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Together S.O.B.E.R.

Author: Louise Barnett

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Together S.O.B.E.R. Podcast Presents: Brain on Fire, Season 2! For those of you who don't know me, I am your host Louise Barnett, Former Fortune 100 Global Sales Director turned Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach.
My Brain is on Fire. I live with Bipolar 1, found sobriety only a few years ago, and since then have simply been trying to figure out this whole thing called life. Join me for storytelling & candid conversations in a safe space, while together we try to find effortless sobriety and mental peace. @louisedbarnett
105 Episodes
Josh Halu, Founder and CEO of The Psychedelic Exchange, is a dynamic leader committed to revolutionizing mental health care through the innovative use of psychedelic therapies. With his deep understanding of mental illnesses, including trauma, depression, and PTSD, as well as the unique challenges faced by veterans, Today, Josh is pioneering new approaches in mental health care. He strives to transform the landscape of treatment and support for all, while destigmatizing the use of psychedelic medicines for mental wellness. Get in Touch with Josh:
For too long, David buried his suffering and addictions in the shadows. As a recovery coach, a psychologist and a recovered alcoholic/addict, He feels that it is now important for me to be a face and voice of recovery and sobriety. Get in Touch With Dr. David Lee: Contact: Instagram: @thesoberwaycoach Facebook: Facebook: TikTok: @thesoberway We've Love to Hear from You!
A’niche (Anish Punjabi), is an MIT triple-major graduate and Class President turned Hip-Hop Artist and Producer that is following his heart and passion to pursue his dream and pave the way for others looking to do the same. He thought he had his life figured out at 18 until he discovered his passion for music. Find Anish: Spotify: YouTube: Website: Instagram & Tik-Tok: @anichemusic Facebook: Email: Get in Touch with Me:
Season 2 kicks off with a deep dive into the top 10 key defining moments of my journey so far, leading me to where I am today, exactly where I need to be. Back from the Abyss Podcast: I'd love to hear from you!:
Together S.O.B.E.R. Facebook Group - Join our FREE community, it's safe space of engagement, support, guidance, live education, accountability and authentic voices for anyone looking to make a change in their relationship to alcohol ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Follow on IG: @Togethersoberpodcast Freebies & More: Email:
Episode 99 is dedicated to our beloved Matthew Perry. May his legacy live on and may we find peace and understanding in the wake of his death from Dean’s Story. Dean grew up with 2 parents in recovery who both relapsed when he was 16. In 2014 after his mother died due to her addiction, Dean tried taking his own life and miraculously lived.  2 months later, after all the ups and downs that addiction brings, Dean got clean and now 9 years into his sobriety journey, is happily married and just welcomed his first child into the world. Today Dean manages multiple sales teams and has managed high 8 figures in revenue for the teams he’s led. He owns a company helping grow sales teams and growing leaders within organizations. GET IN TOUCH WITH DEAN: Together S.O.B.E.R. Facebook Group - Join our FREE community, it's safe space of engagement, support, guidance, live education, accountability and authentic voices for anyone looking to make a change in their relationship to alcohol ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Together S.O.B.E.R. Facebook Group - Join our FREE community, it's safe space of engagement, support, guidance, live education, accountability and authentic voices for anyone looking to make a change in their relationship to alcohol ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Stand Up To Alcohol Challenge - 30 Day interactive course to build Emotional Intelligence, Self-awareness & Mental Toughness ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Chris spent many years trying any and everything to help her end cyclical binge drinking, including CBT, DBT, ACT (all the 3 letter therapies) , 12 step meetings, spiritual rituals and more. Nothing was more powerful or effective than using nutrition and supplements to naturally rebalance her brain. She found that by using targeted amino acids and food she was able to relieve ALL the symptoms, like stress and overwhelm, that led her to pick up a drink in the first place. She now lives happily sober and passionate about sharing how to biochemically rebalance to achieve sobriety as the missing piece to any recovery program.  Together S.O.B.E.R. Facebook Group - Join our FREE community, it's safe space of engagement, support, guidance, live education, accountability and authentic voices for anyone looking to make a change in their relationship to alcohol ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Stand Up To Alcohol Challenge - 30 Day interactive course to build Emotional Intelligence, Self-awareness & Mental Toughness ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Follow on IG: @Togethersoberpodcast Freebies & More:
