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Casual Trek - A Star Trek Recap and Ranking Podcast
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Casual Trek - A Star Trek Recap and Ranking Podcast

Author: Charlie and Miles

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Charlie is a lifelong X-Men fan.
Miles is a lifelong Doctor Who fan.
If ANYONE can objectively rank every single episode of Star Trek on a big list, it’s gotta be the people who think that Star Trek’s ‘Pretty Decent.’
(Citation Needed.)
51 Episodes
Q Flash Noise!

Q Flash Noise!


SHOW NOTES: He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty cosmic entity! Our casual travellers decided to let themselves in for a time and experiment with cosmic god-like powers (powered by subtle audio cues and sound effects) while they watch three episodes featuring John DeLancie’s cosmic japster ‘Q’ (Miles is surprised at no point do they make a reference to a similar role DeLancie plays in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’), at first they watch Baby-Faced Season 1 Riker do his own experimenting with Q-Flash Noises in ‘Hide and Q,’ see Q get brought down to human size sans pants in ‘Deja Q’ and make a final pop over to the Delta Quadrant to see Q’s first meeting with the Voyager crew in ‘Death Wish,’ BYOMB- Bring Your Own Mariachi Band! CONTENT WARNING: ‘Death Wish’ talks about suicidal ideation and euthanasia, we do discuss this during our post-synopsis discussion and if you wish to skip, the time codes are the following-1:27:50 to 1:34:03 EPISODES TALKED ABOUT- ‘Hide and Q,’- 00:12:21 ‘Deja Q,’- 00:44:52 ‘Death Wish,’- 01:09:00 Quisling, Quinn from Sliders, Doctor Who, Mondasian Cybermen, Charlie reading JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures, Season 1 TNG Weirdness, how one of Charlie’s teachers got fired, Worf has the zoomies, child death, more Star Trek Band Names, Jack Quaid’s voice work, Nudity dreams, the original plot for the episode, Moonfall, Q-Ban Cigars, Data and Q buddy pairing, Casual Trek ASMR, More Bald Jokes at Charlie’s expense, the visualisation of the Q Continuum, Miles talking about Order and Chaos in the work of Michael Moorcock, Evolve or Die, The Good Place, Surprisingly lots of different Doctor Who references this week, Terry Pratchett, suicidal ideation, medical euthanasia, Q’s benevolance through maloevelance, Riker’s Beard is the gift that keeps on giving, Star Trek actually having events stick, The Youtube Video of Footloose with no music-
Joran Dax is No Hannibal

Joran Dax is No Hannibal


It’s time to draw some dots all over yourselves as Casual Trek’s discussing Dax! This one’s a Ko-Fi donor episode, so thanks Ben for the opportunity to talk about some more Trill shenanigans. We normally talk about three different shows but here we’re looking at three different Dax hosts. There’s also a weird sub-theme of muuuurder. In “Dax”, Jadzia’s on trial for a murder that one of Dax’s previous hosts may have done. We’ve got Odo in detective mode, a trial in Quark’s bar and a gloriously disinterested judge. In “Equilibrium”, we delve into the dark past of Dax as Jadzia starts remembering things which none of her hosts have done. Oh no, she’s got a Dark Passenger! It’s Joran Dax! In “Field of Fire”, Ezri Dax investigates a murderer on DS9 and has to enlist Joran Dax to help her hunt them down. Joran takes the opportunity to oversell how much of a murderer he was, but we all have a fun time. Unless you’re a murder victim, I guess. Just as a warning, there’s some beeping on the audio as there was some building work going on. We also go on way too long about Davy Crockett and how little we know or care about him. It’ll make sense when you get there. 00:02:48 Non-Star Trek Things: Fallout, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon 00:11:47 Deep Space Nine: Dax 00:43:20 Deep Space Nine: Equilibrium 01:07:47 Deep Space Nine: Field of Fire Talking points include: Venom, Spider-Man 3, Fallout (TV show & game), GTA, Rings of Power, Person of Interest, The 3DS, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, Hyrule Warriors, Planet of the Bass explains later Mobile Suit Gundam series, the Mortal Kombat theme, Julian Bashir has creepy Xander Harris energy, Robbie Williams’ career, X-Files style cover-ups, of all people MILES compares something to Lynch, all of the Wolverine revelations, X-Men: Deadly Genesis, all the Professor X mindwipes, Britney-mania, Phoenix Wright, Invader Zim, Hannibal, Joran Dax is the crypto bro of murders, BSG, Farscape, The Dark Half starring Anthony Michael Hall from The Breakfast Club, Kira’s Karen Haircut, Odo’s reading habits, Rear Window, Starfleet Poirot, No one British gives a crap about Davy Crockett. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
Go Nick a Starship

