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Author: 阿兵妹

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96 Episodes
本集介紹 Aenbie 與 Dave今天來到北投復興崗,訪問正在復興崗就學的外籍生Vincent! 20歲的Vincent來自北喬治亞軍校,準備升大三,主修現代中文! Vincent在準備升高中的時候,有一位來自臺灣的朋友邀請他一起學中文,他就此愛上中文,現在更是喜歡中文現代詩集!覺得中文詩與英文詩非常不同,尤其中文有聲調起伏,讀起來非常美! 不過,中文字書寫是比較困難的,尤其還有區分簡體字與繁體字,所以Vincent現在很認真,買了一塊白板,反覆練習讀寫,希望可以精進中文! 英文重點 freshman:新鮮人(用於高中或大學) sophomore:二年級 rising junior cadet:大二準備升大三的軍校生 senior:四年級 tone:聲調 character:文字 traditional character:繁(正)體字 simplified character:簡體字 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: With the countdown on to Inauguration Day, the Army is brushing up on its 21-gun salute.  Besides rehearsing the ceremonial salute every day, soldiers are also undergoing grueling heat training, standing under the noon sun for 40 minutes at a time. It’s all to ensure a flawless performance on May 20. Vocabularies: countdown:倒數 Inauguration Day:就職日 inauguration:就職典禮 (n.) inaugurate:舉行就職典禮 (v.) brush up on:複習、練習 21-gun salute:21響禮砲 salute:敬禮 rehearse:預演、彩排 (v.) rehearsal:彩排 (n.) undergo:經歷 grueling:艱苦的 ensure:確保 flawless:完美的 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: Taiwan's Navy is expected to commission two more domestically built Tou Jiang-class stealth missile corvettes into service next month, meaning they will be officially ready to safeguard the waters around Taiwan. The corvette is fitted with subsonic Hsiung Feng-II (HF-2) missiles, supersonic Hsiung Feng-III (HF-3) anti-ship missiles, a 76mm cannon and Sea Sword II carrier-based medium-range air defense missiles, giving them the ability to hit air and sea targets simultaneously. Vocabularies: commission:委任、安排 commission sth into service:使服役 stealth:匿蹤 stealth bomber:匿蹤轟炸機 corvette:巡防艦 be fitted with:配備 subsonic:次音速的 supersonic:高音速的 carrier-based:艦載的 medium-range:中程的 simultaneously:同時地 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: The computerized war games of this year's Han Kuang military exercises included lessons learned from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict. Special emphasis was given to such scenarios as "gray zone" activities and a surprise attack on Taiwan by Chinese forces operating under the false pretense of a drill. Key priorities will be to test the military's ability to transition between peacetime and war, joint interdiction operations and anti-blockade capabilities, overall air defense capabilities, and operations under a decentralized command structure. Vocabularies: computerized war games:電腦兵推 computerized:電腦化的 war game:兵推 invasion:入侵 Israel-Hamas conflict:以哈衝突 emphasis:強調重點 scenario:想定 surprise attack:奇襲 pretense:假裝、佯裝 priority:優先事項 transition:轉換 interdiction:截擊 anti-blockade:反封鎖, overall:整體的 decentralized command:去中心化指管(分散式指揮管制) ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: The military has beefed up its drone arsenal in recent years, through both overseas procurement and domestic production. With the increase in drones comes the need for more drone pilots.  With the increase in drones comes the need for more drone pilots. To meet the talent gap, the defense ministry says it will establish a dedicated pilot training center.  Working with the private sector, the center will provide training of instructors who can teach other drone pilots, and offer a wide array of courses, including training in combat scenarios. Vocabularies: beef up:加強、充實 drone:無人機 arsenal:武器、裝備 procurement:採購 gap:缺口 talent:人才、人力 meet the gap:補足缺口 dedicated:專用的 sector:部門 private sector:民間廠商 instructor:教官 array:系列 scenario:情境;想定 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: In Taiwan, any product that can be significantly controlled by foreign adversaries, directly or indirectly, is considered a threat to national information and communication security and is deemed a dangerous product. When asked about the proposed law amendment, the minister of Digital Affairs, Audrey Tang, told that "dangerous products" include those provided by the substantive controller of sources of infiltration, as referred to in the Anti-Infiltration Act. Vocabularies: significantly:顯著地、明顯地 adversary:敵人、敵對方 deem:視為、認為 數位發展部:Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) substantive:本質的 controller:控制者 infiltration:滲透 refer to:提及 Anti-infiltration Act:反滲透法 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: In April 2022, the ADMA