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Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine

Author: Ed Paget

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“Your Life Style Is Your Medicine” is a podcast that focuses on how a person's lifestyle can be the key to health and happiness. Routed in the principles of lifestyle medicine, Ed Paget, osteopath, and exercise scientist, interviews area-specific experts on how lifestyle impacts well-being, focusing on purpose, physical activity, nutrition, sleep, and stress, which could lead to a longer, happier life. Edward now runs immersive lifestyle medicine retreats, with the purpose of helping others take back control of their lives to live longer and healthier.  

39 Episodes
Discover the secrets to managing your thyroid health as Dr. Heather Stone, a leading functional medical practitioner, joins us to demystify the complexities of hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Our metabolism and energy levels hinge on the tiny yet mighty thyroid gland, and when it falters, the repercussions can be profound. Dr. Stone opens up about the often-misunderstood symptoms that can leave sufferers feeling frustrated, despite normal TSH readings and traditional treatments. W...
Navigating life's challenges often means confronting habits that no longer serve us. My conversation with Kevin Smith, a close friend who courageously transitioned to a sober lifestyle, uncovers the subtleties of such a transformation without the stereotypes often associated with it. We unravel the cultural tapestry that intertwines alcohol with our daily routines and dig into the emotional landscape that can blur the lines between casual and problematic drinking.Have you ever wondered if the...
Ever wondered how something as simple as a supplement could potentially transform your brain's recovery from injury or even aid in the combat against long COVID-19’s after-effects? In today’s episode, Dr. Candow offers compelling insights into the research backing creatine's ability to support cognitive function during physically demanding activities and its promising anti-inflammatory properties.Dr. Candow is the Professor and Director of the Aging Muscle and Bone Health Laboratory in the Fa...
Discover the intricate dance of the brain within our skulls and the surprising ways concussions can occur without a direct blow to the head.My guest today is Dr. Perry Maynard, a seasoned board-certified chiropractic neurologist specializing in managing complex neurological cases, including post-concussive syndrome, vertigo, balance disorders, and movement disorders. Dr. Maynard and I explore the perplexing world of concussions, dizziness, and the need for subclassifying concussions to b...
Prepare to be enlightened as we journey with Dr. Lara May through the transformative world of functional medicine. Dr. May expertly unveils how addressing the root causes of illness and understanding the body's interconnected systems can lead to lasting wellness instead of merely treating symptoms. Navigating the complexities of clinical studies, this conversation is an eye-opener about the challenges in evidencing the effectiveness of less conventional treatments, which often escape the...
Would you believe the very air you're breathing might be sabotaging your health? Imagine my surprise when I learned that mold - something we often dismiss as just a minor annoyance - is actually a silent invader wreaking havoc on our health and well-being. So, I decided it was time to talk about this topic again. And who better to guide us than my guest today, Jason Earle., founder of GotMold? in the MycoLab USA and a self-proclaimed air quality crusader?This episode is a revelation, exposing...
Pregnancy and childbirth are life-changing experiences for parents; bringing a healthy baby into the world is a wonderful gift. However, this experience alters women forever, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.In the podcast episode with Peter Lap, the founder of the Super Affordable Healthy Postnatal Body Program, we delve into the crucial aspect of postnatal exercise and recovery. With his wealth of experience and expertise, Peter is here to shed light on the role of postnatal ex...
What do Bruce Willis, Ronald Reagan, Sugar Ray Robinson, Tony Bennet, and Gabriel García Márquez have in common? Besides being well-known worldwide for their talent in their respective fields, such as leaders, writing, music, sports, and acting, they also suffered from a common disease that regular people from all walks of life can be affected by: Alzheimer's and dementia.According to the American Alzheimer's Association, more than 6 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's. An est...
What if you could unlock your inner spiritual growth and reshape your relationships through thoughtful conversations? Our latest episode brings you a fascinating discussion with Amrit Singh, a yoga and meditation veteran who shares his journey of spiritual exploration beyond the confines of the religious community. We dig into the notion of a potential spiritual crisis gripping modern society and how breaking away from a single religious group can open the door to engaging dialogue with peopl...
