “Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.” – Kyle Kingsbury Takeaways: Assess your priorities. Are you spending enough quality time with family and pursuing self-growth, or are you too focused on financial success? Find out what truly inspires you and how can you incorporate that into your career or daily activities. Look for opportunities to involve kids in responsibilities that teach valuable skills and lessons. Practice mindfulness daily. Whether through meditation, nature connection, martial arts or other means, make mindfulness a regular habit. Conclusion: Prioritizing family, personal growth, and meaningful connections fosters long-term fulfillment and well-being. Aligning career choices with values and purpose, involving children in meaningful activities, and practicing daily mindfulness contribute to a balanced and satisfying life. Breaking goals into small, consistent steps ensures steady progress and sustainability over time.
Building a solid foundation requires consistent discipline rather than relying on fleeting bursts of motivation. By prioritizing daily habits and routines, individuals can achieve sustainable progress towards their goals. Embracing discipline cultivates resilience, perseverance, and long-term success, ensuring that aspirations are not derailed by temporary fluctuations in motivation. Joseph McCormick discusses the importance of laying a strong foundation through discipline over short-lived motivation. How to prioritize tasks each day and achieve balance across relationships, career and finances. And why developing confidence through physical challenges can help you stand up for others without proving yourself through aggression. Join in as young leaders pose inquiries about life, personal development, and beyond! Quotes: “True men don't always have to show how dangerous they are.” – Joseph McCormick “Everything in life is more about discipline than motivation. Because if you're disciplined, you're going to do it regardless of whether you're motivated or not.” – Joseph McCormick “The more you do in the business world, the more people try to eat up your time. Everybody wants your time.” – Joseph McCormick “Everything takes watering, planting, and patience. If you try to take a shortcut, you're going to kill whatever you're trying to build.” – Joseph McCormick Takeaways: Write down your top 3 priorities each day for relationships, career, and finances and ensure you accomplish these before any other tasks. Assess where you are spending the majority of your time and energy. Are you balanced across important life areas or over-invested in one? Identify a physical challenge you can take on to build confidence from the process, whether it's strength training, martial arts, or another discipline. Remember that success is built through small, consistent actions over long periods of time. Have the discipline to plant seeds daily through your priorities without expecting overnight results. Conclusion: Achieving success and making a meaningful impact requires a commitment to discipline, persistence, and maintaining focus on long-term goals. Confidence, derived from overcoming challenges and inner growth, plays a pivotal role in this. Additionally, prioritizing tasks, maintaining balance across various life domains, and seeking mentorship are essential for productivity and personal well-being. By overcoming obstacles with hard work and then sharing those experiences to uplift others, individuals can continue to grow personally and make a positive impact in their communities.
Moving from being a pro athlete to an everyday life can be a big change. People often see the fame of sports, but not the hard parts of retirement. When an athlete's career ends, they have to figure out who they are without sports. They lose a routine, the thrill of competing, and sometimes friends. They have to find new goals, set up different daily habits, and deal with not being famous anymore. Brian Urlacher shares his experiences with retirement and maintaining an active lifestyle. He talks about the importance of family, education, and staying connected through sports, and his transition from professional football to civilian life. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "If you're not getting any better, somebody else can be better than you." - Brian Urlacher "Every day you do segments, and you compare yourself to other people who did those segments, and I want to be first in every segment." – Brian Urlacher "I was just happy to be a part of it because they're college kids who want to have a fun spring break, and I got to be a part of it. As I always say, anytime you get a chance to spend time with them, take advantage of it, especially as they get older." – Brian Urlacher Takeaways: Enjoy your time post-retirement by diving into your hobbies and interests, and always keep a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Encourage your children to discover their own journeys, guiding them gently without harsh judgment, and show them the way by constantly learning and growing yourself. Remember to put your wellness first, discover effective ways to prevent injuries, and take a breather to prevent work or game emotions from affecting family time. Build a strong network of support and friendships, find new passions to navigate major life changes, and treasure every moment spent with family and friends. Conclusion: The transition from professional sports to everyday life presents significant challenges for athletes, such as redefining personal identity, finding new purposes, adjusting to a different routine, and managing the psychological impact of leaving the limelight; find new careers, manage finances without a steady sports income, and maintain physical health outside of a sports regimen. Mental health cannot be overlooked as they often experience a sense of loss, missing the comradeship and clear objectives that sports provided. It’s important to have a strong support network, staying grounded, discovering new passions, and embracing new experiences.
