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Way Too Wifey

Author: Gabby Padron

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Welcome to Way Too Wifey Podcast with your host Respectfully Gabby

Why do women always act TOO WIFEY for the wrong men? This podcast breaks down the in and outs of love, modern day dating, and relationships. Hope to bring you insight and advice to how to survive your days on the streets and maintaining healthy relationships. Let's not take things to seriously!

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95 Episodes
In this episode we explore Teale's relationships with sugar daddies and what her experience has been with high value men. How to get a man to pay for things for you and where to meet these type of men. Follow on social media for more content: IG & Tiktok: @resepectfullygabby Guest: Teale Jenkins IG: @Tealejenkins Tiktok: @tealeiamthebest --- Support this podcast:
Ep. 16 - How Daddy Issues Plays Out In Relationships Are you someone who struggles with the relationship with your father? Or maybe you don't even know that you have deep seeded issues with your dad. One clear indication is the relationships that you continue to attract in your life. Today we talk about how guest Brenda overcame her daddy issues and started attracting better relationships in her life and has given insight and advice to anyone who is currently struggling. More on Social Media: Tiktok and IG: @Respectfullygabby Guest: @Brenda.amiel --- Support this podcast:
Ep. 95 - F BOY FREE

Ep. 95 - F BOY FREE


WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: In this episode of Way Too Wifey, we're diving deep into a topic that's all too familiar yet not often discussed openly: being "F Boy" free. Join me as we unravel the telltale signs of these charming heartbreakers and arm ourselves with the knowledge to steer clear of their games. I'll share my personal journey of recognizing the red flags, how I overcame my attraction to these toxic types, and the empowering steps I took to move past this phase. Whether you're currently tangled in the web of an F Boy or ready to leave that phase behind, this episode is your guide to reclaiming your power and prioritizing your self-worth. Tune in for candid stories, practical advice, and a whole lot of girl talk that will inspire you to say goodbye to F Boys for good! --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: Welcome back to another episode of Way Too Wifey! In this episode, we're diving deep into the mindset that's holding you back in your dating life: the scarcity mindset. Are you settling for less, fearing you'll never find "the one"? Do you feel pressured to make a relationship work, even if it’s not right for you, because you worry there won't be another chance? Join me as I unpack what it means to have a scarcity mindset in dating, how it manifests, and the impact it has on your relationships and self-worth. We'll explore practical strategies to shift towards an abundance mindset, empowering you to approach dating with confidence and clarity. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: for more on social media: Welcome back to Way Too Wifey! In this heartfelt and insightful episode, we're diving deep into the complexities of relationships, particularly focusing on the dynamics between anxious and avoidant attachment styles. If you've ever found yourself feeling overly eager for connection while your partner seems to need more space, this episode is for you. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: In this heartfelt episode of Way Too Wifey, we dive deep into the mysterious and often misunderstood journey of how men fall in love. Join me as I uncover the stages of male affection, from the initial spark of attraction to the profound depths of true commitment. We'll explore the emotional and psychological processes men experience, dispelling common myths and offering insights based on real-life stories and expert opinions. Whether you're curious about your partner's feelings, seeking to better understand your own emotions, or simply fascinated by the complexities of love, this episode promises to enlighten and entertain. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: Ladies, welcome back to another empowering episode of Way too Wifey! Today, we're diving deep into the art of knowing if a man is truly interested in you. Spoiler alert: it’s all about being inconvenient and standing firm in your own boundaries and schedule. Discover why men love a challenge and how to make him work for your affection. We'll explore the importance of maintaining your standards and not settling for the bare minimum, even when you really like someone. Tune in to learn practical tips on how to keep your independence, assert your needs, and let the right man rise to meet you. It's time to flip the script and ensure you're getting the effort and respect you deserve. Join us and find out how to stand strong, stand out, and make him work for your love! --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: We're diving deep into the confidence conundrum and how your lack of self-assurance can impact your dating life. Ever wondered why your dates don't progress past the first few meetings, or why you keep attracting the wrong kind of partners? It might be less about them and more about you! Join me as we explore the subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways a lack of confidence manifests in our romantic endeavors. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: Welcome back to Way Too Wifey! I'm your host Gabby, and today's episode is diving deep into the wild world of dating dynamics. We're unpacking the roles we play: the chaser, the chased, and the chooser. Ever felt like you're constantly chasing after someone who's just not that into you? Or maybe you've been pursued relentlessly, but you're not feeling the spark? And let's not forget about the power of being the one who calls the shots - the chooser. But wait, there's more! We're adding a little animal analogy to the mix. Ever noticed how some people exude the confident, easy-going energy of a Golden Retriever, while others give off the mysterious, elusive vibe of a Black Cat? How do these energies play out in the dating realm? Tune in as we explore the ins and outs of these dating dynamics, share personal stories, and maybe even offer a few tips on how to navigate the jungle of modern romance. Whether you're the chaser, the chased, or the chooser, there's something here for everyone. So grab your headphones, cozy up, and let's get into it on Way Too Wifey! --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: Welcome back to "Way Too Wifey"! I'm your host, Gabby, and in today's episode, we're diving deep into the tangled world of dating dilemmas. Picture this: you're in the early stages of a relationship, everything seems perfect, but suddenly, doubts creep in. Is it your anxiety acting up, or did your date actually do something wrong? Join me as we unravel this common conundrum. We'll explore the subtle nuances between genuine concerns and anxious thoughts that often blur the lines in the dating game. From deciphering gut instincts to recognizing patterns of behavior, I'll share practical tips to help you discern whether it's your anxiety whispering doubts or a legitimate red flag waving in front of you. We'll also discuss strategies for communication in these situations, because let's face it, clarity is key in any relationship. Whether it's initiating an honest conversation or taking a step back to evaluate your feelings, I've got you covered with actionable advice to navigate through the uncertainty. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: 5 Ways to Tell if He's Genuine or Just Putting on an Act In this episode of "Way Too Wifey," we delve into the complexities of deciphering whether he's genuinely a nice guy or if it's just a facade. Join me as we navigate through the subtle cues and behaviors that separate authenticity from pretense in relationships. From charming gestures to consistent actions, I unveil five definitive ways to discern if his niceness is sincere or merely a performance. Drawing from real-life experiences, I equip you with the tools to navigate the murky waters of modern romance with clarity and confidence. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: In this episode of "Way Too Wifey," we delve into one of the most perplexing yet pivotal conversations in modern dating: the "What are we?" discussion within situationships. As the lines between casual dating and committed partnerships continue to blur, many find themselves grappling with the ambiguity of where they stand with their romantic interests. Through personal anecdotes and expert insights, I shed light on the emotional rollercoaster of navigating situationships. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: Today we unravel the complexities of emotional intelligence and its impact on romantic connections. We discuss how developing emotional intelligence can lead to healthier communication, enhanced empathy, and greater self-awareness, ultimately fostering more fulfilling relationships. Throughout the episode, I provide practical tips and strategies for cultivating emotional intelligence in dating scenarios. From recognizing triggers to practicing mindfulness, offering actionable advice to empower listeners in navigating the emotional rollercoaster of modern romance with grace and resilience. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: Can we manifest the love we crave by harnessing the power of the law of assumption? Join me as I uncover the secrets of bringing someone back into our lives and molding our reality to fit our deepest desires. But hold on tight, because as we peel back the layers of delusion, we confront the harsh truth that what we want may not always align with what's truly best for us. I unravel the complexities of longing and self-discovery in the realm of romance. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: In this episode of "Way Too Wifey," we dive deep into the age-old dilemma: are you searching for a feeling or a genuine relationship? We embark on a candid exploration of modern love, dissecting the complexities of emotional connections versus committed partnerships. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: Welcome back to another episode of Way Too Wifey! I'm your host, Gabby, and today we're diving into a topic that's all too familiar in the world of modern dating – slowing things down in the early stages. In this episode, we're tackling the pressure to rush into relationships, the importance of savoring the dating journey, and why taking it slow might just be the secret ingredient to building a strong foundation for a lasting connection. Whether you're a seasoned dater or new to the scene, you won't want to miss the insightful tips and personal stories we share to help you navigate the often overwhelming world of romance. --- Support this podcast:
 WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media:  Hey, Way Too Wifey fam! 👋 Get ready for a juicy episode as your host, Gabby, dives into the world of dating dilemmas. In this episode, we're spilling the tea on how to stop those all-consuming thoughts and avoid obsessing over someone during the early stages of dating. It's time to flip the script and have them obsessing over you instead! Whether you're swiping right or meeting someone organically, Gabby breaks down the common pitfalls that can lead to overthinking and offers some expert tips on maintaining your cool. From setting healthy boundaries to practicing self-care, this episode is your go-to guide for keeping the obsession at bay. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: In this heartfelt episode of "Way Too Wifey," we delve deep into the often-overlooked aspect of relationships – people-pleasing. Join us as we unravel the complexities of putting others' needs before our own and the toll it takes on our well-being. I share personal anecdotes, expert insights, and practical tips on recognizing the signs of people-pleasing in your relationship. From the fear of rejection to the pressure of meeting unrealistic expectations, our hosts discuss the various dynamics that contribute to this common yet often underestimated challenge. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media:  Join your host Gabby on this emotionally charged episode of Way Too Wifey, where we dive deep into the often challenging yet transformative journey of going "No Contact" after a breakup. Breakups are never easy, but sometimes the healthiest choice is to create space between you and your ex-partner. In this episode, Gabby explores the psychological and emotional benefits of embracing the No Contact rule. Whether you're navigating the aftermath of a recent split or still grappling with the wounds of a past breakup, Gabby shares personal insights and expert advice on how going No Contact can empower you to heal, grow, and rediscover your sense of self. --- Support this podcast:
WORK WITH ME: Follow for more on social media: In this episode, I unravel the layers of what it means to play the cool girl in relationships and the impact it can have on our authenticity. We've all heard the phrase "cool girl," the one who effortlessly goes with the flow, never complains, and seems to have it all together. But is this idealistic image realistic or sustainable? Join me as I explore the pressure to conform to societal expectations and the subtle ways we may find ourselves compromising our true selves to fit into this mold. Is being the "cool girl" a facade, or is it a genuine expression of who we are? --- Support this podcast: