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Brave Looks Good On You

Author: Julie Walker & Melissa Polk

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Hey Y'all! We're Julie + Melissa and we are thrilled you've found us! We’re lifelong friends and entrepreneurs who want to help other women start and build profitable businesses. For more than a decade, each of us has built thriving event-based businesses. We know the ins and outs of starting a business, growing and scaling a business, and pushing ourselves to grow as leaders along the way. We are on a mission to help you begin your journey of starting and running the business of your dreams. We can honestly say that the adventure itself will help shape you into the person you were always meant to be.

We know one of the hardest parts of starting a business is, well, starting. Do you find yourself not knowing where to start or even what business you want to begin? Many of us doubt ourselves and our abilities and end up standing still - paralyzed with fear. If that’s you, you aren’t alone!

Our goal is to provide authentic perspective, motivation, inspiration, and clear, actionable steps to get you going in the right direction. Let’s lean in together as you move forward toward the life you were designed to live!

And remember, brave looks good on you!
85 Episodes
Jessica Pierce's New Fight: From Defense Intelligence to Battling Dementia In this captivating episode of "Brave Looks Good on You," we sit down with Jessica Pierce, a recent retiree from the Department of Defense, who has transitioned to a groundbreaking role in dementia prevention. Jessica shares her fascinating background in counterterrorism and geospatial intelligence, and how her career led her to a new mission in functional medicine as the owner of Longevity Architects. Her transition might seem a leap, but she explains how the skills she developed in her previous role have been crucial in her current endeavor to combat the onset of dementia through the Bredesen protocol. We dived deep into a personal story that sparked Jessica’s career pivot. After witnessing the effects of Alzheimer's in her family, Jessica was driven to learn and apply the Bredesen protocol, not only to help her mother but also to assist others facing similar threats. This protocol offers hope and practical strategies for preventing and reversing cognitive decline, rooted in a comprehensive, data-driven approach to health and wellness. Jessica’s story is a powerful reminder that it's never too late to embrace a new path, especially one that promises to improve not only your life but also the lives of others. Tune in to hear how embracing change and facing challenges head-on can lead to fulfilling and impactful new beginnings. Jessica is a national board-certified health coach (NBHWC) and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) with specialized training in prevention and reversal of Alzheimer's disease (ReCODE 2.0). Links: Longevity Architects Get Jessica's 10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor for Anyone Who Wants to Thrive to 100! Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
NYC & St. Martin: Family Trips, Wedding Plans & Business Updates In today’s episode of "Brave Looks Good on You," we’re diving into our spring break adventures and catching you up on what’s been happening in our lives. First up, Julie took a family trip to NYC to visit her daughter, Chloe. She’s been living there since last August and has really found her stride in the city. Watching her run in the New York City half marathon was a highlight for sure. It’s pretty amazing to see her so confident and at home in such a bustling place. Melissa headed to St. Martin, revisiting a favorite spot of hers. She's got some funny stories about snorkeling—let's just say it involves overcoming a few fears—and relaxing on those iconic beaches. On a different note, we're both in the thick of wedding planning for our sons. Yes, both of our boys are getting married soon! Julie's son is having a beautiful outdoor wedding in Colorado, while Melissa is planning a cozy Christmas ceremony. It's been quite the adventure learning the ropes of wedding planning from the groom's mom perspective. We’ve also been busy with some exciting business developments. We're putting together a new course that's shaping up nicely—more details on that soon. And of course, there’s always something new and challenging around the corner, which keeps us on our toes. So, that’s a little snapshot of our lives lately. From city streets to sunny beaches to walking down the wedding aisle, it’s been busy but good. Tune in to hear all about these stories and more, as we share about all these adventures. Thanks for joining us on this journey! Links: Boomerang Boat Charters in St. Martin Chloe's move to NYC Episode 35 Compliments of Chloe Texas Grocery Finds and on Instagram Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Maximizing Life's Moments: Navigating Time Use Across Six Life Stages In today's episode, we're delving deep into the American Time Use Study that has opened our eyes to how we allocate our time across different stages of life. This discussion is particularly poignant as we both celebrate turning 50 recently, a milestone that brings reflection and a renewed focus on intentional living. We break down the study's six shocking statistics that outline the typical American's time allocation from birth through old age, offering insights and practical advice on making the most of the time we have. In This Episode: Introduction to the American Time Use Study: We introduce the study's approach to analyzing how different age groups spend their time, setting the stage for a detailed discussion on each of the six defined life stages. Stage 1: Birth to Age 18 — Family Time Peaks: The study reveals that the