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Every Number One Ever

Author: DAACast Productions

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Welcome to Every Number One Ever! A revisionist history of pop music and culture from 1952 to now.

Over the next three years, friends and DAA stalwarts Matthew Leonard, Craig Lowe, and Liam Maloney are pruning the UK pop charts from day dot to now. Randomly selected number ones will be fired at them and either banished to the bin for all eternity or raised to the hallowed pantheon of pop after discussion, argument and general nonsense.

The discarded songs will be expunged from history and in their stead shall be one randomly selected number two single. Will it be Penny Lane, God Only Knows, Jean Genie? Or the Dexys Midnight Runner’s parody ’Come On England’? Only fate and a random spreadsheet function can know for sure!

So join us on our odyssey into pop as we try to correct some historical musical maladies and revitalise the once glittering UK pop chart.
86 Episodes
Trailer - June 2022

Trailer - June 2022


Prepare yourself (and your feeds) for Every Number One Ever! A revisionist history of pop music and culture from 1952 to now launching soon.
Episode 46 - Bazz & Jeff

Episode 46 - Bazz & Jeff


Frankly, this is the sort of pod we hope for. Some absolute twaddle, some super famous numbers, and some stuff that perhaps was better left forgotten... Plus the first (and maybe only) appearance of Bazz and Jeff.
The penultimate episode before our Gold anniversary. Will it be fraternal harmony or trouble and strife? Hopefully the first song of the episode gives you some idea of the direction of travel. Cryptic? You bet your arse but you're dying to know now aren't you?
As friends and podcasters we have known each other for many many moons. It is rare, although as this episode proves entirely possible, that we still surprise each other. Today is a surprise of coronary-inducing proportions. I hope you're sitting down.
Episode 0 - The Rules!

Episode 0 - The Rules!


Hello dear listener! As we embark on a deep dive into the murky world of UK pop history, its probably worth setting out some basic rules and introducing what we're trying to do. If you're a first time listener, or just fancy a refresher, this is the episode for you!
Our inaugural episode sees the boys tackle a frankly fantastic opening tune, some less the savoury characters, and start work on the brand new pantheon of pop!
As our format starts to settle like a snow globe shook by a child, or a body on the bottom of the lake, Liam decides its time to set a precedent and we all reminisce about THAT jeans advert and what a disappointment that turned out to be. Will it be a clean sweep? Or will we get stuck in the mud? Probably.
Our third proper episode. Thats one episode for every 2.6213 billion people on the planet. Aren't we generous?! This weeks sees us dipping our hands into the fetid tide pool of pop and retrieving a pearl or two. But what other dangers lurk within the depths? Is that treasure? Or just an old bicycle wheel from the 1970s?
Another Monday means another blast from the codpast of Every Number One Ever. In this episode we'll hear Matthew come up against the physical limitations of the human voice and one of Liam's nemesises (nemeses? maybe?) sneaks into the pantheon. Podcast go!
Episode 5 - A Tagine

Episode 5 - A Tagine


And lo, we find ourself in week 5 (yes 5!) of our on-going project to examine and throw out popular music's less salubrious moments. Did we do well this week? Have we been too harsh to them? Or have we not punished them harshly enough? You decide.
Well yeah. It’s another episode. What do you want from us? Some detailed description of its content?! This was recorded literally days ago, we can’t be expected to remember what’s in it! If those are your expectations it’s going to be a very long three year project. Temper your demands. Oh and it’s not an Xmas episode. That’s not our format.
Merry... something. We don't do christmas episodes here at ENOE. There is a far greater task at hand. This episode a new rule is established, and Liam goes against his better principles.
Happy new year you lovely people! Hopefully this episode helps you through your 72 hour hangover. I hope that last crème de mentor was worth the ceramic massacre of the morning after. To ease yourself into the new year and promote a f*ck free 23, please enjoy this delightful ENOE.
Another week, another dive into the annals (anals?) of pop music history. What will be the dross du jour? Who will the machine be? Will there be another fight over the Beatles? And who will be forever cast into the bin?
We've actually made it to ten, yes TEN, whole episodes. Thats 90 number ones assessed and either discarded or kept and held aloft for all to witness! What new dross will sneak this week? Or will we have a 'perfect game' without any twaddle cropping up? Is that even possible?! Let's find out... Remember Moesha?
Are you ready to hear Craig's sexy voice? Ever wondered how many flesh trenchcoats you can make from the carcass of a Welsh Elvis impersonator? Or perhaps you're curious just how low the X-Factor will stoop to manipulate your emotions? Well.. you'll have to listen to find out.
According to Craig this episode represents 'democracy in action'. I think its an example of injustice and I am torrentially angry about it. But thankfully I get to write the pod notes so what I say goes. What am I talking about? You'll have to listen to find out.
Oh god. Its 'that' episode. The episode where we really get into the moral maze of it all. Its been waiting in the wings for months but now we've finally got to address the great big stonking elephantine terror in the room. So join us as we dive into the quagmire.
5 weeks. 5. Weeks. That's 5 weeks. I can't. As well as that we deal with some absolute stonecold 80s and 90s classics that demand your attention. Strap in kids.
This week we're going to be dealing with some of the worlds biggest boy bands, some 'also rans', emo heavy hitters, psychedelic novelties, and some MOR dross. How will it shake out?