Strengthening character and integrity is a journey shaped by community involvement, personal trials, and compassionate support for others. By actively engaging in community initiatives, facing personal challenges head-on, and offering a helping hand to those in need, individuals cultivate resilience and empathy. This commitment to growth and service not only shapes one's character but also fosters a deeper sense of connection and purpose in life. Cam Hall discusses the challenges of developing identity without the crutch of sports, overcoming health issues and difficult family circumstances, and finding purpose through mentorship. He also shares lessons learned from his experiences in education and parenting, emphasizing the importance of being intentional in relationships. Join in as young leaders pose inquiries about life, personal development, and beyond! Quotes: “What I am worried about the draw of always being connected online, always doing something over a screen.” – Cam Hall “Those three things again: your character, your reputation, and your actions. What people see from you is your character, who you believe you are.” – Cam Hall “When I can see your eyes, I know if you're listening to me, I can tell how you feel, and I can feel that you're with me right now. So I'm going to do my best to look at you in the eye when I'm talking to you.” – Cam Hall Takeaways: Identify your unique strengths and biggest opportunities for growth, and work to continuously improve in your areas of growth. Consider how you can be more present and intentional in your relationships, through active listening, making eye contact, and giving your full attention to others. Reflect on how your character, reputation, and actions are aligned, and look for opportunities to improve the integrity between the three. Conclusion: Building integrity means consistently aligning your actions with your values, despite imperfections. To prioritize personal growth and connections over digital distractions, set boundaries on screen time, make time for loved ones regularly, and practice mindfulness to stay present. It's about recognizing the importance of both personal development and nurturing relationships in fostering a balanced and fulfilling life.
Are you struggling to find purpose and fulfillment in your work and personal life? Young teenagers and adults are going through this phase—they are constantly on a journey to discover their identity and purpose. To overcome this challenge, people must pursue the passion in their hearts and find fulfillment in using their honed unique skills to help others. Let go of your fears and transform for the betterment of you, your family, and the world! Sean Donohue, a parenting coach and author, shares powerful insights on overcoming these universal struggles from his own journey of discovering his calling to insights gained from decades of coaching families. Join us as we tackle issues like defining masculinity, building intimacy with teens, and healing adversity through empathy. Tune in as men ask questions about life, personal growth, leadership, parenting, and more! Quotes: “Men, we need to step up and be better fathers, grandfathers, uncles, godparents. We need to step up to take the lead in healthy ways that everyone wants us to lead.” – Sean Donohue “You have so much to offer, and you must unleash your true power, masculinity, and health. You have so much to offer the world; it will be so good for you, for your family, for your own mental health."– Sean Donohue “You're freaking smart. You should take your skills to do great things. Go and help others. You don't have to look far to find hurting, needy, and disenchanted people. They're everywhere we look through. – Sean Donohue Takeaways: Pursue your passions and define success beyond financial terms to find purpose and fulfillment. Look for ways to serve others through your skills and gifts. Build trust and intimacy in relationships through quality time, active listening, speaking life-affirming identities, and demonstrating patience through challenges. To foster healthy development, love and discipline must be balanced through consistency, boundaries, and mentoring the whole child rather than just behaviors. Conclusion: By following what we love and helping others, nurturing our connections, and facing obstacles with care, we discover a meaningful direction for ourselves and those around us. Even when things are unclear, we progress with resilience. Nobody's flawless, yet our real strength shines when we're open, understanding, and always eager to grow.
Gender roles, or the expected ways of behaving based on whether someone is a man or a woman, have had a big influence on people's behavior in society and personal relationships. They've often guided tasks at home and how people should show their feelings, typically reinforcing the differences between "manly" and "womanly." Nowadays, people often question these old roles, especially when talking about personal identity, mental health, and how people relate to each other. Martine De Lune shares insights on gender roles and the dynamics of relationships. She addresses the biological and societal influences on femininity and masculinity, empowering women to embrace their natural attributes and understand the impact on their personal and professional lives. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "Femininity is not a costume. It's not a dress, it's not makeup, it's not heels. It's how you feel about yourself, how vulnerable you are." – Martine De Lune "Biologically, males don't need females; they don't need to choose them. They have to desire them; they have to feel like they need them. Many women don't understand this and are often triggered by it." – Martine De Lune "A woman is the essence of the relationship. If your essence feels brittle, sticky, and muddy, your children will reflect that back to you, and your husband will feel it, even if you don't say it." – Martine De Lune Takeaways: Embrace the beauty of both masculinity and femininity from a biological perspective. Using self-awareness practices like journaling can help us recognize where we stand on this spectrum. Open and respectful communication with our partners is key. Talking about our feelings, needs, and dynamics of our relationships, such as finances, can help prevent any conflicts arising from unmet needs. It’s okay to be vulnerable and show our emotions while still showing respect. Offer support for the unique biological needs of women, including those related to hormones, menstruation, pregnancy, and parenting. By being proactive, like getting hormonal testing, we can validate our perceptions around relationships and well-being. This leads to a better understanding of ourselves and how we manage our relationships. Face and address our internal triggers that can negatively affect relationships. Striving to perceive our partners in a way that aligns with their biological drives can make a world of difference. Conclusion: Understanding and embracing masculine and feminine characteristics can lead to better self-awareness and healthier relationships. Open, respectful communication about needs and feelings is crucial in preventing conflicts. Recognizing that we all have different physical needs, especially women, and dealing with our personal issues can improve our relationships. In the end, respecting our natural inclinations while understanding our emotions and making personal choices can help us break old-fashioned rules and make our relationships happier.