Go Nick a Starship


SHOW NOTES: Grab your popcorn, take a sledgehammer to your 80s Pan N’Scan VHS (Disclaimer: Casual Trek endorses Physical Media, just, just not Pan N’Scan) and climb into your favourite beep-chair as Casual Trek goes to the movies In Search of Spock for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock! But, we have a little B-Feature before we hit our A-Picture and so we’re also covering the other time a member of the Enterprise stole the Enterprise because the needs of the one, outweighed the needs of the many, ‘The Menagerie,’ a clever way to reuse the unaired pilot of Star Trek- ‘The Cage’ (See Episode 1 of this show) or a clever way to scrimp on some gold-pressed latinum for a series that was more expensive than it looked. Then, we go all in on ‘The Search for Spock,’ as the Casual Trek crew won’t stop raving about Christopher Lloyd’s turn as a baddie. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, but sometimes, the needs of the few is to be rated and reviewed on all good podcatchers and apps! CONTENT WARNING: We talk about some very ableist tropes from a piece of 60s television. Episodes talked about: ‘The Menagerie’ (12:22) and ‘Star Trek III: The Search for Spock,’ (49:03) Miles pimps his latest appearance on ‘Breakfast in the Ruins,’ Taskmaster, DragonBall, 2000ad and the Judge Dredd movies, Miles talks about Dan Dare, The Rolling Stones, Zager & Evans, our crew talk about attending our first gigs, Did Spock just kill a guy? How ‘The Cage’ completely rewrites the message and meaning of ‘The Cage,’ 60s ableism, Pike’s gloopy make-up job, how Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has made ‘The Cage’ REALLY weird, Tendii from Lower Decks would not be happy with the portrayal of Orions, Duran Duran (Wild Boys) Some of the many, many, many classic Genre Films of 1984 (and Miles didn’t even mention the film adaptation of 1984 which came out that same year), oh, and also Repo Man. Despite his love of ‘Buckaroo Banzai,’ you see Miles remember in real time that Christopher Lloyd also appears in that film. Casual Trek does not advocate underage drinking, but at least try for better than white wine. PAN AND SCAN IS THE DEVIL. Ponn Farr, David’s death, Shatner CAN act, Utopia still needs dive bars, Bones has a Top-Five Dive Bar list, the Bones/Spock fusion, Mr. Adventure is dead now, he died in the cupboard, words Miles never thought he would ever say on this show ‘Pallette-Swapped Adric,’ Kruge is a great villain, we’re just going to talk about him a lot, better Magnificent Seven in Space films than ‘Rebel Moon.’ James Horner, Does Spock’s Return cheapen death? Miles confuses lighting with colour, What do Christopher Lloyd and Patrick Troughton have in common?
Casual Trek has ranked 97 episodes and two movies, so we decided to do something special for when we ranked our hundredth item on our big list. It would finally be time to rank the most infamous episode of Star Trek: Voyager! That’s right, it’s Threshold! While we could fill an hour and a forty minutes talking about one episode, but rather than doing that we’ve decided to have some Trekxtra Curricular studies. As well as being the bestselling author of TekWars, William Shatner also released multiple albums. We decided to put ourselves through his first album, The Transformed Man. It was… quite an experience. You’ll also get to hear how many comic-reading quests Charlie is taking and listen to two men with almost no experience of drugs try to figure out the best Star Trek episode to watch while under the influence. We also say “Flesh” too many times early on in the show in unpleasant ways. 02:00 What non-Trek thing we’ve been enjoying: X-Men ‘97, Flesh 15:42 Star Trek: Voyager “Threshold” 56:22 William Shatner “The Transformed Man” Talking points include: Godzilla is for everyone, X-Men ‘97, X-Men: The Animated Series, Put Dire Wraiths and Rom in X-Men ‘97 You Cowards!, X-Men: The Motion Picture, Flesh (I am so sorry for the moment of Flesh), 2000AD, Charlie’s Comic Marathons, Charlie posing like Jeff Goldblum from that photo, Shako: The Only Bear on the CIA Death List, Miles’ cunning trap, Neelix was assistant to the engineer, Dunking on Lovecraft, Cronenberging, HG Wells’ The Time Machine, Miles could say pretty much anything about what happens on Blake’s 7 and Charlie will believe it, Legion of Super-Heroes’ Evolvo Lad, The Outer Limits, David McCallum, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Fly, naming your child Khaleesi, Only Fools & Horses, everything better that debuted at the same time as Shatner’s album, Snoopy music, Leslie Nielsen, SNL skits, Andrew Ryan, Shatner trying to be a playful scamp, Shit my dad says, who would be a better Cyrano? The Free Design, Miles’ record collection, The Simpsons, Ranma ½, She Lies With Angels, Miles’ choice of song to sing in the style of William Shatner, The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins, casting Alan Moore in Lord of the Rings, Charlie’s funny ears, Poirot facial hair (again). Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
SHOWNOTES Great Scott! We’ve a new season of Discovery starting this week and Miles and Charlie want in on all the possible synergy and sponsorship deals talking about BRAND NEW STAR TREK should entail. But we weren’t invited to the premier and Miles has just discovered ‘Taskmaster’ so he has no time to fly anywhere, but what they do have is the Trailer on YouTube and they spend a lot of time on YouTube. So our brave explorers have picked three episodes which might have a connection to what might happen in the show. In ‘Captain’s Holiday,’ we see Picard take the right holiday on the wrong planet, in ‘Reflections,’ Boimler and Mariner attend a Job’s Fair while Rutherford discovers he’s not the man he used to be, or thought he used to be and in ‘Minefield,’ we see Reed be THE MOST BRITISH MAN in Star Trek as we finally tackle the prequel episode to ‘Dead Stop’ (See our 2023 Halloween Episode- Holodeck of Horror’) as we prepare to hit our 100th episode episode of Star Trek next episode! Captain’s Holiday: 00:16:45 Reflections: 00:43:23 Minefield: 01:05:22 TALKING POINTS INCLUDE: Professor Benny Summerfield, Dune Part 2, how we sometimes don’t look at the knock-on effects of flops on art, Dune 2’s white saviour narrative, Christopher Walken giving no fucks, Miles’ Walken impression if lackluster, changes to Dune, Miles can’t tell what will or will not scare his wife anymore, ‘I Love Rock ‘N Roll’ WASN’T by Aerosmith? That’s news to Miles! DRINKING GAME: Take a shot every time Miles says the phrase ‘Such and Such wants to ride Picard’s Sexy Bald Head.’ Patrick Stewart has, by this point in the show, become a damn maniac, Patrick Stewart’s infidelities, less complext Farenghi, the Bill and Ted school of Time-Travelling Archeology, Patrick Stewart’s ego, Gene is complicated sexually, Miles needs to cut Twitter out, Lewis Capaldi might be the next Ed Sheeran. One more ALLAMARAINE. Jerky Tech-Bro Rutherford, Miles is very eagle-eyed when it comes to the show dropping hints, AM= After Moopsy. Fantastic Store was a Brighton-based comic shop in the 90s that sadly closed by decade’s end. Miles has made another Starbucks think they’re cursed. How the uniforms have some character to them. Charlie has played GURPS, Bowie and Waites, not great shop music, the episode stops dead as Miles and Charlie count how many episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise they’ve each recapped, Miles sings a little song, no, it’s not the theme tune to Blake’s 7. Shadey Romulan Tech (not Tek), Reed is a self-sacrificing smeghead, he’s also too British, Charlie started reading 2000ad, chunky tech and props, one of our mission statements was to find GOOD episodes of Enterprise and we have. We’ve now almost seen ONE EIGHTH of Star Trek, for better or worse.
Look out, the Holodeck’s malfunctioning and we’re all trapped inside! And the safety protocols have been disabled! And the holograms are self aware! Today we’re looking at the Holodeck in three different shows and all the horrors it can cause. First up is The Big Sleep, which introduces Picard as the private dick, Dixon Hill and his entourage can’t stop touching things. We also both attempt to re-create Picard’s epic speech from the end of the episode. Then we’ve got Kobayashi, where Dal tries to get through a Holodeck Kobayashi Maru with some of the best people in Starfleet (and Odo who’s not technically part of Starfleet). Finally, Bashir and a very sassy Garak play at spies in Our Man Bashir, facing death traps and their comrades who think they’re characters in a campy spy film! We also get into some musical acts who gave us psychic damage, a nemesis of the pod and use this as an excuse to talk about a rare musical track that’s featured in an episode. 00:09:54 TNG: The Big Sleep 00:40:29 Prodigy: Kobayashi 01:03:12 DS9: Our Man Bashir Talking points include: Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light, Arnold Judas Rimmer, Dune (1984), Dune (the SyFy movie), Sting’s movie career, Lil Gator, the Pokemon Fuecoco, Dead Ringers, The Maltese Falcon, Miles’ patronising clapping, Charlie’s egg-shaped head, the facial hair of all the different Poirots, D&D novels, Macross, Reboot, Ba Weep Granna Weep Ninny Bong, LA Confidential, Blob Detective, Red Harvest, Brad Dourif, Thunderstruck, Rock Band, Maximum Overdrive, Star Wars: Rebels, Pandemic, Will Self & Gareth Gates’ musical career, Explaining The Wombles & Britpop to Americans, James Bond movies, The Man from UNCLE, Alien, LeCarre, GoldenEye. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
SHOW NOTES: Because Miles’ schedule sometimes means he has to prioritise other shows, even shows that aren’t ours, we decide to do something quick and off the cuff and we end up with one of our longest episodes, go figure. Of course, we got Miles to talk about Doctor Who, what did we think would happen because that boy goes feral pretty quickly! Mainly talking about the four recent Doctor Who specials put on in the last few months, the boys talk toot about Star Beast’s, body horror and Ncuti Gatwa’s energy before Charlie asks Miles a lot of strange and stupid questions about Doctor Who and we lose the plot and our remaining sanity really damn quickly! The Star Beast (08:19) Wild Blue Yonder (25:57) The Giggle (45:00) The Church on Ruby Road (53:10) Silly and Insane Questions (1:15:11) The music for the opening and closing is ‘Who is the Doctor’ by Jon Pertwee. Yes. Him. TALKING POINTS INCLUDE: Why Miles doesn’t want to host a Doctor Who podcast. Miles’ application of ‘Get it done and go to the pub’ theory of how to deal with any job as applied to TV Production. The struggle of ongoing media to maintain a schedule. The theatrical camp charm of Classic Who. The number of actors from the era of Television we’re talking about whose Wiki articles usually end with ‘Death from complications due to Alcoholism’ is incredibly large and no joke. The curse of Doctor Who being that Modern Doctor Who can never look cheap ever again.Drinking Game Rules for this episode: Take a shot every time Charlie says Disney Money. Two shots if he sounds vaguely contemptuous. Watching the BBC have to learn how to do effects heavy shows. Red Dwarf. Differences between ‘Doctor Who and the Star Beast’ (Doctor Who Weekly) and ‘The Star Beast’ the TV Special. The different looks about the Meep, Miles’ wife’s massive Pokemon Plushie collection (which Miles doesn’t have a problem with). Traditional 2005-2009 Who. Miles doesn’t like the 10th Doctor (SHOCK), the alien-ness of the Doctor, Capaldi and the guitar, Charlie’s inability to watch the 90s X-Men cartoon, Miles’ issues with the Whittaker-era and what they could have done, Wild Blue Yonder, Event Horizon, Sunshine, Honestly, another drinking game rule at this point, if we mention Video Box and the 90s, take a shot, what parts of Doctor Who Miles finds scary, Silent Hill 2 (a game Miles wants to play) Body Horror for Kids. Miles compliments David Tennant’s acting. Mean Monsters, Neil Gaiman-y ways of looking at the world. Miles admits Logopolis’ hard SF and entropy is silly to him. Is magic real in Doctor Who? Magic being turned into a skill tree, Brandon Sanderson, Miles goes on FAR TOO LONG about Dragonball Z Power Levels. The Giggle and how Neil Patrick Harris has ruined the name AH-MEE POND for Miles and Reanna. The Bi-Generation as a way of tying up all our baggage before new baggage, Ncuti Gatwa’s incredible energy from the word GO, The Church on Ruby Road, the Doctor’s mental health, RTD taking notes from Moffat’s beats, Charlie always has time for The Leftovers, Christopher Eccleston’s American accent game is strong both here and in Night Country, Miles’ generally aparthy towards Star Wars: Ahsoka made him start crawling back to Doctor Who, Planet of the Daleks isn’t great, but it’s fun, Charlie’s old rewatch and Morris Men ARE Evil, Miles’ own rewatch and where he’s at (FUTURE MILES here, The Myth Makers… not great) Miles and Charlie will never escape Blackface, Series 3 follies and the shows stumbling blocks that’ll never really go away until Troughton, the show’s changes for better and worse, Charlie was asked to provide insane, stupid questions and HE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT. Miles loves ‘The Mutants’ (although it turns out Charlie was actually going to be watching ‘The Sea Devils.’ Biggs Darklighter sans Porn Stache. PEDANT CORNER: The video Miles mentions that posits 50 years of American Doctor Who is here: and watch it, it’s great.
