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Voice of Industries

Author: Optimistik

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Voice of Industries brings you in-depth conversations with the leaders, innovators, and experts who are at the forefront of industry transformation. Each episode features thought-provoking discussions with professionals who are making significant changes in their respective fields. This podcast aims to guide listeners through the complex challenges that industrial companies are currently facing. It provides a detailed analysis of these issues, offering solutions and strategies for overcoming them. Moreover, it keeps you updated on the latest trends, highlighting new opportunities that are shaping the future of the industry. Listening to Voice of Industries will not only increase your understanding of the industrial landscape but also equip you with the insights needed to thrive in this ever-evolving sector.

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
18 Episodes
In this podcast, Manis Gheghiani, R&D engineer in online analysis and digitalization at Axel'One, talks about online analytics in industrial processes: its benefits, why it's not widely used, how industries can implement it and make effective use of the data it generates. Find out how Axel'One can help and advice on online analysis development projects.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"Les projets de relocalisation de pans entiers de certaines industries passent de manière incontournable par l'innovation, voire la rupture technologique, la montée en gamme et en compétence des forces vives et actives dans les usines et sites de production [...]"Dans ce podcast, Jean-Marc Scolari, DG de Fronius France, explore le sujet de la pénibilité dans le secteur du soudage et comment l'industrie 4.0 apporte des solutions. Il aborde l'impact de la robotique et la cobotique, donne des exemples d'applications et discute des défis rencontrés. Il partage aussi sa vision de l'avenir des métiers industriels à l'ère de l'industrie 4.0. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"We saw a great interest and motivation for them [customers] to open the doors of their daily production environment and daily production struggles, for wich we work with them to find solutions"In this podcast, Damien Brichant, chairman of Applexion, discusses their strategic digitalization journey. The project has brought significant benefits and changes to Applexion, and the relation with their customers. Explore its genesis, the transformation process, its impact, and key takeaways for the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"It [digital transformation] will change the way teams perform their duties. And they're gonna be more efficient as well. [...] So as an all, you need to consider the direct benefits in your ROI, but also indirect benefits coming from the fact that your experts will have more time to train new comers. And you will have sustainable operations in the long run."In this podcast, Daniel Coudriet, Manufacturing Analytics Consulting Principal at Capgemini Engineering, talks about the challenges of digital transformation in industrial operations. He identifies the roadblocks that can hinder transformation and promotes the "Citizen Data Scientist" approach. In addition, Daniel explains how Capgemini is helping companies make this transition.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"The flexibility SaaS brings to them is really something that helps them with their day-to-day operations. And it’s something less to care about when you’re running IT infrastructures and IT platforms."This podcast introduces Optimistik CTO Marouane Hassani, who discusses the influence of SaaS and cloud services in industry sectors. Topics include the benefits of SaaS, trends in platform delivery and customer experiences with OIAnalytics platform.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"This is the beauty of being digitalized, because your competitiveness is not only increased, that is even more flexible. So your production setup is much more flexible and if remote access is required, then you can easily establish that wire cloud computing."With Thomas Menze, Senior Consultant at ARC Advisory Group, explore the challenges of digitisation, including planning overshoots, low adoption rates, scale-up failures, cost control, and cybersecurity. Emphasising the importance of widespread adoption and effective scaling for maximizing ROI in global organisations, he provides advice on managing these risks to ensure successful digitisation projects.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"[…] Mandatory requirements are increasing for companies to report climate risks and climate exposure. It's a all part of the CSRD wich says "businesses have to analyse and understand how they are expose to changes coming up with climate". So think already about the things that you have to do. Wether you are sure or not that climate is changing to 2 degrees, 3 degrees or 4 degrees, is very different then thinking that you have to comply with the reporting requirement in the next 2 to 5 years."With Maxime Katgely, Founding Partner and Managing Director at Rong Yi Solutions, explore how industries can manage climate risks. He explains the process of assessing, quantifying, and converting climate hazards into measurable risks, as well as prioritizing actions. He stresses the crucial role of technology, data, and swift adaptation to the climate change.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"[…] Don’t forget, normally the core competencies of an industrial company is not software development. So you really should ask yourself: is it the right way to do or should I use a software tool from a reliable supplier?"With Thomas Menze, Senior Consultant at ARC Advisory Group, discover what is an Operational Intelligence solution in process manufacturing, its difference from MES or historians, implementation strategies, and pros and cons of licensing and subscription. He also discusses future trends in Operational Intelligence implementation.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"[...] On va faire un recueil de données mais aussi une contextualisation de l’information. C’est à dire que l’on va contextualiser les informations de lots qui sont produits et qui pourront être corrélées avec des données de process, pour de l’amélioration continue batch par batch."Avec Cédric Granell, directeur commercial chez Courbon Software, découvrez en quoi la digitalisation du dossier de lot garantit aux industriels de répondre aux enjeux de réglementation, de traçabilité, et de qualité. Il décrit les pré-requis nécessaires, les différents niveaux d'intégration avec l'outil de production industrielle et offre des recommandations pour enfin franchir le pas.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"The OEM business is changing. The production environment becomes more and more complex. It has to be really competitive against other trends and there digitisation could be an enabler. Because to be more competitive you need more core competencies at the same time."With Thomas Menze, Senior Consultant European Operations at ARC Advisory Group, explore the impact of digitisation on Original Equipment Manufacturers and their customer relationships. He focuses on changing industrial expectations, key success factors, benefits for both industrials and equipment manufacturers, and the ability to offer new services. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"I think that the main challenge will be trust beyond transactional relationships."With Maxime Katgely, Founding Partner and Managing Director at Rong Yi Solutions, explore the industry opportunities to embrace the circular economy: benefits, main challenges and successful examples. Listen to his recommendations: think local, embrace a value chain approach, and be ready for change! Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"If you consider people in the plant as just people operating systems and feeding information for the rest of the organisation, this will fail."Thomas Menze, Senior Consultant European Operations at ARC Advisory Group, and Mathieu Cura, co-founder of Optimistik, discuss on how to increase acceptance of digital solutions by operational teams through autonomy, contextualisation, and democratisation of data. They also delve into experiences with customers and market trends that will provide additional lever toward acceptance.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"I've seen operators jumping on the new capabilities of the solutions that were offer to them!"With Daniel Coudriet, Manufacturing Analytics Consulting Principal, discover how Capgemini supports manufacturers and provides recommendations for accelerating digital transformation. He outlines common challenges face and mistakes companies make when trying to digitise their plants. Additionally, he reflects on the make-or-buy decision and the concept of an "expertise center".Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"The workplace of the future is really something which is teamwork related. We need different core competencies in our team, and we have to use modern IT tools."With Thomas Menze, Senior Consultant European Operations at ARC Advisory Group, explore sustainable competitiveness topic in process manufacturing industry, including challenges such as brain drain and attracting skilled workers. He delves into options and key for attracting and retaining talent, digitizing know-how and using complementary approaches such as cloud-based solutions and analytics.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
"On a besoin d'acculturer les métiers aux cas d'usages possibles de l'intelligence artificielle dans l'industrie"Avec Vincent Bonnivard, responsable d'équipe Data Scientist chez Probayes, découvrez des exemples d'applications industrielles de l'intelligence artificielle et le concept de "jumeau numérique". Il décrit également comment Probayes accompagne ses clients dans un projet d'IA, et souligne les besoins d'évolution de la chaîne digitale chez les industriels pour faciliter son déploiement.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
With Olivier Flour, head of Adisseo's technology center, discover how Adisseo began considering a group level digitalisation: major projects, implementation strategy, challenges faced and benefits gained... He shares with us important points for successful digital transformation. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
Avec Nicolas Houillon, directeur client Quaternaire et associé en charge de l'Excellence Opérationnelle 4.0, découvrez en quoi la transformation numérique impacte les organisations industrielles et bouleverse les approches de performance et d'excellence opérationnelle. Aussi, il partage la vision de Quaternaire sur la place de l'humain au coeur de cette transformation.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
With Edouard Perroy, founder of Roy Engineering, discover how a systemic approach around energy performance can help industrials reduce their energy cost while tackling the environmental challenge of greenhouse gas emissions. Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.
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