Estranged Fiona is one of our most listened episodes. Its the story of my estranged sister. Here is an update on where things stand. Together S.O.B.E.R. Facebook Group - Join our FREE community, it's safe space of engagement, support, guidance, live education, accountability and authentic voices for anyone looking to make a change in their relationship to alcohol ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Stand Up To Alcohol Challenge - 30 Day interactive course to build Emotional Intelligence, Self-awareness & Mental Toughness ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Follow on IG: @Togethersoberpodcast Freebies & More:
Kyle, a Jay Shetty Certified Coach, grew up with an addict mother, who consequently was not around. He started drinking and smoking at a young age. He always did everything in excess. Fast forward after years of rinse and repeat behavior, Kyle got sober in 2021 with the help of Palmer Lake Recovery and EMDR treatment. Kyle acknowledges that he is still evolving and growing and healing and part of this recovery is helping other people battle the same disease. The goal is simple, to add value to people’s lives and encourage others to unlock their full potential through his company, Worth it Development GET IN TOUCH WITH KYLE: @worthitdevelopment via Instagram and youtube
What is your spouse's role with all of this? Together S.O.B.E.R. Facebook Group - Join our FREE community, it's safe space of engagement, support, guidance, live education, accountability and authentic voices for anyone looking to make a change in their relationship to alcohol ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Follow on IG: @Togethersoberpodcast Freebies & More:
Matt Was a pretty successful decent guy who had it all effectively, beautiful wife, 2 kids. Decent career. Good friends. Nice house. Always there to sort everyone else’s problems out.  But underneath was hiding a massive issue of huge anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and then drinking so much alcohol it was ridiculous to make those thoughts go away each night. The threat of divorce and a night in a police cell later, Matt made the decision to go completely alcohol free. Over three and half years later, Matt’s health and body is better than it’s ever been. His relationship with his wife is incredible and better than the day they got married.  He’s a better father with far more understanding and compassion and as a result of him getting sober the happy couple even welcomed a new baby boy into the family!  His career skyrocketed  along with now coaching others and organising the largest charity event in Birmingham, with the goal to rase over $100K pounds for Birmingham Children’s hospital. Matt is here for many reasons, but what things he noticed in recovery and now in coaching is that more men need to be represented. 85% of large recovery groups are female oriented - this doesn’t mean that only 15% of men are struggling, it means they are hiding behind the curtains and need help. Instgram - matt_lovin_life Facebook - Email - Eventbrite - LinkedIn -
Welcome to the inside of my latest manic Episode Together S.O.B.E.R. Facebook Group - Join our FREE community, it's safe space of engagement, support, guidance, live education, accountability and authentic voices for anyone looking to make a change in their relationship to alcohol ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Follow on IG: @Togethersoberpodcast Freebies & More:
Joe Ortiz, Interventionist  Today Joe is 55 years old. He used cocaine and drank for 20 years. Joe then tried to recover for 9 years. By the end, he lost everything. His first year of sobriety was extremely hard. Divorce, supervised visitation with his 2 small children, car breathalyzer, loss of my job, etc etc. etc. It was the deepest depression of his life, and Joe nearly died 90 days sober. Thanks to AA, his sponsor, his friends, family and most importantly, GOD, Joe just celebrated 10 years of recovery on June 5, 2023! :) Joe enters into the space of mental health and SUD treatments nearly 5 years ago.  He has been professionally trained in two methods of intervention. The Break Free method by Brad Lamm and the CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) method by Dr. Robert J. Meyers, Ph.D. Both these methods align perfectly with the principal that recovery is for the ENTIRE family and not just their addicted loved one. Joe simultaneously launched his intervention company, Transcend Interventions.
