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Author: Uebert & Beverly Angel

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Our founders Uebert and Beverly Angel are the core visionaries of Spirit Embassy, The GoodNews Church. They teach on the fundamental ways we can experience God's power and presence in our daily lives. We are on a mission to spread the GoodNews of Jesus Christ to every part of the world. Start your journey today and learn more about following Jesus Christ through the insightful teachings of Prophet Uebert Angel so that it will help you understand more about the Christian faith. May it also inspire you to think about the limitless God we serve and challenge you to hunger after God even more.
419 Episodes



Luke 2:7 (KJV) "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn." This is the time of year when the majority of the world turns its attention to the coming of the Lord. As we remember the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, we anticipate giving and receiving gifts, spending time with loved ones, and all the wonderful things that the Christmas season brings. As Christians, we not only celebrate His coming as a babe laid in the manger but also as our soon-coming King! Praise the Lord! But just imagine Mary, the mother of Jesus, cradling the Creator of all things in her arms, nursing El Shaddai, the Many-Breasted One, rocking the one who calmed the raging storm into the peaceful, blissful sleep of infants, and then wrapping the Comforter in the comfort of swaddling clothes and laying Him to recline in a manger. It is a wonder of wonders that the created would give rest to the Creator. And a greater wonder is that you now have the ability to give the Creator rest. The word of God tells us that He now resides in you. Right now, He is reclining in you. Imagine the trust in the God of this universe that He would choose to make His abode in you. He trusts that you will take Him where He wants to go, that you will carry His presence carefully. He trusts that you will nurture His life and cause it to grow until He is fully formed in you! Hallelujah! PROPHETIC DECLARATION Jesus is on the inside of me, looking for an exit sign, and I am letting Him out. The world will see Jesus in me everywhere I go! FURTHER STUDY Colossians 1:27 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Genesis 18:2-3 (KJV) "And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground, and said, My LORD..." Abraham has the testimony that he served lunch to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. He did not have God living on the inside. Still, he managed to develop such a relationship that God could appear to him, visit with him, and discuss His plans with him. You might be wondering how it is possible to see God. Doesn't the Bible say that no man can see God and live (Exodus 33:20)? That is where you would miss it because you are not a man or human. You are a spirit! Only a deadbeat dad does not want to be seen by his children, and God is not that. He is a good Father, and it gives Him great joy when His children mature enough that He can appear and converse with them. But that requires light because God is a being of light. You also must function as a being of light. When you increase the light of the word in you, you will begin to see what you have never seen. Your eyes should be open to seeing spiritual things. Abraham should never have a better testimony than yours. Find scriptures that talk about angels or God appearing to people. Allow that light to enter your spirit, and you will soon testify of your own destiny-changing encounters with God. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I receive grace to see with the eyes of the spirit. My eyes are opened, and I begin to see things I've never seen before, in the name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY Psalm 119:130 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Psalm 103:1-5 (KJV) "Bless the LORD… Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." From the moment you are born, the world conditions you to grow old and die. Yet the word of God says we are not of this world. As such, we should not be conformed to it. The conformities of this world are subtle. Therefore, you must constantly conscientize yourself about the reality of your true citizenship. God's word has given us promises whereby we can escape the corruption of this world. You do not have to be sick, grow old, or die. Those things are of this world. Moses lived under the old covenant yet managed to taste the powers to come. The Bible tells us that at 120 years, he still had the vitality of a man of 30. Moses received such a rub-off of the presence of God that God had to remind him to die. The word of God declares that you are a citizen of Zion, and the mindset of its citizens is vastly different from this world. For example, a person who is 100 years here is considered a child in Zion! Begin to reprogram your way of thinking. Be Mount Zion conscious! Start now! Tell yourself that you will live beyond 100 years. Your body is listening. It is part of creation waiting for you to manifest as a son of God. Tell it what it needs to hear to live and experience the realities of Zion. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a citizen of Zion. I will live here on Earth beyond 100. My body is strong, radiant, supple, and in vibrant health in Jesus' mighty name! FURTHER STUDY Isaiah 65:20 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