Resilience means being able to recover from tough times or stress. It's not just about going back to how things were before, but also about growing as a person. When we talk about personal growth, resilience is all about adapting and doing well even when things are hard. Paul Damon shares his life experiences, lessons, and advice to future leaders, highlighting the pivotal role of resilience and self-awareness in overcoming adversity. From his early years in the southern U.S. to his time in the military and subsequent personal struggles, Paul's journey embodies the transformational power of mindfulness and holistic living. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "I believe it's a fallacy among humans that parents limit their children's ability to find abundance and resilience within themselves alone." – Paul Damon "What I would say to the young fellows is the same words that a chief told me as I went into the military. He said, 'Paul, always volunteer. If someone says to you guys, put your hands up, don't ask what for. It doesn't matter. The real men in life will recognize that and they will hone that for you.’” – Paul Damon "Jump nose-first into whatever you want to do. Go to the end game first and work your way back. If you think that you're going to take the next Conor McGregor's seat, believe it, and go get it." – Paul Damon Takeaways: Embrace challenges to foster resilience and independence while finding a sense of purpose and community through service. Heal from physical and emotional traumas through holistic practices like proper nutrition, regular exercise, plant medicines, and staying mentally active. Boost your self-awareness and mental clarity by incorporating daily meditation, breathwork, and spending time in nature, along with maintaining a positive mindset and action towards your goals. Stay true to your personal principles and authenticity as you continue to learn and grow through constructive mentorship. Make sense of your surroundings and events through personal perception, and delve into spirituality and quantum physics through self-directed learning. Conclusion: Resilience means changing tough times into chances to grow. You can do this by understanding yourself, staying positive, sticking to your beliefs, meditating, exercising, and being outdoors. Getting through health problems holistically can help you and others around you by sharing what you've learned. Resilience is a journey that can make life more rewarding.
Education reform, which often comes up in political and social talks, is crucial for matching the changing needs of our society. People pushing for changes in education say that these old methods don't consider the different needs of students and don't prepare students well enough for jobs or starting their own businesses. A big part of making schools better is having more job training programs. Larry Sharpe shares his life experiences, lessons, and advice to future leaders. Explore the importance of community and personal purpose in shaping one's path. Discuss the impacts of political and educational systems on societal progress. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "Once you make someone else's labor a right, it just becomes more expensive. Instead, we should create an environment where it's easy to obtain, which is significantly easier." – Larry Sharpe "Getting on the ballot legitimized me in the eyes of mainstream individuals. If you're not on the ballot, you're not considered real." – Larry Sharpe "People assume that debates are about fairness or rules. Not at all, debates are about ad revenue. It always comes back down to money." – Larry Sharpe Takeaways: The growth of our young men relies heavily on purpose and positive role models. This underscores the essential need for our educational systems to put student outcomes above testing and monetary gains. Third parties need ballot access for legitimacy and policy influence, and even non-viable votes can send powerful messages and impact elections. Sometimes, challenging those firmly established political interests might call for some out-of-the-box strategies, and it's paramount that we shed light on the control lobbyists have over the legislative process. Finding a healthy balance between individual freedom and government intervention is absolutely crucial, and grassroots fundraising plays a pivotal role in supporting candidates who share our values and inducing political change. The two-party system is often marred by corruption and self-interest, highlighting the need for alternative voices and executives' significant role in directly impacting policy and enacting reforms. Conclusion: Third-party candidates in U.S. elections show the country's commitment to democracy and highlight the need for various political voices and views. Even though they often face challenges like getting on the ballot and finding funds, they do more than aim to win elections. For voters, backing third-party candidates can strongly show dissatisfaction with current politics and push for change. In the end, every vote matters. Supporting a third-party candidate is a protest and a step towards improving political conversation.