The weeks solo episode stems from a heartbreaking conversation I had with a woman who is simply "white knuckling" it. 5 weeks in, she's feeling great, my concern for her is how this will pan out in the long run. Together S.O.B.E.R. Facebook Group - Join our FREE community, it's safe space of engagement, support, guidance, live education, accountability and authentic voices for anyone looking to make a change in their relationship to alcohol ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Follow on IG: @Togethersoberpodcast Freebies & More:
Rachel Hechtman is a sober event consultant, social media content creator, and alcohol-free social curator who has transformed her life in remarkable ways since stopping drinking on January 3, 2021. As the Founder of Sober in Central Park LLC, her mission is to show people that changing your life is possible, and that life is still fun without alcohol. Rachel creates content and hosts events throughout NYC that provide a space for community and connection without the presence of alcohol. Through her work, she seeks to normalize, glamorize, and elevate alcohol-free alternatives and to help people embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle. Her commitment to sobriety and her passion for personal development have made her a leading advocate for the many benefits of a sober lifestyle. GET IN TOUCH WITH RACHEL: @Soberincentralpark - instagram, facebook, tiktok @rachelhechtman - linkedin
Together S.O.B.E.R. Facebook Group - Join our FREE community, it's safe space of engagement, support, guidance, live education, accountability and authentic voices for anyone looking to make a change in their relationship to alcohol ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Follow on IG: @Togethersoberpodcast Freebies & More:
For as long as she can remember, Steph has always struggled with feelings of low self-worth. She used overworking, obsessive dieting and exercise, and alcohol to escape and numb those feelings of not being enough.   Steph dabbled in removing alcohol for weeks or months at a time, with the goal of drinking in moderation, but after multiple attempts at this, she experienced more blackouts, worsening hangovers, and feeling further and further away from the person she wanted to be.  Steph finally said enough is enough after a couple of regrettable blackout episodes.  Today, Steph is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Sober Coach. She owns The Sober Rebellion, a virtual private practice helping clients use nutrition and functional wellness practices to enhance recovery efforts, repair their body from the damage done with long-term alcohol use, and address underlying health conditions.  More than a nutrition practice, at The Sober Rebellion, clients learn to live a fulfilling life with passion, purpose, and permission to rest, fueled by restoring physical and emotional health and becoming aligned with their values.  Steph feels a deeply rooted calling to be in service to others. Her goal is to show others they’re not alone and believe that they can and WILL break free from addiction and build a life they never want to escape.  Links & Handles: Website: with free nutrition guide for recovery IG: @thesoberrebellion
When released from her fifth hospitalization for life-threatening alcohol use disorder in February 2020, Angie was given two choices by the medical team: keep drinking and die... or choose to stop drinking, and have a chance at a better life. Angie chose wisely, and entered an intensive outpatient treatment program with face-to-face counseling and group therapy.  Forty days later, COVID happened and put a halt to the in-person services that had become the foundation for her newfound sobriety. At a crossroads with no clear path forward, Angie turned to what she knew best from her graduate work in leadership development to continue leading herself away from what no longer served her, and she leaned toward values-based, self-empowered leadership.   Today Angie, SOBER, is the Founder and owner of Mindful Leadership, Angie Chaplin is a sought-after consultant and speaker known for her inspiring journey of courageous authenticity. Overcoming severe alcohol use disorder to achieve recognition as an alcohol-free industry leader and advocate, Angie's self-leadership story exemplifies her values of integrity, curiosity, clarity, connection, and love.  Website:  Email: List Handles for: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok  LI: FB: FB: IG: IG: Twitter: YouTube: TV:
Sonia started drinking daily when she started a business. It was a work hard play hard philosophy. She was functioning professionally at such a high level that no one even considered she could have a problem. The business was exploding and the better it did, the more she drank, and as a result the more her mental health deteriorated.  Sonia received an offer to sell her business, and I couldn’t turn it down. But she knew that she would start drinking more with her days less busy and she didn't know where or how that would end. So she quit……White knuckled with great difficulty. Sonia had a list of things she had wanted to do, and one by one she checked them off.  She went to school for photography, took writing classes, and jewelry-making classes.  She started exercising, eating healthy, making art, and writing about her sobriety. Sonia calls it - “doing all the things.” Today, Sober since 2017, Sonia is the founder of EverBlume which provides small group recovery meetings where members are matched into groups based on what they are struggling with. Since then, she has become a recovery coach and has dedicated her life to making a difference with social impact investing and volunteering with the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and victims of sex trafficking. And now she hopes to create her biggest impact by leveraging the power of peer support to create community for those on their recovery journey.  Sonia believes that even though the specifics of everyone's recovery journey are unique there is a common thread of shared human experience. She wants to share her story so that people can see that when you least believe it - the resilience of the human spirit is an undeniable force that is in all of us.
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