We’ve been Borged! Oh no! Specifically, we’ve been I, Borged as each of today’s Borg-themed episodes are based in some way around Hugh Borg. I don’t think Borg’s his surname, but I don’t recall hearing any other name for him. First up is I, Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Crusher and LaForge have a new pet and it’s a deadly Borg! A traumatised Picard’s eager to use him to do a genocide and Guinan’s with him. Oh no! Second we have Star Trek: Lower Decks’ I, Excretus where attempts to perfect a Holodeck trial lead to Boimler getting a bit too close to the Borg and some fun, awful scenarios which happen when Upper and Lower Decks have to swap. Finally there’s Picard’s Impossible Box, which turns out to be both a Borg Cube used for rehab and a puzzle box that a weird hot Romulan uses for meditation when he’s not getting way too close to his sister. Picard has a nice reunion with Hugh and there’s a Lord of the Rings Elf who’s there for some reason. 09:28 Star Trek: The Next Generation “I, Borg” 37:38 Star Trek: Lower Decks “I, Excretus” 59:44 Picard “The Impossible Box” Pedant’s Corner: Charlie is going to have to recap Star Trek: Nemesis Alice Krige’s surname is pronounced “Kree-Guh” Talking points include: Battle Angel Alita, Tetsuo: The Iron Man, Reanna being cancer free, Berserk, Joe Abercrombie, James Barclay, Elric, Picard would make a great Number Two in The Prisoner, Visionaries, X-Men: Fatal Attraction, Batman hologram trading cards, Matlock Bath’s Hologram Museum, Star Wars: Dark Droids, Whoopi Goldberg would make a great Doctor Who, a poop joke, Nemesis of the Pod Ed Sheeran, Funny Games, James VanDerBeek, not forgiving people for reminding us that Young Sheldon exists, mocking Geoff Johns’ career again, crowbarring The Legion of Super-Heroes into a recap, pesto, Grant Morrison, The X-Men’s Sentient Danger Room, being tired old men, Bond themes, Miles’ issues with James Bond, Alan Partridge, Orbital’s The Box, Evil Goth Merlin from the TV Show Merlin, Elnor is an elf ranger, Elnor has taken a level in rogue, Elnor has only seen the Lord of the Rings movies (probably not even the extended versions), Elnor saw the 90’s Three Musketeers or the Paul Anderson one, Rifts (Charlie will never run Rifts), JJ Abrams naming, weird incest siblings, Penny Dreadful, a weird The Cube room. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
We’ve got a guest star! Celeste of the Nerd & Tie Podcast and Celeste is Best joins the casual crew this episode to talk about the Trill. The species has always been a fascinating one and science fiction stand-in for conversations about gender and identity, so the three of us are going to delve into that in three different shows. Star Trek: The Nest Generation’s “The Host” is the introduction to the Trill who look a little strange compared to what we’re used to. There’s a romance, a death and Riker volunteers to get a slug put in him. We also spend time in the Enterprise salon with our hands in some green goo. In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s “Rejoined” Jazdia Dax meets her wife from a former life and the pair hit it off, even though they’re not supposed to in Trill lore. Kira’s a good comrade, Bashir’s a fifth wheel and we get a touching love story in this episode. Finally in Star Trek: Discovery’s “Forget Me Not”, new arrival Adira is having problems being a human host to a Trill symbiont, so we journey through memories and buck traditions while Saru’s having to learn how to get his crew of overachieving nerds to chill out a bit. This was a really fun episode to make, even though there are some audio issues we’ve hopefully ironed out and one of us didn’t do the right homework. 00:05:30 Trill 00:07:55 Celeste’s history with Star Trek 00:10:29 What Non-Star Trek Thing Have People Been Enjoying? 00:21:51 TNG: The Host 00:52:30 DS9: Rejoined 01:22:05 DISCO: Forget Me Not Pedant’s Corner: The governor was Leka Trion, not Leka Tyrion. Damn you, autocorrect! Eastenders had a brief flash-forward to build suspense for their Christmas 2023 episode Burnham’s Captain Catchphrase is, “Let’s Fly” Talking points include: Venom, Maggott, Mr Mind, 52, Doctor Who, apparently Americans don’t know when an American’s putting on an English accent, Transformers/Star Trek crossovers, yuri anime, I’m in Love with the Villainess, Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady, The Executioner and Her Way of Life, Gundam, Dark Shadows, Degrassi’s zombie and Terminator webseries which genuinely happened, Grange Hill, EastEnders, Arthurian Mythology, Fantastic Four, The Curse, Nathan Fielder in general, Lynch, Wandavision, The Bear, Miles watches Zardos so much he was probably watching it while we were recording, Meatloaf, The Enterprise has a salon?, Game of Thrones’ approach to siblings, what sad loser YouTube channels would have been doing in the 80’s, Avatar, homosexuality in the very early 90’s, Northstar, Pasíon de las Pasiones, slightly less psychic damage from Mariah Carey, the Tom Tom Club, Weird Al, Weird Science, Revenge of the Nerds, untrustworthy practitioners of close-up magic, New BSG, Helix, Dawson’s Creek is better in the original Klingon, Michael Scott is so devoted to profit, appropriating ‘not my cup of tea’, Quinton Reviews also giving us psychic damage, The Orville, Jessie Gender, X-Men, pointed sticks, Buster Keaton. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Celeste is Best YouTube Channel: The Nerd & Tie Podcast: Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog: The sound effect “Landline phone pick up angry” is by FilmCow
Playing in the Time Hole

Playing in the Time Hole


SHOW NOTES: We’re throwing ourselves through The Time Tunnel as Casual Trek decides to travel back to the past and to the future in a discussion about Time Travel. Kirk, Spock and Erickson (who is THE worst) break history and Spock have to fix it in ‘Yesteryear’, Janeway and Paris have to dress up in Burger King Uniforms when they travel back in time a day in ‘Time and Again’ and La’an and A Kirk try out poutine and Chess hustle in Toronto in Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Episodes include TAS: Yesteryear (14:38) VOY: Time and Again, (37:17) and SNW: Tomorrow And Tomorrow And Tomorrow (1:07:10) Talking Points include: We never know anything about The Time Tunnel, David McCallum’s The Invisible Man Fleshsuit, Roger Corman’s ‘The Terror,’ The Monkees’ movie- Head, 90s Direct to Video Movies, Shin Kamen Rider and all the excitement that entailed, Miles’ Mum’s past as a teeny bopper, Stevem Segal, Sarek is still the worst father in all of Trek, He-Man fashion and Godzilla’s sound effects, the cavalier use of the Guardian of Forever, no-one cares about Erickson, how the shorter run time of The Animated Series means we have to rush through some pacing issues, the Grandfather Paradox, what to do when you meet your younger self, Charlie tried to make both Long Hair and Fetch happen, giving our younger self some good music, Miles thought Cotton Eyed Joe was a meme only, 4Chan, the podcast Inform, Educate, Entertain, the terrible outfits that look like Burger King uniforms, the Prime Directive, does travelling back a day count as time travel? How protesters are seen in pop culture in the 90s, child death and endangerment, why isn’t time travel a course in Starfleet Academy, how double-dating with siblings is weird and neither of us like the idea, how Voyager completely didn’t go in a way Miles found potentially interest way back in episode 1 of the show. Tom Paris, Leave that Child Bride Alone! Time travel episodes of Red Dwarf. How Mornington Crescent made one of Miles’ university tutors unfriend him on Facebook. The best Shakespeare quotes for future episodes of Star Trek, how Canada has been used for everything, sliding timescales both in Star Trek and the Marvel Comics and how the Time War in Doctor Who ended up causing it’s own problem, how Strange New Worlds reacts to Time Travel much differently from TOS. PEDANTS CORNER: Nothing to be Pedantic about this week, if you see something we missed, let us know! NEXT WEEK: We get a Guest-Star in Celeste as we talk about the Trills.
Wild Wild West

Wild Wild West


It’s the wicki wicki wild Wild West! We’re putting on our worst cowboy voices and donning some coconuts so it sounds like we’re on horseback as we go into the Holodeck or to worlds where things are suspiciously like The Ancient West. A Fistful of Datas has Worf resentfully taking his son to the Holodeck during downtime only for things to go awry after Data gets plugged into the ship. We also get Troi living her best life as a Western LARPer. The Spectre of the Gun puts the away team into a weird half-built Wild West set where they’re the villains in a no-win scenario and Chekhov gets to romance an alien dream construct that looks like a woman. North Star is a good episode of Enterprise, where Archer, T’Pol and Trip have to deal with the descendents of Ancient West folks who were abducted by aliens centuries ago and are now oppressing the descendents of their captors. 00:06:32 - Westerns 00:16:28 - Star Trek TNG: “A Fistful of Datas” 00:37:16 - Star Trek TOS: “The Spectre of the Gun” 01:00:54 - Enterprise: “North Star” Somehow Charlie forgot to mention that instead of playing “Cowboys and Indians” as a kid, his father made him play “Christians and Heathens”. Also there was a moment where Charlie spent too long talking about the Legion of Super-Heroes and we cut that. If you want Charlie to annoy Miles with pointless Legion of Super-Heroes trivia, tell us and we’ll do an episode on the Star Trek/Legion comic! Talking points include: Deadwood, Westworld, Red Dead Redemption, The Between: Ghosts of El Paso, the Quick and the Dead, Star Wars, Firefly, Blake’s 7, The Prisoner, Red Dwarf, Worf doesn’t get Worfed, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Doomlord, Dogville, Gunfight at the OK Corral, The Hayes Code, specifically NOT the Legion of Super-Heroes after Charlie explained Ultra Boy’s origin to Miles, Unforgiven, 24, Quantum Leap, Gilmore Girls, Doctor Who. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Pedant’s Corner: Emily Bergl who played the teacher here and Francie in Gilmore Girls played the roles about 10 months apart. Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
Another Casual Christmas

Another Casual Christmas


It’s Christmas Day and we’re giving you the gift of a new episode of Casual Trek and we’re now, as is traditional, gifting each-other an episode of Star Trek each to cover for the holiday season. There must be something in the air because both Miles and Charlie decide to go with a nice present instead of any potential lumps of coal. Miles desire to make reperations for Tek War results in us getting a good example of film noir in Deep Space 9’s Necessary Evil while Charlie gifts Miles a chance to talk about both racism and post-war SF with Far Beyond the Stars, another Deep Space 9 classic, thank goodness there’s seven season of Deep Space 9 or we might be in trouble! Episodes include DS9: Necessary Evil (13:49) and DS9: Far Beyond the Stars (41:44) Talking Points include: Christmas Traditions with the family, The Goes Wrong Show and Fawlty Towers, Is there a bad episode of DS9? The strange Mandela Effect of the Meat Loaf song ‘I Would Do Anything For Love.’ Thanks to the court case, we are now no longer allowed to say that Sean Orange pays for Twitter while then going on to probably offend all our US listeners, while Charlie makes some small attempt to curb his unreasoning hatred of Blake’s 7 (Miles wrote these notes BTW) Yes, we’re doing Threshold when we hit the 100th episode of Star Trek covered for the show. Miles’ Most Passive Aggressive Handover at Starbucks. Prequels needlessly making big introductions of everything, including Hercules Poirot’s mustaches. Quark’s Code-switching. Hiding stuff in walls. Miles has been a dick at many a job. The closest character we could compare Odo to is Judge Dredd… not great. Claude Raines in Casablance. How long can a collaborator remain on the sidelines? One more ALLAMARAINE for the season. We’ll see how long it takes Charlie to hate Blake’s 7 again. SF Writers of the Post-War Age, Golden Age vs. New Wave, Policy Brutality, The Harlem Renaissance, LET’S GET POLITICAL AT CHRISTMAS TIMES, don’t trust Centrists, Police Brutality in Riverdale, the ideas of Science-Fiction that can change the world, THE CURRENT EDITOR IN CHIEF OF MARVEL PRETENDED TO BE JAPANESE IN ORDER TO GET WRITING GIGS, the problems with our Big List, what is a ‘Unit of Star Trek,’ Top Trumps, the NPR Star Wars Radio Dramas PEDANT NOTES: Miles refers to Kira as a Collaborator instead of a resistance fighter as I meant to. Claude Reins doesn’t shoot the Nazi in Casablanca, but helps cover up Rick’s role. NEXT WEEK: Saddle up partner as we head to the Wild West… in Space!
Casual Tek