most time spent with family occurs before turning 18. We discuss the implications of this finding and share personal reflections on valuing family time. Stage 2: Ages 20-60 — Dominance of Work Life: With four decades often spent in the workplace, choosing a positive work environment is crucial. We talk about the long-term impact of work relationships and environment on overall well-being. Stage 3: The Decline of Friendships: Post-18, time spent with friends begins to wane, hitting a low at age 29. We explore why this happens and how to maintain these important relationships despite life’s changes. Stage 4: Choosing a Life Partner: Recognizing the lifelong impact of this decision, we emphasize the importance of choosing a partner who aligns with your values and with whom you can envision a lifelong journey. Stage 5: Increasing Solitude Post-40: As we grow older, solitude becomes more prevalent. We discuss how to embrace and find joy in solitude, ensuring it enriches rather than detracts from life. Stage 6: Parenting and Empty Nesting: The time spent with children is concentrated in the years before they reach adulthood, with a sharp decrease once they do. We offer strategies for maintaining strong relationships with adult children. Key Takeaways: Make Family Time Count: Understanding the limited time frame for maximum family interaction can inspire more meaningful and intentional family engagements. Prioritize Workplace Happiness: Given the significant chunk of life spent at work, fostering a healthy work environment is essential for long-term happiness. Keep Friendships Alive: We discuss the importance of actively maintaining friendships and adapting social circles as life evolves. Thoughtful Partner Selection: Choosing a life partner is a monumental decision, and we stress the importance of thoughtful consideration about this life-altering choice. Embrace and Enjoy Solitude: Learning to appreciate alone time is crucial as its frequency increases with age. Engage Actively with Your Children: Even as children grow and become independent, finding ways to remain an influential and supportive presence in their lives is key. Thank you for tuning in. We hope this exploration into the stages of time use empowers you to make informed decisions about how you spend your time. Remember, it's never too late to adjust your course and make the most of the time you have. Be the architect of your own life, and make choices that let you live fully and joyfully. Links: Mel Robbins Episode: This one study will change how you think about your entire life. World Economic Forum: Who Americans spend most of their time with. Our World in Data: Who do we spend time with across our lifetime? Our World in Data: How do people across the world spend their time? Our World in Data: One-person households becoming increasingly common. Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Embracing 2024 Business Trends: Essential Insights for Women Entrepreneurs Hey everyone! We dove into a Forbes article that's all about the business trends for 2024. We didn't just skim through; we dug deep to make these trends more relatable and useful for women entrepreneurs like us. We wanted to break down the tech stuff and mix it with that essential human touch, which we all know is the heart of our businesses. In our chat, we explored how AI isn't just a techy tool but a real helper for any business, making our tasks easier without losing our personal voice. Remember Episode 71 where we talked all about using AI tools like ChatGPT? We're still all about making tech work for us without letting it take over. We also got real about the economy's ups and downs and how, as women entrepreneurs, we can navigate these with savvy and style. We discussed the importance of keeping that personal touch in our businesses—how making our customers feel seen and understood is totally irreplaceable by any AI. And you know, with all the talk about remote work, Julie reflected on how grateful she is to live in an era where she can work from virtually anywhere. It's a game-changer for maintaining that work-life blend (not balance, because let's be real, it's never perfectly balanced!). So, if you're curious about making your business more dynamic and ready for the future, or if you just want some company while you tackle your entrepreneur journey, give this episode a listen. We're here to share what we learn, laugh a bit, and maybe just inspire each other to be a little braver every day. Because, let's face it, bravery looks good on you! Tune in and let's get excited about what 2024 has in store for us. Links: Episode 71 - Maximizing Creativity and Efficiency: How Chat GPT Transforms Our Podcast Production Download our FREE eBook, ChatGPT: Unlocking its Potential For Your Business + Everyday Life! Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
From Teacher to Cheese Artist, Kerry Hymas of Harvest & Graze Shares Her Incredible Journey to Entrepreneurship We had a great time chatting with Kerry Hymas from Harvest and Graze.  