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Mark Call Show

Author: Mark Call

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Mark Call is an engineer, avid private pilot, radio amateur, and long-time talk show host, covering issues from law and economics to Scripture.
106 Episodes
 News, commentary, and an extended BEHIND the events for the week ending Saturday, 22 June, 2024. 
News, commentary, and deeper look at a few MORE things that have been lied about for years, but are finally slipping out, for the week ending Saturday, 15 June, 2024. 
 News, commentary, and some observations about Truth, beauty, and literally 'crapping on everything,' for the week ending Saturday, 8 June, 2024.
News, commentary, and some questions that are arguably long overdue. Why do we trust a level of Evil that is nothing short of Satanic?  
News, commentary, and an extended look at some of the major events for the week just past, and what it says about the Next Plandemic, currently In-Plan.
News, commentary, and an extended look back at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 18 May, 2024......where massive solar flares may just be a harbinger of turmoil to come.
 News, commentary, and an extended look back at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 11 May, 2024......where the wheels finally seem to have come off the circus wagons of the sham show trials.But will anyone notice?  
News, commentary, and an extended look back at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 4 May, 2024......from riots, to what is intended to be far worse.
News, commentary, and an extended look back at the major events of the week where the gang-rape of the Rule of Law may finally have gotten too blatant even to be ignored further by the Supreme Court......for the week ending, really, on Saturday, 27 April, 2024. At least the reality is becoming hard to keep hidden.
  News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where the ONLY accurate word to describe the action in the District of Criminal Swamp was "Treason"......for the week ending, really, on Friday, April the 19th, 2024.
 News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week of a total solar eclipse, where no terrorism was seen, but the Hand of the Creator arguably was, and other Truth just kept slipping out as well......for the week ending Saturday, 13 April, 2024.
News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where a senile imposter in diapers declaring Tranny Visibility trumps a Resurrection was just the beginning of the outrages......for the week ending Saturday, 6 April, 2024.
 News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where it just might seem a once-free nation has gone "Through the Looking Glass," for the week ending Saturday, 30 March, 2024.Are we really ready to swallow "six impossible things before breakfast?" 
The number of court cases which, for good or ill, tend to focus on what were once fundamental, Constitutionally-protected Rights, seems to have exploded in the last few weeks.And in the high-profile case of Missouri v Biden, and the issue of whether the US Supreme Court can even recognize even the most simple concept associated with freedom of speech, and reject an outright "Ministry of Truth," the fact that they might NOT is mind-numbing.While in Illinois, a District Court judge has ruled that an illegal alien has a right to keep and bear arms; yet another almost shocking result.  Some are stunned that an Obama appointee managed to read the Second Amendment, others marvel that illegal aliens seem to have rights that "US Citizens" do not.  Why is it that what were once basic Constitutional Rights, in the First and Second Amendments, seem to have become  a 'crap shoot' in a court system that seems to have made a joke of the entire Rule of Law as well?  And what does that tell us?Host Mark Call suggests that Scripture has been right all along -- just as the Founders UNANIMOUSLY agreed -- and what just be emerging is 'the Truth,' even if 'judges' would still prefer to hide it.
<strong>Warning:</strong><em>  This is perhaps the most blunt, most hard-hitting, yes, even the most <em>angry </em>shows I've ever had to do.But anything less is downright dishonest.  It has to do with a number of things - all connected - from the deliberate destruction of the US military, to the gutting of West Point (announced this week: no more <em>"Duty, Honor, Country"</em>) to the DEI-death of what was once the world's premier Aerospace company - Boeing.  Now a deadly joke.But it all culminates in that story of kids sent to cesspool hell-hole "indoctrination centers" to be turned into tools of the Adversary, and be conditioned to - literally - bash other kids' brains out.It's a METAPHOR."Boeing - the Poster Child for Collapsing Empire"
We already knew the "State of the [dis-] Union" was dire.  But when the bar is set so low that a senile imposter who can't even read a teleprompter for comprehension gets a pass because he stood upright for the better part of an hour, and didn't fall off the podium, or soil his pampers, but DID scream angrily and deliver one of the 'darkest,' and 'most divisive' such speeches in history, something is truly wrong.And the rest of the news brings that point home.
This week host Mark Call sat down with author and filmmaker Daniel Holdings to take a look back at not only some of the major news events of the last week, whether they were reported truthfully or not, and what they tell us about where we are on the road to the intended meltdown and open hostilities.
It turns out that the Fake News Media not only lied about the poison poke, they've lied about the dangers of 'transgendering,' too.  But when it came to the shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Superbowl victory parade, there was a whole LOT of information that just plain didn't get reported.  It even seems to suggest an agenda.All too often, it seems...<strong>"It's What You DON'T Know"</strong>
 A look back at news, and related commentary,  for the week ending Saturday, 17 February, 2024.   
News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where, just maybe, a once-free nation can no longer deny that a senile puppet in adult pampers was never a real 'president' anyway,  ending Saturday, 10 February, 2024.  