first published the All-out Defense Handbook (Template), which received wide comments that because of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the handbook should address stringent situations during wartime and offer more information for the people to adapt. To help deal with all possible situations at war and enable the people to save themselves and the others, the revised Handbook is divided into 2 parts: preparation at peacetime and adaptation at wartime with contents. Vocabularies: 全民防衛動員署(全動署):All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency (ADMA) handbook:手冊、指南 comment:評論 stringent:嚴重的、嚴峻的 adapt:應變 (v.) adaptation:應變 (n.) deal with:應處、應對 enable:使能夠 revise:修訂 divide:區隔 + into preparation at peacetime:平時準備 adaptation at wartime:戰時應變 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: Youth Day is celebrated on the 29th of March every year. It is a day to commemorate the 1911 Second Guangzhou Uprising, also known as the Huanghuagang Uprising. Led by revolutionary leader Huang Xing, the Second Guangzhou Uprising against the Qing Dynasty began in April 1911. Most of the rebels of this uprising were young people from all social backgrounds and from all parts of Chinese society. During this uprising, 72 young revolutionaries fought to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and lost their lives in the process. These are now known as the 72 martyrs, and they are buried at a mass grave at Yellow Flower Mound. Although this attempt to overthrow the Qing was unsuccessful, it did set the stage for later revolts that eventually overturned a thousand years of dynastic Chinese rule and established the Republic of China. This day is a holiday to honor the country’s youth and their role in securing the future of Taiwan, so there are also student recognition awards and other special events that are staged across Taiwan. Vocabularies: commemorate:紀念 uprising:起義 revolutionary:革命 rebel:造反者、叛亂者 overthrow:推翻 martyr:烈士 bury:埋葬 grave:墳墓 mound:土堆、土墩 shrine:神龕 國民革命忠烈祠:NATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY MARTYRS' SHRINE attempt:試圖 revolt:起義/反抗 overturn:顛覆 dynastic:朝代 recognition:識別;賞識 award:獎項 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: The report indicated that Taiwan had retained its position as a highly free country due to perfect scores in several of the assessed categories. Exceptions included questions such as, "Is there freedom for trade unions and similar professional or labor organizations?" and "Do individuals enjoy equality of opportunity and freedom from economic exploitation?" for which Taiwan scored 3 points out of 4. There continue to be concerns about the exploitation of migrant workers, and threats from Chinese government efforts to influence Taiwan's policymaking, media, and democratic infrastructure. On a global level, freedom had declined for the 18th consecutive year, driven by flawed elections and armed conflict. Vocabularies: indicate:指出 retain:保留、持有 assess:評估 exception:例外 trade union:工會 similar:類似的、相似的 labor:勞工 individual:個人、個體 equality:平等 exploitation:剝削 economic exploitation:經濟剝削 free from:免於 score A out of B:滿分是B分,拿到A分 concern:擔憂、關切 migrant:移民的、遷移的 influence:影響 infrastructure:基礎設施 consecutive:連續的 flawed:有缺陷的 armed conflict:武裝衝突 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: The goal was for the conscripts to gain confidence in their NBC protective equipment and also experience how the tear gas would affect their exposed skin before exiting the space. These volunteers left the chamber with their eyes filled with tears and coughing sounds and were instructed to use cool water to avoid further irritation. The gas chamber training was standard practice for all conscripts during boot camp until compulsory military service was shortened to four months in 2013. Vocabularies: confidence:信心 confident:有信心的 NBC:N-nuclear 核能的、B-biological 生物的、C-chemical 化學的 exposed:曝露的 volunteer:自願者 chamber:房間、空間 cough:咳嗽 instruct:指導 irritation:發炎、疼痛 boot camp:入伍訓 standard practice:標準作法/標準演練課目 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: Based on the indicators, each country is given an overall score from 0 to 10 and is classified as either a "full democracy," "flawed democracy," "hybrid regime" or "authoritarian regime." The index ranks countries and territories based on 60 indicators, grouped into five categories: electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, political culture and civil liberties. The Economist said that "this year should be a triumphant one for democracy. More people are expected to vote in national elections in 2024 than ever before. But many elections will be problematic." Vocabularies: indicator:指標 classify:分類 Full Democracy:完全民主 Flawed Democracy:部分民主 Hybrid Regime:混合政權 Authoritarian:專制政權 index:指數 category:類別 pluralism:多元 functioning:運作 liberty:自由 triumphant:勝利 vote:投票 election:選舉 problematic:有問題的 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: Taiwan is ranked as having the 24th most powerful military in the world in 2024, a drop of one spot from last year, according to an annual survey published by Global Firepower (GFP), a website that keeps track of global defense information. The results incorporate values related to manpower, equipment, natural resources, finances and geography, with more than 60 individual factors used to calculate the final ranking. Vocabularies: rank:排名、排序 drop:掉落 spot:位置、位階 annual:年度的 survey:調查 track of:追蹤 (數據) incorporate:包含 manpower:人力 equipment:裝備 natural resources:天然資源 finance:財政 geography:地理位置 individual:獨立的、各別的 factor:因素 calculate:計算 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: The battalion commander earmarked the 3rd company as his reserves to prepare for reinforcing the main attack. Reserve forces are responsible for protecting urban and rural areas and supporting the main and garrison forces’ operations and HA/DR missions. Civil Defense System is responsible for supporting operations, HA/DR, medical care, engineering/ rapid repair, providing shelters, and assisting in law enforcement to ensure a functioning society. Vocabularies: reserve:後備 / 預備隊 earmark:指定 reinforce:強化、增強、增援 mobilization:動員 the regular forces:常備部隊 reserve forces:後備部隊 military service teams:軍事勤務隊 urban:城市 rural:鄉鎮 HA/DR:人道協助、災害防救 (Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response) Civil Defense System:民防系統 medical care:醫療照護 engineering/ rapid repair:工程搶修 shelter:災民收容所 law enforcement:執法 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: The main forces are basically composed of volunteer service members organized as professional elite forces responsible for operating high-tech hardware and keeping high combat strength. They are the backbone of the Armed Forces, shouldering major combat missions and being responsible for safeguarding our national sovereignty and territorial integrity as our first line of defense. After the revision of Conscription Service, conscripts can serve longer to beef up the available combat power to carry out the missions to secure the homeland, support operations, protect military and civilian infrastructures, and collaborate with civil defense forces. Vocabularies: The main forces:主戰部隊 be composed of:由什麼所組成 organize:(v.) 組織 organization:(n.) 組織 professional:專業的 elite forces:精銳部隊 hardware:硬體;【軍】武器裝備 strength:力量 backbone:骨幹 shoulder:(v.) 肩負 sovereignty:主權 territorial integrity:領土完整性 garrison forces:守備部隊 revision:修正、修改 beef up:加強、充實 infrastructure:基礎設施 civil defense forces:民防系統 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: To address hostile threats, our overall national defense is going to be provided by an all-out defense system, which is composed of 4 pillars: (1) main forces, (2) garrisoning forces, (3) reserve forces and reserve system, and (4) civil defense system, with their own respective mission attributes and areas of responsibility (AOR) to collectively safeguard the nation, protect the homeland, and maintain a running and resilient society. With this new and powerful all-out defense system in place, we shall be able to continue strengthening combat readiness and integrating civil-mil resources to create a rock-solid defense power. Vocabularies: address:(v.) 