Her journey from being a public school teacher to diving into the world of charcuterie is really incredible. Kerry shares how her decade-long teaching career and her mother’s influence as a long-time educator shaped her own path before she took a creative leap into entrepreneurship. Kerry’s venture into charcuterie began quite spontaneously at her mom's 60th birthday party, where she crafted an elaborate charcuterie board that spanned a 10-foot island. The board was a hit, inspiring her to consider turning this passion into a business. Despite the daunting aspects of starting up, Kerry’s love for hosting and entertaining fueled her decision to push forward. The turning point came when her mother-in-law showed her an Instagram post that sparked the idea that this could be more than just a hobby. This led to a whirlwind of activity, from brainstorming business names on a drive home to navigating the complexities of food laws with helpful guidance from a surprisingly supportive health department official. Kerry also dives into how she utilized a ghost kitchen to comply with food safety regulations, allowing her to expand her offerings from the comfort of a professional setting without the overhead of owning a physical space. Her story is a vibrant tale of community support, creative passion, and entrepreneurial spirit, showing how she turned a simple idea into a thriving business that combines her loves of teaching, hosting, and creating beautiful, delicious food. For anyone who's ever thought about turning a passion into a profession or adding a little creativity to their culinary endeavors, Kerry’s journey from choir teacher to charcuterie connoisseur is truly inspiring. She wraps up by sharing some tips for anyone looking to create their own charcuterie boards at home, emphasizing the joy of mixing flavors, textures, and colors to create something uniquely satisfying. Tune in to hear how Kerry crafts not only beautiful grazing boards but also a vibrant, fulfilling life that blends family, creativity, and business. Links: Harvest and Graze Website  Cross Creek Sandwich Shop in Conway, Arkansas Website Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Mastering Daily Decisions: Navigating Life's Choices with Confidence and Courage Welcome back! Today's discussion dives into a topic that resonates deeply with everyone: decision-making. Melissa shares her exhausting experience of making countless decisions during a recent two-week event, sparking a deeper conversation about the number and impact of daily decisions. Did you know that the average person makes about 35,000 decisions each day? This episode explores not just the sheer volume of choices we face but also the distinction between two types of decisions: Type 1 Decisions: These are significant choices with long-lasting effects, often requiring careful thought and consideration due to their irreversible nature. Type 2 Decisions: More common and less impactful, these decisions should be made quickly as they usually don’t have lasting consequences. We delve into the "51 Percent Rule," a strategy suggesting that for significant decisions, being just 51% sure can be enough to take action. We discuss how overthinking can paralyze progress and share personal anecdotes to illustrate the practical application of this rule in both personal and professional contexts. This episode is not just about making decisions but about making them wisely and bravely. Whether it's choosing what to have for lunch or making a career-altering move, the way we make decisions shapes our lives. We encourage you to embrace both the small and significant choices with courage and to remember that not making a decision is, in fact, a decision. Join us as we unpack these insights and offer encouragement for anyone facing decision fatigue. Remember that each decision, no matter how small, contributes to the larger picture of our lives. So tune in, get inspired, and remember—bravery isn't just about the big moments; it's about the many small choices we make every day. Links: Inspired by The Mel Robbins Podcast - The 51% Rule Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Turning Passion into Profession: Rhonda Bell on Art, Business, and Embracing the Beginner's Mindset We're thrilled to have Rhonda Bell share her journey from embracing the gift of being a beginner to flourishing as both an artist and a businesswoman. Rhonda Bell Studio, based in Boerne, Texas, is where she creates art that celebrates the beauty of everyday life through vibrant colors and emotive compositions. Key Insights from Rhonda: The Gift of Being a Beginner: Rhonda reflects on valuable advice she received during her artistic development: the importance of allowing herself to make "really bad art" as part of the learning process. This mindset has enabled her to develop her skills without the pressure of perfection, highlighting the idea that mastery in art, like in any field, requires patience and time. Transition to a Business Mindset: Rhonda shares her unexpected journey into the business side of art. Starting from a few friends noticing her art to being invited to sell in a local store, she navigated the complexities of pricing, inventory management, and establishing an online presence. This transition marks her shift from hobbyist to professional, illustrating the challenges and triumphs of turning a passion into a thriving business. Commissioned Art and Customer Interaction: Rhonda discusses her experiences with commissioned projects, emphasizing the personal and emotional connections that people have with art. She explains how she collaborates with clients to ensure that the art not only fits their space but also resonates with them personally, which sometimes involves aligning the artwork with the interior design elements of a room. At the core of Rhonda's work is a deep appreciation for the simplicity and beauty of life, which she translates into her art. Her approach is intuitive and emotionally driven, aiming to elevate the human spirit through her pieces. Rhonda's story is a powerful reminder of the importance of investing in yourself and embracing every step of the creative process. We encourage you to explore your passions with the same openness and bravery that Rhonda has demonstrated on her artistic journey. Links: Rhonda Bell Studio Fiddlin Frogs Instagram: Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Swimming Through Fog: A Story of Resilience and Vision We've got a story to share on today's episode that really inspired us. It's about Florence Chadwick, a swimmer who, in 1952, attempted to swim from Catalina Island to the California mainland. This story isn't