Ever wondered how your family and personal struggles influence who you are? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people find that accepting their heritage and personal challenges can lead to growth and newfound strength. This isn't just about understanding your past. It's a journey of self-discovery that helps you understand your strengths and guides your future. It's about taking control of your life and shaping your destiny. Chris Nastasi shares his life experiences, lessons, and advice to future leaders, highlighting the importance of resilience and self-awareness derived from his diverse background and challenging personal journeys. He talks about the importance of being resilient and self-aware, things he learned from his varied background and personal challenges. His stories cover his experiences with dyslexia, sports, military training, and family influences. These stories give valuable lessons on overcoming hardships and using your natural abilities. Join in as young leaders ask about life, personal development, starting a business, and more! Quotes: "My main philosophy as a leader is that I want to make them better men first. If I can make them better men, then I can make them better Rangers, better baseball players, or better in whatever field they choose." – Chris Nastasi "The saying 'No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care' is 100% true." – Chris Nastasi "The right answers are almost always simple. Simplicity is the hallmark of genius." – Chris Nastasi Takeaways: Boosting your pattern recognition skills and having some cheerleading mentors by your side can really help you navigate those personal obstacles and discover what you're truly passionate about. Jumping right into action to gather experience really fuels your self-confidence. And keeping self-care and readiness at the top of your list ensures you're always safe. It's great to keep your purpose ever-changing. It keeps you on your toes and encourages personal growth, even when life throws a curveball your way. Taking a moment to uplift those around you not only helps them grow but also strengthens your community when it matters most. It's all about helping each other out. Holding yourself to the highest standards consistently aids in smashing your goals, and embracing mindfulness can do wonders for your mental well-being. Conclusion: It's important to take on challenges and step out of our comfort zones because this helps build self-confidence and enhance our natural skills. Supportive relationships and being aware of our feelings can also help us in tough situations and when making important choices. There will always be a need for knowing yourself, being ready, and always improving. These help you do well in important situations and make a big difference in your personal and professional life.
Integrating functional training principles into fatherhood and leadership development promotes personal growth by emphasizing quality movement patterns and habit formation. Prioritizing qualitative enhancements over quantitative achievements helps build resilience and adaptability in both physical and personal domains. Embracing this approach boosts well-being and empowers individuals to lead by example, inspiring others to pursue holistic growth. Judd Lienhard discusses his approach to functional training focused on utilizing basic movements effectively through an understanding of physics and the body's movement patterns. He also shares lessons learned from his experience as an athlete and father about developing strength from within and prioritizing one's family above all other goals. Join in as young leaders pose inquiries about life, personal development, and beyond! Quotes: “Fitness, by definition, is just being the most prepared to deal with your current environment.” – Judd Lienhard “No matter what tools you have, you can get a lot more done than you think you can.” – Judd Lienhard “Your priorities are what you put your energy into, not what you say.” – Judd Lienhard Takeaways: Assess how your current fitness routine enhances or detracts from your quality of life and priorities. Make adjustments as needed. Focus on developing movement quality before pushing quantitative goals like weight or performance benchmarks. Pay attention to how your body feels. Identify ways you can strengthen your "foundation" through mobility, stability and movement patterns before overloading or advancing your training. Conclusion: In short, integrating functional training principles into fatherhood and leadership prioritizes quality, promoting resilience and adaptability. Judd underscores the significance of grasping movement patterns and valuing family, sparking holistic growth and well-being. By concentrating on improving movement quality and establishing a solid base, individuals can set an example and encourage others to seek personal growth.
In our complicated world, growing as a person means asking questions and having polite talks. Looking for different viewpoints and keeping an open mind helps people learn more and grow in their thinking. Having good conversations helps us understand others, think better, and helps us grow as individuals and make society better. Emily Kaplan, CEO & Co-Founder of The Broken Science Initiative, is dedicated to raising awareness about significant issues in science, education, and health. She collaborates with The Kleio Group and Arab conglomerates to enhance her business acumen. Emily has transformed her business, Prep Cosmetics, into a nationwide standard for online beauty shopping. She has also co-created a geolocation-based dating app, designed Prime Fitness and Nutrition, a health program for older women, and authored two business books. A Harvard Law School, Northwestern University, and Smith College graduate, Emily’s diverse experiences range from journalism to business leadership. Today, Emily shares her perspective on issues with scientific research, journalism, language and definitions, medical treatment of women, and her work with Broken Science Initiative to empower people with better tools for separating fact from fiction. Emily emphasizes the importance of community, continuous learning, and not being afraid to have thoughtful discussions on complex issues. Join in as young leaders pose inquiries about life, personal development, and beyond! Quotes: “Learning is a great way to challenge yourself. If you don't understand, or It's too hard for you, don't put it down. Don't quit.” – Emily Kaplan “I think the idea of you being passive or women not having power or control is complete garbage.” – Emily Kaplan “I think there's no replacement for yourself in a community and we've forgotten that. We've relied so much on these technological ways of connecting ourselves.” – Emily Kaplan Takeaways: Reflect on how you are challenging yourself through continuous learning. Consider taking on new skills, hobbies, or areas of study to keep your brain active. Consider how you can use your voice and influence to raise awareness on issues you care about. Look for respectful ways to have thoughtful discussions with others and spread information. Build strong personal connections within your community. Get to know your neighbors and find ways to support each other both practically and through sharing of ideas. Conclusion: Personal growth involves questioning assumptions and engaging in respectful discussions to expand understanding. Emily emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, community connections, and thoughtful dialogue in navigating complex issues. By actively seeking diverse perspectives and fostering empathy, individuals can promote societal harmony and their own intellectual development.
Are we losing control of our society and culture? Nowadays, corruption and loss of values are all over the place. Children are in danger as even schools are bombarded with social problems. The internet is flooded with obscene images and videos that affect the masculinity of young teenagers. Many deny these issues even exist, instead choosing apathy. If we don’t act now, this could be our downfall. Robby Starbuck is an American filmmaker, activist, and conservative political commentator. After seeing Hollywood's corrupt and no values environment, he left it all to become an advocate on issues such as communism and censorship. In this episode, he shares how social problems are being pushed in schools, the dangers of communism, instilling values in children, and more. Tune in as Robby answers questions about politics, activism, parenting, and spirituality. Quotes: “We're at a very dangerous turning point in history where it is a time for choosing, and you need to choose before the knock comes to your front door because this is a new form of communism." – Robby Starbuck “Telling people you just need to believe in God and He's going to give you all these riches and you're going to have all these great things happen in your life is just a bald-faced lie." – Robby Starbuck “The more we normalize that voyeurism in our young sons, it actually bred a lack of masculinity, whereas the real masculine desire should be to find a woman, marry her, and have children with her. You should want to physically be doing those things in real life, not living voyeuristically through the lens of some webcam girl. – Robby Starbuck Takeaways: Our society is facing a critical moment where the ideas of communism and drastic societal changes are gaining traction. Each individual needs to decide where they stand before it's too late. It is vital to guide and teach our children strong values and principles from the start. This early foundation shapes their growth and equips them to handle whatever challenges come their way in the future. Faith and spiritual guidance hold significant importance in our lives. Churches must step up and tackle tough issues head-on rather than sticking to a version of Christianity that's comfortable but lacks depth. Conclusion: Even if one person speaks the truth, no matter the cost, it can have an immense impact. We can overcome even the largest obstacles with integrity, hard work, and using our talents for good. It is also important to join local activism through political engagement, community involvement, and changing hearts and minds one person at a time. While national politics seem disconnected, we have power in our own neighborhoods. We must stand up for what is right, trust that truth will prevail, and never lose hope, even in the face of adversity. Together, we can restore the promise of America for future generations!
Are you frustrated with the growing role of government in our lives and the loss of individual liberty? Over the years, the government has been controlling the masses, decreasing our freedom. Thus, we must challenge ourselves and rethink our reliance on government solutions. Take local initiatives focusing on education, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship. Together, we can create a brighter and more resilient future! Dan Hollaway is a veteran, entrepreneur, and public speaker. He advocates developing self-reliance through entrepreneurship and solving problems at the community level. In this episode, he will share the pains of living in a society with eroding personal responsibility and resilience against misinformation. Tune in as Dan answers questions about personal growth, leadership, education, societal threats, and individual liberty. Quotes: "I would rather be alone and honest than surrounded by liars." – Dan Hollaway "The ultimate property right is your person, your body. And the ultimate expression of your property right over your body is what you think and what you say." – Dan Hollaway "Victimhood is the current primary social currency in the west, which is a poisonous attitude that you can have as a human being that can lead to negative consequences." – Dan Hollaway Takeaways: Be responsible for yourself and rely less on the government. Solve problems in your community before asking for help from higher authorities. Support local businesses to strengthen your community and avoid too much control from big companies or the government. These local businesses support economic energy by retaining financial resources within the community and catering to demands overlooked by larger corporations. Embrace a mindset of independent thought and critical analysis, prioritizing fundamental values over biased affiliations or superficial slogans. Conclusion: Think critically about pressing societal issues and how you can help make things fairer. Build stronger communities by sticking to what's right, taking charge of your actions, and getting involved locally instead of just listening to fancy speeches. By supporting small businesses, getting active in your neighborhood, and keeping the government in check, we can make society better for everyone.
Entrepreneurship is not just about setting up a business; it's a way of life, a journey filled with the thrill of creating something new and the complexities of navigating it through the unpredictable market. This path is often marked with hurdles involving financial issues, market rivalry, and self-doubt. However, through perseverance and a dedication to quality, entrepreneurs can build successful businesses that reflect their values and vision. Josh Smith shares his life experiences, lessons, and advice to future leaders. Entrepreneurship requires dedication, overcoming fears, and embracing risks. As the founder of Montana Knife Company, Josh navigates the challenges of starting a business, achieving work-life balance, and fostering a culture of excellence. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "At a certain point, you have to take action. No amount of research, thinking, and talking will build your company; you have to actually do it." – Josh Smith "You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time. It's one of those situations where you can only solve one problem at a time." – Josh Smith "To me, the culture is the most critical thing, whether it's a business or a school. You can teach people what you need them to know." – Josh Smith "Your social media is your calling card; it is your resume. To me, I can see everything I need to know about a person through what they decide to show the world." – Josh Smith Takeaways: Keep chasing your dreams, and remember that bumps in the road are all part of the journey to success. Start small and grow slowly, making sure not to bite off more than you can chew. Always aim to make your products the best they can be while fostering a friendly and supportive team environment. Look for team members who are not only qualified but also have great character and a strong work ethic, and don't be afraid to involve family where it makes sense. Always try to balance personal growth and life experiences with your career achievements, and remember to support local products and fellow entrepreneurs whenever you can. Conclusion: Starting a business and growing as a person can be tough, with many problems. But it's also full of chances to learn about yourself and do well. It reminds us that going after what you love, even when it's scary, can bring you more than money. It can make you feel fulfilled and leave a lasting mark. By working hard, not giving up, and aiming for the best, anyone can make their way to success.
Balancing both work and home life is a common challenge for individuals across various fields and lifestyles. Juggling career aspirations, work responsibilities, and personal tasks while ensuring family and loved ones receive sufficient time and attention. While career success is vital, it should not compromise personal well-being or relationships. Maintaining this balance involves more than just effective time management; it also requires setting boundaries, knowing when to disengage from work, and allocating quality time for personal relationships and self-care. Tim Kennedy shares his life experiences, lessons, and advice to inspire personal growth and leadership development. As a former US Army Special Forces soldier, professional mixed martial artist, and entrepreneur, Tim's insights offer valuable guidance on navigating various challenges and seizing opportunities. Tune in as young leaders ask questions about life, personal growth, entrepreneurship, and more! Quotes: "The character of a person matters so much more than the content of their soul matters more than the content of a paper." – Tim Kennedy "I want them to have a shared purpose. I want them to have shared values. The people around my children, including their friends and their friends' parents, should have these values as well." – Tim Kennedy "The shaping of one's character and soul ultimately determines whether they will succeed or fail." – Tim Kennedy Takeaways: Put personal development and high standards at the forefront, leading by example and continually diving into education, fitness, and challenging experiences that help us grow. Build strong relationships, keeping the lines of communication open and honest with our loved ones. We can inspire others through positive influence and ensure transparency with our children, helping them understand the world around them. Value your time, balancing your career, family, and other responsibilities in a way that feels right for you. Make decisions based on data and critical thinking, aiming to identify and improve our areas of weakness. But remember, maintaining mental health and finding fulfillment in all experiences is just as important. Conclusion: Balancing work and personal life is key to our happiness. Success shouldn't mean ignoring our loved ones. Good communication helps avoid confusion and creates a positive environment at work and home. Time management is also important. It ensures we don't neglect work or family. Spending quality time with our loved ones is essential. It builds stronger relationships and gives us the emotional support we need.
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