DiscoverJo 這樣生活 Slay Fit w/ Jo Huang
Jo 這樣生活 Slay Fit w/ Jo Huang
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Jo 這樣生活 Slay Fit w/ Jo Huang

Author: Jo Huang

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Working as an online English Teacher, Jo is also an outdoor lover and GYM ADDICT. She is going to share with you her fitness and health journey in the past 5 years. You're going to hear some life updates, gym stories, diet control etc. Let's be Slay Fit with Jo Huang!

Follow Instagram for workout routines
Instagram/ @jo_stayfitt

一個熱愛戶外運動和健身的線上英文老師Jo, 用英文來和大家分享她五年來如何養成規律得生活作息和運動習慣。身為自由工作者的Jo原先是在設計工作室擔任社畜,做了一年後發現生活離理想越來越遠,毅然決然辭職轉換跑道。在這裡Jo會跟你分享生活大小事、健身小知識和飲食習慣調整,讓大家跟Jo一起這樣生活!

Instagram/ @jo_stayfitt
32 Episodes
Do you like setting new year resolutions? What's the meaning of goals setting? Today I'm reviewing my goals for 2023 and setting new ones for 2024! This episode is more personal, but I'm also sharing the reason why I love goals setting! You should also give it a try! Enjoy! xx 在2024的第一週,我要來和大家好好回顧一下我的2023年目標和2024的新年新希望~你也是跟我一樣喜歡設立目標的人嗎?那你一定要認真聽我如何達成和設立我每年的目標!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/ For English learning content Follow/
Going from working as a designer to teaching English and a freelance personal trainer. I'm sharing my life as a freelancer and the pros and cons of it. It might no be as perfect as you think it is! Enjoy! xx 身為工作兩年的自由工作者,這集我來和大家揭發身為自由工作者的心酸~如果你正在考慮成為自由工作者或轉換跑道的話,這集一定要認真聽下去!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/
Guess who's back! This episode is going to be a bit different from others, I'm sharing my trip to Thailand, fun experiences, FREE Pad Thai and more! I also talked about my Uber driver from last week, you don't want to miss this one! ENJOY! XX 過了三個月我回來啦~這集會分享一些這陣子比較生活化的經驗和旅遊趣事!九月的清邁之旅和最近遇到的「有趣」優步司機~好好享用吧~~~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/
Do you still have your alone time when you with your partner 24/7? Why is it important to have some Me Time when your in a relationship? Hope you enjoy what I have to share! 為什麼不能常常和另一半黏在一起?如何避免在感情中遺失自己呢?這集我要和大家分享我在這趟墾丁度假中學到的事!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/
I'm going to Hengchun in a week, which reminded me of an interesting story that happened a year ago when I was living there. This will always be an experience that I'll never forget. Enjoy! 因為下週要去恆春玩,讓我想起了去年在恆春遇到的交友軟體趣事~ 請大家在玩交友軟體時斟酌使用... 也希望各位不要像我一樣遇到怪人!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/
What's your passion in life? What do you want to do when you retired? These are the things that I've asked myself. And in this episode I'm sharing some ways to find your passion and how to overcome stress. Enjoy! xx 你有想過退休後要做什麼嗎?你對現在的生活方式滿意嗎?這集我要和大家分享如何找回對生活的熱情,在忙碌的工作和享受生活中找到平衡!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/
It's story time! Today I'm sharing some awkward online and personal experiences that happened at the gym. Get yourself prepared for some cringy stories and laughs. Enjoy! xx 這集來和大家分享在健身房會發生的尷尬場面...如果你剛開始要去健身房,請務必做好筆記,以免重蹈別人的覆轍!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/
Last week we had 4 days holiday in Taiwan, and I got sent in to the ER... I'm discussing how hard it is to be a woman, and more! ENJOY! XX 上週連續假期就近到急診室的我要和大家分享發生什麼事,經期期間有什麼要注意的~和如何對抗經期前後憂鬱!請細心享用! For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/
In this episode, I am sharing my insecurities! If you are having appearance anxiety, this episode is for you! Some strong emotions might be aroused during listening, pls bring tissue. ENJOY! XX 這週要來和大家分享我對自己最沒自信的部位, 我如何去克服「容貌焦慮」、改變看自己和世界的眼光~(中間可能會有點情緒化)請細心享用! For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/