1 Peter 5:8-9 (KJV) "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith..." 'Devil' is not a name. It is a job description. It means one who throws consistently until he pierces through. That is what the devil does. He bombards the mind, telling you one lie after another in hopes that one of them will pierce through. The devil does not have any authority over you. You are the one with the real power. So his strategy is to try to get you to use your power against yourself by receiving his lie and then acting on it by speaking it. When you speak, you bring things into being. Your very DNA testifies to this fact. Have you noticed that when you go to the doctor, they ask what diseases are in your family line? The presumption is if diseases are in your family's bloodline, you are predisposed to them. That is a lie! But if you believe and speak it, your DNA will unlock that thing, and it will come upon you. That is why you must never lay claim to any disease or infirmity. Never say "my diabetes" or "my cancer." The devil will see to it that you hear the evil report over and over again. He will tell you that you will surely die but do not believe it, and never change your confession! You are not denying the fact that your body may be dealing with some form of infirmity. You are simply denying it's right to be there! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I refuse to accommodate sickness in any form. Jesus took it, and I refuse to take it! By His stripes, I was healed, and I am healed, in Jesus’ name! FURTHER STUDY Isaiah 53:4; 1 Peter 2:24 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Philippians 2:8 (KJV) "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." There is a book on the New York Times bestsellers list since it was first published in 2007. It introduced the idea that people express love to their significant others the way they want to receive love. For example, a person's "love language" may be physical affection. So, according to the book's writers, that person's tendency would be to express love through physical affection because that is the way they desire to receive expressions of love. Though many believe this was a novel concept, it was inspired by God, for He Himself expresses love the way He desired to be loved. Our scripture for today tells us precisely what His love language is. It says that Jesus, God in the flesh, became obedient, even to the death of the cross. Obedience is God's love language. Whilst it is good to express your love and adoration to God verbally, you need to understand that God is a Spirit, and spirits do not respond to affection. So, when you really want to tell God how much you love Him, do it through your obedience. Do what He tells you to do when He tells you to do it. That is what He sees and receives as love. PROPHETIC DECLARATION Deep is calling unto deep, and my spirit is responding, in the name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY 1 John 3:18 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



1 Corinthians 2:7 (KJV) "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory..." The devil is a spiritual being, but he is not spiritual. He does not know everything, and he does not understand spiritual things. For example, God specifically named the tree He told Adam not to eat from. It is implied the devil heard what God said, yet in Genesis 3:1, we find the devil asking Eve, "hath God said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" The devil had no idea which tree they should not eat from until Eve told him. We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery. 'Mystery' does not mean secret. Instead, it refers to esoteric, or specialized, knowledge given to a select few. So, the devil can hear what is said, but that does not mean he understands. That is why the scripture goes on to say if he had been able to understand God's mysteries, he would not have crucified the Lord of glory. The devil could know from the scriptures that Jesus would be crucified, but he failed to understand why, which was his undoing. As you declare, "THE MONEY IS COMING!" you are speaking a mystery, special knowledge given to you. Therefore, say it with boldness and confidence, understanding that you are speaking spiritual things. The devil cannot understand, and he can only try to figure out what's happening by the angelic activity around you. But God has arranged it so he will be caught unawares as you plunder the wealth of the wicked, and he will be shocked as you takeover! PROPHETIC DECLARATION The words that I speak are spirit and life! I am not just breathing out carbon dioxide. I breathe out Holy Ghost! FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 2:7-8; John 6:63 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Philippians 1:18 (KJV) "What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." "By any means necessary" is a phrase popularized by civil rights leaders in America to demonstrate their willingness to do whatever it takes to accomplish their cause. However, the essence of the phrase did not start there. The Bible declared long before civil rights that the Kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent must take it by force (Matthew 11:12). This is the attitude you ought to have when spreading the Gospel. The number one mission of every Christian is to spread the Gospel BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. So, you must seriously contemplate what role you play in accomplishing that. There is no grey area when it comes to spreading the Gospel and winning souls. You must be actively engaged in one way or another in accomplishing this great commission, for the salvation of souls is God's very heartbeat. You can decide to be on the frontlines, going out into the highways and byways, compelling men to come to the Lord. Or you may be dedicated to praying that laborers be sent into the fields to gather the harvest. You could also commit your finances to God so that your money becomes money with a mission and is used to further the spreading of the Gospel. Whatever method you choose to employ, find your place in this great commission and remain steadfast, for the Gospel must be preached by any means necessary! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am winning souls everywhere! I am equipped with all the resources necessary to spread the Gospel. I win souls with ease for God has prepared the way before me, and I am taking over! FURTHER STUDY Philippians 1:15-18 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Acts 17:28 (KJV) "For in him we live, and move, and have our being…" God is so generous and gracious that He is taking care of you every day, twenty-four hours a day. The Bible says that we live and move and have our very being in Him! This Christmas is the very season that reminds us of this beautiful truth! Whatever you do, you are in a place of supreme protection, surrounded and sheltered by Him! The wonderful thing is that this is your permanent situation. So there is never a moment in the day that you are without His help, not even for a second! When you understand that you are inside God, you cannot help but laugh at your problems! Whatever it is you are facing, do not let it agitate you. Calm down. Tell yourself, "I'm inside God!" What trouble do you have that is too heavy for God to carry? He says to cast your cares on Me! What problems are you facing that are too big for Him to handle? God is better than a bulldozer, and whilst you are in Him, all His power and capabilities are transferred to you. Therefore, do not worry and do not be afraid because you are inside God, a place of perfect love, power, and protection. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I live in the Secret Place. I laugh at "impossible." I move forward with unstoppable power. Any obstacle that dares to confront me is ground to powder, in Jesus’ name! FURTHER STUDY Romans 8:38-39 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Genesis 1:1-3 (KJV) "In the beginning God created... And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be..." You have capabilities that no other creature on Earth has, and you have special creative abilities that God placed in you to be just like Him. To understand what you have, you must understand how God creates. Today's scripture tells us that God created, then the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, and then God said. That is the creative process in action. Your creative process starts with God's Word, which is His will. Get a verse. That is the material you will use to begin to create. Then begin to imagine – think about what you desire to see, do, or have in your life. Then move (racaph) over that idea; brood over it in constant imagination of the outcome. In other words, meditate on it. Mutter it until you are thoroughly convinced in your heart that what you have imagined and are saying is real. After meditating on it for some time, begin to speak. I am a multi-millionaire! I am healed! My business is flourishing! The money is coming! After you have created, act as though the things you have spoken are true because they are. As you exercise your creative ability in this way, you call those things that did not exist as though they existed. Those things will have no choice but to obey by coming out of the spiritual realm where you created them and into existence in the physical! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a creator. I speak, and things happen. By my words, I create the life I desire. I am a god, and my words will never return void! FURTHER STUDY Romans 4:17 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Romans 12:1 (KJV) "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." There is a book that caused an uproar in the medical community called Dead Doctors Don't Lie. The catchy and somewhat controversial title suggests that it is impossible to do anything after you're dead. However, I propose there are things you can and should do after you're dead. When you were born again, the old you died. Your spirit – the essence of who you really are – was replaced by the Spirit of God. The great Apostle Paul said, "I am crucified with Christ." Galatians 2:20 (KJV) He understood that a truly born-again Christian has gone to the point of no return. That is the reality for every Christian. The remaining portion of that verse is also true, which says, "nevertheless, I live." Galatians 2:20 (KJV) You still live a life in the flesh. That is where the dilemma lies for many Christians. We are in the deeper life phase, and you are responsible for presenting your own body as a living sacrifice. It is your duty to take it to the altar yourself. How? By killing every worldly desire. Whatever the world says is trending, fashionable, or "the norm" to do with your body that goes against the Word of God, don't do it! Instead, force your flesh to be a rebel for Christ. At first, you will not want to do it, but stay committed. By God's grace, you will be a holy trendsetter that others will want to follow. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I overcome every temptation and use my body for whatever God desires. I am going deeper in the things of the spirit, and God will not do anything without me. Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY Galatians 2:20 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Acts 3:6 (KJV) "Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee…" It is impossible for a pastor who lives in lack to impart plenty on you or for someone living in a free council house (the projects) to prophesy a mansion to you, and that prophecy comes to pass. The reason is simple: the level they possess indicates the level of grace they have the power to impart. What they possess is as much as their faith has managed to acquire. Consequently, that is as much as they can offer to you. Generally, you cannot give what you do not have. That is a simple but potent principle that many have overlooked when it comes to financial sowing. As a result, people have sown financial seed that has produced no harvest. But as a wise investor, it is your responsibility to sow good seed into the most fertile environment so it can produce a harvest. There are different kinds of soil and environments for different types of seeds. That is why you will find trees native to one area but nowhere to be found in another. So, before you sow, the best thing you can do is to investigate to see what the soil and environment have already produced. Check to see if that ministry's soil is fertile or if the person who receives your seed has the faith to consistently produce the kind of harvest you want. That will let you know the potential harvest you can reasonably expect. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have the grace to recognize environments and timing. Therefore, I sow my seed with confidence. And as I instruct my seed to produce the harvest I desire, I reap in abundance. FURTHER STUDY Luke 14:28-30 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Ephesians 5:18 (KJV) "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit," It is often said that when a person accepts Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, that person "gave their life to Christ." However, that is a misconception. Think about it: you accepted Christ because you realized how messed up and broken your life was. What would Jesus need with a life like that? No, sir! No, ma'am! He does not need your old life. In fact, when you are born again, you do not give your life to Christ; He gives His life to you! The Word of God declares that when you are born again, you become a brand-new species of being that never existed before. Christ did not renovate or recycle your old life. He replaced it with His own! Now that you are born again, he needs your changed life. This brand-new life you received has qualified you to be used for His service. But God, who is a Spirit, never uses anything He does not first colonize. That is why He requires that you be filled with His Spirit. You are a container, an earthen vessel containing God Himself, and He wants to be the one to influence you. The same way a drunken person is overwhelmed by the alcohol spirit, He wants to fill you to the brim with His Holy Spirit so that all of your faculties – physical, mental, and spiritual – are totally submerged by Him! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am the body part of Christ. I love what He loves and hate what He hates. Wherever I go, I am Christ in motion. I exist for His glory and yield my entire being fully to Him! FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 4:7, 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 5:18-21 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Psalm 118:24 (KJV) "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Pride is the lie you believe about yourself, and the greatest form of pride on Earth is a person who wakes up and does not pray. Every morning when you wake up, you enter into a day that belongs to God. It is HIS day! He owns it, and everything He owns, He protects. God graciously allows you to enter His day and function in it as though it were your own. That is something to rejoice about! From the moment your eyes open, your mouth should also open in a prayer of thanksgiving to God. The Word of God encourages us to bless the Lord at all times and not to forget all his benefits. Sleep is a benefit. Protection as you sleep is a benefit. Waking up is a benefit. Having the strength to turn over, sit up, or rise up are all benefits. There is so much to be grateful for right from the very start of your day. From today onwards, make it your practice to give thanks to God the moment you wake up. As you develop this attitude of gratitude, you will become more aware of the blessings in your life. God will reciprocate your praise and thanksgiving with His own joy, and His joy will create a fortified place for you in each day. You will go out and come in under His divine protection, strength, and enablement. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am so thankful that I have entered into God's day, where I am fortified, strengthened, and defended. No demon can touch me in this day. I am heavily guarded, heavily protected, God protected, in Jesus' mighty name! FURTHER STUDY 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
Psalm 71:7 (KJV) "I am as a wonder unto many …." The world is fascinated with superheroes. Marvel Studios, Warner Bros, and Sony Pictures make billions of dollars because of that. They understand how human nature is captivated by the idea of untapped possibilities beyond ordinary human potential. That fascination is not just for movies, and it is something that God Himself has put in us to give us an indication of who we are and what we are capable of. In the scriptures, we have caught glimpses of what a Holy Spirit-empowered person can do, Jesus being our prime example. He changed the chemical composition of water into wine. He ignored the molecular density of water and walked on top of it like pavement. He disappeared and reappeared right in front of people's eyes. And He says we are capable of greater works (John 14:12). You are not meant for an ordinary human existence. You are a citizen of Mt. Zion. Right now, it is possible to taste of the powers to come, powers that are in full operation in Mt. Zion. Have you stopped to investigate what is happening there? No one ages there – everyone is youthful and perfectly healthy. They can be transported at the speed of thought. They live in a realm of complete abundance and prosperity, lacking nothing. Have you tasted of these powers yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Earnestly desire to function out of Mt. Zion. That is your place. Begin to walk in those powers now, and show the world who the real superheroes are! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am awakening to the reality of who I am in Christ. I reject the mediocre life of mere human beings. I am a god! I live a supernatural life, and I am a wonder to many! FURTHER STUDY Psalm 87:3; Hebrews 6:4-6 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



John 1:14 (KJV) "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…." There is an interesting verse of scripture in Psalm 89:34 (KJV) where God says, "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips." It is a marvelous verse that reassures us of God's faithfulness to His word. However, the part I want to draw your attention to is in the latter part of the verse where it says, "nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips." From Genesis to Revelation, God has never done anything physical. All He does is speak. When God speaks, He speaks things. He said, "Let there be…," and whatever He said came into being. He gave you the same power to use. That means when you speak, you also speak things into being. If you could imagine every word you speak taking on physical form, that is exactly what happens in the realm of the spirit. So, when you declare, "I am rich!" those words take shape as spirits with a life of their own and look for ways to make you rich. Right now, your life is a product of words, things you have spoken into being. So from today, be careful what you say. Never just utter thoughtless words. Be conscious of the power you possess to speak things into being and use it intentionally to create the life you desire for yourself and your family. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am BIG! I am the best thing that ever happened to my family. Through me, I transfuse the bloodline of my family with prosperity. I decree good health to my family's DNA and shift our status from lack to wealth! FURTHER STUDY John 6:63 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



1 Kings 4:29 (KJV) And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. I always say, if you give a woman a house, she will give you a home. If you give her a seed, she will give you a child. God designs a woman to receive what you give and return so much more. That is the likeness of God at work in her. You see, God is a Giver, and His nature is to receive what you give and multiply it back to you. He is a wealthy King who refuses to be outdone. In the realm of royalty, the glory of a king is measured by his power to outgive another king. That automatically shifts the nature of our giving because the Bible says God has made us kings (Revelation 1:6). So, when you give to God, He does not only see a church member or partner giving. He sees another king giving, and His reputation demands that He outgive you. That is what happened to King Solomon in 1 Kings chapter 3. Solomon gave an offering, and true to His nature, God was not about to be outdone by another king. He visited Solomon in a dream and asked, "What do you want Me to do for you?" Solomon's response had God's interest at heart. As a result, God not only granted Solomon's request but gave him much more than he asked for. I dare you to try and outgive God. Focus the purpose of your giving on God's Kingdom. He will give you exceeding much and largeness in return. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I excel in the grace of giving. I am empowered by God to receive seed and to give with joy. Therefore, I am never without a seed. FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Luke 15:10 (KJV) "Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." One of the most challenging things is to give a gift to someone who already has everything. The only way you can try to touch the heart of such a person is to observe what gives them the most joy and then do your best to give along those lines. God is one you might be tempted to believe already has everything, but He does not. The Bible tells us that His desire is that no one should perish and that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). Yet, people are dying every day and taking the express train to Hell. God's heartbeat is to see lost souls saved. That is what He desires the most. The scripture tells us that Heaven erupts with joy whenever one sinner turns to the Lord. Notice, our scripture for today says there is joy in the presence of the angels of God. That means the joy spoken of here is not the angels' joy. It is God's joy witnessed by the angels in His presence. Just imagine God shouting for joy every time you lead someone to Christ and the angels getting so excited seeing Him rejoice that they join in the jubilation! Hallelujah! You can cause God to rejoice like that by giving Him the gift He desires the most – a soul that receives salvation. In this festive season, tell someone today about how the Lord changed you, healed your body, and lifted you out of poverty into abundance. Give God a reason to rejoice! PROPHETIC DECLARATION My life is a testimony of the power, love, and grace of God. I am a burning fire for Jesus, and I will win a soul for Him today, in Jesus’ name! FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