just about her physical journey through 20 miles of open ocean, but about the mental battle she faced against dense fog and the unknown. Imagine this: Florence, faces fog so thick on her swim day that she can't see the support boats nearby. Despite the adverse conditions, she swims for nearly 16 hours. But, overwhelmed by the fog and unable to see the shore, she quits, only to learn she was less than half a mile away from her goal. Florence later said, "All I could see was the fog. I think if I could have seen the shore, I would have made it." This moment is a profound reminder of how easily we can become consumed by the 'fog' in our own lives—obstacles, fears, and the uncertainties that cloud our vision and goals. Yet, Florence's story doesn't end there. She returns two months later, conquers the swim, and even sets a faster time, proving that with determination and a clear vision, any challenge can be overcome. Florence's journey resonates deeply with us, both in our personal and professional lives. It's taught us the importance of persistence, the need for a clear goal, and the value of a support system. Her story is a powerful testament to the idea that, even when we can't see the finish line, continuing to move forward can lead us to achieve greatness. And it's a great reminder that, no matter the fog we face, brave looks good on you! Links Florence Chadwick Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Embracing Your Dreams and Navigating Brand Identity with Suzette Garcia: A Guide to Personal and Professional Empowerment In this episode, we have the incredible Suzette Garcia joining us. Suzette is a licensed certified coach, a creative consultant, and a beacon of inspiration for women navigating their brand identity and personal growth. Here's what we unpacked in this enlightening conversation: Key Takeaways: The Power of Permitting Yourself to Dream: Suzette shares her wisdom on the importance of allowing yourself to want what you truly desire, shedding the societal pressures and embracing your personal aspirations. Elevating Your Awareness: We discuss the significance of becoming conscious of your desires and the barriers that may stand in your way, offering strategies to shift your focus and overcome these challenges. Directing Your Focus: Suzette introduces the concept of using visual tools like vision boards to manifest your dreams and aspirations, emphasizing the role of visualization in goal setting. Taking Purposeful Action: We delve into the steps to translate your dreams into actionable goals, highlighting the importance of daily reminders and consistent effort towards achieving what you desire. Embracing Imperfection: We explore the liberation found in accepting imperfection, discussing how embracing our flaws and setbacks can lead to true growth and fulfillment. Episode Highlights: Suzette's Unique Background: From an art history graduate to a project management certificate holder, Suzette's diverse background contributes to her unique approach in coaching women. The Concept of Brand Identity: Suzette breaks down the misconception of a brand being a product, offering insights into how brands live in the perception of the audience and how to influence that effectively. The Role of Mindset in Achieving Goals: The conversation takes a deep dive into the conscious model taught at the Life Coach School, emphasizing how our thoughts about circumstances lead to our feelings, actions, and ultimately, our results. Practical Steps to Visioning and Goal Setting: Suzette provides a comprehensive walkthrough on creating a vision board, from permitting yourself to dream to taking purposeful actions towards those dreams. We challenge you to take the first step towards embracing your dreams today. Start by permitting yourself to want what you want, and consider making your own vision board. Remember, Brave Looks Good On You, and it's time to step into the life you deserve. Links Book a Discovery Call with Suzette Suzette’s Website Suzette’s FREE Vision Board Template Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Melissa Takes on Pickleball: A Tale of Spontaneous Bravery Welcome back to another "shorty" episode of our podcast, where today's story is a delightful mix of humor and unexpected courage. It's all about Melissa's first-ever foray into the world of pickleball—a sport that proves you don't need to be an athlete to have a blast... or to learn a thing or two about yourself. Highlights: Pickleball and Perseverance: Melissa dives headfirst into a spontaneous pickleball lesson, challenging her dislike for spontaneity and her self-proclaimed non-athleticism. With a group of enthusiastic, albeit more experienced, players, Melissa finds herself in the thick of learning a new sport, complete with its own lingo like "dinking" and "the kitchen." Spontaneous Bravery: Julie applauds Melissa's unexpected decision to join the pickleball session.  It's a reminder that sometimes, life's most memorable moments come from unplanned adventures. Key Takeaways: Embrace the Unexpected: Life's richest experiences often come from the most spontaneous decisions. Dare to step outside your routine. Everyone Starts Somewhere: Trying something new is the first step towards growth. Don't be afraid to be a beginner. Find Your Community: Whether it's pickleball, podcasting, or any other pursuit, surrounding yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals can make all the difference. Be Kind to Yourself: Every attempt, no matter the outcome, is a victory in itself. Celebrate the effort, not just the achievement. Have you ever taken a leap of spontaneity that led to an unexpected lesson or adventure? We'd love to hear your stories of spontaneous bravery and how they've shaped your journey. Remember, being brave looks good on you, in pickleball and in