DiscoverModern Leadership: The Podcast
Modern Leadership: The Podcast
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Modern Leadership: The Podcast

Author: Marc Hildebrand

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This is the Modern Leadership podcast, where we empower leaders to excel in both business and family life. 

We believe in achieving massive business success without sacrificing precious family time or personal well-being. 

Our content is designed to help you connect deeper with your family, prioritize your physical and mental health, and build a business you love. 

Join us on this journey to YOUR version of success!

243 Episodes
Grab a copy of the book/audiobook from Amazon at: for the same price, get a FREE copy of the audiobook and PDF and a full month of support inside our Inner Circle family-driven entrepreneur community at: Modern Leader! Dive into this exclusive preview of "Mastering Your Life Through Self Coaching" by Marc Hildebrand. In this audiobook sample, Marc shares powerful insights from the first two chapters,...
Are you ready to skyrocket your business growth by not just doubling, but quadrupling your results? It's not just a dream—it's a reality that can happen when you master the Performance Triad! Join me as we delve into the transformative power of honing your focus on the activities that yield the biggest impact in your business and personal life.In this game-changing episode, we uncover the essence of the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle, and how identifying the vital 20% of your ...
Are you ready to accelerate your success in business, family, and health? In this transformative episode, we delve deep into strategies that don't just promise success—they ensure it, without the burnout!Join us as we uncover a revolutionary framework to win in business, foster deeper family connections, and prioritize your health—all FASTER than you ever thought possible. We’re not just talking about working harder; we’re focused on working smarter. Discover the key activities that make the ...
Are you struggling to succeed without sacrificing your health and family time? As a leader and entrepreneur, you understand the importance of making a huge impact on the world. But often, this requires extra time and effort, leading to burnout and neglecting other areas of your life. In this episode, we discuss the real issue of burnout and share strategies to prevent it. We dive into the common signs and symptoms of burnout, such as chronic fatigue, sleeping difficulties, emotional deta...
Feeling trapped in your 9-to-5 and dreaming of a grand escape? You're not alone, and we're here to light the way to freedom! In today's episode, "Unlock Your Exit Strategy: Skills to Ditch the 9-to-5," we dive deep into the essential skills you need to break free from the daily grind and embark on a journey of empowerment and success. We're not just talking about any skills; we're uncovering the personal journey of growth, the unique strengths you possess, and how to leverage them to cr...
Struggling to find time for a good night's sleep? Discover 5 easy strategies to enhance your sleep quality, even on your busiest days! In this insightful episode, we dive deep into practical methods to maximize your rest without compromising your hectic schedule. Whether you're a busy entrepreneur, a dedicated parent, or simply trying to juggle life's demands, these tips are tailored just for you.Learn how to challenge the myth that less sleep equals more productivity and uncover the tr...
Are you tirelessly chasing your business goals but can't seem to break through unseen barriers? It's time to discover the *4 Hidden Obstacles That Slowed Down Our Business Growth (And What We Did Instead)* that could be silently sabotaging your success! In this transformative episode, we're peeling back the layers to reveal the obstacles that held us back and how overcoming them catapulted us to leave our 9 to 5s and thrive in business. Dive deep with us as we unpack powerful insig...
Learn more about our Inner Circle where we will help you find THE RIGHT people to ask for advice from: felt trapped by what others might think of you? In this empowering episode, we're diving deep into how to overcome the fear of judgment and truly advance in life without the weight of others' opinions holding you back. Whether it's in business, personal growth, or anywhere in between, I've got you covered with real-life strategies and insigh...
Ever felt like you're the only thing standing in the way of your business success? Trust me, you're not alone. In this game-changing episode, we dive into the heart of why making business feels so hard and, more importantly, how you can stop sabotaging your success. Whether it's battling our brain's comfort-seeking tendencies or overcoming those inner voices telling you "it's too hard," we've got you covered with actionable insights and real-life examples that will shift your perspective.Disc...
Thinking about quitting your job for the freedom of entrepreneurship? WAIT! Before you make the leap, join us in our latest episode, where we dive deep into the crucial steps you need to consider before saying goodbye to your 9-5. From personal experiences of leaving corporate and law enforcement careers, to the lessons learned along our journey, we share the insider knowledge and strategies you won’t find anywhere else.Discover why timing is everything, the importance of financial and e...