1 Corinthians 1:25 (KJV) "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men…" No one argues about the exit sign when a building is on fire. You may go in and out of that building every day and never pay attention to that green or red exit sign. You may even see it and disregard it as something unimportant and insignificant. But in the moment of trouble, when the fire hits that building and it is filled with so much smoke that you cannot see your way out, that exit sign becomes the most important thing to you. God's ways are often considered foolish. The Bible says He uses foolish things to confound the wise (1Corinthians 1:27). So, it sounds ridiculous when we tell you to declare the money is coming, and by saying that, you create highways for angels to bring money to you. Nonetheless, that is the technology that God has given you, and it is so simple if you only believe it. Right now, your finances may be up in smoke, and you cannot see your way out. But God has given you an exit sign to lead you out of poverty, hardship, struggle, and lack. Don't argue with God's methodology. Use the technology of sound to construct highways and byways for angels to travel and deliver the wealth that has been stored up for you. Declare, the money is coming! Every time you do, angels are moving towards you with your riches. The prosperity you seek is on the other side of that exit sign. Take it! PROPHETIC DECLARATION Every sinner is working for me! The Holy Ghost is compelling men to hand over riches to me. I am prospering for a purpose, and I am a violent giver, in the name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 1:19-29 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Isaiah 54:1 (KJV) "Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby. Fill the air with song, you who've never experienced childbirth! You're ending up with far more children than all those childbearing women." God says so! There's an uncommon phenomenon in obstetrics known as false or phantom pregnancy. It is when a woman believes she is pregnant when she is not. This is not a delusional trick of the mind. The woman will actually have physical symptoms of pregnancy. She will look as though a baby is growing inside; she will feel the baby kicking. Some women even experience labour pains. Yet, when it is time to give birth, there is nothing there. Experts have found that there are contributing factors that cause phantom pregnancy. For example, the woman may have a strong desire to be pregnant or an overwhelming fear of pregnancy or previous loss. For others, it is due to their lower socio-economic status. In other words, people who lack are more prone to this condition. Or it may be that they have tried to conceive for a long time with no results. Many Christians are experiencing phantom pregnancies in their prayer life. They travail in prayer, yet they do not give birth. But that changes now! It does not matter how many times you've tried before, how broke you are, or how fearful you are about your circumstances, God is looking for one thing in your prayer, and that is faith. Get verses that connect to the changes you desire and nourish your spirit with them. Faith in the word makes your prayer life fertile. Something will come out of it! PROPHETIC DECLARATION My prayers are fertilized by faith; therefore, I produce results every time. As I pray, I set angels in motion to work on my behalf, and everything that opposes me is at risk. FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 11:6 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:



Psalm 2:2-4 (KJV) "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed... He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision" The only time I speak of the devil is to remind you of his position, which is under your feet (Romans 16:20). Outside of that context, he is completely irrelevant. He is the prince of darkness. 'Prince' means first to be, and darkness speaks of ignorance. That simply means the devil is the first to be ignorant. He is so ignorant that the only way he can know what is going on with you is if you tell him. Listen, you can fool the devil. He is the biggest fool and easily fooled. God has instituted a technology in your own body whereby you can fool it into health. You can fake a smile, and your body will respond with all the benefits of a real smile, and there are many. Similarly, you can fool the devil by acting out your spiritual reality even if you do not yet feel or see it in the natural. The devil is not spiritual, and he can only be convinced by actions that contradict what he thinks. You can confuse him by saying and doing the opposite of any negative feeling or circumstance. Instead of crying and complaining about your temporary situation, just sit down and laugh. When you do this, you copy your Father who laughs at His enemies. Awaken to the reality of your power and position in Christ and laugh in the devil's face! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am seated in heavenly places, far above all principalities and powers and every negative situation. God and I are enjoying ourselves, laughing at our enemies. Ha! Ha! Ha! FURTHER STUDY Ephesians 2:4-6; Nehemiah 8:10 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
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