life. Links Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Efficient Homes, Happier Lives: Alyssa Beaird's Guide to Mastering Home Operations In this episode, we had the pleasure of diving into the world of home operations, organization, and emergency planning with Alyssa Beaird, the visionary behind A. Marie & Co. Alyssa's journey from the corporate realm to entrepreneurship is inspired by her childhood experiences and the realization that managing a home isn't vastly different from running a business. She emphasizes the importance of being intentional in our home lives to achieve our financial, family, and faith goals. Alyssa shares her unique approach to transforming homes into efficiently run operations, underscoring the necessity of clear goal-setting, communication, and understanding the "why" behind our organizational struggles. Whether it's dealing with postpartum anxiety or simply feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind, A. Marie & Co. offers tactical tools to help families navigate through these challenges with grace. One of the most impactful takeaways from our conversation was the concept of home operations - a term Alyssa believes she coined. This approach treats the home like a business, focusing on day-to-day management and making informed decisions that align with the family's overarching goals. Alyssa also touched upon the vital difference between home operations and organization, and the role of emergency planning in ensuring family safety and security. We encourage you to reflect on how you can apply Alyssa's insights to your own lives, recognizing that being brave doesn't always mean taking grandiose steps; sometimes, it's about the courage to make small, intentional changes in our homes and lives. For those looking to dive deeper, Alyssa has generously offered a promo code for exclusive insights into leveling up home operations and organization!   Links A Marie & Co.  Use code BRAVE24 for a free on-site (if you are local to the San Antonio area) or virtual consultation for any service! Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Creating Lasting Impressions: The Power of Making Others Feel Welcome Welcome back to another episode where we dive into the importance of the impact you leave on others. Today, we're inspired by a timeless quote from Maya Angelou: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." This episode isn't just about the words we say or the actions we take; it's about the lasting impression we leave on those we interact with, in business and in life. Join us as Melissa shares a personal story from a recent hot yoga class that left her reflecting on the importance of making everyone feel welcomed and valued, especially in new or intimidating environments. Despite the heat of the class, it was the cold reception that sparked our conversation on how businesses and individuals alike can influence the energy in a room and make a positive difference in someone's day. We also discuss the new initiative in Julie's entrepreneurial circle, Babes Support Babes, and how being an ambassador for welcoming newcomers can transform an organization's culture and success. We explore the simple yet impactful ways we can all contribute to making our spaces more inclusive and supportive, reminding us that bravery isn't just about facing our fears—it's about extending a hand to those who are navigating their own. This episode is a call to action: to be intentional in our interactions, to lead with kindness, and to remember that our legacy is not just what we achieve, but how we make people feel along the way. Whether you're stepping into a new class, leading a team, or simply going about your daily life, remember, your bravery in these moments not only looks good on you but can make all the difference in someone else's experience. Links: Babe Support Babes Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Finding Balance: How Tiffeny Crow Inspires a Healthier, Happier Life Through Fitness In this week’s episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Tiffeny Crow, an inspiring personal trainer and fitness instructor at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas. With an impressive 30-year journey in group exercise and 15 years as a personal trainer, Tiffeny's story began with a fitness competition win that sparked her lifelong passion for wellness. She’s all about the power of exercise and healthy eating to boost our mental health, strengthen our bodies, and enrich our lives. Tiffeny’s energy is infectious, and it’s easy to see why she’s been such a big part of Melissa’s fitness journey for nearly a decade. Tiffeny brings a personal touch to her work, tailoring her approach to meet people where they are in their fitness journey, whether it’s college students or community members, making every class unique and engaging. During our chat, Tiffeny delved into the sometimes confusing world of nutrition and fitness, shedding light on the simplicity of eating well and staying active. She cuts through the noise of diet trends with a straightforward philosophy: if it’s made by nature, it’s probably good for you. She also shared some simple yet effective tips for anyone looking to improve their health, emphasizing the importance of starting small and being consistent. Tiffeny's approachable take on fitness, focusing on gratitude, embracing where you’re at, and the small steps we can all take towards a healthier lifestyle, really struck a chord. Her belief in the power of movement and nutrition to transform our mental and physical health is a reminder that being brave enough to start is the first step to any change. So, whether you’re lacing up your shoes for the first time in years or looking to shake up your routine, remember, brave looks good on you! Links  That Sugar Film Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!    
Maximizing Creativity and Efficiency: How Chat GPT Transforms Our Podcast Production Hey y'all!  We’re excited to dive into a topic that's truly transformed the way we approach not just podcasting, but also how we tackle challenges and creativity in our everyday lives. Our guiding mantra, "work smarter, not harder," has never been more relevant, especially as we explore the innovative world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically Chat GPT, and its incredible impact on our work. Over the past year, Chat GPT has become an indispensable tool for us. It's reshaped our podcast production process, from brainstorming episode topics to scripting and editing. If you're new to AI or hesitant about its capabilities, we're here to share our journey and hopefully open your mind to its potential.  It’s not just for podcasting - we think everyone can find it useful! What is Chat GPT? Chat GPT is a powerful AI developed by OpenAI, designed to understand and generate human-like text. It's not just for writing; it's a versatile tool that assists us in various aspects of producing our podcast, "Brave Looks Good on You." Our Process with Chat GPT Idea Generation Melissa, the creative force behind our episode topics, sometimes hits a creative block. That's where Chat GPT shines. It suggests fresh topics and even helps with scripting intro segments. This AI tool acts like a co-writer, offering endless energy and creativity. Script Writing and Editing Chat GPT assists us in drafting episode scripts and refining our ideas. It's like having a tireless co-writer who ensures our grammar, clarity, and tone are on point. Over time, Chat GPT learns our preferences, allowing for a more personalized output. Show Notes and Social Media After recording, Julie handles the editing and the creation of show notes and social media content. By feeding the episode transcript into Chat GPT, it generates concise, engaging show notes and social media posts. This not only saves time but also maintains our voice and style across platforms. The Impact of AI on Our Work Incorporating AI into our workflow has been nothing short of revolutionary. It's enabled us to focus more on the creative aspects of our podcast, leaving the repetitive and time-consuming tasks to our AI assistant. This technology has allowed us to work smarter, not harder, and significantly sped up our production process. For anyone apprehensive about integrating AI into their work, we encourage you to give it a try. The efficiency and creativity it brings to the table are invaluable. Remember, it's about making the most of the tools available to us, and AI is a powerful ally in our quest to produce meaningful and engaging content. Links Descript, our podcast editing tool (it’s awesome, BTW) Our Chat GPT ebook Chat GPT Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Embracing Visibility: How to Authentically Show Up and Shine in Your Business In this empowering episode we dive deep into the challenges and triumphs of putting yourself out there in the digital age. Addressing a topic many of us grapple with, we share personal anecdotes, practical strategies, and heartfelt advice on how to show up authentically in both life and business. What You'll Learn: The Importance of Being Seen: Understand why it's crucial to be visible and authentic, especially in a world cluttered with content. Overcoming the Fear of Spotlight: We discuss our personal experiences with stepping into visibility and how we've navigated the discomfort. The Power of Authenticity: Learn why showing the person behind the brand can give your business the edge it needs in a competitive landscape. Building an Engaged Community: Strategies for creating a space that reflects your true self and attracts the right audience. Dealing with Rejection: Insightful advice on how to reframe rejection as a stepping stone to greater opportunities. Networking Tips for Introverts: Discover non-cringey networking strategies that can help introverts shine. The Role of Storytelling: How sharing your unique journey can create memorable connections with your audience. Creating Your Badass List: A challenge to acknowledge your achievements and boost your confidence as you push through fear and imposter syndrome. Call to Action: We challenge you to create your own Badass List this week. Reflect on everything you've accomplished, big or small, and allow yourself to be impressed by your own journey. Share your thoughts and takeaways from this episode on social media using #BraveLooksGoodOnYou and let us know how making your list has empowered you! Connect with Us: We love hearing from you! If this episode inspired you, or you have stories to share about your journey to being seen and heard, reach out to us on Instagram @BraveLooksGoodOnYou. Let's continue the conversation and support each other in our journeys. Final Thoughts: Remember, stepping out of your comfort zone and showing the world your true self is not only courageous but deeply impactful. You never know who needs to hear your story, learn from your experiences, or be inspired by your authenticity. Let's be brave together. Subscribe & Review: If you enjoyed this episode and want to stay updated on new releases, make sure to subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform. We'd love for you to leave us a review, so we can reach and inspire more listeners like you. Links: Jen Gottlieb on Amy Porterfield’s podcast Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Celebrating Female Friendship and Empowerment: Unpacking the Essence of Galentine's Day Did you know, Galentine’s Day is the day before Valentine’s Day?  