Mental health is pivotal in today's live-to-work culture and our children’s emotional and behavioral development. Join us as we welcome our insightful guest, Paul Weedon. As an integrative therapist and embodiment coach, Paul navigates us through the labyrinth of life's challenges, explaining why self-care is primordial in the work environment. He also takes us deep into the alarming rise of anxiety and depression among young people. Paul Weeden is the founder of Be Authentic on Pur...
Have you ever found yourself battling chronic pain and felt that none of the traditional pain management models worked for you? Then join us in our latest podcast episode, where we sit down with innovative thought leader Vinny Crispino, founder of the Pain Academy. Vinnie shares his riveting story of resilience, from being an aspiring Olympic to suffering a crippling spinal fracture that sent him down a path of self-discovery and healing.In our candid conversation, we dive deep into the mind-...
Do you ever wonder how a performance coach might impact the world of Formula One racing or how the principles of coaching can be applied to the demanding corporate world? Join us as we navigate this fascinating intersection with Judit Schneider, an executive well-being and performance coach. She is a highly experienced coach with a background in corporate HR, NLP, working with Tony Robbins, and more recently, she trained as a high-performance coach with Hinsta. Judit shares her deep insi...
In an era where fast food restaurants are seemingly on every corner, and adverts for sugary treats bombard kids daily, steering children towards healthier habits can be an uphill battle. Parents play a pivotal role in shaping their offspring's dietary choices and habits. Guiding kids towards a healthier lifestyle involves more than just deciding what's on the dinner table - it's about teaching them the value of nutritional balance, developing a healthy relationship with food, and instill...
The path to improving your health might be scary. Why? Because it means you have to change your lifestyle and even rethink your goals and purpose. In today’s episode, my guest Dai Manuel is the perfect example of physical, mental, and spiritual transformation to achieve wellness. But it's not what you might expect. From struggling with obesity and mental health as a teen, Dai sought happiness and health, which led him to advocate passionately for holistic wellness and personal reinventio...
Does the idea of hot flashes, mood swings, and sleepless nights sound familiar? Have you been told that taking over-the-counter supplements or simply toughing them out is the solution? But are you still struggling with the daily pain and discomfort of menopause? It's time to take control and find a more effective solution. In today’s podcast, Dr. Rosensweet shares his expertise on the transformative potential of bioidentical hormone therapy for menopause relief. With personalized treatme...
Candida auris is a highly resistant strain of candida that has evolved due to overexposure to prescribed drugs. It can even disguise itself as a disease, a vitamin, and/or a mineral deficiency. When in reality, the cause most of the time is iatrogenic. Conventional antifungal medications may not be effective in treating it. That’s why it is critical to look beyond medication and diet changes to identify and treat the underlying causes of candida overgrowth to achieve lasting results.In today’...
In Today's podcast, Ed Paget shares two ways he tracks his health. Both these methods give external validation to the subjective feelings of well-being. The tools discussed here have been instrumental in forming my current exercise, rest, and recovery protocols and will play a role in my health tracking in the future. InsideTracker: Analysis and RecommendationsInsideTracker Proactively tracking and measuring health markers is essential for optimizing health and longevity, and I...
Choosing between a hospital and home birth is a personal decision. Hospital births typically have access to medical equipment and emergency interventions but may be more likely to encourage unnecessary interventions. Home births offer a more intimate and relaxed setting, which can reduce stress and anxiety for the mother. A holistic approach to childbirth can help reduce the need for unnecessary interventions and encourage a more natural birth experience. Expectant parents must educate t...
Chronic pain and insomnia are often intertwined, exacerbating each other and resulting in a vicious cycle. The presence of chronic pain can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia. Similarly, insomnia can worsen chronic pain symptoms as the lack of restful sleep can intensify pain perception. Understanding the connection between these conditions is vital for individuals struggling with both to improve their quality of life.In this episode, Annie Mille is a renowned clinical social worker ...
If you need more visible results despite the time, effort, and energy put into embracing ancestral traditions and nourishment to achieve vibrant health, then you are not alone!After discovering "Born to Run," Barefoot Ted McDonald embarked on a journey to explore ancient cultures, nourishing traditions, and a healthier lifestyle - little did he know that this would lead to him becoming a 58-year-old miracle-making medicine machine! How did he do it?Barefoot Ted, a passionate advocate for ance...
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