Ever wondered how your beliefs about money are keeping you from unlocking your true earning potential? Let's dive deep into breaking free from those pesky money myths that are more like chains than beliefs. In this power-packed episode, we’re uncovering the secrets to redefining your relationship with money, and trust me, it’s a game-changer!From the inner workings of our Master Coach Training to real-life stories that'll make your jaw drop, we're not holding back. Discover why thinking...
Ever felt like the journey of entrepreneurship is testing your mental limits? You're not alone. In today's episode, "Secrets to Becoming a Mentally Strong Entrepreneur," I'm diving deep into the resilience and mental fortitude it takes to thrive in the business world. From handling setbacks to mastering the art of consistency, I'll share personal anecdotes and proven strategies that have powered me through the toughest times. Discover the transformative power of mental toughness and learn how...
Are you tired of the constant hustle but hungry for greater success? Welcome to our channel, where we flip the script on traditional leadership and business growth! In today's episode, "Unlock MORE Success with LESS Work: Our Top 10 Strategies," we're diving deep into the secrets behind achieving more by doing less. From redefining priorities to optimizing workflow and fostering deeper connections, we've mastered the art of balancing a thriving career, family life, and personal well-bei...
Feeling like there's never enough time to grow your business amidst the chaos of life? You're not alone! In our latest episode, "Grow Your Business When You Don't Have Time," we dive into the realities of juggling entrepreneurship with family, full-time jobs, and personal well-being. But here's the kicker – we've cracked the code on expanding your venture without sacrificing your precious time.Discover the strategies and insights we gleaned from our own journey, from leveraging pain points to...
Ever wondered how one mentor could completely transform your business landscape? In this episode, I share my personal journey with Josh Coats and how he revolutionized my approach to entrepreneurship. From battling the tides of self-doubt to achieving breakthrough success, this story isn't just mine—it could be yours too. Josh Coats isn't your ordinary mentor; he's a beacon of wisdom in coaching, leadership, and life balance. Drawing from his profound experiences and setbacks, Josh has m...
Ever dreamt of launching your own business but felt clueless about where to start making money? You're not alone! In this episode, I dive deep into "10 Ways People Start Making Money When They First Start Their Business," sharing real strategies and personal anecdotes to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey. From leveraging affiliate links to the power of freelancing, coaching, and even creating your own mini-courses, I've got you covered with actionable insights. But it's not just abo...
Struggling to strike that perfect chord between your professional aspirations and personal life? Look no further! Our newest video, "Elevate Your Impact: Video Strategies for Work-Life Harmony," is here to transform your approach to content creation. Uncover the secrets to connecting with the right audience, building trust swiftly, and crafting content that lasts, all while maintaining life's balance.Dive into a treasure trove of insights as we discuss how to tap into video tactics that reson...
In this episode we share 10 powerful strategies we've used to help ourselves and our clients get unstuck in their businesses (and life). Truth is I haven't met an entrepreneur who hasn't felt this way in their journey at some point. It's a totally normal feeling, but figuring out what to do next is critical. If you'd like some help with that so you can speed up this process, dive into this workshop to hear how we did it.And if you're someone who is feeling stuck right now, after w...
Ever struggle with finding the right words at the right moment? Whether it's steering a difficult conversation at work or addressing an emotional issue at home, mastering the art of communication is what we're diving into today. Join us as we explore the transformative power of emotional intelligence and leadership to talk to people the right way.In this episode, we unravel the essence of connecting with others effectively—be it with clients, kids, or during emotionally charged situations. We...
Are you striving for that elusive harmony between a thriving business and a fulfilled home life? You're in the right place. In this empowering interview with the incredible Alana Beittel, we delve into the art of balancing entrepreneurial success with deep connections at home. Alana, a master certified life and performance coach extraordinaire, shares transformative habits and insights on achieving the modern leadership dream – success without sacrifice.Discover the strategies that can uplift...
Comments (1)

Cody Essary

Please study GMO's for real..

Oct 28th
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