We decided to reflect on Galentine's Day, it got us thinking way beyond just the fun of celebrating with gal pals on February 13th. Our conversation, like a good cup of coffee, was rich, deep, and left us feeling energized about the power of female friendships and solidarity. Here are some of the gems from our talk: The "Aha" Moment about Galentine's Day: So, Galentine's Day, right? Who knew it sprouted from an episode of "Parks and Recreation"? We sure didn't! It's pretty cool how a made-up holiday meant to celebrate female friendships has become a thing we actually get excited about. It's like we've been given this official day to just say, "Hey, you're awesome!" to the women in our lives, and we’re all for it. The Sisterhood Boost: Chatting about the importance of women supporting each other really hit home with us. In a world where it's so easy to fall into the comparison trap, being reminded of the magic that happens when we lift each other up is a breath of fresh air. Sharing stories about the local female entrepreneur group Julie stumbled upon last year really brought this point home. Imagine a place where competition takes a backseat to encouragement and support. It's real, and it's fantastic! Choosing Abundance Over Scarcity: Thinking in terms of abundance rather than scarcity isn't just some fluffy concept; it's a powerful mindset shift. Celebrating another person's success doesn't make your slice of the pie any smaller. In fact, it might just make the whole pie bigger. And who doesn't want more pie? Rethinking Competition: We'll admit, seeing others as competitors comes honestly to some, especially in business. But here's the kicker: viewing competition as a motivator rather than a threat can actually be quite freeing. It's about appreciating what makes each of us unique and learning from one another. It's not about being less competitive but about making competition work for us, not against us. Saying Thanks with Action: Melissa issued a challenge and that’s the idea of sending a thank you note to someone who's made a difference in your life. Yes, it's a simple thing, but imagine the impact of this gesture. It's about creating a ripple effect of positivity and appreciation, something we’d like to put into practice. Making Every Day Galentine's Day: Why limit celebrating women to just one day? Let's make it a year-round thing. Supporting, celebrating, and uplifting the women around us should be as natural as breathing. It's about building a community where everyone feels valued and empowered. This chat reminded us of the incredible impact we can have on each other's lives. As we move forward, let's keep the spirit of Galentine's Day alive every day. Let's be the cheerleaders, the confidantes, and the champions for the women in our lives. Here's to more laughter, more support, and more empowering moments shared among us. So, to all the amazing women out there, remember: we're better together, and every day is a chance to celebrate that. Links Parks and Recreation episode about Galentine’s Day Chick-fil-A’s Valentine’s Day specials Babes Support Babes in San Antonio Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Embracing Intentional Breaks: Transform Your Life with the Power of Pausing We enjoyed delving into the crucial need for establishing intentional breaks to foster transformation in both our personal and professional lives. Highlights from This Episode: Embracing Intentional Breaks: We tackle the often overlooked importance of taking breaks. We discuss how the societal expectation of constant productivity makes us hesitant to pause, despite its potential to significantly transform our lives. Reflecting on Hustle Culture: We revisit our previous conversation in Episode 43 about shifting perspectives on hustle culture, where we discovered that being perpetually busy doesn't guarantee success. This episode expands on finding balance, setting boundaries, and rediscovering joy beyond work commitments. Recognizing the Need for a Pause: We identify key signs indicating the necessity of a break, such as constant fatigue, a drop in motivation, and a rise in irritability. Acknowledging these symptoms early can help avert the risk of burnout. Six Practical Strategies for Taking Breaks: We share actionable tips for incorporating pauses into daily routines, which include time blocking, planning digital detox days, establishing mindful mornings, spending time outdoors, pursuing hobbies, and arranging vision retreats. These strategies help to clear the mind, stimulate creativity, and renew emotional energy. Personal Experiences with Pauses: Julie shares how taking Fridays off and disconnecting during weekends is rejuvenating, while Melissa talks about the joy and relaxation she finds in reading for pleasure, highlighting its positive effects on her sleep and creative thinking. The Essential Nature of Pauses: We emphasize that taking intentional breaks is not just beneficial but vital for maintaining overall well-being. It allows for mental decluttering, fosters creativity, and provides much-needed emotional refreshment. Encouragement to Take Action: We conclude with a reminder that acknowledging the need for breaks is an act of courage. Being intentional with our time and recognizing when to pause can remove the guilt associated with it, making us more effective and fulfilled in all areas of life. Links: Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Ep 67 - Flying High: Exploring Bravery in Life and Football Inside the Kelce Documentary Hey everyone!  We're diving into the awesome story of NFL star Jason Kelce, as seen in the 2022 Kelce Documentary on Amazon Prime. We kick things off with some lyrics from Guy Clark's "The Cape" – a song that's all about taking life as a big, bold leap of faith. This tune really hit home, especially in this one part of the documentary where Kelce walks onto an empty football field, making us think about all the big jumps we take in life. We chat about Kelce's journey, from his early dreams to his grind as a walk-on at Cincinnati, and how he made it to the NFL, even as a sixth-round pick. The guy has had a 13-year rollercoaster ride with the Philadelphia Eagles, complete with surgeries and tough times, showing just how tough and passionate he is about football. Then, there's this crazy twist where he and his brother, Travis, end up facing off in the Super Bowl finals – talk about family drama! Next up, we talk about Kelce's life outside football. He's been wrestling with the idea of hanging up his cleats and what comes next. He's trying out stuff like cattle farming, podcasting, and real estate, looking for that next big thing. We also get into his personal life, like how tight he is with his brother Travis and how his family's been there for him every step of the way. Throughout our chat, we highlight some cool quotes from Kelce that really stuck with us. He talks about the importance of believing in yourself, pushing through discomfort, and staying true to who you are. These nuggets of wisdom help us explore themes like bravery, resilience, and facing the unknown. The documentary is not just for football fans – it's for anyone looking for a bit of motivation in life. We encourage you to believe in yourself, be who you are, and take those big leaps. Just like Jason Kelce, with the right attitude, you can really soar. Remember, embracing your journey, no matter how tough, always makes you brave. So go out there and fly high! Links: The Cape, by Guy Clark Kelce, the documentary on Amazon Prime Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!   