Things I wish I knew before turning 27... If you're also in your 20s, listen to what I have to say! Enjoy! xx 剛轉27歲的我終於知道什麼是30歲危機了... 這次來和大家分享一些「登熟女」的想法!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow:  Instagram/   TikTok/
Why is it so important to be independent? In this episode I'm sharing the importance of independence in relationships, careers and personal growth. I also shared some ideas of how to become an independent human being. Take notes! xx 身為漸漸邁入三十的一員,這集和大家分享在二十歲的我如何學習努力成為更加獨立的大人!為什麼我們要成為獨立的人?在感情上和工作上對我們的幫助到底有哪些?和大家分享我認為能成為獨立女強人的方法!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/  TikTok/
Is it a red flag when the person is not paying on the first date? What turns people off on the first date? In this episode I'm sharing your thoughts and mine when going on a first date. You'll be surprised by some of the answers! Take notes guys! ENJOY! XX 第一次約會男生不付錢錯了嗎?這集要跟大家分析第一次約會不該做的事,可能會有些意想不到的答案!好好做筆記在2023年脫單吧! For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/  TikTok/
Will doing more cardio help you loose weight? Does weight training make you look " manly"? I'm answering some myths about weight training and showing you the right mindset as you start your fitness journey. Hope you guys enjoy this episode! <3 跑步真的是最好的瘦身方法嗎?重訓會不會讓我看起來太狀太MAN? 這集要來回答大家的一些重訓小迷思!身為健身新手的你要記得好好做筆記呦~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/  TikTok/
In this first episode of 2023, I'm spilling my own tea in 2022. Relationships, Career goals, Travel and so on! Hope your 2022 was as adventurous as min! Enjoy! xx 這集要和大家分享我2022年的瘋狂生活總結,不論在感情上、工作和旅遊上,我的2022每天都充滿驚喜(好和壞都有)也邀請你和我一起回顧自己的2022年吧! 祝大家新年快樂! For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/  TikTok/
Christmas is coming! And I know some of us are stressing about our diet and keeping our workout routine. But I'm here to tell you why you shouldn't be stressing about it! Enjoy this episode and the holiday feast! xx 聖誕節和新年將至˙,大家一定也在擔心體重也會直直往上升~我今天要來告訴大家我如何度過各種節日和為什麼我不在過節期間做飲食控管!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/  TikTok/
Have you been feeling sluggish and start binge eating during this winter season? I have too! But in this episode I'm sharing what is SAD and ways to improve your mantel wellbeing during this time of the year. Enjoy! xx 你最近也有季節性憂鬱症的現象嗎?一早起床冷到什麼事都不想做,完全沒有動力運動之外還暴飲暴食!?這集要來和大家分享什麼是冬季憂鬱症、如何避免感到無力和保持正向態度去迎接新的一年!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/  TikTok/
We all know there are tons of cute Oppas in Korea, but today I am sharing stuffs that people don't really talk about when traveling in Korea! Hope you're prepared for the tea! Enjoy!xx 什麼?! 韓國除了歐爸還有很多不為人知的秘密?!這次要跟大家分享我的韓國自助15天的airbnb慘痛經驗~大家千萬別重道覆轍!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/  TikTok/
In this episode I'm sharing personal experience with using the law of attraction, how I apply it to gym, work and life. My current fitness goals and how I'm going to achieve them. Enjoy! xx 什麼是吸引力法則?如何使用吸引力法則改變生活?這集中和大家分享我如何使用吸引力法則在生活中、健身房裡和工作上!好好享用吧! For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/  TikTok/
This week I'm sharing the deets about the online harassment that happened to me last week. Tips to protect yourself when traveling alone and how to stand up for yourself. ENJOY! xx 這週和大家分享上禮拜的事件到底是怎麼發生的,學會好好保護自己也是愛自己的方式!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow:  Instagram/  TikTok/
Today I am giving some advice to my gym girls! How to reach your protein goals, avoiding gym freaks and so on. Enjoy! xx 這次要來和我的健身女孩們聊聊健身的大小事,如何找適合的鞋子?健身房遇到怪人怎麼辦?推薦的健身品牌?都在這集裡面!好好享用吧~ For MORE WORKOUT ideas follow: Instagram/ TikTok/
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