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The Thriver Talk Podcast

Author: Miguel Bautista

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My name is Miguel Bautista and I am fully recovered after suffering for years with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. After a very intense and emotional 4.5-year roller coaster ride my turning point came after a bad crash sent me to the hospital where I was completely bedridden for over a month unable to even turn over in bed. Luckily, that’s where I met a doctor gave me information (and along with that - hope) that would be key to my recovery.

In this Youtube Channel, I break down the science behind the root cause that was driving my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and related debilitating symptoms (severe fatigue, PEM, migraines, insomnia, intense heart palpitations, POTS, body tremors, muscle pain, and much more), as well as what I’ve done to heal myself from all these symptoms.

REMINDER: I am not a medical doctor or therapist. I am sharing my own experience and research. My video content is for information and educational purposes only. Please consult with your medical professional.
135 Episodes
Witness the inspiring transformation of Matt, who went from struggling with everyday tasks like climbing stairs to conquering intense workouts with determination and resilience. In this compelling video, we dive into Matt's journey through Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) recovery.    Discover the strategies, mindset shifts, and breakthroughs that propelled him from a place of limitation to a realm of strength and vitality. If you're seeking motivation and real-life success stories in your own recovery path, this video is a must-watch. Subscribe to CFS Recovery for more stories of triumph over adversity and practical insights for your own healing journey.
"It just really got to the point where I just couldn't move...   I was so bad, so much pain. The pain was unbearable. There wasn't one bit of my body that wasn't safe. I couldn't walk, I couldn't talk, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even turn around in bed. So it was just horrible. I remember thinking was the point.   Once I started getting better I felt so free and so accomplished, like I started having my life back. It just felt amazing. That's the only way I can describe it. It was just like being reborn again, having a second chance in life."
Join us as we sit down with Niki, a remarkable thriver who has defied the odds and reclaimed her life from the grips of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).    In this inspiring interview, Niki shares her incredible transformation, from being burdened with 14 different diagnoses to rediscovering the joy of living again. Witness the power of resilience and hope as Niki's story showcases the possibilities of recovery from CFS.
I wanted to share my interview with Nicole, one of the Recovery Jumpstart Thrivers who’s made amazing progress in 4 months.   "I had weeks and months where I was definitely housebound and bedbound, I had really brutal crashes where I couldn't speak..."   "I would actually lose my ability to move at all. Every single inch of my body was so heavy and felt like cement."   "I was hanging on for dear life...but here I am and I'm sitting comfortably. I've felt normal for the first time in six years."   After seven years of searching for a solution to her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Nicole found success with Recovery Jumpstart. Despite trying various online programs, books, and in-person therapies, nothing worked until she discovered our program. Unlike other solutions that expect members to process information and then still have the energy to apply it, Recovery Jumpstart focuses on delivering bite-sized, no-fluff videos that are easy to understand and apply directly to the individual. As a result, Nicole is now back to doing what she loves and is thriving.
Join us on CFS Recovery as we sit down with Annette, a remarkable thriver who defied the grip of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and experienced a full recovery. In this interview, Annette shares her inspiring story of going from being bedridden and unable to trust her own body to dancing for hours within just six months.   Like many others with CFS, Annette was once a Type-A, ambitious person with a demanding job and a rigorous exercise routine. However, the onset of CFS symptoms left her feeling scared and trapped, seeking answers from countless doctors but finding no relief or solutions. Her frustration grew as conventional treatments and tests yielded no conclusive results.   Everything changed when Annette discovered Miguel's content and the transformative program known as Recovery Jumpstart. Through this comprehensive recovery program, Annette gained the knowledge, tools, and support she needed to break free from the chains of CFS and start thriving again.   Don't miss this inspiring conversation with Annette as she shares her extraordinary path from bedridden to dancing for hours, proving that recovery from CFS is possible. Subscribe to CFS Recovery now and be inspired by stories of hope, resilience, and empowerment on the journey to reclaiming your life.
Have you ever experienced a defining moment in your recovery journey? A moment that changed everything and set you on a new path towards healing and growth?    In this video, we'll explore the concept of defining moments in recovery and how they can shape our lives for the better.    You'll learn how to recognize and create your own defining moments, and how to use them to propel yourself towards lasting change. So join us on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, and let's uncover your defining moments in recovery together!
Millions of people around the world suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, making it one of the most common health conditions. For many, standard treatments don't provide relief, so they're left searching for other options. Some people have found success in meditation as a way to ease their symptoms and improve their quality of life.    If you're struggling with CFS, consider giving meditation a try – you may be surprised at how well it works for you.
If you're struggling to make progress in your recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), you may be feeling frustrated and defeated. One of the key reasons for this lack of progress might be inconsistency in your approach. In this video, we'll explore why consistency is so important in CFS recovery and what you can do to improve it.    Whether you're just starting your journey or you've been trying to recover for a while, this video will give you the tools you need to get back on track and make meaningful progress toward a full recovery. Don't miss out on this important discussion about how to overcome one of the biggest challenges in CFS recovery!
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex and debilitating disorder that can make everyday activities seem impossible. People who suffer from CFS often feel like they're stuck in a never-ending cycle of fatigue and frustration. Fortunately, there are ways to speed up your recovery process.    In this video, we'll discuss the reasons why recovery may be taking longer than expected and share tips on how you can improve your health and wellbeing. Thanks for watching!