應對、因應 hostile:不友好的、惡意的 overall:整體的 all-out defense system:全民國防體系 pillar:支柱 main forces:主要的、主戰部隊 garrisoning forces:守備部隊 reserve forces:後備部隊 civil defense system:民防系統 respective:各別的、各自的 attribute:屬性、特徵 areas of responsibility:責任區域 (AOR) collectively:共同地 running:持續運轉中的 rock-solid:如石頭般堅硬的、堅不可摧的 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: Taiwan and the Czech Republic signed a collaborative agreement to embark on a project aimed at helping rebuild healthcare capabilities in war-torn Ukraine. Under the project, both sides will work to develop and promote access to general practitioners, surgical and rehabilitation services and small clinics in Eastern Europe and Ukraine. The project marked a new round of collaboration between Taiwan and the Czech Republic in assisting with the reconstruction of Ukraine, following previous projects to help Ukraine rebuild its water management systems and energy sectors. Vocabularies: collaborative:合作的( adj.) collaborate (v.) collaboration (n.) embark on sth:著手開始作某一件事 aimed at:目標在於 war-torn:飽經戰亂的 general practitioners:一般醫療資源、一般科醫生 surgical:手術類型的 rehabilitation services:復健類型的設施或服務 small clinic:小型診所 reconstruction:重建 sector部門、領域、行業 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: The MND detected a carrier rocket launched by China from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at around 3:03 p.m. Tuesday. The rocket passed over southern Taiwan's airspace in outer space, the MND said, adding that its intelligence systems closely tracked the launch. To warn the public of the launch, the MND sent a bilingual message via the Public Warning Cell Broadcast Service to smartphone users in Taiwan; however, while the message said "satellite" in Chinese, the English translation of the message was: "Missile flyover Taiwan airspace, be aware." The MND explained that the mistake was made due to a failure to update the English wording used in the emergency text message, for which it issued an apology to the Taiwanese public. Vocabularies: detect:偵測 carrier rocket:運載火箭 launch:(火箭)發射 satellite:衛星 pass over:通過、飛越過 airspace:領空/空域 outer space:外太空 intelligence systems:情報系統 bilingual:雙語的 the Public Warning Cell Broadcast Service:災防告警細胞廣播訊息 missile:飛彈 flyover:飛越 apology:道歉(n.) apologize:道歉(v.) ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: Since the presidential election campaign activities are only feverishly underway, military staffs need to deeply ingrain the demand of "administrative neutrality and military nationalization" into their hearts. One should never attend election campaign rallies of any kind during off times. Additionally, one should be aware of one’s own demeanor and word choices to prevent unfavorable consequences. Vocabularies: the presidential election:總統大選 presidential:總統的、與總統有關的 campaign activity:競選活動 campaign:政治或商業類型的活動 feverishly:熱騰騰地、如火如茶地 ingrain:將…深印在腦中 demand:要求 administrative neutrality:行政中立 military nationalization:軍隊國家化 rally:集會 be aware of:警覺、知道 demeanor:外在的行為、行為舉止 unfavorable:不利的、不好的 consequence:結果、後果 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: To connect the planned 8 weeks of BMT for conscripts in 2024, more training courses have been added and training hours have been revised since the beginning of 2023, to gradually merge new courses with the current curriculum of 5 weeks. Never can forces afford not to train and maintain the highest levels of readiness. On the day of battle, soldiers and units will fight as well or as poorly as they are trained. Vocabularies: BMT:(Basic Military Training) 基本軍事訓練/入伍訓練 boot camp:【美軍】新兵訓練 conscript :徵兵 conscription:徵兵制 revise:修訂、調整 gradually:逐漸地 merge:融合 curriculum:課程 Normal Syllabus:一般課程 Physical Fitness and Combat Skills:體能戰技 Weapons Training:體能戰技 health management:健康管理 sports science introduction:運動科學概論 萬事莫如訓練急:Nothing is more urgent than training. ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
English Sentences: The ROC Armed Forces has completed asymmetric capability planning and acquisition by taking into account of future enemy threats, technological advances, pattern of war and operation environment, and weaknesses of likely enemy course action. It has improved defense operational resilience with decentralized command & control. By integrating all-out defense capacity and taking long-range denial and multi-domain defense approaches, it will impose unacceptable risk and cost on any enemy invasion against Taiwan. Vocabularies: 防衛固守,重層嚇阻:resolute defense and multi-domain deterrence asymmetric:不對稱的 不對稱作戰:asymmetric warfare acquisition:獲得、收購 take sth into account:將sth列入考慮 operation environment:作戰環境 weakness:弱點 enemy course action:敵可能行動(ECOA) resilience:韌性 decentralized:去中心化的 integrate:結合、整合 all-out defense capacity:全民防衛能力 long-range denial:遠距制敵 approach:手段、作為 impose:施加 unacceptable:無法接受的 ▲ 想看圖卡、想與我討論,IG搜尋 #abinmei -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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