The Cape by Guy Clark Eight years old with a floursack cape Tied all around his neck He climbed up on the garage Figurin' what the heck He screwed his courage up so tight The whole thing came unwound He got a runnin' start and bless his heart He headed for the ground He's one of those who knows that life Is just a leap of faith Spread your arms and hold your breath Always trust your cape All grown up with a floursack cape Tied around his dreams He was full of spit and vinegar He was bustin' at the seams He licked his finger and he checked the wind It was gonna be do or die He wasn't scared of nothin' boys And he was pretty sure he could fly He's one of those who knows that life Is just a leap of faith Spread your arms and hold your breath Always trust your cape Old and grey with a floursack cape Tied all around his head He's still jumpin' off the garage Will be till he's dead All these years the people said He's actin' like a kid He did not know he could not fly So he did He's one of those who knows that life Is just a leap of faith Spread your arms and hold your breath Always trust your cape
Overcoming Overthinking, Wandering, and Overstriving: The Path to Bravery in Business and Life Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of our podcast where we dive deep into understanding three types of people we often encounter in our personal and professional lives - and honestly, these could be us too. 1. The Overthinker: We discuss the "Overthinker" who has clarity on what they want but hesitates to take action. We've all been there, right? Researching endlessly and then getting paralyzed by decision-making. We talk about how to combat this tendency by breaking tasks into micro-actions, challenging negative thoughts, and setting timers or due dates for decisions. 2. The Wanderer: Then, we move on to the "Wanderer" - those who have many great ideas but struggle to complete them due to self-doubt or distraction. Our solutions? Focusing on one thing at a time, reconnecting with the 'why' behind each idea, and setting clear goals and milestones. 3. The Overstriver: Lastly, we touch upon the "Overstriver" - the relentless go-getters who find it hard to take breaks and often equate their self-worth with their productivity. We suggest taking intentional breaks, celebrating the journey, and setting boundaries for work and personal time. Throughout the episode, we emphasize the importance of self-awareness and recognizing patterns as the first step in building the life and business you desire. We encourage you to download our free quiz to find out where you fall among these types. Personal Reflections: We share our own experiences with these tendencies. Melissa admits to being a mix of an overthinker and overstriver in different aspects of her life, while Julie sees herself more as an overthinker in projects. Our Takeaway: We want to remind y’all that despite the doubts and challenges, it's the brave steps forward that make the most compelling stories. We encourage you to come out of your huddle, get into the game of life, and remember that brave looks good on you! Links: Discover Your Action Style Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
Embracing Change: Raw & Unfiltered Insights from Lifelong Friends  Hey y'all!  We're thrilled to kick off 2024 with a fresh approach to our podcast. Today's episode is all about embracing the new: new year, new us, and definitely new content! We've noticed that our listeners enjoy the raw, real moments - the bloopers and behind-the-scenes glimpses. So, we're leaning into that with our 'shorty' episodes, focusing on a range of topics from everyday bravery in business to inspiring moments in movies or TV shows. This year is all about laughter, alongside useful insights for all the business owners out there. We're tweaking our format to give us more time to focus on building our business, creating digital courses, and working on exciting new projects. In this episode, we take a trip down memory lane, sharing fun facts like how our podcast is played in five countries (though we're not sure which ones yet!). We also dive into our initial fears and challenges with podcasting - remember those cringey, scripted early days? Then we shift to discussing our journey as lifelong friends, despite not having met until we were young moms. Our friendship has stood the test of time and distance, and now, with the help of technology, we're closer than ever, collaborating and keeping each other accountable. We also get personal, sharing updates about our families. Can you believe Julie’s youngest is about to graduate college and get married? And Melissa talks about her family dynamics and wedding plans. We wrap up by touching on the importance of having someone in your life who complements your strengths and weaknesses, especially in business. And of course, we can't forget our beloved pets - Julie's Pickles and Melissa’s two dogs, Remy and Briggs. As a little teaser for our next episode, we're planning to break down the Kelce documentary. We've got a lot of thoughts and funny takes on it, so stay tuned! Remember, as you go about your week, brave looks good on you!  Links: Kelce Documentary Interested in our upcoming course, “Podcast Creation Made Simple: A Beginner's Roadmap From Start To Finish”? Click to join the waitlist!  Join our Newsletter Want to be on our podcast? Click to make an appointment to chat about it! More info on our website!
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