At some point, we've all been there. Our body is just not cooperating and it feels like every ounce of energy has been drained from our system. Maybe you're fighting off a cold or the flu, or maybe this is just a bout of bad luck. Whatever the case may be, when your body is crashing, it can be hard to know what to do next. Keep watching for tips to help you get through this tough time.
In this video, we unravel the mysteries surrounding these sensations and provide valuable insights into their potential causes and management strategies.   Discover the underlying factors that can contribute to vertigo and dizziness in individuals with CFS, and gain a deeper understanding of how these symptoms impact daily life. This video will guide you through practical techniques and self-care approaches to alleviate and manage these challenging symptoms.   If you're ready to gain insights into vertigo and dizziness in the context of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and discover strategies to manage these symptoms, this video is for you. Subscribe now to CFS Recovery and embark on a journey of understanding, empowerment, and relief.
If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, then you know that anxiety and depression are two of the most common side effects. However, what you may not know is that there is a strong link between these conditions and CFS.    In this video, we will explore the relationship between anxiety, depression, and CFS, and discuss how to manage these symptoms. We hope that this information will be helpful and inspiring for those who are struggling with these conditions. Thanks for watching!
Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to make any progress toward recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Are your days filled with a sense of hopelessness that comes with being chronically fatigued despite all the efforts to find relief? You are not alone.    While there may be many factors involved in why recovery is so difficult for CFS patients, one factor often forgotten is what I call “The Silent Killer of Recovery Progress”. In this video, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of this condition as well as looking at some strategies on how to break through it and start making real recovery gains again.
In this video, we delve into the subtle yet significant indicators that signal your healing and empower you to recognize the positive shifts occurring within your body and mind.   Discover the lesser-known signs of progress beyond the surface-level improvements, providing valuable reassurance and motivation on your recovery path. This video will share insights and experiences, shedding light on the hidden milestones that may often go unnoticed.   Learn how to identify these signs, such as increased energy reserves, improved cognitive function, better sleep quality, reduced symptom intensity, and enhanced emotional well-being. By recognizing and celebrating these small victories, you can gain a deeper sense of hope and confidence in your journey toward full recovery.   Embrace practical strategies for tracking and documenting your progress, fostering self-awareness, and cultivating a positive mindset. Discover the importance of patience, self-compassion, and acknowledging the incremental advancements that collectively contribute to your overall well-being.   If you're ready to unlock the secret signs of progress in your CFS recovery and gain a renewed sense of optimism, this video is a must-watch. Subscribe to CFS Recovery now and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and ultimate healing.
In this video, we explore the detrimental effects of comparing oneself to others and provide practical strategies to foster self-compassion and embrace your unique healing path.   Discover how comparison can hinder your progress, fuel self-doubt, and undermine your self-worth. This video will share insights, drawing from personal experiences and extensive research, to help you break free from the cycle of comparison and self-judgment.   Learn practical techniques to cultivate self-acceptance, embrace your individual journey, and focus on your personal progress. Discover the importance of setting realistic expectations, honoring your body's limitations, and celebrating your own achievements without measuring them against others.   Through inspiring stories and empowering exercises, we guide you toward a mindset shift that nurtures self-compassion, resilience, and inner strength. Let go of the pressure to conform and find solace in the knowledge that your recovery journey is unique and worthy of celebration.   If you're ready to harness the power of self-acceptance and release the burdens of comparison on your path to CFS recovery, this video is a must-watch. Subscribe to CFS Recovery now and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, self-compassion, and genuine healing.
In this video, we'll be discussing the #1 mistake that people make during symptom flare-ups and what you can do to avoid it. We'll be sharing expert advice, practical tips, and real-world examples to help you better understand what's happening in your body during a flare-up and how to manage your symptoms effectively.    We believe that knowledge is power when it comes to CFS and chronic pain. So if you're tired of feeling powerless during symptom flare-ups, tune in to this video and subscribe to our channel for more tips and advice on your journey to better health.
If you suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you may have difficulty completing daily tasks like taking a shower.    This video will offer some tips on how to make this process easier. Hopefully, by following these tips, you can start to feel more refreshed and rejuvenated. Keep in mind that everyone's situation is unique, so it's important to find what works best for you. Thanks for watching!
In this video, we take a deep dive into the journey of recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This video covers the basics of recovering from CFS. It also gives you a clear vision of what recovery looks like and what you can expect in your journey. Whether you're just starting out or you've been struggling for a while, this video will provide valuable insights and tips on how to get back to thriving health.    We will also discuss the importance of understanding the different types of symptoms that can impede your recovery and the different steps you can take to manage them. With this video, you'll get a comprehensive understanding of how to start your recovery journey and how to keep moving forward.
If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, you know that your recovery process can be a challenge. There are many things you can do to improve your symptoms and quality of life, but overcoming the biggest block in your recovery can be a daunting task.    In this video, we'll explore what that block is and how to overcome it. We'll also share some tips for keeping your progress on track. So if you're ready to start feeling better, keep watching!
Do you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome? Do you find that you are especially sensitive to light and sound? If so, you are not alone. Many people with chronic fatigue syndrome have difficulty tolerating bright lights and loud noises. This can make everyday activities like going to work or school difficult. But there are things you can do to help manage your sensitivity to light and sound.    In this video, we will discuss some of the best ways to cope with these sensitivities. We hope this information will help make your life a little easier. Thank you for watching!
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