Casual Tek


Welcome to Casual Tek, a podcast all about the prose of William Shatner! Is that not what we’re doing here? Well, if only because we could use the name “Casual Tek” it is this time! After months of Charlie trying and failing to get a copy of TekWar he finally has one, so it’s time for he and Miles to delve into William Shatner’s attempt at a cyberpunk noir tale. We do some reading from the book and try to explain what TekWar’s about, what the technology’s like and then desperately want to take some Tek in order to forget this reading experience! Normal service will be resumed shortly as we’ll be returning to Star Trek to ‘gift’ each other an episode in time for Christmas. 0:00 - A Dramatic reading from the introduction of the book 23:32 - We actually start talking about TekWar 34:51 - Miles tries to explain TekWar From there we kind of go all over the place. Talking points include: NaNoWriMo, Blade Runner, Film Noir, Cyberpunk, Johnny Mnemonic, CyberPunk 2020, ShadowRun, that neon clubwear shop in Sydney Street in Brighton, The Big Lebowski, Gerry Anderson’s UFO, Geek Syndicate, Monarch, Transformers, Garth Marenghi, Breakfast in the Ruins, Tarnsmen of Gor, James Herbert, Just King Things, I Don’t Even Own a Television (RIP), Ed Brubaker, Agatha Christie, World of Darkness 1 point Disadvantages, Lost, Red Dwarf, Judge Dredd, faxes, the times Charlie threw his Kindle, Fifty Shades of Grey. Oh, and of course TekWar! Pedant’s Corner: The cover image is not what Ron Goulart looks like Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network The FontStruction “TekWar” by V. Sarela is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license. Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
SHOW NOTES: November will come and go as does our two-part look into Season 2 of Short Treks. Miles is trying to make sure we keep to time, but in attempting to sound high energy and keep things moving, he sounds like he’s about to try and throttle Charlie through the Zencastr feed. The first few minutes are a little scratchy in places, but it improves. Spock is a little shouty on his first day on the job as Una makes him engage in Q&A while Edward’s attempts at being THAT coworker ends in Tribble-y horror in ‘The Trouble with Edward.’ Captain Pike tries out some interesting headware in ‘Ask Not’ and after that, things get animated with ‘Ephraim and Dot’ and ‘The Girl Who Made the Stars’ although one of these feels more Trek In Name Only than the other. Then, to round it all off, Charlie’s struggles for completion end with a look at the ‘Children of Mars’ and it all gets a bit sad. Next Episode finally sees us do something we’ve been threatening for a while as we look at William Shatner’s first attempt at a novel as we make the audience finally learn about Tek War!!! Q&A (2:46) The Trouble with Edward (9:09) Ask Not (18:17 Ephraim and Dot (24:47) The Girl Who Made the Stars (30:23) Children of Mars (35:46) Talking points include: We still don’t like Ed Sheeran and we never will. Why is America obsessed with Gilbert and Sullivan? Goodness Gracious Me. Miles totally refers to women as females while complaining about men who call women females. As they say in Wisconsin, Ope. Miles once again makes working at Starbucks sound like the bloody Borgias. British Opinions on American Gun Control. How Starfleet Academy decides to do secret tests of character is utterly batshit. The Utopian Federation has NO Human Resources Department. Miles had his phone on and got texted, naughty naughty. Kirk Thatcher is the only Thatcher we stan. Stormzy sounds like someone we would know in Brighton. A song we refuse to listen to, even more than anything from Shearan. Miles’ opinion on what is THE WORST Christmas Pop Song and despite their vitriolic reaction to Mariah Carey, it’s not her. Live Aid. Children of Men, Dune, Earth, whatever… Yes, Miles has actually been in a fight at school. Better slowed down Bowie songs to use instead of ‘Heroes.’ The ‘Believe’ advertising campaign for Halo 3. Fortnite… Oh, and a little thing called ‘Star Trek.’ Pedant’s Corner- ‘Goodness Gracious Me’ was a 90s BBC sketch show with an entirely English Asian cast and writers and highlighted the culture clashes of Indian’s living in Englad. It would probably be seen as ‘Woke Pandering’ by certain people today.
SHOW NOTES It's November, so our Casual Explorers have novels to write, but we also want to bring you the innovative Casual Content you crave, so we're going to go through all of Short Trek in a two part binge. We've make some new friends alongside Tilly as we discover that Ice Cream isn't a universal constant like Sweedish Meatballs (Babylon 5 fans will get that one) in Runaway while in the far-future, things feel a bit like the opener to most RPGs with FPS mechanics in Calypse. After that, things go a little bit folk horror for the Kelpians as we get Saru's secret origin in The Brightest Star while Miles becomes disturbingly obsessed with saying 'Jippers on a Beach' like he's Harry Mudd in The Escape Artists. Next episode will see us wrap up the Short Excursion with the second season of Short Treks!- 8:01- Runaway (ST)- 19:21- Calypso (ST) - 29:21- The Brightest Star (ST) - 39:17- The Escape Artists (ST) Talking points include- Harlan Ellison's agressive tendencies, The Exorcist II: The Heretic, Wes Anderson and The Wonderful World of Henry Sugar, Charlie hates Maroon 5 (But when pressed on this, he simply replied 'Who Doesn't?'), we had a LOT of music on this one, Asteroid City, folk horror, Bioshock and RPGS with First Person Shooter Tendencies, Classic Doctor Who fans having very obsessive tendencies, every time Charlie talks about Delgrassi Junior High, he paints an ever more disturbing image of a Canadian Teen Drama written and directed by Sam Peckinpah, Quinton Review's Long YouTube Videos about Carly 101 and VicTORIous, Rick and Morty and apparantly the British being unable to pronounce anyone's names correctly. Pedants Corner: Miles is editing the two Short Trek episodes and that has inspired him to take some of the editing load off Charlie giving them both one episode a month to edit, there may be a few spotty edits, but there we go. The Quinton Review discussion went in a few tangents dealing with personal stuff that both Miles and Charlie decided were best left out of the episode itself. Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network The List is here: Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
Holodeck of Horror!

Holodeck of Horror!


It’s Halloween, so it’s time for spooky episodes of Star Trek! There are some ominous cucumber sandwiches, some salt and a lot of air vents this year! The Man Trap gives us the classic TOS villain of the Salt Vampire and some shapeshifting shenanigans. There’s also an amazing glove puppet plant. Dead Stop has a brightly-lit rest stop with offers that are too good to be true. Including why it was on ‘spookiest Star Trek episode’ listicles. Persistence of Vision brings us some horror in the Delta Quadrant as it looks like Janeway’s losing her mind. The characters and sandwiches from her Gothic novel holodeck program are appearing in the real world! 10:22 - The Man Trap (TOS) 37:58 - Dead Stop (Enterprise) 1:05:02 - Persistence of Vision (Voyager) Miles guested on Breakfast in the Ruins where he talked about some more of James Herbert’s rat books! Talking points include: James Herbert, Classic Dr Who, Talking Heads: Stop Making Sense, Rupert & The Frog Song, The Wicked + The Divine, Yellow Submarine, paintballing, Werewolf, Doctor Zachary Smith, Seth MacFarlane, Logan’s Run, The Mountain Goats, Lost, Robson & Jerome, PJ & Duncan, Todd in the Shadows’ review of From Justin to Kelly, Cube, The OC, Miami Vice, some Cube 2: Hypercube action, space in Star Trek is Warhammer terrifying, Stargate Universe, Dead Space, Mariah Carey has traumatised us both, Bothans, Mass Effect 2 Relationship Choices and a budget Colin Firth. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Pedants Corner: Miles should have said Series One, not Season One of Dr Who, but he was having fun and that level of pedantry is more Charlie’s thing Miles was right, Sunshine Superman is indeed a DC Comics character Charlie means that Seth MacFarlane might have gone back in time in a Trials and Tribble-ations way, not a Trouble with Tribbles way Apparently Harry Kim’s girlfriend Libby is actually real. Who knew? Charlie has now seen Taylor Swift: Eras and it was very good. Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
In today’s episode we’re having a look at Worf, a character who’s a rare series regular between two whole Star Trek shows. We wanted to have a look at some early stories of him in both TNG and DS9 and they both ended up being about bad actors wanting to ‘Make Qo’NoS Great Again’ in their own ways. First we’ve got some rebellious Klingons making trouble in the Neutral Zone and Worf’s first time being torn between his new friends and his work friends in “Heart of Glory”. Then we’re over to some rash decisions from the Klingon Empire as they decide to invade Cardassia right after it’s had a rebellion against its own government in “Way of the Warrior Parts 1 & 2”. This is a big, status quo changing episode with a lot of fun guest stars like friend of the pod Gul Dukat, Martok and the glorious eyes of Gowron. 0:19:39 TNG: Heart of Glory 0:49:49 DS9: Way of the Warrior Part 1 & 2 Just so you know Miles was beeping a little as the batteries on his explosive collar were running low. I edited around the beeps a lot, but there are a few still in there. - C Talking points include: our reasons for covering this episode, manifesting a god by having enough people scream at a road, The Exorcist, Brad Dourif being a moist serial killer, Brad Dourif being a good egg in Deadwood, Goodfellas (apparently that is Ray Liotta’s real laugh), the works of M-Scoz, Kylie Minogue, Rick Astley, Bill Bailey’s Klingonness, Blake’s 7, Classic Doctor Who, The Simpsons, ValSpeak, Shenmue, Wing Commander, The Young Ones, Babylon 5, Red Dwarf, Brian K Vaughan, Mystique, Star Wars and space battles, event comics, and Gengar. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Pedant’s Corner: Sweeps weeks are when people like Nielsen do their ratings calculations, so channels often pulled big stunts to try and get people watching. We didn’t know AGIMUS was going to come back when this was recorded The decision and placement of Way of the Warrior was quick, even if it was sidetracked by several tangents Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
Humans: The Fleshening

Humans: The Fleshening


It’s time for Casual Trek and oh no… Earth’s been infiltrated by aliens! Thanks to the generosity of Ko-Fi donor Cheryl, we’re talking about aliens on Earth. We’ve got a Chakotay episode of DS9 where he might well bone down with a Species 8472. Also what the fuck is Pon’Far night? Then we’ve got the story of the real First Contact in Enterprise, with a cosy story about Vulcans living among us. Then we get decidedly un-cosy as Enterprise embraces the War on Terror era derangements of America and suffers from a bit of the old xenophobia just in time for our ship to get home. We also get some manpain from Captain Archer and Trip being encouraged to disrupt a Vulcan wedding. 13:53 Voyager “In the Flesh” 43:40 Enterprise “Carbon Creek” 1:13:45 Enterprise “Home” Talking points include: X-Files, They Live, Jaws, Yahoo Serious, Rabbit Proof Fence, Are Australian filmmakers alright?, Waking Fright, Muriel’s Wedding, the Australian Ultraman Show, knifey spoony, Wanderhome, Holly by Stephen King, Classic Dr Who, Pink Floyd, Battlestar Galactica (2004), My Favourite Martian, X-Treme X-Men, Space: Above and Beyond, Lost, Quantum Leap, a horrific hypothetical Only Fools & Horses: The Nest Generation, The Truman Show, Dan O’Bannon, Coldplay, buskers, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Riverdale, Twilight Zone, 52, Quantum Leap, Lord of the Rings, whatever happened to Robbie Williams?, that time Dr Samuel Beckett never returned home, Halo, Anakin Skywalker at a good event, a case of the Jack Bauers, quiet issues of X-Men, The Graduate, Manpain in Modern Dr Who. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Pedant’s Corner: Dan O’Bannon wrote Dark Star & Alien, but Rockne O’Bannon made Farscape The Thanksgiving issue of Uncanny X-Men was 308 Yes I know T’Pol’s mum is T’Les, but in the moment T’Mum sounded better Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
We’ve got our first guest star in today’s episode as we get the nonstop machine of comics crowdfunding Matthew Hardy to join us in talking about the First Lady of Star Trek: Majel Barrett! Majel’s been in so many episodes, hell, so many SERIES of Star Trek over the years, so there’s a lot to work with here. We’ve got shockingly little Majel in the TOS episode that ostensibly is a spotlight focus on her. Then we’re in to the wild world of Lwaxana Troi as she gets kidnapped by Ferengi in TNG and that version of the Ferengi are the absolute worst. Like Internet Guy worst. Finally we get a surprisingly nice pairing of Lwaxana and Odo stuck in a lift together as a weird life form from the Gamma Quadrant has got into the computers. 20:13 TOS: What Are Little Girls Made of? 48:37 TNG: Ménage a Troi 1:11:18 DS9: The Forsaken Talking points include: Westworld (both flavours), Babylon 5, Only Murders in the Building, Righteous Gemstones, Adam X the X-Treme, Ahsoka, Classic Dr Who, FMV PC games, Charlie’s back on his Lost bullshit, From, Amnesiac City, Two time GLAAD award winner Peter Allan David, The Matrix, Terminator, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, The UK Office amount of awkwardness, Shoggoths, Tiny Clangers, The Prisoner, Legion of Super-Heroes fashion, Mario Kart-based declarations of love, Vampire: The Masquerade, The Mos Eisley Cantina Band, Lucille Bluth, Lwaxana Troi going full Mrs Bennet, Picard giving it all Shakespeare, More Classic Dr Who, Lord of the Rings for the SNES, Gilmore Girls, Tamagochi, War of the Worlds. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. A surprising amount of Star Trek this time… Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto, our guest star was Matt Hardy Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Matt’s Kickstarter for Thunder Child: Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog: Pedant’s Corner: Gap-wise, the gap between TOS finishing & TNG airing was 18 years, the gap between Enterprise finishing and Discovery airing was 13 years “Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so” is the actual quote Charlie couldn’t think of the word “camper van” when describing From Memory Alpha’s reference to Lwaxana Troi saying she ‘made love’ to DaiMon Tog, has a link to an article on Oo-mox
Once More With Phasers

Once More With Phasers


We’re feeling a bit musical in today’s episode of Casual Trek. Charlie’s been eager to crowbar in a musical episode after realising it’ll get another episode of Picard ticked off our list, then Strange New Worlds provided us with the perfect opportunity to talk music! We’ve got three episodes all about music. First up is Voyager with a classic Hubris of The Doctor episode where some Space Karens get fascinated with his singing, but do they love him for him, or just his programming? We also end up talking about AI art and the content slurry of it all Then we’re over to Picard in heist mode as the gang need to get JL to give an inspirational speech to his ancestor to save all of time. What’s the best distraction? Music! Finally we’ve got the main event of the episode, Strange New Worlds doing a dedicated musical episode. We’ve got singing, dancing, a fairly thin plot but who cares when you can belt it out like these actors! 12:01 Voyager: Virtuoso 34:54 Picard: Two of One 53:32 Strange New Worlds: Subspace Rhapsody Talking points include: Hawkwind, the Eurovision Song Contest, Subwoolfer, the new Babylon 5 cartoon, The Poseidon Adventure, The Silt Verses (podcast & RPG), The Manics covering the MASH theme tune, Britpop, Miles’ poor taste Burroughs joke, Bono’s smugness, The Doctor being the third Crane brother, AI art, Paul Williams’ oeuvre, Neelix being a Phil Spector and/or a Del Boy of space, Only Fools & Horses, using Coldplay as white noise, The Borg Queen rips off Scorpius’ bit, an alternate casting choice for Professor X from the TNG cast, that time Professor X enslaved a sentient Danger Room, the Metropolis remake, Scott Pilgrim, Buffy, The Magicians, Riverdale, Dr Who’s musical audio episode, Macross, modern musicals, Across the Spider-Verse, Rocky Horror Picture Show, the Chuck Austen run of Charlie’s X-Men marathon. Oh, and occasionally Star Trek. Pedants Corner: James Newman was the “just some bloke” who the UK sent to Eurovision in 2021 Miles is not a Eurovision expert so he doesn’t know Wales don’t compete (although it’d be good if they did) and we’d gone on about Eurovision for long enough I didn’t want to go back and correct him Where’s all the Taylor Swift in episodes we’ve covered? Literally episode two when we covered Discovery’s pilot and also episode twelve in the Borg episode Pelia suggests the idea of beaming in a song to Uhura Casual Trek is by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn and Miles Reid-Lobatto Music by Alfred Etheridge-Nunn Casual Trek is a part of the Nerd & Tie Network Casual Trek’s Ko-Fi: Miles’ blog: Charlie’s blog:
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James Beattie

The best version of imagine is (Star Trek link) by Scott Bakula on Quantum Leap

Jul 24th
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